Chapter 1: Lightning Strikes Twice

There was heavy rainfall in the neighborhood, hailing upon the house roof like a bullet storm. Lightning arced across the sky, and when it touched the ground, the lights in dozens of houses went out. Following the flash of lightning were a few tense seconds of silence.

It was in this silence there stood a boy, staring from his attic out through the window into the violent sky, this boy was small, no older than 9, his blond hair slightly unkempt, the bangs clearly combed over his eyes. He wore a blood-red t-shirt and blue jeans with bright red sneakers. He was holding a vintage 40's comic, emblazoned across the cover was a name.


The clap of thunder that followed the lightning strike startled the boy; it was louder than he expected. Still, he continued to stare into the chaotic clouds. The musty attic he was standing in felt like a safe haven for the boy, full of dusty clothes and old chests full of aging scientific equipment, But the boy's favorite corner was the one stacked with cardboard boxes stuffed with old comics.

"BARTHOLOMEW HENRY ALLEN, WHERE DID YOU RUN OFF TO?" Yelled a feminine voice from downstairs.

Sitting down in front of the open boxes, the boy yelled back "I'M IN THE ATTIC, MOM"

The door creaked open to reveal the boy's mother shining a flashlight into the dark dusty upstairs.

"Looks like the lightning knocked out the power, we're probably stuck without the lights for the rest of the night."

The Boy looked up at his mother and nodded in agreement.

"What're you doing up here?" asked the mother.

"I'm looking at your comics, the superhero ones." said the boy.

The boy's mother leaned over his shoulder and shined her flashlight over the cover. It depicted a man in blue pants, a red long-sleeved shirt with a lightning bolt arcing across the front, red shoes with little lightning bolts sticking out, and a metal helmet with 2 little lightning bolts sticking out the back. He was racing towards a man in a mustache dressed in a green tuxedo playing the violin. Little musical notes were popping out of the instrument.

"I really like this one." said the boy.

"The Flash Huh, He's a fun read, think he sonic booms when he farts." said the mother.

The boy giggles and replies, "EWWWW, that's Gross, mom."

The boy's mother chuckles and is about to go back downstairs when she notices the boy's makeshift hair job.

"Barry, is there something on your face?" asked the mother.

The Boy looks up and breaks out in a cold sweat, "It's uh… It's nothing mom."

Unconvinced, The Mother gently caresses her son's head and brushes his hair back revealing an ugly bruise on the right side of his head right next to his eye.

"It's fine mom," The boy quickly said, "I'm okay, really."

The Mother frowns and replies "Barry… If you're getting picked on for being quirkless at school, you should come to me or your father."

The boy looked down at his feet "It wasn't me who was getting bullied, Tony was pushing Ray around, I couldn't just stand there and do nothing."

The boy looked up at his mother again, "I know that they're probably gonna hurt me again, But I know that the flash wouldn't have stood still, and I know he wouldn't let the future deter him. That's why I wanna be just like him when I grow up!"

The boy cracked a wide smile while looking directly at his mother. His mother began smiling as well. "That's my Barry, always hopeful."

She helped him up off the floor and pulled him into a hug. "Whatever happens in life, never lose that, please."

A Few Days Later

The skies had cleared up since the storm and Barry was certainly happy about that, He was practically skipping home as he kicking the autumn leaves off the sidewalk. He was turning 10 that day, and he couldn't wait to come home to celebrate with his mother and father.

"NYOOOOOOOOM" He giddily screamed as he raced down the street.

What kind of party would it be he wondered, would it be themed around superheroes, the flash maybe? He Finally screeched to a halt and sped up the walkway to his front door. He eagerly pulled the house key from his pocket and unlocked the door.

"I'M HOME MOM" He happily declared before stepping into the house.

The first sign that something was amiss was the sound of crunching glass. Barry looked down at his feet to see that he had stepped on a shard of glass.

"Mom?" called Barry.

The room was a disaster, with displaced furniture and blown-out windows. A red and blue birthday cake was lying face down on the floor ruined, with party hats, plates, and utensils strewn about the room. As Barry continued to observe the ruined room, he spotted something amid the broken glass. He bent down and picked up what appeared to be a photo.

The photo depicted Barry and his Parents during a road trip in Death Valley, a cardboard cutout of the famous Japanese hero All-Might was waving back and forth in the background. It was a nice picture, ruined by the bloodstain on the upper right-hand corner. The stain came from a pool of blood trailing from the kitchen. Terror gripped Barry as he slowly made his way around the corner into the kitchen.

"AGH." screamed Barry.

He found his mother laying on the ground face up in a pool of blood, the sight burning itself into Barry's mind. Tears began to flow from his eye's as the worst moment of Barry's life took place before his eyes.

4 years Later

"Mr. Allen, MR. ALLEN!"

Barry shook himself back into consciousness as he noticed the rest of his class staring at him, his rude awakening earning him a collection of sniggers and chuckles from his classmates. He looked down to discover he had drooled all over his desk.

"Long night Huh?" said the teacher.

"Um, yeah," said Barry.

"Last day of school doesn't excuse this kind of behavior, so I think you need one last punishment, Go clean the chemistry lab, the chemicals have gotten misplaced and I can't be bothered." said the teacher.

Barry slumped back in his chair and groaned in protest as his classmates began to laugh and make fun of him. He knew how to tune it out though. Once class was dismissed, He grabbed his bag and walked out of the classroom.

He began his walk down the sterile halls of the school to the science room to perform his assignment. He wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible, mainly because he had more important things to do. Thinking to himself, he pondered how many times that was that he got in trouble for. Was this the 10th, 15th, 20th time the teacher caught him sleeping this semester. It was the last day at least. As he walked, he pulled out a form labeled "Top High School Choices Survey." He had put U.A. High as his main choice. It was the logical choice considering his chosen profession and it would offer the best resources. He was ready for anything (Or so he thought).

As he approached the science room and reached for the doorknob, he felt a hand grab him by the shoulder, He turned to find the closest thing to a friend he had in Mustafa Middle School facing him.

Eijiro Kirishima was normally a fairly energetic personality, but currently, he wore a face that showed genuine concern.

"Yo, you getting enough sleep.," asked Kirishima.

"4 Hours is enough right?" joked Barry.

Kirishima only shook his head and said, "It's very unmanly to neglect your body's needs, You gotta take better care of yourself, Man."

Barry could only look down to the floor and say "I have lots of things to do, but I appreciate the concern."

Barry put his hand on Kirishima's shoulder, "I sincerely promise that I will get a full night's sleep tonight and then I'll hang out with you tomorrow, Sound good?"

Kirishima looked at Barry and doubted he would commit but took the answer anyway.

"Ok, But we better see that new Action-Movie," said Kirishima.

"Fire-Fight, How could I forget!" said Barry.

"Hell yeah," said Kirishima.

Kirishima gave Barry a high five before taking his leave.

"See you, tomorrow Buddy!" said Kirishima.

"See you tomorrow Kirishima!" said Barry.

Both teenagers waved to each other and parted ways.

Barry entered the chemistry lab to the smell of tampered chemicals and leftover projects. The fumes were pungent and downright offensive to Barry's nose.

Right, let's get to work.

Barry began to pull out all the chemicals for sorting.


Barry turned to find that someone had entered the classroom. It was Mina Ashido was one of his classmates, specifically one of the more popular ones.

"Sorry just popping in to grab my stuff," said Mina.

She quickly spotted her bag on one of the tables and waltzed over to pick it up.

"Ah god, it smells awful in here," said Mina.

Barry didn't comment, he was too nervous. As she began to leave, she stopped and looked toward Barry. A confused Barry pointed at himself.

"No, it's raining." Said Mina.

"Oh" replied Barry as he looked out the window. True to her word, a thunderstorm had begun.

"CRAP, my umbrella is still in my locker!" Mina screamed before sprinting into the hall.

As she was leaving, a small metal object fell from her bag.

"Wait, you dropped…something?" said Barry.

Barry walked over and picked up the metal object. He chuckled to himself upon realizing that it was her locker key. He pocketed the key and decided to give it back when she inevitably came back for it.

As he turned to hopefully finally start the assignment he was given when he felt a vibration in his pocket, pulling out his phone he saw a familiar number. When he answered the call, he heard his father's voice.

"Hey Kiddo, how was your first year in Japan?" said Henry Allen.

Barry Cracks a smile "It was great, dad."

"How were your grades?" asked Henry.

"Pretty good, Even If I fall asleep in class a lot," said Barry.

"Heh, your too smart for school now aren't you," said Henry.

"You know it, dad," said Barry.

Barry's father chuckled before moving on to a more serious subject.

"Barry…You're looking over my files again, aren't you?" said Henry.

Barry was silent.

"Yes dad, I have," said Barry.

"I Told you to stop looking at my files and move on," said Henry.

"You didn't do it," said Barry.

"Barry, I'm sorry, but I need you to stop," said Henry.

"NO, listen to me, there had to be a mistake, I just need to find it," said Barry.

Barry heard his father Choke a little before saying "Barry, I'm OK, I can live with prison, knowing that you believe me is all I need.."

Barry paused his eyes beginning to water.

"Son, I need you to move on. Forget about me, live your life," said Henry.

Barry red-eyed and tearing up Replied "NO, I won't forget you, it might take some learning, But I will learn CSI Work, And I will get you out, Because I know you didn't kill mom."

"Barry…" said Henry.

Barry's father spoke in an exhausted tone, knowing the call ended the same as all the others.

"I'll call you later, dad," said Barry.

Tears streaking down his cheeks, Barry left the call and put both hands down on the counter. Looking out the window he saw the storm was in full force. The rain was practically breaking down the windowpane. Wiping his eyes, he turned to see a figure in the doorway to the Science Lab. Mina Ashido was stood there, A look of shock etched upon her face. Barry, fumbling with his words, attempting to get something out. "I….eh…um" when did she come back, thought Barry, how much did she hear?

"Hey." Barry was shaken out of thought when Mina Finally said the first word, "Are you okay."

Barry looked her straight into her black and gold eyes.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have overheard that….. If there's anything you want to talk about though, I'm here," said Mina.

Before he could answer though, Barry was interrupted by the clap of thunder outside.

Barry felt something right then, He didn't know it, but that feeling would change his life forever. He turned around to see the chemicals he placed on the counter were vibrating. Barry looked up through the window and into the sky. It looked just like the storm he saw in his youth when he read comics with his mother in the attic. As he looked onward, he was blinded by a flash of light.

An arc of lightning shot through the sky and collided with the window in front of Barry. The window shattered, sending Barry flying along with the chemicals. Mina Ashido shielded her eyes from the explosion but was sent flying back and out the door. Various classmates quickly came to her aid.

"Ashido-San, Are you ok." said one of the classmates.

Ashido got up and pushed through the group of students clouding her and looked back into the science room before putting her hand over her mouth in horror.

Barry was sprawled on the ground drenched in chemicals, and covered head to toe in Black Burns. He groaned reaching out to the door in desperation, before falling unconscious.

"SOMEBODY HELP HIM" Cried Ashido who went rushing to the nurse's office with a posse of other students.

However, as everybody left Barry in the classroom, nobody noticed the lightning dancing between his fingertips.

Authors Notes:

I Do Not own Flash or MHA.

This is my first Fic, and honestly, I'm a little terrified of how it will be received. But I'm gonna get some things out of the way immediately.

1. I plan on writing this story to the point where the anime is. I read the manga but prefer taking my material from the anime.

2. I'm unsure if I will pairings, I Have no experience in writing these things If This Story gets attention from people who want that sort of thing I will try to Deliver.

3. This might seem like a dark opening chapter, But I will attempt to keep the tone of the story similar to MHA's tone, Lighthearted and full of hope, even in darker times.

And with that here we GO.