Chapter 1: Fairy Tail Cuff Links!

A fun little story that popped into mind when I was watching a very random AMV (Move Your Body-Eiffel 65 by Wingsofthedead) it's a great video, watch it! At its simplest, this story is a rough AU of Fairy Tail with ideas from Girls Bravo.

"Ow." Mason Marcotte sputtered out a string of curses as he hauled himself onto one knee. Pain seemed to emanate from every fiber of his being. His vision was red and blotchy with everything unfocused. He picked a point in the haze and focused on it, helping his vision slowly clear and focus.

Marble. The ground was white marble, engraved with etchings and brick patterns. There was also a bridge. He allowed his radius of alertness to increase. He was on a marble bridge over top of a calm river.

His body felt different. Itchy. His body was in... Unfamiliar clothes. He looked down and found himself in the strangest clothes you would ever think of. A moss green tunic covered his chest; basic black breeches adorned his legs. This kind of clothing, if anything, was out of date. It's the kind of stuff you find on role-playing and medieval games, not yourself.

When he stood up, a strange clinking noise met his ears, it came from somewhere around his chin. He looked down, way down, probably making himself look like a fool, and found three gold chain loops connecting a crimson material around his neck. His hand reached back and pulled a hood over his face. So it is a cloak.

Alright, I have recovered and found my immediate surroundings. Next step, how did I get here? I don't even remember. It defied logic really. Wake up in the middle of nowhere, wearing clothes that were at least 7 centuries out of date. Wait a minute, where was here?

He was in a beautiful city when he raised his chin to its full length. Marble sidewalks adorned the entire city square. Rivers that sparkled in the broad sunlight cut through them, gondola's guided young couples along a beautiful date. He could only compare the city to Venice, Italy. Lush, blooming flowers decorated hedges and potted plants. With the help of large maple trees, they added a natural, sweet-smelling aura to the city. Mothers played with little girls in the green grass of the park. Singing birds he couldn't recognize topped it all off, adding a pristine chorus to the beautiful scene. Mason couldn't help himself; he dug his hands in his pockets and sat there, staring in awe.

"Excuse me!" Someone called out sharply to his left.

"Huh?" He turned slightly. An irritated women guided a fruit cart along the bridge. She was probably irritated because he had to get out of the way, there wasn't enough room.

"Sorry!" He blurted out, jogging off the bridge and onto the square, marble island the river created. The lady huffed and pushed past him.

"Damn boys, think they can do anything they want just because..." He perked his ears, interested to know why she hated boys so much, but she was out of earshot.

Thinking it probably wasn't the best idea to stay in the way of everyone, he entertained himself with the view from a near bench.

Continuing to try and determine his surroundings, he gave them a second look. What country was he in? The people looked... strange. A woman passed by, jogging in the morning. His heart skipped a beat and he frantically picked her out of the crowd and followed her with his eyes. Her hair was pink.

He looked the other way to find two school girls argue over some sort of ball. Small, red anger marks appeared on their foreheads. One of them snatched it and ran away, the other bent over and a large teardrop appeared, sitting on her forehead. His eyes widened in realization.

This is anime.

He just about cried right there.

THIS IS AWESOME! This is a second chance at life! One moment I am an anime-watching, nightcore enthusiast, now I'm actually in it! This time in mother fucking ANIME!

He suddenly realized, he could change things.

I shouldn't change my personality. No, that would be too hard to cover. But what about me? My body? Was that anime like everything else?!

Mirror, mirror. I need a mirror. He frantically looked back and forth before his eyes fell on the water. He got on his hands and knees and looked at himself, but it wasn't the Mason he knew.

The strangest thing about being animated has to be your skin. It is one olive tone with no freckles, acne, or discolorations. It is flawless. The new Mason's nose had more of a point to it now, but it fit in perfectly with the new look. His usually short, brown hair grew a lot. It now tickled his jawline; it was also flawless as well as shiny, separating into dangling spikes.

"Excuse me?" A soft, nervous voice asked. He shot up and looked at her, blushing. The owner of the voice was a very pretty girl that looked about a year older than him. She trembled in what looked like nervousness.

"Err, can I help y-"He began, nervous in the presence of an attractive girl.

"Will you go out with me!?" She closed her eyes and yelled, as if she was intimidated by him.

"Pardon me?" He just about laughed at her request. This had to be some kind of joke, why was she asking him? In his opinion, she could get a way better guy!

"I know I'm flat but I promise I'm really nice and would make a good spouse!" He couldn't help but glance down when she said that. Trust him, she was definitely not flat

"I-I don't understand." He spurted out. This was so strange. He didn't even know this girl and she wanted to marry him!

"Don't hog him!" A girl with flaming red hair pushed her out of the way and took of a nice face. "Hi! I'm-"

"You just want him to yourself!" A blonde pushed both of them out of the way and popped up in the middle. Mason started backing up, feeling confused and overwhelmed. "They are just trying to take advantage of you! I'm-"

"Leaving!" He interrupted and ran off. He needed to sit down and focus. Mason didn't want to start talking to people yet; he still didn't fully understand where he was. He didn't understand why the girls were so desperate to get his attention or why the one was "hogging" him, but there were plenty of boys in the world! Bug someone else!

He looked behind him; he figured he had outrun them. He closed his eyes and sighed in relief, but he should have stopped running first. He hit something soft.

He hesitantly opened his eyes, seeing a very up close view of two large breasts and a lime green bra.

"AHH!" He jumped back in surprise. "I'm so sorry!"

"Oh please." The women who owned them smirked and gestured towards her chest. "If you didn't get a good enough look the first time you're welcome to try again."

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!?" He demanded and ran the other way. If he could just sit down and figure all this out, then he could start on the people here. He had just heard the sounds of enough feet for a stampede when he reached the end of his small alley.

"There he is!" one of the what had to be hundreds of girls stated. They were all there in a huge mob.

"Help me." Mason begged meekly. He crouched down and covered his head, waiting for a million hands attacking him at once, but they never came.

"You gotta watch them girls; they'll gang up on you." A voice chided calmly, followed by a small snort. It spoke in a low, dominant voice that sounded commanding and experienced, even if he was saying the most ridiculous thing. Mason hesitantly got up from his crouched position to see a boy around his age smirking, his head bent down and his eyes closed. The boy looked up and opened his eyes, they twinkled in different colors.

One was a brilliant blue, while the other was a dazzling green. The combination looked strange, if they so much as landed upon you they looked as if he was studying you intensely. They always seemed to be jumping around, even when they were still. It was an eerie combination.

Wait, the girls!?

Mason whirled around to see the entrance of the alley blocked off. The obstruction was a large black spade, the kind you see on cards, with a blue, twirling, and intricate circle over the top of it. He could see the women beat against it, but it was seemingly impenetrable.

"What's your name?" The other boy inquired, playing with his cuffs. He wore a white overcoat that stopped at his waist, but only connected at his neck with a small brooch. The cuff links were a strange red symbol; he could make out two legs, held up as if mid-jump, but the rest was lost to Mason.

"Mason. Mason Marcotte." Mason introduced before widening his eyes.

Shit, shit shit! I could have given myself an awesome new name but I screwed it up!

The boy reached in his pocket, pulling out a cigarette and a lighter. He lit one and twirled it in his fingers before flicking it, landing exactly between his lips.

"Mason, what a peculiar name." He pondered.

Way to go. You could have been badass but now you're just "Peculiar".

"Dante." He offered a hand, brushing long, indigo bangs out of his eyes. "Dante Atene. At-een," he stressed the syllables.

"It seems they left." Dante lazily looked past him to see his barrier unattended. Mason watched as the boy pulled out a dark blue pack of cards and opened up the lid. The large club shrunk into two cards, they aligned themselves together neatly and flew into his pack.

"What was that?" Mason demanded, indicating the phenomena in his hand. Dante returned the bewildered look, but not in a mocking sense.

"Magic, how didn't you recognize it?" Dante asked as he furrowed his eyebrows. Mason sighed, he knew at some point he would have to learn about all of the strange things of this new world.

"Entertain me. Pretend I was just born and know absolutely nothing about where I am. What is this world? What is magic?" Mason asked, trying to sound as normal as he could. Dante furrowed his eyebrows more and frowned, but answered.

"I would say you're in the country of Fiore. Magic has been around for as long as anyone can remember. People who use it are called Mages. It is the physical embodiment of the spirit. When the physical spirit of a person connects with the spiritual flow of nature, it forms magic as a product. There's probably thousands of different kinds of magic, everyone's is little unique. I use Card Magic and use my deck to channel my magic, did I lose you?" Dante explained quite well, cutting himself off with a small joke. He never would have thought this was all new to Mason.

"Dante, I know you're not going to believe this, but I woke up with no memory just now." Mason confessed. He lied a bit on purpose, if he tried to tell him he was from Earth, Dante would laugh at him. He didn't know who else to tell. He had already seemed nice enough to Mason.

"Strange." Dante raised an eyebrow, a weird-looking expression with his unique eyes. "Memory loss is a rare thing in Fiore, but not unheard of. Would you allow me to bring you to be studied?" Mason looked at him with confusion, which only made Dante laugh; a deep, throaty noise.

"It will be from a doctor in my guild. They would want to analyze it; they probably have never seen this before." Mason looked at him once more with confusion. Dante thought for a second before realizing his mistake.

"Ahh, yes. A guild is an organization of Magic-users. They are scholars, doctors, diplomats, warriors, even some farmers. There are hundreds of them spread across Fiore." Dante turned and walked away halfway through his speech. Mason assumed he wanted him to follow, so he hurried behind.

"So what guild do you belong to?" Mason inquired.

"The greatest guild of all." He raised his left arm in the air and pulled up his sleeve, revealing his arm. There was a blue tattoo on his forearm, the same as his cuff links. "Fairy Tail."


Co-writer and Beta: VengefulBiscuit

OC submitters: VengefulBiscuit, XDreamKillerX