Chapter 1

Title: The Anomaly

Genre: Romance, Angst

Pairing: Xanxus X OMC

Summary: When two angry souls find each other and one is a girl from another world who is murdered and finds herself being reborn in a world where it is normal for people to catch fire. Literally. Did I mention that said girl is now a boy?

Warning: OC (not Self-insert), Slash, Yaoi, BoyXboy, Reincarnation, Language

Chapter One

Naoki always knew that he was different from other people. After all it was definitely not normal for someone to remember dying and then being reborn. However he had a goal to reach; he was going to make himself successful to be able to get far - far - away from his new family because they were even more different than he was.

His mother, though quite pretty and kind, was the epitome of naïve and oblivious. She was the stereotypical blond, except she was a brunette. His brother, his older twin, was the perfect definition of clumsy and stupid. Tsunayoshi always – always – somehow found himself in some kind of embarrassing situation, whether it was not understanding the concept of 1 + 1 = 2 even after a whole year or tripping on thin air and into someone.

Then there was his father who was supposedly a construction worker, and who, for some reason or another, sent home lots of money when it should not be likely and worked with suspicious people that reminded Naoki of those gangster movies he had watched in his previous life.

Well, there was that and all three of them were idiots. Naoki could not stand idiots. That was why he preferred to stay as far away from them as possible. Thus, the only times he did see them was during dinner –well, Nana and Tsunayoshi anyway since Iemitsu was rarely home and when he was he usually spent his time drinking and sleeping, or dragging the family for some stupid outing during which Naoki usually made sure to remain under his radar. Sometimes he pitied Tsunayoshi for having to deal with Iemitsu's utter stupidity. But really, better him than Naoki.

He did not talk to them much; he replied in short clipped tones when Nana asked him questions but otherwise he stayed silent. He was not an idiot; he knew that even if he held a strong revulsion towards them, a small tiny part of himself held a soft spot for them. No one could live and grow up with someone without becoming fond of them. But he did not want to; he refused to get close to anyone, fearing for the past to repeat itself.

Instead Naoki was determined to get as far away from them as possible, as soon as he could. He had to wait until he was at least eighteen to leave the Sawada household however but until then he could still have a good base for later in life. It was not hard for him to get good grades in all subjects since he had already done it all in his previous life and even then he had been good in academics.

Not that it was not boring though. He already knew what they taught at school and he had no friends. Life was boring, lonely and repetitive. But he would get through. He always got through.

Naoki was in his first year of middle school when life really did start to change and at that time he was unsure if it was in a good or bad way.

On that day everything started like usual. Naoki woke up with his alarm blaring in his ears and prepared for the day. He was already downstairs eating breakfast when Tsunayoshi stumbled his way down the stairs and fell flat on his face.

It was… disappointing to be related to such a clumsy idiot. 'He is nothing like h-' Immediately stopping his trail of thoughts, Naoki turned back to his breakfast, his eyebrows furrowing in irritation. He resisted the urge to glare as the last time he had done so Tsunayoshi had caught his eyes and promptly let out a piercing shriek. Naoki actually would like to have his eardrums intact.

Naoki quickly finished his breakfast and with a mumbled good bye left the house after putting on his shoes. As he exited the small gate outside the house he felt a shiver go down his spine and a trickle at the back of his neck. He stopped momentarily in slight surprise and looked around in confusion.

'What on Earth…?' with a shake of his head, he continued on his way to school. 'Whatever.'

The number one Hitman in the world was really annoyed. He found himself in Japan, in a small town and on his way to training the tenth boss of the Vongola Family. Oh, he did not mind helping the ninth when the man had asked for this favor but really, did the Vongola heir have to be that idiot Iemitsu's spawn?

Apparently the boy was even as useless and good at nothing like useless-Dino. He had already done it once and Reborn did not feel like repeating it all over again, though he had to admit that he was proud of his student when he turned out to become such a good boss. Not that he would ever say this out loud and anyway, Dino was still useless without his subordinates.

Sawada Tsunayoshi was just as clumsy as and perhaps even more useless than Dino. The boy had way lower than average in academics, was practically a lost cause in sports and had no friends. Well, at least Reborn was going to have fun in tortu – tutoring the brat.

He also had to fit the rest of the Sawada family into his plans. For Nana, stupid-Iemitsu's wife, it was quite easy. The woman was oblivious and naïve and would most likely believe anything from Reborn's mouth. Then there was Iemitsu's other spawn, the younger twin.

He was a little surprised at how different the twins were. Sawada Naoki was the complete opposite of Sawada Tsunayoshi. That one was actually quite good academically, slightly higher than average at sports and far from clumsy. However, they were both similar in that they had no friends.

Reborn was confused at first why Nono chose the older twin as his heir until the man himself told him why; the boy had literally no close bonds to anyone, not even his own family. The boy even seemed to prefer to stay far from anyone. Then there was the older twin. Dame-Tsuna might be clumsy and useless but the boy had potential. He had strong sky flames, even at a younger age and was kind to a fault. Naoki on the other hand… seemed to care for no one but himself.

Between the useless but kind boy (who had a strong, if not uncanny, resemblance to Primo) or the genius child who seemed to like no one, the choice was quite obvious. There was no need to hand over the most influential and powerful mafia family to a potentially powerful sociopath. No one wanted to deal with that.

Well it did not matter to him. His job was to train the older twin into a good little mafia boss while hiding the truth from Nana and Naoki.

Suddenly his thoughts came to a halt as the front door of the house he was observing from his perch on a nearby tree, waiting for the opportune moment to reveal himself to his next victim –ahem – student, opened and out came someone that made Reborn almost do a double-take. If he had not been sure that stupid-Iemitsu had no daughter then he would have sworn that the person that exited the house was female.

Shoulder-length straight blond hair? Check.

Blue eyes? Check.

Male Namimori Middle School uniform? Check.

Well, hello, Sawada Naoki.

If Reborn had been allowed to inform the boy of the mafia then he would have loved to turn him into a good spy/assassin. With his looks the boy would be able to pretend to be the perfect harmless delicate woman.

Then the boy reached the tree he was hiding in and paused, eyes roaming around him, as if searching for something he could not see.

As Reborn stared at the boy's retreating back he could not help the disappointment in not being able to turn the boy into the perfect little Mafioso. He could see the potential in the graceful calculated steps and besides, he seemed to have good instincts.

Oh, well, time to meet his new student.

To Naoki, school that day was weird, really weird, and Tsunayoshi of all people seemed to be the center of the chaos. He had been sitting quietly in his seat in his classroom, waiting for the bell to ring when some kind of commotion seemed to take place. He was… surprised when he heard that his brother came to school in his underwear and asked Sasagawa Kyoko, the school female idol, to go out with him. Oh, Naoki had known that the boy was infatuated with the air-headed girl. However, he had never thought that shy, clumsy Tsunayoshi would get the courage to confess to the girl. Though, why would he ask the girl in his underwear was beyond him.

'What on Earth goes on in that mind of his?' Naoki silently asked himself, not knowing if he should be amused or embarrassed at being related to such a walking embarrassment.

He chose amusement when Tsunayoshi finally entered the classroom only to be faced by teasing from their classmates. 'Heh. Idiot,' he thought as he noticed Tsunayoshi's mortified face. 'You should not have done it if you did not want to be made fun of.' Yes, his twin was a moron.

During lunch everyone went to the gym to witness the kendo match between the Captain of the Kendo club, Mochida Kensuke, and Sawada Tsunayoshi, AKA Dame-Tsuna. Apparently Mochida did not appreciate having the younger boy confess to the Sasagawa girl in such a way and challenged Tsunayoshi to a duel.

Naoki was not worried for his twin. No. He was not. He was only going to the gym because he was bored. Why would he be worried for such a failure as a brother?

Tsunayoshi was going to be completely humiliated.

… and annihilated.

Naoki stood among the other students, waiting for Tsunayoshi to appear. He half-hoped that the idiot-boy would actually have some common sense and refuse to come for some childish duel. His unconscious hope was squashed when said idiot entered the gym.

'Idiot,' thought Naoki, a small frown making its way on his face.

He did not realize that he was clenching his teeth so hard or that his hands were digging into his arms when the match started. It was clear Tsunayoshi was overwhelmed and at a disadvantage. How could no one see how he was practically being beaten into the ground?

Then everything changed, starting with the Sasagawa girl yelling an encouragement to Tsunayoshi. Naoki almost jumped out of his skin when he heard a gunshot. His eyes widened and his face paled when he saw Tsunayoshi falling backwards, his own eyes dulling. He swayed on his feet, his vision tunneling.

Around him the other students were yelling insults at the downed boy, commenting on how useless he was. How could they not see what was right in front of them?

Suddenly Tsunayoshi seemed to burst out of his clothes, a crazed look on his face, yelling something that Naoki did not hear, too busy preventing his legs from collapsing under him in relief and shock. He gripped the railing in front of him and swallowed harshly. He did not stay to see the rest of the match. When his feet were stable under him, he promptly rushed out of the gym, not noticing the silver-haired boy standing outside the door.

He did not bother to remain in his classroom to wait for class to start again. Instead he grabbed his bag and ran from school, sneaking out from behind one of the members of the Disciplinary Committee members' back. When he reached his house, Naoki did not bother calling out to Nana. He rushed to his room and closed the door behind him.

Only when he was safely inside his safe haven that he allowed his legs to collapse under him. He wrapped his arms around his folded legs and rocked back and forth, his blue eyes staring blankly at a spot on the wall.

He could not help his mind flashing back to what had happened earlier.

There was a gunshot. He was sure of it.

Then Tsunayoshi seemed to d-die before waking? – up and –

His thoughts came to a screeching halt. His body stopped all movements.

Yes, he was sure of it; there had been a flame flickering over Tsunayoshi's forehead. Of a familiar orange colour.

Reborn smirked at a job well-done as he watched his new student being praised and cheered by the whole student body. However, his mind was not solely on the older Sawada twin, but instead on the younger one. He had kept the teenager not far from his line of vision when he had realized that he had actually come to see the match between Mochida and Tsuna. By his character Reborn had been certain that he would not have bothered but he had actually showed up.

His reaction to the Dying Will Bullet being fired had peeked Reborn's curiosity. There was no way the child – well, not so much a child but whatever – could have heard it as the silencer was there especially so that none of the student body heard it. There was no need for civilians to know what was going on after all.

But it seemed as if Sawada Naoki had. And his reaction when Tsuna 'died' was particularly interesting. It would seem like the 'uncaring' Naoki actually did care. Interesting indeed. However, what was more interesting was when Tsuna had gone in the Dying Will Mode. The emotions that had flashed across Naoki's face and eyes were intriguing. His face had showed shocked and relief. But his eyes… his eyes had showed recognition and then horror – pure terrifying horror.

Charcoal eyes narrowed in thought as the sniper gun turned into a green chameleon. There was something strange with that kid. Reborn did not know what but he was going to find out. At least he was sure that he did not know anything about the mafia, so his side-investigation would not actually go against Nono's orders.

Sawada Naoki was an interesting kid so far. Well, the brat would prove to be an entertainment while Reborn trained the other brat.

AN: So I am posting the prologue and the first chapter for now and depending on what the feedback is I'll post the next.

Leave behind a review and tell me your thoughts.
