Chapter 3: Ben Versus Natsu 1/2

This Chapter has been re-edited as of January, 2019!

Here comes Chapter 3's re-editing! I hope you also enjoyed the last two chapters as well!

So, the thing about this one, and the chapter after this, is that they're really short… So, I decided to combine the two together into one big chapter! That means I'm going to have to fill in on the next one, but I'll get to that when I do. Other than that, there's not much to say, so let's get to the story.

I do not own anything related to the subject of Ben 10 nor Fairy Tail. Please support the official releases, and happy reading to you all!

Chapter 3: Ben Versus Natsu

In the middle of the crash site stood Natsu and company, staring eerily at Cannonbolt as he sat in the middle of their circle. He could only lightly chuckle to himself at the expressions of the teenagers around him. After all, he wasn't used to this kind of reaction anymore, due to being isolated inside the Null Void for so long.

The Arburian Pelarota took a look around his surroundings, and was just as flabbergasted as he was before he turned out from the vortex that had previously consumed and spat him out. He then turned to the four humans that were looking down on him. They seemed to be fairly…friendly; curious to a higher extent. Now was as good a time as any to ask them some well-deserved and necessary questions.

"Uhmm… Hello. I don't suppose one of you kind folks can tell me where I am at the moment?" Cannonbolt asked while giving off a sheepish smile.

The four took a moment to listen…but then deadpanned and dropped like dolls. After reacting to the sudden question, they picked themselves up in a split second. The scarlet haired girl, Erza, approached Cannonbolt first, pointing a sword at him. It surprised him that she was able to summon some kind of glowing red circle out of her hand to drag the sword out. It was like she was extorting it out from some sort of storage.

"Who, and what, are you?" The swordswoman demanded to know, glaring slightly at him.

Cannonbolt shuddered from the sudden interrogation, but soon regained his posture. He responded with by holding his hands up to signal that he meant no harm…besides the accidental damage that he already committed to the land around himself of course.

"That… Well, that kind of depends… Right now, my name is Cannonbolt. I'm an Arburian Pelarota." He answered, though his words still made Erza raise an eyebrow in suspicion. Obviously, she looked like she never heard of his species.

"…An "Arburian Pelarota"? What kind of creature is that?" She asked, though not as hostile as before. She was still pointing her sword right between his eyes though.

"Uhh… I suppose that you never heard of an "alien" before. I suspect?" Cannonbolt asked instead.

Erza, now noticing that the alien in front of her wasn't going to pose a threat, slowly lowered her sword as he nodded to answer his question. She placed it on her shoulder, gesturing for him to continue.

"Well, before I answer and explain what that term means… I don't suppose that I can ask a few questions of a my own?" Cannonbolt said as he stood up, albeit awkwardly due to the balance of his body. "Oooof… That's rough."

"…Very well then. What is it that you wish to ask about?" Erza questioned.

Cannonbolt smiled a little, before glancing around a bit to signal his incoming question.

"Um… For starters, is this the planet Earth, by any chance?" He shot out first.

Erza raised her eyebrow, as did her friends around her. 'What is he referring to? Does he mean "Earth" as an abbreviation of Earth Land?'

Blinking once, she answered Cannonbolt's question with the limited knowledge of her understanding. "No, I do not believe so. This location is known as Magnolia Town."

Now it was Cannonbolt's turn to raise an eyebrow, well, if he had one.

He scratched the top of his head. "…Magnolia Town? Is this some kind of city on Earth?"

Lucy walked up to join the conversation, being one of the others to shake off her initial shock of the creature in front of her. "Do you know of the Kingdom of Fiore?"

Cannonbolt shook his face. Lucy and Erza looked at each other, then gave him a confused look as they started to shoot off random questions to hope for an answer.

"Uh… What about the continent of Ishgar?"

Cannonbolt shook his face again, still clearly lost for words.

The girls thought to themselves for a moment. Lucy then glanced at Erza, who then nodded back. After a little more mental communicating, they then turned back to Cannonbolt.

"Well, if anything… I don't think you even came from another planet. I mean, we just saw you get launched out of a sudden warp hole that appeared in the sky just now." Lucy explained, gesturing towards the air with her finger.

Cannonbolt looked up at the blue sky once again. After looking for a bit, he sighed as he brought his face down, his expression being a bit dejected.

"Great, out of all things… It's good that I got out of the Null Void, but now I'm stuck in another dimension all together now…" Cannonbolt muttered.

"Eh?" Lucy said. "What did you say?"

Cannonbolt then brought his face up, waving an arm around while sheepishly trying to close off her question. "Oh, it's… It's nothing! A-Anyways… You said you had more questions for me?"

Erza then took a step forward, Cannonbolt's attention redirecting to her again. She nodded as she stored her sword back in her pocket space, summoning another red circle to store her blade back inside.

"Where did you come from; let's start with that." She started. "Can you answer that for us?"

Cannonbolt thought for a moment, shifting his eyes awkwardly. He knew how he got to this world, but could he trust these people? He placed his hand on the top of his head, trying to think of what to say.

'Well, taking a look around… I seemed to have destroyed something preeetty big, but they aren't retaliating… I guess I can tell them then, it's only fair…'

Crossing his arms and humming for a bit, he then sighed as he turned his eyes back to Erza and company, deciding his next action.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I actually came from another dimension. I can probably vouch for that since you said you saw me coming out a worm hole." Cannonbolt replied as he points up.

Erza and Lucy crossed their arms, trying to pull together what information they have so far. It seemed reasonable enough. A warp hole would probably be able to lead to any sort of place imaginable. Lucy herself was also kind of immerse with alternate worlds herself with her own abilities in mind.

Deciding to take his word for it, the blonde then smiled, turning to him. "So, what's this alternate place called then?"

Cannonbolt nodded, letting his arms hang down.

"It's called the Null Void. It's pretty much a place for trapping criminals, unreasonable aliens, the whatnot. I accidently got sent there, and had to survive in that eerie void for two years." He quickly summarized.

The group was slightly shocked at Cannonbolt's speech. But it wasn't as though it was phony information. Even though the whole description seemed to explain the Null Void as anything as a rainbow park, Erza then remembered something that Cannonbolt said that caught her attention.

"Wait a second… You said, "that depends", at first. What do you mean by that?" She asked, now with an intrigued look on her face.

'Huh… She noticed that bit of info I slipped out.' Cannonbolt mused, complimenting Erza's hearing with a small smirk.

"Yes. What you're looking at isn't my normal form. You guys are all human right?" Cannonbolt asked, everyone nodding.

"What? Are you something else then? A Take-Over or something?" Gray asked, trying out some random guesses.

"Well, I've never heard of such a thing… But to tell you the truth, I'm actually—" Cannonbolt replied as he tapped the Omnitrix dial on his forehead mid-sentence.

He was engulfed in a green flash, forcing everyone to shield their eyes. When they uncovered them, Natsu and Gray's jaws dropped, while Lucy and Erza widened their eyes in surprise at what they saw: a young boy wearing a dull grey and black shirt with olive green pants and black and white sneakers.

"I'm a human, just as you all are. My real name is Ben, Benjamin Tennyson. How do you do?" Ben said as he introduced himself.

"So, you really have no idea how to get back huh, kid?" Natsu said as he walked with his friends and Ben.

"Yeah… Unfortunately for me, my device broke down, and I ended up here as a result." Ben responded with a sad expression, before giving off a small smile. "Well, at least I ended somewhere decent."

While the five were walking back after a few minutes later, Ben decided to fill the time by giving them the rough summarization of the events that led to him being dragged into Earth Land. Mainly, he discussed about the things that happened on the day before he was sucked into the void that brought him here. Completing the Void Generator, Phil's sabotage…

Natsu crossed his arms and hummed, thinking of an idea that might cheer Ben up. Suddenly, something came into mind as he looked back at him.

"Well, if you can't get back, maybe you should stay with us at Fairy Tail!" Natsu suggested with a wide grin.

Gray darted his eyes back immediately at the mention. "What?! Are you nuts, Natsu? How can he do that when he destroyed the guild hall!"

"Hey, it's not my fault I was spawned that high up in the air. I could've died if I didn't do something." The Omnitrix wielder responded as he shrugged casually. "There was nothing I could do to slow myself down, so I decided to speed up instead."

"Erk… But still…" Gray's expression froze a little, as he couldn't really find anything to shoot back.

Ben and company then reached the top of the crater sight, greeting the mass of people that were inside the guild hall prior to Cannonbolt's Destructive Finish. Makarov walked up to them, the old man looking at Ben with curiosity.

"So, what happened, Erza? Was the thing that came down this boy here?" Makarov asked.

"Unfortunately, yes, Master. However, he didn't do on it purpose, sir." Erza responded.

Makarov gave a gallant chuckle after hearing her words, which confused Ben if anything else. "Ho-ho-ho! Well, as long as no one got hurt."

He then brought his attention to Ben, bringing out a hand to exchange a handshake with. "So, what's your name, young man? The name's Makarov. I'm the Guild Master of Fairy Tail."

Ben was mildly shocked by the reaction that Makarov, but returned the gesture as a sign of politeness. "My name's Benjamin Tennyson. I'm… Sorry about that guild hall of yours."

Ben sheepishly chuckled as he sweat dropped, though the old man merely brushed it off with a shrug.

"Ah, don't worry about that, Ben. We can always fix it." Makarov said as he looked at the rubble that used to be the guild.

Ben looked at the debris, cringing at the destruction he caused. There must've been something that he could to do make amends…

And right as he looked at it though, a light bulb went off in Ben's head as his eyes widened. He turned back to Makarov, who in turn gave him a questioning look.

"Actually… I think I can help fix the guild, if you want." He offered with a smile.

Another person walked out from the crowd as he said that. She had long white hair and wore an ankle-length maroon dress that sported a large pink bow with high heeled shoes that matched her dress.

"Can you actually do that? How?" The young woman asked. "Really?"

Makarov turned around to face the girl, chuckling a little. "Ah, good to see you're unharmed, Mira."

The rest of the crowd that overheard Ben were bemused and a bit doubtful. Some of them muttered that the kid was crazy. How could a little kid fix this much devastation? It would take months to replace a building this size, and that was an understatement.

Ben however grinned as he placed a hand on his chest to reassure her.

"As a matter of fact, I can." Ben answered cheerfully. "Just, give me a moment."

"Really now?" Erza folded her arms. "What do you have in mind?"

Ben gave her a smirk, walking to the edge of the rubble while scanning the vicinity. He took measurements of the scale of the crater that Cannonbolt made, making some mental calculations for a moment before making his decision.

'If it's this large of a scale… I think I can handle this.' Ben speculated.

Activating his Omnitrix, he scrolled through the dial, which made some of the passerby flinch from the sound that the device gave off.

After a few seconds, he marked his wanted form, and the pressed the core down. Flashing with an emerald light, he was replaced with a familiar robot-like alien. The Omnitrix dial was located on top of the glass, with the hourglass symbol being white instead of green, and he had a white and black shirt.

As the flash dissipated, the crowd gasped at Ben's new form. Natsu and company included as well. Even Makarov was surprised.

"Take-Over? What kind of creature is that?"

"Doesn't it look like a robot? What is this guy?"

Clockwork ignored the comments, but then turned around to Makarov. Erza took notice of the Omnitrix dial on the robot alien's stomach, her eyes looking with curiosity.

"Excuse me for a moment then, it will take just a little bit." The copper robot said in a German accent.

The crowd watched in anticipation as Clockwork turned back around. Holding out both arms, they could hear his internal workings beginning to chime as he fired two beams of light from his palms, and another from his stomach a second later. The entire area that used to be the guild was engulfed in an emerald light.

Concentrating more of his energy, Clockwork's powers began to take effect as time started to reverse in the affected area, all of the dust and mayhem moving back and forth into the places they were before the humungous accident that happened a couple of minutes ago.

All the guild members watched in awe as the guild hall was being fixed right in front of their eyes, bit by bit, brick by brick.

After another moment, Clockwork ceased his firing, the emerald beams now vanishing away. As the last of the light disappeared, what was in its place was now replacing it with a repaired Fairy Tail Guild Hall.

A bunch of people passed out from shock, and some others were astonished. Natsu and co. however were just staring with amazement. Overall though, the crowd's spirits were risen to max levels as they rejoiced in their pride and joy restored from the depths of destruction.

However, it was then that Clockwork dropped down onto one knee, panting heavily shortly afterwards. The Omnitrix dial began flashing red, reverting Clockwork back to Ben as he was consumed within a red light. Ben looked up at the sight as he was sweating a bit, smirking at his work as Natsu came to help him up.

"H-Hey! You alright, Ben?" Natsu asked in concern.

"Y-yep, I'm good. I've just never done time reversal on that level before. Clockwork's powers also tend to tire me out a bit…" Ben answered, panting in between his dialogue.

Natsu helped Ben onto his feet, allowing the Omnitrix wielder to lean on him for support. He took a short breather before returning to normal, after which he walked towards Makarov and Mira.

"Well… That was a job well done, Ben!" Makarov complimented. "That was amazing!"

"Indeed! Thank you so much! Oh, I believe I haven't introduced myself either. My name is Mirajane Strauss, nice to meet you. Call me Mira." Mira greeted, grasping his hands and shaking them wildly in joy.

Ben nodded, smiling awkwardly upon looking at her bubbly face. Makarov then turned to Ben while she continued her little dance of celebration.

"So, I heard that you aren't able to return home. Well, if that's the case, why not join our guild, like Natsu said? A Mage of your caliber is a wonder to behold. You're what they might be called a needle in a haystack." Makarov offered.

"Sure, if it's ok with everyone else." Ben answered…but then frowned as he processed Makarov's previous words. "…Wait, Mage?"

The old man raised an eyebrow along with the rest of the others present. Erza however narrowed her eyes on Ben though. Both parties were confused on the matter, but Makarov was the one who decided to go first with the questions.

"You do use Magic, correct? How else were you able to transform into that creature without Take-Over Magic?" Makarov questioned.

Ben's eyes widen in surprise. He knew that he was thrown into an alternate world, but he never knew that something like magic would exist. Sure, something like Hex's magic was something to awe on about, but a world full of magic users? What kind of world did he get into?

At this point, he was pretty sure he could trust everyone with what he could say, and decided to give off his identity. 'Well, here goes…'

Ben then lift and held up his left arm, allowing everyone to get a full look at the Omnitrix. Everyone except Erza eyed the device in wonder and curiosity.

"This device is called the Omnitrix. This is how I turned into Clockwork and Cannonbolt." He explained. "I've heard and seen Magic before, but I myself can't really do such things."

Erza nodded in understanding. 'So that's the deal with that symbol.'

Out from the group of people spoke a petite girl. She had wavy, wild like blue hair that was held by an orange bandanna. She wore an orange sleeveless turtleneck that went down to the middle of her thighs. She wore sleeves of the same color and red sandals. The Fairy Tail mark was on her left scapula.

"So, how many of those creatures do you have stored in that thing? Oh, the name's Levy McGarden by the way, nice to meet you, Ben!" Levy inquired.

Turning to her, Ben answered. "I have roughly seventy transformations that are regularly available. I usually only use a cluster of them for most things, so give or take maybe six or seven aliens that I use on a regular basis."

"…What." Everyone else, mind Erza, uttered all at once.

Everyone was left breathless from Ben's answer. At least seventy transformations at one's fingertips? No Take-Over wizard could ever do that! Levy however snapped back to reality by hearing Ben's answer.

"Wait, you said they were "readily available"? What do you mean by that? Are you saying that it has even more than seventy?" She dared asked.

To her dismay, and excitement all the while as well, Ben nodded and looked down at his arm. "Well, after fully examining it, I discovered that it actually has the genetic code of over a million different lifeforms; I've just never unlocked them."

Jaws dropped immediately, some even detached from their heads, of course in a comical matter… But one million forms?! Seventy was already crazy enough! How much power did that small device have?

Two men then stepped forward from the crowd. One had slicked back dark blue hair and wore a beige coat. The other had brown pompadour hair, wearing a light green shirt with a dark green flower pattern. They were Macao Conbolt and Wakaba Mine.

Wakaba spoke first, pointing at the Omnitrix while doing so. "So, how long have you had that thing for then?"

Ben glanced down at the Omnitrix again, and then back at Wakaba as he tilted his head in remembrance. "Around two years, I believe. I got it when I was ten."

"Wait, what?! You're only twelve?! You look so much more mature though!" Macao responded, others agreeing with him as well.

Another man walked out from the crowd. He was an extremely muscular teenager with long upwards white hair who wore a dark blue gakuran and wooden sandals. He came out and patted Ben on the head, though a bit too harshly for Ben's care.

"Such forms! That's what makes a man MANLY!" He proclaimed.

"Oh, Elfman! Don't hurt Ben!" Mira cried out while grabbing onto his arm. "He's only a child!"

Elfman ceased his gesture, with Ben lifting himself off the ground and dusting himself off. He looked at Elfman, who still had a giant smile on his face. He wasn't exactly mad, as the white-haired teen in front of him seemed to be just a little too enthusiastic about stuff. He wasn't a bad person at least in his eyes.

"Sorry about that, Ben. My younger brother can be a bit too much sometimes…" Mira said as she clapped her hands together.

'Brother?' Ben thought with an amused look. He looked back and forth between the two of them. 'I guess the white hair runs in the family, if anything.'

"So, Ben… You keep talking about these aliens, but what can they do anyways? The way you talk about them, it seems like they're not just for show, since you just used one and repaired the guild hall." Gray then asked, curious about his forms.

Ben's face went into an expression of deep thought. True, his aliens all had a variety of abilities, but he lost count of how many to be honest. The first forms that came into the mind were the ones that he originally started off with… But even those were unique in their own right.

"Well let's see here…" Ben started to count with his fingers, which only made Gray and a few others weary.

"Well, you already know that I've got time powers from Clockwork, but I also got other things. Uh… Super-strength, super-speed, sonar hearing, enhanced smell, flight capabilities… It's more like about the stuff that I don't have to be honest."

Gray's eyes widened, chuckling nervously as he answered. "S-Seriously? That's pretty overwhelming…"

He was shocked beyond belief. If what Ben said was anything of truth, he was probably one of the strongest people in the whole entire vicinity, at least with the power to do pretty much anything. In the field of magic, the more abilities you had, the broader you could extend yourself out to with the missions and jobs you took.

While he was shocked by Ben's answer, Natsu's eyes lit up in flames of excitement in response to Ben's statement.

"Hey, that sounds awesome! Oh, I have an idea! Come on Ben, you and me! Let's fight!" Natsu demanded all of a sudden.

Ben looked at Natsu with slight surprise. The others deadpanned from Natsu's simplistic nature, face palming or groaning. What was Natsu thinking, wasn't he just listening to Ben? He pretty much had a form for any scenario, which probably concluded something like this as well.

"Uh… What do you mean?" Ben asked in confusion.

Natsu clenched his fist, flames suddenly spewing from his fists as magic circles went over them. "What you do mean?! Obviously, I mean we're going to fight to see who's stronger of course! What else is there to know?!"

Gray sighed in response. "Oh, come on, give it a rest, fire brain. You already got your butt kicked by Erza not too long ago. Don't embarrass yourself even more."

Natsu's face twitched in annoyance. "Shut it, frost face! I wasn't at full power back then!"

Makarov started to get annoyed as well. "Natsu, that's enough, young man! You're seriously going to fight someone who just did us a favor? Leave our guest out of your fruitless endeavor!"

Natsu's attention span didn't detect Makarov's order as he returned his look to Ben, who flinched at him in confusion. What's the point in battling someone, especially if he didn't have to? He looked at the crowd, most of them with expression that practically said "give up".

Ben then turned to Makarov, who sighed in response as he himself shrugged.

"Well, I guess he's going to keep this up until I fight him, right?" Ben deadpanned while pointing at Natsu.

The crowded shook their heads up and down, confirming Ben's thesis. Ben sighed, and then turned to Natsu. He didn't want to fight a pointless skirmish, but if he might as well do it to satisfy Natsu's demand. Especially with that gleeful face on that sorry mug of his making this situation even more awkward.

A woman from the crowd came out. She had long brown hair and wore a blue bikini top, along with brown Capri pants with high heeled sandals. She bore an annoyed look as she carried over a large wooden barrel that was roughly the size of her own torso.

"Just get it over with, kiddo. The sooner you beat him, the sooner I can drink again." She said in a lazy matter as she took another drink. By the way that her attitude was, as well as the smell of her beverage, Ben assumed that she was jugging down on alcohol.

"Cana…" Mira sweat dropped, with Ben deadpanning to follow up.

'This place is full of weirdos… Well, not that there aren't any weirdos from where I come from.' Ben thought, before snapping back to his senses.

"Alright then, fine. Natsu, if you to fight, let's fight then. In exchange though, I have some conditions I want to make." Ben said as he pointed his finger out.

Natsu's eyes shined like a wild beast. He was going to launch himself if it wasn't for him having to listen to Ben list his conditions.

"First, we go somewhere out in the open. I don't want to end up repairing a bunch of more messes. Two, we fight only until someone gets injured really badly. And third, don't get sour if you lose. I don't want to hear you going and asking for a rematch..." He listed off, while smirking at his last statement.

Natsu held a look of disappointment for a bit, before returning to his normal, hyperactive state of excitement. "I'm gonna ignore that last statement… But now you've got my attention!"

Makarov turned over to Ben, his face in exasperation. "You sure you want to do this Ben? You don't have to you know?"

Ben gave the old man a smirk. "Nah, it's alright. I haven't gotten my share of exercise today anyways. This'll be good to burn off. And if Natsu wants to fight so badly, then I'll gladly oblige him."

Natsu gave Ben a large grin. "Alright! Come on now, I'm all fired up!"

The crowded started to chatter in excitement. After hearing what Ben can do, they wonder how he would do facing off against Fairy Tail's very own Natsu Dragneel, who infamously nicknamed "The Salamander".

Lucy sighed. "Can't we ever just catch a break…"

A few minutes later, the Fairy Tail guild and Ben arrived at a wide, flat plain. Its members began to take seats around the vicinity of the vast field of grass. Levy used her magic to create lines as borders for Ben and Natsu's makeshift arena.

Natsu and Ben entered, standing on the opposite ends. The two were seen stretching for a bit, before staring off at each other with growing anticipation.

Ben gripped the Omnitrix with his right arm as he gave Natsu a small smile. "You ready, Natsu? You can still change your mind, you know?"

"Not on my life!" Natsu retorted as he took a stance. "Come on!"

Ben had to admit, he hadn't had battle that was meant for fun since forever, not ever since he got trapped in the Null Void. In that place, every battle was for survival, eat or be eaten. Ben frowned a bit as he dwells upon some of his memories, but shook them off and returned with a grin on his face.

As the two fighters took their stances, Makarov arrived in the middle, between the two contestants. Putting a whistle into his mouth, he looked at the two youngsters.

"Ok then, are you all ready? Then, on a count of three. Three… Two… One… Let the match… BEGIN!" Makarov announced as he rose his arm up while blowing his whistle.

Makarov then backed away quickly. Ben and Natsu stared each other down, grinning at one another. The two then rushed forward.

Natsu was the first to actually attack, showing his hot-headed nature to everyone else. Though Ben wasn't exactly familiar with fighting humans in general, fighting humanoid creatures and the likes of other beings in the Null Void did sharpen his senses immensely.

The pink haired teenager grinned as he rocked his fist back and swung it at Ben's face. The brunet quickly reacted as he ducked underneath and rolled behind his foe. Quickly going for the Omnitrix, he didn't even bother trying to look for an appropriate form to take on as he slapped the core down, blinding everyone with a bright flash of emerald light.

As Natsu turned around, his face was met with a red fist to his nose. Many members cringed upon seeing the pink haired mage being flung off into the air, smashing into a nearby tree with great force. As the light died off, everyone else watched as Four Arms made his grand appearance to Fairy Tail.

"A form with four arms? That's a bit weird to look at…" Lucy admitted.

"Oh, please. What can be weirder than a yellow roly-poly and a robot?" Gray rolled his eyes, but he too was intrigued by Four Arm's physical stature.

"Huh… Maybe that was a little too hard." Four Arms smirked as he folded his two lower arms.

Natsu responded with a loud roar right as he said that, but managed to maintain himself and burst out from the rubble with little to no difficulty. A second later, the pink-haired wizard rubbed his cheek in slight pain, much to everyone's surprise, including Four Arms.

This form that Ben had turned into was bizarre in appearance, but it had the strength to say so otherwise. If it was able to injure Natsu and make him actually react like that, who else knew what other things he had up his sleeve? That being said however, Natsu was far from over from where things stood out.

"Geh… Gotta admit, that hurt. But how about I turn up the heat for ya?" He proposed as he opened his mouth to breathe in.

"…What do you mean by that?" Four Arms asked, now taking a stance as he watched Natsu's cheeks start to puff up a little.

Makarov nodded, coughing to divert Ben's attention to his person. "I'll give you a quick hint on what kind of Magic Natsu uses. It has to do with Dragons; specifically, fire ones."