
Groggily waking up and wiping his eyes out from his slumber, he frowned a little as he began to look for the source of the noise, before noticing it was actually the Omnitrix beeping and flashing. With his eyes now fully awake, he covered the Omnitrix with his arm to prevent Erza from waking up as he walked into the closet.

Closing the closet door, Ben then held the Omnitrix dial. The beeping stopped, replacing it with the Omnitrix's synthetic voice. "Omnitrix?"

"Unknown DNA samples acquired from Remote Scan. Five DNA samples acquired by the Voliticus Biopsis are now added to Omnitrix database. Entries are now unlocked and available on Playlist Five."

The Omnitrix finished its announcement as the dial turned dark. Ben's eyes widened as he squealed in excitement while muffling his voice. 'Oh… OH MY.'

Ben mused at first, but he frowned a little as he started to piece together things. 'Wait… I acquired DNA samples from another dimension. Does this mean that the Omnitrix is like a wireless device?'

Ben suddenly questioned this, looking down at his Omnitrix. 'I wonder if I can do that…'

Activating the Omnitrix. He dialed his selected alien and pushed the core down. A muzzled flash appeared from the closet, but Erza was luckily unable to hear the loud flash. From within the closet, Ben began doing something to the Omnitrix, lasting for a few more hours.

It was now early dawn. Erza's eyes slowly opened as she begun to hear some birds chirping from outside the inn.

She slowly got up and yawned as she stretched. "…Morning."

Ruffling her long red hair as she wiped the sleep away from her eyes, she then looked over at Ben, who was now on the floor; his pillow across the room and his blanket on his side.

Erza stared at this scene for a second, and then struggled to hold in a burst of laughter, taking a few moments to calm down. He really did have a bad case of sleep walking it seemed, much to her amusement.

Walking over to the bathroom and taking another shower, she dressed herself as she walked over to Ben a few minutes later. Smiling at him while giggling, she crouched down and poked at his cheek. Ben murmured in his sleep, moaning a little. She once again withheld a snicker, her attention then turning over back to Ben as he rolled over.

The slumbering youngster unconsciously activated the Omnitrix, causing Erza's expression to harden with disbelief. She took a look at the alien device, eyeing it ever so cautiously as he continued to snore.

'He's sleep walking?' She wondered. 'I didn't think it would be this bad…'

She couldn't see the displayed alien on Ben's Omnitrix, but before she could identify the alien currently displayed on the holographic projector, he rolled over again and slapped the core down, enveloping him in a flash that forced Erza to shield her eyes.

As the light from the flash dissipated a short while later, as she opened her eyes, Ben was replaced with a white skinned humanoid creature that was the same height as him.

He had a black and white head with eye stripes going down, with three fin-like growths extending from his head. He wore a black and green sleeveless jumpsuit. On his shoulders were green orb like objects, and three green button-like objects were seen on his stomach. The Omnitrix dial was placed on his forehead, and the Fairy Tail mark was on its left shoulder, partially visible under his uniform.

Erza gazed at this new form with wonder as she wore a pokerfaced expression. In her mind though…

'So cute… So cute… So cute… SO CUUUUTTE!' Her hands grasped her cheeks in an adorable manner.

However, she quickly recovered from her phase by smacking herself. Snapping herself back to reality, she tugged Ben's arm, causing him to wake up. "I… I should wake him…"

Ben sat up still in a dazed matter as he opened his green eyes halfway, his fins lowering down like a cat's ears.

"Huh…? What's that noise? Is it breakfast?" He murmured with a quick-witted cartoony voice.

Wiping his eyes, Ben looked around, until his face met Erza's, who still wore a poker-faced expression. Ben then jumped up and away in shock, landing on his bed while making a make-shift combat stance.

"W-Woah there, Erza! What's… Wrong?" He asked, tilting his head. He looked down at himself. "…Why am I transformed for?"

Erza stayed silent, before her face darkened. "…Why?"

"Why… What?" Ben sweat dropped. "E-Erza?"

"…WHY IS THAT FORM SO CUTE FOR?! OH, I JUST WANT TO SMUGGLE YOU UP!" Erza roared, causing Ben to flinch in astonishment.

"H-Hey! Erza, calm down for a sec, will ya?!" He suddenly ordered while extending his arms out, a second Ben stretching out from him and duplicating itself. He posed in the exact same way as the original did.

"Yeah! Ditto to that!" The second white alien yelled.

Erza's eyes then widened in awe as she was taken out from her phase of adoration. "Self-Duplication?"

The Dittos nodded, their arm over each other's shoulders as they grinned.

"Yep!" Ditto Prime smiled with a cheeky look.

"Though we technically can't create an army of Dittos, since we're all linked to the original!" The second one said as he duplicated himself.

"That means that if the original Ditto goes down, we all do! But it doesn't mean we can't put a good fight with numbers though!" The newly sprouted one explained.

"Here's to Team Tennyson!" Ditto Prime held a hand up, to which his two clones both high fived.

"Booyah!" Ditto 2 yelped. "We're unstoppable!"

"To the victors of Earth Land and beyond!" The third one posed dramatically.

Erza nodded in understanding at Ditto's simple explanation, though she couldn't help but snicker in regard to their silly antics.

The Dittos helped to clean the place afterwards, merging back together after the deed was done. Ditto then tapped the Omnitrix dial on his forehead, reverting him back to Ben.

The twelve-year-old yawned as he stretched. "Alright… Now to properly start the morning…!"

Erza giggled again as she wished him a proper good morning, Ben yawning and nodding in return. "And good morning to you, Benjamin."

Ben and Erza quickly ate a meal provided by the inn's dining hall, leaving soon after as the major told them the location of where the wyverns would appear. Exiting the inn, Erza took her map out again, dotting the location down.

"Alright… Now that we're prepared, let's proceed with the actual request." Erza stated. "Are you ready, Ben?"

"I'm all good to go. Following your lead, Erza." Ben saluted. "So, where to?"

"This map will guide us to the eastern exit of the village. Shall we?" She gestured. Ben simply smirked as they went along their way.

As they walked through Nagdro, Ben couldn't help but admire the town's construction style and terrestrial arrangement. Since it was an in-land town, it was positioned towards the center of the country, where the plains of the landscape gave wonderous opportunities and placements to grow all sorts of things. Rough, gravelly hills with beautiful green forests were plentiful all around, making this location truly a place with nature in tow to confine in.

The town itself was also spectacular, even comparing itself to the likes of other famous locations such as Magnolia. While the foundation of the town wasn't as stone hard as Fairy Tail's home, this made the quite, yet peaceful settlement of civilization a good place to be considered a vocational paradise.

While continuing to admire the surrounding environment, Ben and Erza arrived at a wide field of crops after roughly half an hour. Hiding in a bush, they proceeded to wait patiently for the time in which the mayor told them that the wyverns would be approaching the fields.

"And now we wait…" Ben said, Erza nodding.

The two watched the morning farmers do their work, reminding Ben again of his time back on home on Earth. His travels through parts of the countryside really did give a feel as to how country and city life was different.

Reminiscing in his memories, his train of thought popped out as the farmers began to scream, with Erza patting his shoulder to make him pay attention. The two opened up a part of the bush to peek through, their eyes widening at the sight.

Two large wyverns appeared within the fields. They were exceedingly large, draconian beasts that were predominantly green in color. Their entire body were covered in scales, save for their milky white undersides of their necks, which continued on through their stomachs, and the underside of its tail.

Attached to their arms and sharp-clawed hands were webbed wings, which were rippled and torn, highly reminiscent of a bat's. Their legs were hunched and muscular, with a spike extending out of each knee, and three jagged, white spikes running vertically up each calf. Each foot had three white talons, and one coming out of from their heel. Atop their angular heads, they had long, sharp orange spikes running down each side of its spine. They also appeared to have prehensile tails.

Roaring and sweeping their wings, the farmers began to run away in fear. Erza and Ben then jumped out of the bush they hid in, landing in front of them. The Omnitrix wielder pointed at them defiantly as he activated the Omnitrix.

"Alright, you overgrown lizards, your ways of terrorism are over!" Ben shouted. "It's Hero Time!"

Erza glanced at him and snickered at his use of a stereotypical heroic line before turning back to the wyverns, who responded with loud roars as they faced them.

"Requip!" She yelled.

Her body flashed as a magic circle appeared under herself, Requiping her body into her Heart Fruez set. Eyeing Ben, he responded by turning the dial a few times, slamming the core down afterwards. The wyverns screeched as their eyes shut for a few seconds.

In a flash, he was replaced with Four Arms. Now wearing a grey, black, and green shirt that had short sleeves for all four of his arms, his Omnitrix dial was now on a green and black shoulder pad that was on top of his left shoulder. The Fairy Tail emblem was displayed below.

Erza took notice of its muscular structure once again. The four-armed alien pumped his fists together, cracking his knuckles.

"I think it's time to give these fellows a warning!" He grinned.

Erza lowered her head as she took a stance. "Stay vigilant. Though they are not intelligent, they have powerful weapons at their disposal."

Four Arms merely smirked in response, scanning the area. Blinking once, he then spoke to the redhead. "Erza, the area's too crowded with vegetation, so I'm going to try something a bit odd. Can you keep the two lizard brains distracted for a bit?"

Erza hummed in response as she nodded, now charging at the two foes. "Very well!"

The wyverns commenced their attack towards Erza as well, with the one in front sweeping its arm at her. She soared up into the air with a graceful jump and somersaulted midair as she landed behind it, slashing its back quickly after.

It roared in discomfort as it attempted to swing its tail at her figure. While it was doing so, the second one sailed up and lunged down at Erza soon afterwards, causing her to make a stance with her blade as she prepared to intercept the blows.

"Perfect, Erza! Now it's my turn!" Four Arms yelled out, now dashing to her.

The wyverns curved their heads in confusion, not being able to react in time as Four Arms rocked his arms back. He then delivered four solid punches to the duo; two arms socking them right in their cheeks, and another two in their necks. The might of Four Arm's attacks soon sent them soaring into the air as they roared in pain.

They spun around as they were flung back a few dozen meters, landing on an open plain. Four Arms smiled as he and Erza gathered next to one another.

It was then that Erza realized what Four Arms had done, smirking back at him. "I see… Driving them away from the crops to give us some fighting space."

Four Arms gave a thumbs up as the two of them ran over to the wyverns. The wyverns got up slowly as their bodies shook from the blow, shaking their heads as they focused back at their new foes. Now alert, they ran again to them, flapping their wings as they struggled to take flight. Four Arms lowered his legs, crouching for a moment as he took a massive leap into the air.

The wyvern he leaped at widened its eyes slightly as he tried to nail it down with another right hook to the face, countering the attack by quickly turning its body. Four Arms' face perked up as he looked at the wyvern, who then slammed him down with its tail.

"Oh, what?!" He yelled, before getting hit right on the top of his head.

Four Arms landed on the ground, making a slight crater as he landed harshly on the ground. Erza shouted out his name in worry, her attention soon returning to the other wyvern. "Ben! Are you injured?"

Swinging her sword horizontally, the wyvern lifted its legs up, dodging the attack. She was momentarily surprised as it then swiped at her with its clawed feet. She caught the swipe with her sword, a few sparks rubbing off from the collision. The wyvern used its larger mass to shove Erza away, causing her to be launched towards the ground. Doing a back flip, she landed on a knee, sneering at it as she then turned to Four Arms in concern.

"Ow…" Four Arms rubbed his head as he began to stand up.

She was relieved to see her friend alive and kicking when Four Arms rose off the ground, rubbing his cheek as he cracked his neck. "Good. Let's continue."

The pairs regrouped with each other soon after. The wyverns were more alert than ever before, which made Four Arms turn over to Erza in response.

"Erza, we're going to have to use something else to deal with these guys." He said as he looked down at her. "They're being cautious now."

Returning the look, she nodded back. "Indeed. I'm going to have to change gears then!"

As she said that, her body flashed again. "Requip!"

Four Arms watched as the scarlet haired woman appeared with a different set of equipment.

Erza's Heart Kreuz set was now replaced with orange and red armor. It consisted of a pauldron-less breastplate that extended down to her lower body, resembling a one-piece swimsuit with gauntlets and greaves. Her hair was tied to a pair of twin tails held together by horn like clips.

Paired with her armor was a large dark red broadsword of similar design, with hand guards resembling those on her armor. The blade of her weapon shined brilliantly as she twirled it a few times.

"Huh… So that's how it looks like in person." He admitted to his interest. "What's that one called?"

Looking back at Four Arms, she showed her armor. "This is the Flame Empress Armor. It grants me the ability to use Fire Magic and temporary flight, as well as flame resistance to a degree."

Two of Four Arm's eyes narrowed at her, questioning the design of the armor, but soon dismissed the thought a moment later. He then glanced back at the wyverns, who looked like they were about to attack.

"What do you propose we do then?" Four Arms asked.

Turning to face the wyverns, Erza gave them a confident glare. "We're going to take them down with one blow. Can you use that fire transformation you showed at first?"

"…Fire?" Four Arms blinked, before realizing what she meant. "Oh!"

The Tetramand smiled, before acknowledging her request. Tapping the dial, Four Arms was engulfed in another flash of light, replacing him with Heatblast a second later.

"Yes, that one." Erza confirmed.

Heatblast signaled a thumbs up to himself. "The name's Heatblast!"

"I'm going to unleash a large fire attack. Can I count on you to aid me?" She proposed, smirking. Heatblast gave her a cocky smile in return.

Taking a Tail Guard stance with her sword, Erza closed her eyes as she began to gather her Magic Power. Heatblast in turn clenched his fists as he held his arms in an X shape, his body beginning to shine. The wyverns roared, now beginning to charge at them in response.

Erza's eyes opened as she then thrusted her sword out, a large red magic circle appearing. Flames started to engulf her blade as they drew near.

She then turned to Heatblast. "Now, Ben!"

Heatblast then struck his arms out. Opening his palms, a large torrent of dark red flames shot out as a large fire dragon silhouette launched out from the magic circle. Heatblast and Erza's attacks began to synchronize with each other, their now attacks merging together. Heatblast's flames encased the dragon shape, causing it to become larger, gain a pair of large flame horns, and exert massive amounts of heat. Erza's magic circle grew in size, with a large red hourglass symbol displaying in the middle.

The flame dragon roared as it collided with the wyverns, resulting in a massive explosion. The duo could hear their enemies crying out in agony for a short bit, before all of the commotion started to die off.

As it happened, Heatblast crouched down and placed his hand on the ground. A small circle of flame went around where he stood, causing a piece of the ground to rise up and combust, the latter now using it as a hoverboard of sorts. Erza eyed the Pryonite with slight envy, wishing she could do the same as she ran to follow Heatblast.

Reaching the edge of the smoke plume, Heatblast held his arms out as he began to absorb the flames, quickly exposing the exploded area. In said space now laid a nicely pair of cooked wyverns. Yes, cooked wyverns. The heat from their attack was enough to scorch them completely.

"Ha… All's fire in love and war." He snickered. "Ah, that was a good one."

Heatblast smirks with satisfaction at his and Erza's handiwork. The scarlet haired teen joins up to see the result of their attack, laughing half-heartily at the sight. Actually… Just eyeing these now two perfectly cooked specimens made their stomachs began to growl, which made the two flinch. Heatblast lands on the ground, flashing again to reveal Ben. Erza flashed back to her casual attire as the two looked at each other and grinned.

The two fist-bumped, with Ben drooling a little. "…Well, I'm feeling famished. I can eat."

"…Admittedly, I could do so as well." Erza averted her eyes for a moment, blushing in embarrassment as her stomach began to growl once more. "Shall we indulge ourselves?"

The duo returned to the inn after a while. Erza knocked on the door, prompting the receptionist to open the door. "Coming!"

Opening the front entrance, the first thing she saw was Erza and Ben. "Oh, Miss Titania! How goes the job?"

"Well…" Ben smirked as he and Erza held up their evidence; the skulls of the two wyverns.

Eyeing at she saw, her eyes widened in delight as she ran back to alert the major, who shortly after ran out. His eyes widened with amazement and glee as he smiled. Ben gave him a grin while Erza gave a small smile.

"Amazing!" He congratulated them, grinning as he patted Ben on the head. "Oh, thank you both so much!"

He then ran back inside the building, shortly returning with a large sack bag. "I can't thank you two enough! Please, enjoy your reward!"

"All in a day's work, sir." Erza merely nodded as he placed the sack in her arms.

"I know that in some parts, Fairy Tail is known for their destructive tendencies, but I knew that some of you guys can control yourselves." He said, chuckling. Ben and Erza chuckled slightly as they were reminded of specific people back home in a certain guild hall.

Ben couldn't help but smile. If he were still back in his own dimension, he would've let this praise get to him. Thankfully, he had matured and knew better now. He supposed that was one thing to thank the Null Void for, if anything.

It was just about noon when Ben and Erza finished packing their belongings. The former still had to track down and manage all of the stuff that Erza brought with her on their trip, which proved to be something that he felt was going to be a habit.

Once the luggage was packed, he earned a pat to his head from Erza, which made him feel a bit uneasy; probably at the fact that she was in remembrance with her time with Ditto. If she was treating him like a younger sibling though, he'd had no problem with that.

Afterwards, Ben and Erza send their regards to the inn's residents, proceeding to catch the train back to Magnolia. The round-trip proved to be just as eventful as the first train ride, with the two engaging in a soothing conversation until, they arrived back at the entrance to Magnolia Town around a few hours later.

Erza had Ben, now as Diamondhead, pull her wagon of suitcases while she walked next to him. Ben was actually quite excited to get back to the Guild to report in on his first successful request. While he was thinking that, Erza then took out the sack that came from their reward.

"Oh? I forgot about the reward. How much did we get?" The emerald alien turned to her.

"Hmm… It's about 250,000 Jewels, which is a bit more than you would usually get from a Monster Hunt request." Erza noted, a little surprised by the amount.

"So, should we split it even then? 50-50?" Diamondhead suggested.

"Since it's your first job, you should get more. I simply helped, and it was fun to do so." She said, answering Ben's look. "Since it's 250,000 between the two of us, you'll take 150,000 of the provided Jewels.

"Are you sure?" The alien then asked. "You don't have to, you know."

Erza however smiled as she divided the sack's contents to two portions. "It's fine. The main purpose was to get you to learn the ropes of what it means to be a member of the guild."

Holding onto the sack, Erza proceeded to store her share in her pocket dimension. "Now then, let's return to the Guild."

As the duo neared the front entrance, it was then that Ben could smell a faint hint of…smoke? Erza stopped and sniffed the air as well. She too noticed it, and it seemed to be growing stronger by the moment.

"What is that smell?" She asked. "Is there something burning inside the Guild Hall?"

Another second later, the smell began to spread outside as Elfman crashed through the front entrance, as did many other members. Ben and Erza frowned, only to look inside and see Gray and Natsu fighting against one another, the former in only his undergarments as usual.

"Shut your face, lizard face!" The Ice Mage growled.

"Tell that to my fist, pervert!" Natsu roared in response as the two began to make their fight come outside.

Diamondhead sweat dropped as he let go of the wagon. "H-Hey! What's the big idea with—"

"—What are you fools doing?!" Erza demanded angrily all of a sudden, making the two freeze in place instantly. "Why is the Guild Hall in flames? Where's the Master?!"

Gray yelped as he backed away from Natsu. "H-Huh? Erza?! W-Wait a moment, let me explain!"

"…It looks self-explanatory to me." Diamondhead replied as he looked at the flaming building with a deadpan look.

"Ben! Erza!" The attention of the present mages was then turned Master Makarov. "My Guild Hall!"

"…I'll fix it up." Diamondhead facepalmed.

Tapping his Omnitrix dial, everyone shut their eyes for a moment to see Heatblast in his place. The Pyronite took a moment to absorb all of his flames, with Makarov's look on his face growing happier by the second.

After all the flames were gone, everyone sighed in relief as he reverted back to Ben. The latter then turned back to Natsu and Gray, giving him his own glare of death, courtesy of Erza drilling into his body while she was in control of it during the Changeling incident.

"Now then… What started this?" He demanded.

Both of them flinched, but it was then Natsu rose his hand slowly. "I… It was me."

"And? What were you trying to do?" Erza then asked.

"Well…" A voice behind them was heard, with it being none other than Lucy, with Levy and Mira behind her. "They wanted to celebrate Ben's first successful mission. They got word of it from the Master after they completed it."

"Celebrate?" Ben's eyes widened. "For such a little thing?"

"Little?" Natsu chuckled. "Come on! It's a special occasion! There's only one chance for you to feel good about your first mission!"

"But don't you get overexcited upon completing any mission like its your first?" Gray then sweat dropped.

"Shut it!" The pink haired mage growled, before turning back to Ben. "Anyways…"

"Natsu suggested that we should celebrate, but it was Lu-chan and I that got you a cake!" Levy smiled, before lowering her face in anxiety. "At least… That's how it was supposed to go."

"…What does she mean?" Erza turned to Mira, who shrugged while chuckling nervously.

"Well… When you get a cake, surely, you'd get a candle or two, right? Though… You probably know who lit it." She noted. It was pretty obvious, as it made Ben and Erza turn to Natsu, who began to sweat in a nervous breakdown while whistling.

"…I appreciate the thought, but let the sensible people do the preparations." Ben sighed, before smirking. "But thanks anyways."

"T-Then you're not mad?" Natsu's face brightened for a moment.

"I'm not. But… Erza is." Ben gestured next to him, making the Dragon Slayer's face pale. Natsu's smile then turned to a cry of despair as Erza began to crack her knuckles.

"…I'm sorry." Natsu began to kneel. "PLEASE FORGIVE ME, ERZA-SA—"

"—NO MERCY!" Everyone began to cringe as Erza slammed her armored fist onto his noggin. Some of the nearby members even turned away as she started to punish him, though Gray managed to escape unscathed through all the aftermath.

"Good gosh…" He croaked.

'I guess… Some problems are just too hot to handle?' Ben mused. 'Ha… That one's going in the catalog.'

And now with this, Chapter 5 is now completed! Another remake is completed! Just one more remake of a filler chapter before we get to fixing one of the most broken and mis-written Arcs of this story… The Phantom Lord Arc. Oooooh boy...

I realize that the fight combination between Heatblast and Erza wasn't really a Unison Raid, so I took that out. I hope you liked how the overall chapter is now!

But anyhow… Thanks for reading this. I'll see you all in the next part! Rath wants to SMASH!