Chapter 1

A/N: Hey guys! My first Yaoi fic staring Kakashi and an OC Guy but I can't tell you his name first. I know, I know, I should be working on Two Worlds Collide and The Jyuubi Jinchuuriki's Immortality but I just couldn't resist… I do work on more than one fic at a time and I've actually finished Two Worlds Collide and just finishing off The Jyuubi Jinchuuriki's Immortality. I like to be near finishing a fic before I post it so I don't leave my loyal fans hanging for too long… If I leave you hanging for too long I'm sorry TT-TT Please forgive me… Anyway here's the first chapter R&R please!

Chapter one"Has there been any change in his condition?" A man with blonde hair and bright blue eyes asked a nurse, holding a new born baby who was a splitting image of him but with whisker like scars on his cheeks.

"None Yondaime-sama but we're trying everything we can to get him to wake up. We will let you know if anything changes." The nurse said respectfully with a bow and walked down the corridors. He sighed and looked at the sleeping child in his arms and smiled, heading down the corridors and back home to his wife still resting from childbirth the night before.

"Sensei." A voice called out and he smiled, turning around to a girl with brown hair and eyes with purple war paint across her cheeks.

"Rin, come to visit the mystery?" Minato asked her and she smiled and nodded before her face became concerned.

"He hasn't left his side since he found him dying outside the village walls has he?" She asked, staring at the ground, hands clasped tightly behind her back.

"No… But after loosing Obito…" Minato sighed as the air around them became gloomy.

"I know…" She whispered out. A cry/hiccup caught both of their attentions and dispersed the gloom over them as Naruto blinked his blue eyes open and squirmed in Minato's arms.

"Kushina's going to kill me if I don't get him home in time for feeding. I'll see you soon Rin." Minato said with his trademark grin before flashing in a bolt of lightning and he was gone. Rin smiled a little as she headed to a specific room and opened it quietly and peaked in. There was a boy the same age as her sitting with his back to the door next to a still bed. He was hunched over with his head resting on the mattress, his arms acting as a pillow as she snuck in carefully so she didn't startle the seasoned jonin and new ANBU captain.

Lying in the still bed, with the sheets pulled up to under his arms was another boy averaged to be in the same age category as them. He was bandaged up mostly everywhere, the only things peaking through them was his closed eyes, nose, lips and some patches on his arms. The only other thing sticking out was a band he was wearing on his left arm that made a figure 8 with his arm slipping through the two openings and was an onyx colour that was made out of metal and looked to be made specifically to only fit his arm. Rin had also been told that he had midnight blue hair and light steely grey eyes according to Kakashi who came in with the bloody kid practically dying in his arms.

"Kakashi." Rin called softly yet sternly enough to catch his attention as he opened his right eye and blinked, raising his head from the bed and his arms.

"Rin… What time is it?" He asked, wiping the sleep from his masked face.

"Eight in the morning… Why don't you go home and rest while I watch over him for you. I call you if he wakes up or even twitches. Maybe go see Sensei and Kushina-san with little Naruto-kun… It looks like you can use a good home cooked meal." She said sweetly and helping him to stand up and herded him gently to the door as he continued his dazed walk home, yawning under his mask. He put his hands into his pockets after fixing his chest armour to sit right and walked lazily through the peaceful village of Konoha.

The scenes from the night before plagued his brain. Something seemed off about how he found him and the ashen and burnt ground he was found lying close to. Was that flame there to cover the battle it sounded the kid was having outside of the walls or was it just a failed jutsu and the person he was battling got away? Either way, it was lucky he was called off duty from doing the rounds of Konoha otherwise the kid might have been dead by now… Naruto definitely had good timing to pop out suddenly since he wasn't due for another week. Still, being an ANBU meant he had seen a lot of things but that much of someone's own blood pouring out of them was unreal and just caused Kakashi to panic, pick up the kid and rush to the hospital at top speed, never mind the kid could be a ninja trying to enter Konoha and the person he was battling could have been a Konoha shinobi.

Kakashi knew the village was safe with a team of highly skilled ANBU watching his room at all times just in case it was the latter he was thinking about. He definitely wasn't a Konoha shinobi or he would have recognised him or the records would have pulled something up about him being apart of Konoha or even maybe the Fire Country as a whole but something definitely seemed familiar about him and Kakashi was getting annoyed that he couldn't place him when it was so important.

He finally reached his apartment and opened the door with a key that had a Pakkun key ring on it, stepping inside. He locked up again and toed off his shoes, padding through his apartment towards his bedroom that still looked the same even after all of these years, the only personal touches were his team photo above his bed and his green shuriken printed throw over. He pulled off his chest armour and set it down on his desk along with his hitai-ate, ruffling his hair, keeping his scared left eye closed as he walked towards the kitchen. He sighed as it looked like he needed to go shopping for fresh ingredients so instant ramen was his breakfast as he poured the hot water in and made some tea while he waited, sitting down at the little coffee table in his lounge and ate peacefully. He crashed on his bed after cleaning up his breakfast and having a quick shower and slept peacefully.


Minato stared outside his office window and sighed tiredly. It had been a busy night the evening before with Naruto coming along and Kakashi finding the mysterious boy outside of village walls, apparently battling someone by Kakashi's description of what led him to find the bloodied and bruised boy, sitting on Death's door. Then came the record searching, trying to place the boy as a member of Konoha or the Fire Country but there were no records of him anywhere and so his personal team of ANBU was put on watch in case there was something more sinister to this. Being Hokage was a pain sometimes even if it was his dream, it took away from personal and family time.

"So… I hear I'm finally a Godfather." A boisterous and proud voice spoke with his usual boisterous laugh as Minato turned around with a smile at his old Master.

"Jiraiya-sensei, it's good to see you." Minato said with a tired smile as he moved back to his chair and sat down, Jiraiya taking the old couch to his right next to the panoramic like windows.

"Word gets around fast huh?" He said with a broad smile, noting Minato's tiredness.

"Depends on the type of word when it comes to you sensei." Minato laughed and Jiraiya pouted like a naughty kid before his expression became serious.

"The word I heard originally was a mysterious and unknown kid was found outside of Konoha's walls all battered and bruised." Jiraiya said and Minato sighed, dropping his head into his hands, rubbing his face tiredly.

"He's still unconscious. Kakashi found him while reporting to the hospital for my son's birth but of coarse being a trained shinobi he is, not much gets past him and he heard the battle happening with the kid and someone else but they got away… Don't worry, I have ANBU with him and Kakashi is a regular visitor there." Minato added when he saw the slight worried look on his mentor's face.

"I see… Well then, we'll just have to visit him later but right now it looks like you could turn in for the night and let me meet my Godson?" Jiraiya said with an excited grin and Minato smiled as he stood up with his mentor and they headed over to Minato's house.

"Kushina, Naruto, I'm home and I brought a visitor." Minato's voice rang gently through the house. Kushina came skidding around the corner with an excited look on her face but then it deadpanned.

"Oh… it's only you Jiraiya." She said and Jiraiya pouted again.

"Such a warm welcome from the lady of the house." He said sarcastically as he headed into the kitchen where Kushina just came from and Minato grinned awkwardly.

"Sorry Kushina, the boy hasn't woken up yet and there is still no change in his condition. We'll just have to wait and see if he wakes up." Minato said, pulling her into a hug and kissed her cheek and Kushina sighed.

"I guess you're right… Well at least I made dinner." She said with a knowing grin and Minato laughed.

"Ramen?" He questioned and laughed as her face lit up, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the kitchen where Jiraiya was already snacking on it.


Kakashi yawned under both his cloth mask and white ceramic mask, standing the same place his mind refused to let him rest over. The night was cool and the moon hung bright in the sky giving him enough light to explore the area properly for any clues but none had come up and he had wasted half of his shift already. There's just no other scent left from the battle apart from the boy's and the fire covered any trace of any scent of a body being burned there and he sighed once again, staring down at the blackened ground.

"Ookami-senpai… Don't you think you've wasted enough time pondering… You won't know until the kid actually wakes up so give it a rest until then senpai, we need you with your wits intact." Another ANBU with a cat mask with red and green detailing on it said with some worry to his voice.

"Right… You're right. I'll just wait for my ninken to return and I'll join you for patrol. Thanks Kohai." Kakashi said and Tenzo smiled under his mask before joining the rest of his team once again.

"What am I missing?" Kakashi hissed out in anger before he could hear his pack returning. He dismissed them, took one more look and headed out to catch up with his team.


Rin, slid open the hospital door and peaked inside. He hadn't moved but his chest moving up and down, breathing air into his body. She smiled gently and moved inside, she could take a break from her hospital duty for five minutes, besides, she did promise Kakashi she would watch over him and so she pulled the stool up next to his bed and sat down with a sigh of relief, finally being off of her feet.

His skin was pale but a little more of a brown tone compared to Kakashi's pale white skin but he was no where near as dark as Minato-sensei but he had a skin close to what Obito's was and she swallowed back the thought and pushed her missing teammate out of her mind and placed her small smile back onto her face. She took a closer look at his face and could see the midnight blue eyelashes that almost looked black until you tilted your head a certain way for the light to hit it and she smiled, it was unfortunate she was off duty the night before and maybe she would have gotten a proper look at him if she was in the operating theatre.

Sure she was suppose to be concentrating on saving his life but as a shinobi you unconsciously remember things and she was hoping that would have happened because he actually looked kind of cute even with all of the bandages on him… He was a shinobi so he was well toned and mature and she liked boys like that, hence her long time crush over Kakashi. She blushed at the thought and then silently laughed it away with a smile at how odd this was… Fawning over an unconscious boy, fighting for his life and all she could see was patches of skin, closed eyes, a nose and his peach coloured lips and she blushed at the thought again and laughed at herself silently again.

The heart monitor made an irregular beep and it broke her out of her admiration to look up at it to see if something was wrong, her shinobi instincts kicking in straight away, fawning forgotten. She watched it like a hawk and waited to see if it would possibly happen again as she kept herself calm and rational in case he all of a sudden flat lines… Kakashi would never forgive her if she lets him die on her watch.

It beeped twice again and Rin's eyes widened as she smiled. His pulse was getting slowly stronger meaning he was now healing properly and likely to wake up within the week. Rin hopped up and ran quietly out to report to his doctor so he can change the treatments accordingly and watch him closer over the coarse of the next few days… Minato and Kakashi are going to be ecstatic when she tells them after her shift.