Chapter 3

Chapter threeKakashi ran to his Sensei's house, hoping Kushina would be there right then. Big Bull was following close behind with Minato on his back, fast asleep and still tatty from his all out destruction. He'd never seen Minato loose his composure, not even when Obito died and not even after Kakashi returned back to base from Kiri without Rin during the war. Minato had never once screamed or shouted at them, he did get angry but that was icing compared to the whole cake that Kakashi hoped he never saw in his entire lifetime… But for the always sunny Yondaime Hokage to look so disheartened and broken, this was some big news he had received that Kakashi was sure that the man would only react like this if one of his precious people died but he was hoping that nothing of the sort had happened.

"Hatake Kakashi, stop where you are." A familiar and stoic voice called harshly as Kakashi came to a stop on a rooftop and turned around to see Uchiha Fugaku and the Police Force and little Itachi with them, hiding behind his older cousin Shisui who was about twelve now that he thought about it.

"Fugaku-san. What can I do for you?" Kakashi asked calmly as Bull stood next to him with the passed out Minato on his back and then the situation dawned on Kakashi… This looked bad…

"Where are you taking the Hokage Kakashi-kun?" Fugaku asked and Kakashi reigned in his chakra from being called 'kun' and took a deep breath to explain.

"I felt massive chakra out in the training fields and so I followed it and found Minato-sensei in this state. I'm returning him home after he passed out Fugaku-san. You may send one of your force to accompany him home if you so wish but I better get him home to his wife and child sir." Kakashi said calmly, his uncovered eye showing boredom in its depths.

"Very well then. Shisui, take Itachi back with you since Mikoto is at his house already and escort Kakashi-kun and his ninken carrying the Hokage home. Carry on men." He said calmly as the crowd of police dispersed and Shisui stepped up next to Bull and Itachi on his back as he nodded to him and they carried on across the rooftops towards Minato's house.

"I apologise for the slight misunderstanding back there Kakashi-san." Shisui said, his head lowered slightly.

"Don't worry about it. I understand how everything looked back there." Kakashi said quickly as the air around them got awkward. Kakashi opened the house's door and let Bull in first as he followed with Shisui and Itachi still on his back. Kushina jumped out of her seat and ran over to Minato.

"What happened?" She asked with sheer panic as she put him on the couch with Bull and Shisui's help as Mikoto went to fetch a first aid kit from under the kitchen sink.

"He destroyed the one training ground and then when I approached him, he got me in a hug and began to cry. That's all I know before he passed out." Kakashi explained with a shrug, standing calmly with Shisui.

"Shisui, thanks for escorting them home. Could you go out and find Jiraiya-sama for us and bring him back here? That would help us out." Mikoto asked him, ruffling his hair as he ducked from her hand and fixed his hair.

"Sure Mikoto-sama. I'll be right back." Shisui said before he suishinned out in a poof of smoke. Kakashi raised an eyebrow at this and smirked under his mask at the kid's talent before watching Kushina pull Minato's clothes off and clean him up with Mikoto's help. Itachi was outside playing with Bull and having fun by the sounds of it as Kakashi leaned against the wall with his shoulder and his arms crossed.

"Kakashi, can you please fetch Rin for us, she should be at home right now?" Kushina asked, not even looking at Kakashi as he stood up straight to go to Rin's house and bring a proper medic back for his sensei. He jumped onto her porch and rung the doorbell, waiting patiently when an older version of Rin opened the door with no war paint on.

"Sorry to bother you Nohara-san but can Rin come and help heal someone quickly, it's a little urgent but don't worry, his life isn't in danger." Kakashi said, waving his hand as he watched the panic suddenly rise in the woman's face before she took off through the house to find her daughter. "Ah civilians…" Kakashi mused, turning around to watch people walk by on the street.

"You need me to help heal someone?" Rin asked with a hard voice behind him. Kakashi turned around to see her standing there with her medical kit in hand and gave her an eye smile.

"Sure, at Sensei's house." He said, taking off with her behind him again back To Minato's house. He opened the door and let her through and she walked with business and knelt down next to the couch where Minato was still unconscious and Kakashi sighed. "If that's all, I'll be on my way, I've got a mission tonight." Kakashi said, waving a hand as he headed back out towards his apartment to get geared up for his mission.


"God, I'm so sore." Tenzo whined behind his cat mask as Kakashi's team was heading back to Konoha after a four-day mission to take out a bunch of bandits on the trade route from the seaside of the Fire Country.

"Can it Tenzo, we're all sore now shut up." A brash girl's voice scolded him from behind a cheetah mask and Tenzo just whimpered slightly.

"Calm down Shizuka, we're almost there." Kakashi commanded his whining squad and he sighed. He was definitely sore as well and it was the D-rank of ANBU missions since his squad is all still new to ANBU and him been there the longest of one year. They made it to the gates and jumped down after taking their masks off and putting them away, walking slowly to the hospital to get their injuries fixed up and head home for a good shower.

They were each taken by a nurse to separate rooms to wait for a medic to come in and fix them up and Kakashi sat on the bed and waited with a sigh of relief as his muscles relaxed and he was off of his feet for the first time in two days.

"Hey Kakashi, rough mission?" Rin asked as she came in with a smile and closed the door behind her.

"Not too bad, I've had worse. Just some minor cuts and bruises and a little chakra left and my muscles are aching after walking and running for two days. How's the kid doing, has he woken up yet?" Kakashi asked as he stripped off his armour, shirt and gloves as Rin got to work on healing his injuries.

"No but his head has been turning slightly and his eyes fluttering like he wants to wake up but can't. We've cut down his pain medication and he's been moaning in pain but apart from that he's good." Rin said with concentration, healing a deep gash on Kakashi's arm.

"Why did you cut down his pain medication?" Kakashi asked, staring at the door calmly, thinking about a nice hot shower and his bed.

"We think it might be hindering him to wake up plus his wounds have healed exceptionally and Sensei said it should be alright by now…" Rin said, stepping back and Kakashi looked at her.

"Sensei?" Kakashi asked and Rin opened her mouth to talk again when the door was swung open violently.

"Rin-san, the kid, he's waking up." The nurse said, Rin looked back at Kakashi, both with wide eyes.

"I'll get sensei, you go and coax him to wake up." Kakashi said, throwing his shirt back on and heading out the window towards the Hokage's Tower. He jumped through the window and Minato turned to him with his usual smile. "No time for greetings and such Sensei, the kid is waking up." Kakashi said and Minato's expression hardened before he got up to follow Kakashi back out the window and back to the hospital where they walked fast down the corridors to the kid's room and stepped inside. The ANBU were waiting close by in the shadows and the doctor was waiting and watching his charts as Rin spoke softly to him, getting him to flutter his eyelids more violently each time as his face scrunched up, trying to force his eyes open.

With one last shaky breath from him, his eyes slowly fluttered open, revealing steely grey eyes watering with the bright light. Once his eyes were fully open, he began to look around panicky and confused as Minato stepped up next to Rin.

"Don't worry, you're safe. You're in Konoha's Hospital and you've been asleep for five days recovering from extreme wounds. Can you speak?" Minato asked calmly and carefully as the kid focused on him. He lifted his hand slowly and pulled off the oxygen mask shakily before letting his arm drop to the bed.

"Yes I can. Thank you for saving me." He whispered, his voice soft and unused for the past few days. Rin hovered her healing hands over his voice box and repaired any damage she could find before giving him a straw to sip water through. "That's better, thank you." He said, his voice sounding a little rough still but it was cool and calm, a little higher than Kakashi's voice.

"Can you tell us your name?" Rin asked him as she helped him to sit up slightly, he was in a better condition than they though he would be in, proving he is some sort of ninja by his stamina and healing abilities.

"I… I honestly can't remember… Hell I don't even remember how I got to Konoha and the Hospital in the first place." He said, scowling down at his bandaged hands and the band on his left arm.

"Tiger, fetch Inoichi for me quickly." Minato ordered the one ANBU in the corner who immediately left before he turned back to the boy. "What do you remember then?" He asked him calmly as Rin pulled up a chair for when Inoichi arrives but Minato took it for now.

"May I please know what your names are first?" He asked, looking at them calmly as he took deep breaths to keep himself calm.

"I'm Namikaze Minato, the Yondaime Hokage of Konoha and these are my students: Nohara Rin, a medic who has been taking care of you with the doctors and nurses and Hatake Kakashi, he's the one who found you outside of Konoha's walls, on the brink of death. Now, what can you remember?" Minato asked, introducing each of them before getting back to business.

"I can't remember anything specific… It all just seems fuzzy right now but I can feel it in my heart that this band is important to me… I know stuff but I don't know how I know it." He tried to explain with furrowed brows but it was clear to see everything was muddled up in his brain right then.

"Okay then, calm down and relax. Do you know how old you are?" Minato asked in a calming and friendly voice. The boy swallowed and looked at each of them in the room before nodding hesitantly.

"I'm fourteen." He answered.

"Okay, so when is your birthday?" Minato asked next, starting to see if it's just his long or short-term memory lost.

" August sixth." He answered again, looking a little more confident.

"Do you have any shinobi training?"

"I… I think I do. I can tell there's more than just us in the room right now. And I want to stand up and find a kunai to defend myself. It seems like a natural reaction." He said with a shrug and Minato nodded.

"How would you hold this kunai?" He asked, handing the kid a normal kunai from his pouch. He looked at it and took it carefully from Minato, he flipped it over in his hand using his middle finger to catch the ring at the bottom and held his arm across his chest, the blade pointing out the bottom of his hand. His whole face and body language as well as handling the kunai told Minato a lot about the kid that he was most definitely a ninja and jonin if his experienced eyes are anything to go by.

His steely and focused eyes shifted to the door and the kunai flying through the air before anyone knew it, embedding itself into the door frame, inches from Inoichi's face. ANBU appeared and stood poised to attack while Minato, Kakashi and Rin stared with wide eyes and their jaws hanging open.

"Well if you didn't want to see me, you could have just left me down in the T&I department hiding from my wife." Inoichi muttered, taking the kunai out of the wall and holding it. "Nice aim kid, I'm Yamanaka Inoichi, nice to meet you." He said with a kind smile as the kid sunk lower into his bed with shame and embarrassment.