Chapter 4

AN: Surprise you've made it to chapter four


"I can't believe you came down stairs and ate all my ramen" today was quite possibly the worst day in Narutos life.

"Ramen is bad for you" this was unbelievable.

"THEN WHY DID YOU EAT ALL OF IT" that's like, a month's supply of ramen, or like 300 yen worth.

"I didn't say I care if it's bad for me" this right here is some kind of Machiavellian type move, this is pure fucking evil.

This was, without a doubt a betrayal of the deepest most base level of trust Naruto could put into another person. Don't eat all of his ramen, some is fine, but all of it. That's a fucking crime. This situation is only made worse by the fact that he wasn't allowed to walk around unsupported and was being partially held by Kakashi, it was really ruining the effect he was trying to have.

"Well, I hate you and I hope you collapse to due a deficiency in your diet" that'll show that asshole.

"Naruto don't be rude because someone ate your ramen" no fuck you too Kakashi, this is an unjust world.

"I'm leaving" this statement usually would have an effect of the dramatic variety if he did not have to first get off of Kakashi and then slowly hobble towards the door. "When I come back I expect to never see you again."

With that kind of farewell Naruto went in search of better companions and food. This was the last journey a young Uzumaki could attempt before the harsh winter would set in.

"Wait…. It's not fucking winter" In terms of geographical analysis, yes it was not fucking winter. "Why is it snowing?'

To follow his masterful geographical abilities Naruto used his honed sense of sight to look around. Once doing so he then used his next ability of visual processing, this was assisted by his auditory processing to form the sight in front of him.

Before his eyes was a small cluster of children playing in the snow, this was a rather heartwarming sight and distracted him from the feelings of betrayal from before. It also distracted him from the snowball that was being thrown at his face.

"Ha got him" the soon to be destroyed in a snowball fight Inari said with a smirk.

As Naruto began to move his hands into place for his signature move a much more welcome voice chimed in.

"Very good Inari, with a little more practice you'll be the perfect ninja" with the voice of Haku added to the list of clues as to why there was snow Naruto finally realized the obvious, this did not mean he would handle this maturely.

"Oh, so you wanna be a ninja huh" Naruto punctuated the end of this sentence with the popping into existence of 20 shadow clones. "I've got just the thing to help with that."

Was this the appropriate response, no. Did he care? Absolutely not.

The next thirty minutes were full of casualties of the land of Wave's first major war, children covered with snow and possibly concussed and the loss of 20 shadow clones. Inari was now essentially a snowman with a human child trapped inside it.

"Say it" Naruto stood in front of the frosty tomb arms crossed confident in his victory.

His confidence was a fool's error.

"AH" the now screaming and weaponized Inari jumped at him, making a full body snow assault.

His foolishness cost him the victory, now he lay defeated on the cold ground with the triumphing Inari standing above. Never before had he been so thoroughly defeated. The fake tensity in the air subsided as Haku began laughing, he was soon joined by Naruto and the kids. Dusting the snow off himself to stand Naruto was quite happy.

"I must accept defeat at the hands of superior tactics it seems" Naruto extended his hand to Inari.

Inari smiled and shook it.

"FOOL" Naruto yelled as he quickly hoisted the boy into a pile of snow, lying really was the right call.