Chapter 1: Born with Wolf's Blood

HALLO! So many of you have read this story many times over due to it's constant updates...but hey I'm a hopeless perfectionist, what can I say. But this story is about Haru, my original character, and how his life in pre-shippuden went. Now even though the pairing is Gaara and Haru, nothing reaaaally happens in pre-shippuden due to Gaara's look-at-me-you-die phase, and even after Naruto literally punched some sense into him, it's still pretty impossible to imagine him going anywhere near romantic shiz. So! The love's only one-sided for now thanks to Haru being hopelessly gay for redheads.

A side note about this story is that each chapter will have around 1,000 words each, just so that's clarified.(Also side note, I don't know jack shit about child birth so this will definitely has a lot of inaccuracies surrounding that)

So without any further distractions, I hope you come to enjoy this story!

The moon was going to be full on the fateful night of this story.

Within the Land of Water laid a small village; a clan. The Yuki clan. This clan was known and feared for a power they held within their lineage. A kekkei genkai. But with that fear didn't come came with hatred. A fear so strong that those who possessed the kekkei genkai would be executed if found out. Therefore it became on unspoken rule to never, ever use ones "gift", let alone use it at all. In just the span of a night, two members were exposed for their "gifts", and a mob was in the process of regrouping to go out and mercilessly slaughter both members of the clan.

One of those members was a soon-to-be father.

The father was full of dread and fear for his wife and unborn child as he sat beside her futon, clenching his teeth as he was filled with such frustration. He wife held his hand close to her. What made a dreadful, fearful moment turn to sheer panic was when the woman felt that something was off...

Her water had broke.

Of all times, she was due now. Sweating and breathing heavily with both incoming labor and panic, she squeezed her beloveds hand tightly. The father didn't waste a second more to prepare for delivery, grabbing the necessary items from around their small wooden house. However, both parents knew that their child was not only in danger from the mob, but also because they knew he would be too weak when born...and wouldn't make it.

Months earlier, the couple had gone to seek professional aid. The mother had abnormal symptoms of weakness, and found out that it was because the baby was trying to take larger amounts of chakra and energy to sustain its own. The baby had a dangerously low amount of chakra, to the point it wasn't near enough for it to survive birth. The doctors couldn't do anything to help, and had no idea what to do. As the couple had returned to their home however, the mother had a plan.

She wasn't of Yuki blood. She was an Okamichi, a clan with their own special ability.

She was a high member of the clan, and possessed great prowess. Like the summons of the three Sanin; the toad, the snake, and the slug, there was a fourth. A summon so secluded, that only the one clan was able to have any means of contact with them. That summon was the wolf. And the mother was the one member who was able to summon the alpha, Fuyumaru...

Merely 10 minutes before her labor and contractions begin, she summoned him.

Appearing in a flurry, the horse-sized wolf stood at her side, head lowered down to her. His long fur was a grey monochromatic merle, and his eyes a shining ebony. There was a very important reason behind his summoning. Looking over her for a moment, he looked back up to her eyes. "...I understand." He said. He looked up to the father, and the father nodded. They removed the mothers blanket, and lifted her shirt above her stomach. The father dipped his fingers into black ink, and wrote upon her stomach marks of sealing. After he finished, Fuyumaru placed his paw softly upon the mark, the father placing his hand over it. Their eyes met, and the fathers desperation screamed in his shaken voice. "...Save my son."

With a silent nod, the wolf closed his eyes as the father moved his hand away, now holding his beloveds with both of his own.

The wolf concentrated his chakra as fast as he could, knowing they had very little time left as the sounds of the struggling mother became louder, and louder... "...Shingestu Seal!" He called, glowing streams of chakra surrounding the mothers stomach and pouring in to the bay inside her.

And with that, she finally went into labor.

Finally...after what seemed endless hours of panic and fear of time, the baby had been born.

Now wrapped in cloth, cleaned, and asleep, "Haru" was finally born, alive and breathing. His body was able to survive thanks to Fuyumaru's seal. The Shingetsu Seal is a jutsu only the Shingetsu, or Okamichi, wolves know. It is a seal that permanently connects two individuals chakra, both sharing their chakra with one another at all times, no matter where they are. However, due to Fuyumaru taking in a very different type of chakra, Haru's physical appearance suffered side effects. What would've been brown eyes and hair were ebony eyes and grey merle hair. He now bared wolf ears, and a wolf tail.

Even with his appearance resembling much like Fuyumaru, both his father and mother greatly adored him, both holding him close and shedding tears of joy.

...But their happiness would quickly fade.

The sounds of a distant mob were all too apparent, and were more then enough to make their hearts sink with fear. The wolf stood silently beside the mother as she began to weep, fearing that even though her son lived, he may not survive even still. The father, seeing his beloved in such distress, looked down to his sleeping son. Haru. His only son...

He couldn't bare the thought of losing his only son and his wife.

He looked up to Fuyumaru who returned his gaze. "Fuyumaru...I need you to take her and Haru somewhere you know they will be safe. I need you to promise me that you will protect them...that you will always protect them both with your life." His eyes gleamed with a flame of determination; the will of a father. The wolf nodded without hesitation. As the father went into his room to grab his ninja weapon, Fuyumaru laid down next to the mother, nudging her to help her slowly climb onto his back with Haru. Once he stood back up, the father came back into the room in his ninja gear and his sword.

"" He said, placing his hand onto Fuyumaru's forehead. "...I will protect them with my life for as long as I live." He uttered before walking past him into the back room where another exit of the house was, but he hesitated...

But as soon as he heard the mob break into the front door, to burst open the back one and ran, running as fast as he could while the mother did her best to hold onto him and her baby, the blanket covering them both and shielding them from the cold...and the sight of the village. Fuyumaru ran between and past the houses of the clans village, his eyes widening as he saw blood and bodies all over, distorting his sight, staining his mind, the vivid images scarring themselves into his memories.

The entire clan had been slaughtered.

Shaking his head to try and focus, making it out of the village and running through the forest, the only light being the full moon above, shining through the clouds and flurries drifted in the icy air. He knew where to go...but it felt like he was aimlessly running in this empty, silent, cold forest, the moon being his only guide in the vast darkness of the night.

Haru was born into a cruel world...

A world of fight. Keep fighting. And never stop fighting.

A world of Ninja.

...And this is how it happened when Haru was born. Man...that's tough. But hey I'm pretty sure a Naruto character isn't much without a tragic backstory that occupies over 30 episodes of pointless fillers. Hope you all enjoyed this, because there's going to be much more...but please review in the meantime! I love feedback~