Chapter 5: Chunin Exam Part Two, Start

Time for that tasty final question ya'll...ENJOY!

The time had ticked by, and the Genin gradually ran out of time. Haru patiently waited, noticing how nearly half of the people here have now left, being caught by the sentinels and called out.

"...Alright, listen up. Here's the tenth and final question." The proctor yelled, catching everyone's full attention.

"...But, before I give you the question, there are some more rules you need to be aware of." Ibiki said, then Kankuro finally returned from his trip to the restrooms. Haru glanced back, seeing him return.

The proctor said a few words about Kankuro's...trip, then told him to sit.

(Before I continue, explaining all the rules and etc that Ibiki said is hard and time consuming, so I'm just going to go ahead and tell it story wise)

The class could choose. Take, or not take the question. If you don't you're disqualified. If you can never become a Chunin. When the time came for those who didn't want to take the question to raise their hand, many did, leaving very few, just barely a quarter of the class left. "Haru...this is your choice." Fuyumaru said, leaving it to Haru. The little wolf didn't seem like he was backing down...not now. He came too far for this. He didn't want to go home to his mom still a Genin. Fuyumaru smiled at his determination.

As they waited, that one Leaf ninja from before took a stand, and spoke of how he'd never run, quit, or give up.

That's quite some spirit, but for the ones who stayed...

They passed.

Haru sat, dumbfounded, and caught completely in shock. He was completely oblivious to what just happened, and Fuyumaru burst into laughter telepathically. "That's Ibiki for you...always messing with peoples heads...It has truly been awhile since I've seen someone do such a thing!" Fuyumaru laughed while Haru sat silently, still confused.

What happened was that the tenth question was secretly just whether or not you were willing to stay. Ibiki explained how everything worked, and it all became clear...but Haru was still a bit confused when the proctor said "as a team". After much more talking, he announced that everyone that was left was able to continue to the next step of the exam.

...But to everyone's surprise again, a ball of cloth broke through the window, two kunai shooting out to open the cloth and reveal another Jonin that hopped out. Fuyumaru chuckled, walking over to Haru, shaking his head. "...Always a dramatic entrance, Anko..." Fuyumaru said under his breath as she enthusiastically introduced herself, and complained to Ibiki about having too many Genin pass this year around.

...These exams are really weird... Haru thought.

After saying a few more things, they were dismissed. "Go ahead and go home, I'll be there later." Fuyumaru smiled, and Haru walked out alone. Fuyumaru then went over to speak with Anko and Ibiki about some...things.

(I'm assuming it was the day after that they continued the exam, because they sky was sun-setting when Ibiki picked up all the tests, and blue skies when it showed the next exam)

Haru quietly walked back to his apartment, taking a shower as soon as he got home. A lot of the ninja in that exam were...unclean, and some reeked of blood.

...Even Gaara.

Haru sighed as he stood in the warm shower, cleaning himself off with a washcloth and his special mission soap. It was fern scented so that his scent could blend in with the nature for the next exam, the survival test. After his bath, he washed his clothes in the same soap, and plopped down onto his bed, his mind exhausted from today. "..." His lips parted for a moment before closing again, as if he was going to say something to himself. He usually does talk to himself when he's alone, to bring his thoughts "out", but...he didn't want to this time. He curled up on the blankets before pulling them over him, and sleeping.

Fuyumaru returned late that night, and went ahead and slept as he knew Haru would be asleep by the time he'd return.

The next morning, all the Genin came to the meeting place of the exam...and before them, was the famous Forest of Death.

Haru had previously heard of this place from Fuyumaru, but he's never seen it for himself. Many ninja were intimidated by it's ominous, looming appearance. Though...there were some who weren't even phased. Haru knew it was life or death in there...and knew that he'd have to keep his guard up at all times if he is to survive. After some commotion with the other ninja and Anko's lecture, every Genin was given a consent form.

After a small while, everyone began handing in their filled out forms, along with Haru. After handing in a form, each ninja was given back a scroll that was either marked Earth and Heaven. He was given an earth scroll. These scrolls were kept hidden in their ninja gear pouches.

Each team of ninja were put at a gate, and Haru was at gate 21...and if he were honest, he was a bit scared of what was to come inside the forest...

But, Fuyumaru was there, and he reassured that he'd be safe, and gave him some advice.

After feeling more motivated and reassured, Haru prepared to make a run for it as soon as the gates opened. The two ninja unlocked the gate, and then stood aside...5...4...3...2...1

"Go Haru!"

The gate opened, and Haru quickly ran. First things first: make his way into the forest. Once the first tree came up, he leapt onto the branches, going from branch to branch with great speed, sometimes flipping in the air. He was very nimble. It was around twenty minutes until he finally stopped to catch his breath that was far gone. He sat down and leaned against the tree he was on, heaving his breath as he brought out a bottle of water, taking a drink before sitting up, his ears perked to the sound of a team approaching. He quickly hid on the branch, laying low on it as he watched for the team to show up. The team eventually showed up, appearing to have been running for a long time. Haru waited for a moment to see if they had a heaven or earth scroll...

"Hahh...hahh...alright...all we need is a...heaven scroll, right? We gotta keep looking..." He said, before running off with the other two following close behind.

If they were searching for an heaven scroll, it meant they had an earth scroll...which isn't what Haru needed. He sighed in defeat, laying lazily on the branch for a moment before sitting up and leaning back onto the branch...but he then had an idea.

He whistled out a bird call.

...And sure enough, the sparrow flew from the trees up to his fingers, perching onto them. Haru smiled as the bird looked at him. Haru whistled a few tunes to the bird, and then it flew off. He had grown a bond with the bird, and eventually it learned how to search for things for him. All Haru had to do now, was wait for the sparrow to return. He really hoped that eventually she'd find something...but he had no problem waiting awhile. Soon, an hour had past...

...And the sparrow returned with good news.

Goodygoodygoody Haru's making so far! And has a little friend to help him out as well. Review and stuff, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand stay tuned for next chap!