
"I am the King's Hand, Lord Tywin Lannister." He said with dignified pride before casting a small look to Rhaella. "I was meant to welcome you and Lady Stark, but it seemed our Queen took the matter upon herself." He said fearing no reprisal on his words or the meaning behind them. Rhaella meanwhile just gave a ghost of a frown and looked away like Tywin was the least important thing she had ever seen. Ouch… there's some frostiness going on between them. Doubtful they had an affair, Tywin actually gave a damn about his wife. There's a story there and I'm keen to find out what it is.

"I feel honored so many sought to welcome me." I chuckled before deciding to move things along. "My name is Naraiz Rhyhall, I have come from across the Sunset sea in hopes to find a new home to my Order. Lord Stark has offered his endorsement and sent his wife to grant me an audience with King Aerys so that I may make my case to him." I said and took an interest in the reactions people had concerning my words. Rhaella only flinched softly at the mention of her husband, sad and expected. Tywin was scanning me for every scrap of information that he could, not that he would find much that was worthwhile. And the tall man that came with Tywin was oddly nervous, he hid it well but I could sense it.

"That will have to be something to bring up at court, should I find this Order of yours worth the King's time." Tywin said sternly and that tone he used would make any lesser men cower and flee for their lives. But he was a little frustrated when all I did was smile and let his authority break upon me like a wave upon a cliff. "For now, Lady Stark…" He said before looking to Lyarra. "… I'm sure the Queen could occupy your time while I speak with your charge." Ooh… Rhaella did not like that at all. There was a brief second in which her inner peace broke into a raging inferno at Tywin's words but were quickly claimed by the prospect of getting what she came for. Ah… that's what she wanted. Girl time. It seems the Queen is desperate for people that her husband can't outright shoo away so he can do what he does to her.

"Come Lady Stark, I had come to invite you to refreshments with Lady Lannister and I anyway." Rhaella said with a pointed glare at Tywin and I could feel a pang of anger and guilt in the man at the mention of his wife. I must learn what is going on! I have an idea based on when we are in the timeline but… I need to confirm. Lyarra left with only a small nod to me before following the Queen away. Do well my pet, sew discord and chaos in the ranks of the nobility of Westeros. Chaos… would it be fun to start a cult?

"Ser Rhyhall, we can speak in the Hand's Tower." Tywin said with a small nod of his own before leading myself and my followers. I can't have that anymore, I don't like being called ser. They will never refer me to lord, at least until I'm granted lordship. It pisses me off that I don't have a Darth name. The nobility of Westeros would have no issue referring to me by that as it doesn't have the same weight as lord for them.

Lyarra soon was all but dragged to the gardens by Rhaella. The Queen appeared to hurry through the halls to the what seemed to her as the sole safe place in keep. Even though they had the Kingsguard with them. However good protection that was, her master made the white caped knights look like a joke by the way he handled them. It had taken all of Lyarra's willpower to not swoon like a young maiden in love at the sight of her master playing with one of the supposed best knights in the kingdoms.

"Was your travel from the North pleasant?" Rhaella asked not looking back to Lyarra as she led the Stark through the halls toward the Red Keep's gardens. The way she spoke made Lyarra think Rhaella thought there was some reason it wouldn't have been. Her master had been teaching her how to hear and see people's true feelings. He even told her thanks to the extra changes he made to her body she would be able to use her sense of smell to tell how people were really feeling. He explained that people could control how they sounded and appeared but couldn't do the same to the scents they gave off.

"It is winter, it was as pleasant as it could be. We had some issues in the Neck but Lord Reed's men helped us through." Lyarra said mixing in pleasant tones while still being guarded. She did not like the implied meaning that Rhaella had suggested. "I never knew just how different winter was here in the south, it's similar to our summer snows." Worse than the North during summer sure, but not even close to how it was during Winter.

"I'm sorry to hear that, it must be difficult living in such a place." The queen said back and truly her voice was as frosty as the topic of discussion. With that no more words passed between the two ladies. They eventually found their way outside the walls of the Red Keep and into the expansive gardens. Rhaella made a beeline straight for a particular spot in the garden, a small walled off square with a gazebo centered in the middle. To its back was a small cliff that gave a spectacular view of the Blackwater Bay. There waiting at a table under the gazebo was a waiting Lady Lannister, already showing a small bump on her midsection indicating her pregnancy. "Wait here." Rhaella said to the sole Kingsguard that was with them before they entered into the secluded place. There was a moment where the man seemed to want to protest but then decided against it. Like he had this argument many times before and just resigned himself to losing it. The two women then entered and Lyarra could see Rhaella letting out a small bit of her control. "Joanna Lannister, Lyarra Stark." Rhaella introduced as they came to the waiting woman. They were all in warm clothes and the small area they were was well maintained against the winter weather. Obviously, this was a spot used often.

"A pleasure, we so rarely get Starks this far south. I hope Winter hadn't made the trip too difficult." Joanna said warmly as Lyarra and Rhaella sat down with the Lady of the Rock. Lyarra could not feel the sense of guarded observation that the Queen had for her from Joanna. In fact, the Lannister was about the most genuinely welcoming person that Lyarra had met in the south.

"Not at all, our group was small, and we were able to take the King's Road with no issue." Lyarra said before giving a small look at the provided small sandwiches and other assorted small foods that had been made for the high ladies. The two who women chuckled softly at this, Lyarra wasn't nearly as refined as most southern ladies but that was expected from someone from the North.

"You can have as many as you like, you must be hungry from your journey." Joanna offered and as soon as she said this Lyarra took one of the sandwiches and began munching on it. Much to the shock and small amusement of Joanna and Rhaella. It wasn't condescending or based in malice, it was unexpected for a lady of Lyarra's status to be, wolfing down food in front of the Queen and a fellow lady of a great house. "My, it would seem it was a difficult journey after all." At that Lyarra swallowed her food and lightly glared at Joanna.

"So the rumors are true, the women of the House Stark do have the Wolf's Blood in them." Rhaella joked and Joanna laughed, it felt good for the two of them to feel so distracted from the husbands. But they both stopped at Lyarra standing up.

"If insults were the only thing I was called for-" Lyarra began as she turned to find her master and stay by his side throughout the entire time they were in King's Landing. But she stopped as Joanna grabbed her hand.

"No stay, I apologize if what we said offended you." Joanna said feeling a tad guilty at her words. "It's just so refreshing to have someone like you with us, everyone else tiptoes around us and tries to all seven hells to appear as perfect as they can to earn our favor. Having some of that famous Northern blunt honesty is a change of pace we need." Joanna said and Lyarra looked between the two women for a few moments and eventually sat back down.

"Thank you, it's been too long since I've laughed like that and I'd hate for it to end." Rhaella sighed as she took one of the little cookies for herself. "We could talk about what Lyarra thinks of King's Landing or discuss the differences between the North and south but can I assume such talks would be boring?" Rhaella said looking to Lyarra who nodded as she took another snack. It was all so tiny! Lyarra couldn't understand how southern ladies lived if this was the extent of their meals. Her wolfish changes too had increased her hunger, she wouldn't be surprised if there were a few rumors around the seven kingdoms now about her eating habits.

"Master says that my body is still changing, and I need more nourishment to keep myself healthy while it happens." The urge to run out into the woods and hunt down a stag with her own hands certainly played into what Naraiz had said. She lightly shook her head and returned her focus back to the women with her. And she was grateful for Rhaella skipping over the small talk. Lyarra didn't want to talk about the stinking city that they called a capital or talk about how she missed the North and wished to leave the south as soon as she could. "So what is it that you two normally talk about?"

"Our husbands." They both said at the same time making Lyarra nearly choke on her food. This wasn't a topic that she wanted to speak about either. Rickard had been furthest from her mind except for the times she had to write a letter back to Winterfell. Her thoughts had been filled with fantasies about the days when she could take her place at the foot of her master's throne. Lavishing him with all the pleasure her body could grant.

"Really? You talk about them?" She found the whole idea a little hard to grasp as how could they fill up so much time with a subject as dull as that.

"Complain is more like it." Joanna snorted as she glanced over to the entrance to their little haven.

"It is Ser Grandison, his bad ear faces us and he won't hear a word." Rhaella informed Joanna and explained to Lyarra with a turn of her head. They only ever met like this when Ser Grandison was the one guarding the queen as with his bad ear they had the only chance to speak freely. All the Kingsguard took an oath to their king first, and some of the things the two ladies spoke of weren't exactly things they would like reaching the King's ears. "But Joanna is right, though for a long time it was mostly me tearing my woes to the only person that I could trust to listen." Rhaella said with a soft thankfully look to Joanna who smiled at her friend but then frowned as she rubbed her growing belly.

"But then it was announced I was with child." Joanna remembered the day like it was yesterday. She was so happy when the Grand Maester said that the sickness that she had been feeling was in fact the first signs that she was carrying another son or daughter of Tywin's. He had been the first one she told and he was overjoyed at first. But then when the news had been made, something changed in Tywin's mood, she perfectly remembered when he looked up to the King and the tiny smile of pride on her husband's face vanished and turned to a scowl. It wasn't hard to understand once she looked up at Aerys and found his gaze right on her, a cruel and victorious grin on his lips. From that moment Tywin had been convinced that Joanna had broken their vows and slept with Aerys and the child she carried was in fact his. She explained as much to Lyarra who had listened with a classic Stark dutiful quietness. "I married that man for love, he married me for love. But I question if that love will survive the Winter."

"Tywin's hatred for the King is only matched by my own. That is the only thing we have in common." Rhaella growled feeling irritated having to agree with Tywin on anything. Even before he blamed his wife and her best friend for something she never did the man was not ever someone the queen was on good terms with. She felt him a pure hypocrite, marrying for love like Joanna just said, but judging her for not sticking by her wedding vows to a man that beat her, raped her, and was no more faithful than herself. "What about you, or is Rickard Stark the model of what men should aspire to be?"

"And just how is the man in bed?" Joanna asked as she chewed on the end of small skewer that once had an assortment of meats and cheeses on it. Rhaella chuckled at her friend's question. Even before pregnancy increased Joanna moods and desires, she had always been a bit… crass and interested in the more lewd of topics. Rhaella hoped to the Mother that none of Joanna's children would inherit this trait.

"Adequate." Lyarra said quickly and with great certainty. Now that she had something to compare to, she deemed Rickard… okay. He more than often than not did plainly satisfy her but there were a growing number of times where he didn't. And his seed was strong given the number of children he gave her. "Outside of bed… Rickard is an honorable man and a loving father." Lyarra had to give her husband his dues. He never was unfaithful and he did all he could for their children. He did not mistreat her and if it had been any other woman Lyarra knew he would make them happy.

"But? There's one coming I know there is." Joanna leaned a little forward, as much as she could with her current body.

"But… I cannot love him. My choice in the matter was taken from me before birth." Lyarra sighed before absentmindedly reaching for her neck and rubbing where her collar was. A gesture that confused the two other women but they just assumed it was a nervous tick or some sort of personal calming action. "All my life I was told to love my husband before I even understood what love was. And on the day of my wedding, I saw him under the Weirwood tree of Winterfell… I couldn't bring myself to feel something that had been told to me to be loved. I saw him as I saw a beggar or a common farmer. I'm sorry, I'm making it seem it's so bad to have what I do when…" Lyarra actually looked down sheepishly but the women with her waved off her worries.

"Better for you to have known that at the start." Joanna sighed as she felt the conflict in her heart rage on. She loved Tywin, she did… but with every threat he made of killing their child that love cracked. How long until those cracks broke her heart.

"You should never feel this way with us Lyarra. Here, we are safe from anyone listening in. You can say anything you wish, we will not judge so long as you do the same with us." Rhaella said trying to sooth the Stark and Lyarra nodded and smiled at the gesture. But internally she knew there were some things that she could never tell these women. But then under her Mask her collar pulsed with the Dark Side, whispering something into her mind.

"Not yet, but maybe there's a way for all of us to really share so much more than secrets." Lyarra thought to herself as she listened on to Joanna talk her troubles away. All the while, the assumed honest and honorable Stark was secretly scheming, the Dark Side feeding her thoughts.

"Those are quite a few stairs… it must be great exercises for the body to go up and down them every day as you do." I said cheekily as I closed the door behind myself. Pierce and Quinn remained outside the door as they knew that this was not their place. Tywin and the man I learned was the current Master of Whispers Joran Seral stood at the other end of the meeting room in the Hand's Tower to me. Neither of them looked amused by my joke. "Tough crowd."

"I assume you know why you are here, to confirm your story to me. Only once I believe you shall you have a chance at seeing the King." Tywin said as sternly as always. Meanwhile I could tell Joran was putting all his strength of will in Tywin being the hardass in this meeting. My appearance was having a direct effect on the man and he was close to shitting bricks.

"Very well." I then began to spin a story which mostly comprised of an edited fantasy version of the Sith, Jedi, Republic, and the Empire. I had already planned this out in my backstory for myself and my followers. It essentially told the basic idea of how things went down, however a few changes here and there to appeal the Sith more to Tywin. Which was an already hard thing to do given the draw the Jedi had. Damn Lucas, you to make the Jedi so fucking good and the Sith so fucking evil. At least on the surface, it was as black and white as you could get. It was only when you dug deeper that you came to gray truth. But by the end I had Tywin believing the parts I needed him to, that I was a refuge from a far away land hoping to restart my order here in Westeros.

I was also able to convince him of the Force by simply lifting up a small stone lion he had on his desk. Needless to say he believed in my powers after that. I also explained the basics of the Force and answered the question of why no one in Westeros had my powers. The answer was simple, any child that showed these powers would be killed thinking that they were cursed by demons or some other such nonsense. Tywin believed me and I was grateful that he bought that line. I wasn't sure how true it was, this world had a special connection to the Force so it was bound to have a large number of Force Sensitives. As I asked from God, but the internal logic of why that would be a mystery for me to solve.

"And exactly how you would find members for your order?" Tywin asked as he tapped his fingers together, he was already sitting across from me at the large table in the room. Joran was still standing behind Tywin looking a little more like how he felt.

"You are a cunning man, most would focus on what my order would do for Westeros and I'm sure you are interested. But you went right to the question that everyone likely wouldn't think about until it was too late. Until I already have the approval of the king." I said like it was an absolute certainty that I would be getting that. And that's because I would be getting it, I knew how men like Aerys thought. I simple show of mystic power to give him a taste of what his ancestors once had. "Those born with the Force can be found, the Jedi have seers that predict where a Force Sensitive would be born. Most Sith come from families that pass it down through long lines. But we have other means of finding them." Honestly the idea I had was a long shot, a theory that Darth Nox had… and I was hoping the Sith Inquisitor would be right on this. Though I was loathed to use a theory from that woman. The history between us was apparently both steamy and tragic… and many heaps of infuriating. "As for the root of your question, I hope to be granted something like a right to take in anyone that has the potential to be Sith."

"Naturally." Tywin growled knowing exactly what I meant by that. It meant that if a noble was born with the Force, I could take them from their House. Props to the old Lion for seeing that. Because that's exactly what I want to do. "And what would happen to these new converts?"

"I did stress that this isn't a religious order didn't I?" I joked but Tywin did not laugh and I returned back to serious discussion. "They would be trained in the Force, taught to the best of the Order's ability to achieve a Balance between the Dark and Light. And at some point they will be given a choice, either serve with the Order in a more permanent fashion or return back to where they came with the skills and higher mind that the Order granted them." Tywin glared at me knowing full well that I had just described the method by which I will infiltrate many noble Houses with loyal followers. And I checkmated him because the only other option was to let me keep those sons and daughters of Westeros' nobility. That being said all of this was contingent on if I was granted my Order's existence in Westeros.

"And what shall you give to the realm in return?" Tywin said leaning back in his seat. A cold calculation was going on in his mind. He was already leaning heavily to having me killed in some fashion and maybe looking into finding a natural born Force Sensitive and having them learn from the ground up. An interesting idea but one that would take decades and several generations of careful work. It was here that I would have to give him a little something.

"The realm? The realm will be getting a powerful military asset, an Order of warrior-monks able to move objects with their minds." I said knowing full well that this wouldn't interest Tywin in the slightest, because it was a fact that Westeros had no interest in military conquest. And Essos for the most part weren't interested in the same thing toward Westeros. More than likely Tywin thought the idea of the Sith Order being in the bounders of the Seven Kingdoms was more an extra player in the Game of Thrones than a military asset. But this was just part of my sale. "We are powerful agents able to serve the realm in any number of ways. Both in military and in domestic means. Just think of all the people of the realm that we would take in, sure there will be a small number of nobility but a great more of them will be commoners. These will be nearly useless peasants turned into valuable learned men that could sell their services to any number of noble houses." That drew Tywin's attention, knights were often times blunt tools best for easy jobs. Bandits and shows of force and games. Sell swords were more often used less than legal matters. But there was a lacking place for more those that could do more delicate work.

And something I knew about Tywin that he didn't know I knew, he didn't outright dismiss the peasantry. He saw them as sheep but he didn't think them completely without place in society like many of the nobility. Fools they are. I knew that he would see the idea of raising up a few of the lower classes by my Sith Order not as contemptuously or abhorrently as others. He would see the value in giving a small hope to the commoners that their child would be born Force Sensitive and thus taken away to become a powerful Sith and come back and help out their village or town. A bastard once said; Hope, it is the only thing stronger than fear.

"We would need some means of insuring your loyalty to the crown." Tywin said and I could feel an internal battle of pros and cons to letting me stay. Right now, it was still on the cons side as he was against the idea of a new and very unknown player in the Game of Thrones. He hadn't bought my humble monk routine and could tell I had ambition. Tywin even in his younger days still was one of the sharpest men to walk this world.

"Tie me to the realm, make me a lord of some ruin or forgotten castle." I said and I hid my smirk at the idea I just planted in him. The news that House Whent had fallen to Harrenhal's curse had reached his ears and a plan was already forming in his mind. Either I would die to the fortress' curse or I would create a new order right in the middle of the realm. Perfectly placed to be attacked from all sides. Sure Harrenhal's size and walls made it an impressive fortress, but it would fall as easily against any real siege given its partial ruined status. "I will take any oath you feel needed of me." I said lying through my teeth, but thankfully it seemed that Tywin missed that one and believed me. Perhaps it was because he was still a little young, his wife was still alive and his heart had still not turned entirely frozen. He still had a small bit of faith in people. This was part of the reason why I wanted to come back during this time.

"In two days time the King will be presiding over court, that is when you will bring this matter to him and all of the nobility of King's Landing." Tywin said knowing that he could manipulate the situation from next to the King should Aerys decided to rule in favor of the Sith. Which was what was going to happen, Aerys wasn't completely mad by this point but his mind should be anything but strong. All it will take is some flowery words, a show of power, and a few mind tricks and I will have everything I want.

Author's Notes

So Naraiz is now going to be playing with Tywin and the nobility in King's Landing... that's going to work out for everyone.

Check out my original work on here - www. pat reon MikeX713


rnarcano321 - the Jedi

frankiau - the Boltens will be getting their own fuckery at some point

WhiteRoseShipper - uhhhh… yes... Jon Snow is in the books. He is one of the primary characters. They only ever made up very minor characters in the show, anyone with any real importance is in the books. And I don't want to give away spoilers like that.

Yami-Guy - SHHHHHH! don't spoil nothing B)

TotallingSky6 - thank you and let me just say this one more time. The UNSC is not here in this story, maybe some of the Halo characters will show up but I am only using Halo as theming tool for the Republic's military. Their ships, troops, and ground assets are all UNSC inspired. I am doing this because I want to give Naraiz the Clones and because it will make him rethink it will be too easy to take over the galaxy. This is about power balancing, making sure Naraiz can't steam roll the Republic.