Chapter 2

The teacher of their next class was not expecting this when he walked into his classroom. Yes, he was informed of a new student, but he was caught off guard when he walked in to see his boss's son embracing the new student with dramatic tears spilling all over. He was wondering if his cold was making him see things. Did I take the night-time medicine instead of the day-time? I should have just called in sick today, this is too much.

"Suoh-san! I'm giving you a warning," Shion didn't care if he had to hurt him to get him off of him. "Let. Go," he growled lowly, but it turns out that in his babbling, Tamaki didn't hear him.

Which is why he was prone on the floor in pain, arms around his poor stomach that was assaulted by Shion's, quite pointy, elbow.

Kyoya had to give Shion props for not hesitating in stopping Tamaki—he couldn't do something like it because of his standing—but also frowned when Shion didn't move to help him up. He just sat down in his seat and eyed the blond on the floor. Kyoya narrowed his eyes.

When Tamaki recovered, he got off of the floor and dusted off his uniform and saw Kyoya with a dark look in his eyes. "Kyoya, I'm fine," and he truly was, the hit knocked some wind out of him and it hurt initially, but it wasn't damaging.

Shion noticed after returning the favour to Suoh that he was getting some dirty looks. I just hurt one of the popular kids, didn't I? That was a big no-no because that meant he would probably—most likely be confronted later by people that admired him. His thought process halted when a frightening thought came to mind. He's the principal's son... isn't he? They both had the same last name and he could see the similarities between the two. Only one word came to mind.


Well, there was nothing he could do about it now—except apologise. Maybe. He had already purposely chose not to when he ignored the guy on the floor and sat down in his seat so he may not be able to redeem himself.

"Hakuba-kun, would you be able to read the first chapter?"

He blinked owlishly, "Of what, sorry?"

"Macbeth. They didn't give you your textbooks?"


Tamaki put up his hand to speak, "Sensei, we could share for now." Shion was taken aback at the offer. He didn't expect that kind of kindness after what he did.

"That would be great," the teacher smiled, "thank you for offering Suoh-kun. Now, I'd like you to read the first two scenes of act one. Scene one is quite short so it shouldn't be too much of a read."

"In which language Sensei?" Shion asked, "There's both a Japanese and English translation."

"Whichever one you're comfortable with. Though I'd much prefer English—this is an English class after all." The man cracked a smirk when he heard a few groans. There were some students that he would encourage to read in English. "You may turn your seat around to read from Suoh-kun's textbook."

"Here," Tamaki turned the book upside down so Shion could read it, he smiled. "I can read upside down, it's alright."

"Thank you Suoh, and sorry for earlier." Tamaki would have responded, but class was in session and he stopped himself when he heard Shion's loud and clear English voice penetrate through the room. "When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain? When the hurlyburly's done, when the battle's lost and won. That will be ere the set of sun."

Shion couldn't help cracking a smile when he turned Tamaki's Macbeth back around to face him. His face was priceless, the surprise on it. It was things like that, that made him like acting—making people react. He loved Shakespeare so much that he had most of his plays memorized, from the setting to the stage queues and the blocking. He'd done a few Macbeth plays in the past with troupes and his school, and he had come to adore Shakespeare. So he didn't even have to have the book open, he just read the lines from memory.

He got comfortable and leaned back in his seat, but kept his back straight so he wouldn't hurt his projection. The diaphragm was important with speech clarity. His eyes wandered around the classroom, he never really got to look at his classmates. He tried to be subtle about it, not wanting a lot of attention on him—the new kid got enough of that usually. He finished the first chapter and the teacher talked about the foreshadowing of the witches in the beginning.

"Good job Shion, no accent either—oh, well I guess that's obvious why isn't it?" The teacher chuckled. "Now class, what have you deciphered from this chapter?"

"You have it memorized?" Tamaki asked, impressed.

"Yeah. I don't want a lot of attention on me though so don't make a fuss about it please."

"Hakuba-kun, if you would continue with scene two please."

"Of course." He flipped the page of Tamaki's book and closed his eyes. "What bloody man is that? He can report, as seemeth by his plight, of the revolt. The newest state..."

Halfway through the scene, the teacher took pity on Shion and made another student read. "How am I going to top that Sensei?" The redhead complained. He knew he was going to sound terrible in comparison.

"Shut up and read, you brat." There was a whine, but the person read nonetheless.

Shion waited and looked out of the window idly while the rest of the scene was being read. He would have whipped out his book, but he felt that it would distract Tamaki.

When the readings were done and the teacher started talking about the chapter, he turned around and brought out his red book. He already knew what he was doing anyway. He just started working on some of his compositions in his book. He was thinking of lyrics to go with one of his songs. He thought that it should be a story; a sad one suited the music he had written. A story about a man and a woman who met on a snowy day, but the man had an illness and was dying—something to do with Japanese folklore.

The bell rang for lunch, Shion gathered all his stuff and lastly he took his headphones off. He was about to leave the classroom when he was confronted by two angry girls.

"You better apologize to Tamaki!"

Shion looked down at them with a blank look, "I have already. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to leave." He moved around them and left them standing there in shock. He was wandering around looking for a place to eat lunch when he saw two familiar blond and black-haired people approach him.

"Oh, Shion! Would you care to join us for lunch?" Tamaki asked.

Thinking the offer over, Shion decided against it. "Sorry Suoh-san, I need to do some things before I eat. Thanks though." He lied through his teeth and left with a wave. He just wanted to be alone for a while.

"What do you think he has to do, Kyoya?"

"I do not know."

Shion went outside into a secluded space in the courtyard surrounded by trees. Lying down against a tree, he brought out his lunch. He had rushed to make it in the morning so it just had rice, some leftover salad and a sandwich. It was very nice out, though a bit chilly, but it was the perfect temperature for Shion. He loved the cooler temperatures; his favourite seasons were winter and autumn. The summer weather was dying down, cooling down now that it was closer to fall. The sun was strong and the leaves were still full while a cool wind brushed past. He relaxed, watching the clouds and he closed his eyes, the breeze waving his hair around from under his hat.

"So what do you think of him? Shion would make a great new addition don't you think, Kyoya?"

Shion's ears perked up at the mention of his name.

"Yes, though we would have to analyze him to find his type."

What are they talking about, and what do they mean by my type?

Their voices got quieter as they were walking away from where he was. Sighing, Shion took out his headphones and put on some music, only to find that they had broken at some point.

"Well, there goes my entertainment in classes. Fuck."

As he was in a secluded area, he just played it off his phone's speakers. What played was a prototype of the song he was currently working on, and while that played, he worked on the sheet music for it.

Tamaki and Kyoya were walking through the courtyard when they heard music, sad music. Tamaki perked up at the pretty sound. It had started playing just as they passed a patch of trees and it caught his interest.

"Hey, hey Kyoya, let's find out where it's coming from!" Tamaki grabbed his wrist and ran off in the direction of the music. Kyoya sighed; Tamaki just went to the beat of his own drum. Maybe Hakuba-san was right with the mood swings. Tamaki could possibly have multiple personalities.

"The sound is coming from over there!" Tamaki pointed to a bunch of trees.

"Be quiet you idiot."

"Oh yeah!" The blond zipped his lips shut with an imaginary zipper.

They made their way through the trees and bushes to find Shion leaning against a tree. His red book was closed on his lap while his eyes were closed. His curly hair blowing with the wind.

Kyoya listened closely and heard that Shion was singing along to the instrumental music that was playing. It was a sad song, and he felt that he was invading something personal as he watched. His timbre was much deeper than his speaking voice, about an octave deeper, and the emotion of the lyrics and the instrumental gave his stomach butterflies.

Shion stretched, rubbing the bridge of his nose under his glasses. "Hmm, I should add a harmony in with a head voice," He thought for a moment, "Then I can–" He was about to go on talking to himself, but paused before looking towards the two new people in the distance. He had finally noticed Tamaki and Kyoya standing there, though Tamaki seemed to be on the verge of tears.

Silence was evident as they stared at each other.

"Hmm, so what do you guys want," Shion broke the ice, "And what did you mean by type?"

Oh, so he heard us before. Kyoya mused, raising his glasses.

"We just heard this pretty music and..." Tamaki rambled.

"Yeah, yeah, so your first thought was to find the source. Anyways, what did you mean by type? I'm not going to let you avoid the question."


"We wanted to figure out your type of character," Kyoya cut Tamaki off. He didn't want him to scare Shion away—because with all of Tamaki Suoh's eccentricities who wouldn't be scared or at least freaked out, by the hyperactive blond.

"Like what role I prefer to perform as?"

Hmm, he is an actor after all... even though that's not what I meant... "Yes." Let's go with this for now.

"Well, I like comic relief characters, but it's really fun being the bad guy." He smirked evilly, letting off an evil aura. He fixed his glasses with a gleam, "Though I also like the emotional type. Eh, let's just say I like almost any type of character, I'm not too picky." He noticed he was getting off-topic. "So how did this question emerge? At first, I thought you guys were wondering what my type was in people."

Ah, that's also interesting.

Tamaki, who had been quiet for the time being, decided to pipe in, "We were thinking that you could join our club."

"And what does this club consist of?"

Kyoya adjusted his glasses with a ray of light flashing off of them, "You will have to visit to find out." He turned on his heel with a smirk, "Come along Tamaki, we still have to eat our lunch."

"Kyoya! I say Kyoya, wait!" Tamaki stopped before running after the four eyes, "Let's talk later, kay?" Then he bolted through the shrubbery, calling for mommy... whatever that meant...

"Well, aren't they just a pocketful of sunshine. Though I guess Suoh would be the sun and Ootori would be the moon." He sighed and continued his lax lunch break until he glanced at the time on his phone, it was ten minutes till the next class. Gathering his things in his satchel, he slung it over his head and onto his shoulder, departing for his next class.

He had Phys Ed next, so he had to ask a teacher as to where he could change. He was already heading in the general direction of the gym according to the teacher. At least he wouldn't be late. Thanking the woman, he bowed a bit awkwardly, not quite used to the action still, and found the men's locker room. It was rather extravagant, like everything else in the school.

There were even shower stalls which he would regularly never use, but they looked like they were cleaned regularly. He would have to take a shower after. There was also a counter along one of the walls along with a large mirror. He set his bag down on the marble countertop and rummaged through it until he felt his folded clothes on the bottom of it. Pulling them out, he set them down and took his glasses and hat off before he changed into simple dark red sweatpants and a black t-shirt. Feeling around the counter for his glasses he finally found the pair and put it on its proper place, his face. He looked himself over once and fixed his hair a bit. His hat had done wonders calming it and it wasn't quite as frizzy anymore. Just it's normal curly goodness. Putting his things in a locker, he set a code and locked it, and then he made his way to the gym.

"Holy shit, this is huge," he looked up, the roof was at least two stories high and the whole gymnasium was about eight classrooms in size. The classrooms were already the size of a small house in square inches, so the gym was huge and that was an understatement. He was convinced that this wasn't even the full extent of it. His expectations have been exceeded a number of times already, so it wasn't that unexpected anymore.

"Just wait until you see the pool."


The sudden voice from behind him scared Shion out of his wits. The person had been in the gymnasium a few minutes earlier and has been waiting for the rest of the students to file in. He was the type of person to be punctual. Shion, who had tripped over his feet when startled, immediately knew who it was from one of the two people he knew so far.

"Ootori-san... Please, you're going to give someone a heart attack, and I'm probably going to be your first victim." He sighed, pushing his bangs back into place along with his glasses. He was worried that Ootori has seen when his hair moved, though from his reaction it didn't look like Kyoya had seen anything. He didn't want unnecessary attention.

Kyoya chuckled at Shion's exasperation, and kindly put a hand out to help him. Shion eyed the hand Kyoya had put out for him—he smirked and grabbed hold to yank himself up off the floor. The mischievous glint in his green eye didn't go unnoticed by Kyoya. When Kyoya pulled to help him up, Shion stuck his foot in front of Kyoya's own and pulled, making him stumble and trip.

"Ha! Payback's a bitch, isn't it Ootori-san?" Shion laughed with a grin and offered his hand to Kyoya. Kyoya sighed but otherwise took the offer, he had probably deserved that. "So, what are we doing in gym today? I'm sure you know already."

"We are currently in the unit of basketball. We just started it yesterday so I presume that we will be working on passing."

"Yeah, shooting always comes after passing. Units always start off so boring."

"I have to agree."

"Hey, Kyoya! I refilled our water bottles!" Tamaki came running in at a full sprint and tripped over his shoelaces, face faulting the floor. Though he managed to save the water bottles... Shion had to wonder if the blond ever ran out of energy.

"I wonder what's with everyone and tripping today." Just earlier Kyoya had observed a teacher trip down the stairs only to fall into another person. Like a domino effect.

"I don't know," Shion shrugged and watched as Tamaki twitched on the floor.

Suddenly he shot up with the fervour of a bottle rocket, "IS NO ONE GOING TO HELP ME?" Tamaki cried out in outrage.

By this time students were coming in and could see Tamaki's breakdown.


Kyoya chose to ignore Tamaki's tantrum in favour of seeing the varied expressions of his classmates.

"Stop shouting Suoh, it's echoing!"

Gym class was exhausting as fuck with Tamaki in the group he was in. He didn't know where his energy came from. Maybe he's on a high with all those mushrooms. He got an odd look from Kyoya when he snorted and almost choked on his own spit.

I should start running again. I'm not in the shape I used to be.