Amelia's eyes slowly flickered open with the early morning sunlight was shining down on her. Managing to place her right hand in front of her face, she rolled in bed, so her face would be moved away from the light. Even this was a great effort for her. Outside of the exhaustion that came from being abruptly awakened, her entire body felt like jelly, and certain parts were rather sore.
It wasn't surprising given the night she had gone through. Truly, Aizen was not human, or at the very least not like any human she had been with. The words endurance and technique didn't even come close to describing the things she felt during their night, which was quite literally a night, together.
Holding back the memories, which were enough to make her legs weak, Amelia tried to push herself up in the mess that was Aizen's bed. She noted that he wasn't there, which only added to the list of new experiences. Normally, she would be the one to leave first, since there was no real reason to stay with whoever the man was for any time longer, as there had never been anyone else that had placed her in such a state.
Using her left hand to pull away the hair that was still in front of her face, Amelia's lazy eyes went to the left side of the bed, where the window from where the light was coming from was. There sitting was Aizen, resting in an expensive looking chair. His hair was perfectly swept back with a single strand hanging from it.
He wore dark shoes, dark blue pants, and a white shirt with some of the top buttons undone. It didn't seem like he had noticed her waking up. His eyes seemed all too focused on the world beyond the window, which if she had to be honest, Amelia couldn't understand why. Certainly he had seen a city before, all of them far more interesting than this one.
"Morning." Amelia mumbled, before falling back into bed.
"Morning." Aizen remarked, his eyes still fixated on the city.
"Did something catch your interest?~" She asked, trying to give her voice a somewhat seductive tone.
"You said that you lived in the capital of a kingdom. I honestly expected something grander."
Amelia failed to hold back her laugh, as she finally managed to push herself upwards and to sitting up on the bed. Her eyes wnet to the still visible wet stops on the floor that came from the bathroom to the bed.
"Like many things that depends on who you ask. If you ask many of the nobles, they will give you a grand vision of this Kingdom. While others may actually acknowledge that the Kingdom is currently on the decline, especially during this time of the year."
"This time of the year?" Aizen asked in curiosity.
"The Re-Estize Kingdom is at war with the Baharuth Empire. Every year there is a battle at the Katze Plains, which they are using to slowly bleed us dry."
"Are your rulers unable to do anything about it?"
"I'm sure you can find out the answer to that one for yourself. Just look out the window again." Amelia replied.
Aizen leaned back in his chair. From her point of view it was almost as if he had fallen into a state of deep thought, or this topic had made him think of something, a previous experience perhaps.
"They let themselves get weakened, to the point that sooner or later they will be defeated. And in order to protect their everlasting delusions, they send in the weak, and the 'disposable' to handle the enemy. I take it that they have reached the point of sending in untrained men?" Aizen asked.
"We've long since reached that point."
This society was twisted and depraved. That was the only thing that went through Aizen's mind. He had seen this so-called capital, from the point he entered it, to where the "rich" part of it had began. He could see the conditions people lived in. It was safe to say they were too different.
Amelia had also surprised him, as she was all too keen to accept this annual war and the effects it had on her home, and most likely her business. Perhaps she had learned to live with it. Indeed, it was the human thing to do. They simply lacked the power to do anything against it, and he too lacked in power.
Of course, he was not referring to the power he wielded. Even if his body had changed and was still in an adaptation phase, Aizen could not help but be baffled by the fact his night with Amelia seemed to have solved his problems. For the first time since he had arrived in this world, his body felt truly his own. It was a unexpected development, which had ended up saving him much bothersome work.
His thoughts came to an abrupt end when someone knocked at the door. Amelia quickly used the damp sheets to cover herself, as a maid entered the room without even waiting for permission after knocking. Like all the others she wore the standard maid's outfit. Her hair was blonde with a black streak of hair hanging from the left side, and her eyes were grey in color. She seemed to be as old as Amelia, if not somewhat younger, and overall she was rather attractive.
"Who gave you permission to enter!?" Amelia growled.
Aizen turned his head to look at the maid, and what he saw was amusing. Even if the woman was doing her best to hold back her expression, she seemed to revel in Amelia's words as if she was superior to them.
"My apologies, but the lord of the house wishes to speak with Aizen."
Amelia let out an annoyed growl, admitting her loss before her father's authority, and probable rage before what happened during the night.
"Very well. Take him."
Aizen got up from his chair, calmly buttoned up his shirt, and placed on his jacket as he walked up to the maid, who motioned him to accompany her as she lead him to Gaius. He took this walk as another opportunity to watch the manor and its denizens, ignoring the several looks he got from both male and female servants.
The walk led to what he assumed to be the door to Gaius' office. As they were arriving the elder himself walked out, and in front of him was a woman that looked to be in her 40s. Her hair was a fiery red and she had deep blue eyes.
She wore a leopard pattern dress, black stockings with matching high heel boots, and over her shoulder rested a heavy fur coat. There was a mature and seductive air around her. This air was also one of superiority, telling him that even if she was acting like this, her actual standing made it so that such courtesy would not be needed.
Gaius looked reinvigorated, and it showed how much he actually enjoyed his business. It seemed to make him young again, so much so that he and this woman were still trading a friendly back and forth. From what Aizen heard, she was very thankful for something Gaius did, as she felt relieved he was able to sort out the issue with her husband's, Mr. Victoria's delivery. The maid stopped and took a step aside, as to let her superior and the customer walk by, as Aizen followed her example.
Gaius and the woman began to walk past them when she decided to stop, after spending a good amount of time eyeing down Aizen. The Shinigami noticed immediately the change in the elder's disposition, having figured out the reason they had stopped. However, he found himself held back by the woman's presence.
"May I know your name?" She asked cordially.
"My name is Aizen. Sōsuke Aizen. It is an honor to meet you madam." Aizen greeted, taking a bow as he did so.
The woman let out an amused chuckle, before seeming to look back at Gaius, perhaps with the intention of asking him something about Aizen. However, she was meet with the elder's less than pleased expression. Understanding that the master of the house did not approve of the man, she understood right away this was not an acquaintance of Gaius. After all, someone who would give him that expression would have never entered his house.
"I see you are an educated gentleman, but please drop the 'madam'. It makes me feel old. You may refer to me as Countess, but if you are interested in my name it is Ada Stone Victoria."
"I take it you are an acquaintance of young Amelia?" She asked, as Aizen raised from his bow.
"Yes. I've only meet her recently."
"And yet you are already in her home." Ada remarked with a small smile.
She had to admit Amelia had always been a fast worker when it came to all aspects of life. However, it surprised her that Amelia would bring Aizen here, where he would be under the same roof as her father. He was a man who is well known for not approving too many of her personal choices.
Speaking of which, Ada had to commend Amelia once more. It would seem she had finally refined her taste in men. It was evident to her, and Ada was certain it was the same for everyone else, that this Aizen had the charms of an educated man, and the complexity of someone wise beyond his years.
"Because she took it upon herself to look after me, a lowly foreigner, who would be dead if not for her help."
"If what you say is true, then you should be much more than 'lowly'." Ada said, keeping her composed expression.
"You humble me, Countess. I can only hope to reach that level soon."
Ada could barely hold in the shudder that went through her body at the sound of those words. There was overwhelming resolve that rested beyond the man's calm expression. He was entirely something else, that was evident, and it was almost a shame to end this conversation here, but she knew her husband would be waiting for her, and delays were not wanted.
"I'll be looking forward to it. But, I'm afraid I must go."
"May we meet again soon, Countess." Aizen said with a bow.
"Likewise." She replied with a warm smile.
Giving her goodbyes to Gaius, she made her way out of the house, being familiar enough with it to leave the place alone.
"You, with me. Eva, wait here for him to return." Gaius ordered.
"As you wish." Eva replied.
Aizen followed the fast moving elder into his office. Gaius was the first to enter, with Aizen being the one to close the door behind them understanding where things were going. Gaius motioned to the chair in front of his desk, while he then vigorously made his way to his own seat behind it before taking a seat.
"I allowed you to stay in my home to occupy one of my guest rooms, and this is how you repay me!?" Gaius growled.
"I agreed to her helping you but… t-that was unacceptable! I will not have such depravity in my own house!" He angrily added.
"Do you wish for me to leave?" Aizen asked calmly.
The elder shifted in his chair, carefully examining the man. Aizen was almost certain this was not the case, that is if he was able to get out of this current predicament.
"I warned you that at the first mistake I would put you out! I intend to keep my word."
"I understand your position. However, allow me to present a counter argument…" Aizen began, but Gaius quickly spoke over him.
"I will hear no excuses. You will leave now!"
"Even if that puts the future of your business at risk?"
"Is that a threat?"
"Far from it. If that was my intention, I would have not offered you my services before. That being said, you were told about the men that attacked Amelia, in an act that was anything but random. An act that was brought about by a man named Falco, which means that having failed once, there are no guarantees he won't try again. Such a threat puts her future at risk, which by extension puts the continuation of your business at risk."
Gaius once more shifted in his chair. He looked even more irritated then before, and seemed ready to burst at Aizen for what he had said. However, was able to restrain himself, taking a deep breath before speaking.
"And that is why you should remain here? What you can do, I can pay to have done, knowing that they will be actual professionals, and not some… nobody Amelia happened to pick up."
"Why hire someone when you already know what I am capable of in a combat situation? After all I was the one to save her from her attackers. If it is because you believe they will not touch her, I fear you are mistaken."
"Don't make a fool out of me, Aizen!" Gaius hissed.
"I had no such intentions, but I am pointing out a fact. She makes her own choices, and if she wants it, she will get it."
"And you would be different, because she has already 'got' you?"
"Because I do not plan on last night's events becoming routine. I have goals beyond such simple things."
"And that being why you made me such humble offers?"
The elders face seemed to soften a little, as he leaned forward and rested his hands on top of his desk, before speaking.
"I find words to be limited, in how valid they can actually be…" Aizen then calmly interrupted the elder.
"Then perhaps we could settle this with a wager?"
"Allow me to show you what I am capable of. If you are displeased with the results, I will leave."
"How will you show me your abilities?"
"The Kingdom's language, which I am currently unable to read or write. By the end of this day I will have learned it. I ask only for books that I can use to learn."
Gaius leaned back on his face once more. He was not one to make wagers simply because it was something he felt was too much out of his control. Still, it was an odd wager, since it was something that could not be achieved. Well, not by regular minds at least. Was this man one of those minds?
The elder eyed down Aizen once more, and his calm expression was unnerving. His confidence was clearly evident. Had he made the suggestion knowing he could be successful? Or was he trying to bluff him into making him think that he would be able to accomplish such a thing in just one day?
That sounded more believable, as he is currently hanging by a thread. Why not try to bluff his way out of it?
"You will be able to do this... in one day?" Gaius asked incredulously.
"Until evening meal, yes."
"Very well. I shall take you up on that wager. Eva!" Gaius shouted, calling forth the maid.
"How my I be of service?" She asked, entering the room with a bow.
"Take our guest to the library, and make sure he is not disturbed till dinner time."
"As you wish."
"You are dismissed, Aizen."
"Thank you, sir. You will not regret your decision." Aizen said, getting up from the chair.
"Please follow me." Eva said.
They began to make their way through the building, and Aizen was now walking side by side with the maid. He noticed she was looking at him from time to time, and quickly looking away, in case he looked back.
"I-I know I was told not to disturb you till dinner, but will you not be needing something to eat during the day?"
"There…" Aizen began to reply, when his stomach cried out from the lack of nourishment.
"P-Perhaps, if you could work around his orders, it would be appreciated."
"I'll see what I can do."
They continued making their way to the library, which required going through the inner garden where ten men were training at. They wielded wooden swords and were sparring in pars. Among them Aizen recognized the four butlers that were accompanying Gaius the day before.
Eva moved away from the group, and Aizen decided to follow her lead by doing the same. However, as he was walking past the men, one nearly thrusted his sword into him, since his sparring partner dodged the blow.
The sword stopped just a few inches from Aizen's face, resulting in the man placing himself in between the Shinigami and the maid. Aizen paid no attention to this and went to walk around the guard, when another one of the men placed his arm over his shoulder in an overly friendly manner. He looked younger than most of the other guards, with short brown hair, and dark brown eyes.
"So, you're the new guy I've hear so much about." The man said with a laugh.
"And you are?" Aizen asked back, sounding less then interested.
"I'm Swim, captain of the guards."
Eva turned around having noticed what was happening. She stared down the captain with an annoyed expression, ready to call him off, but Swim seemed to be less then interested in her.
"You must be feeling very proud of yourself. I mean, just look at you. A nobody who got picked up by Lady Amelia, and is already walking around accompanied by such a fine-looking lady."
"That's enough, Swim." Eva growled back.
"But let's not forget, what happened last night, I mean the whole manor must have heard it…" Swim continued, ignoring the maid, before pausing and looking at his men.
"Don't let that get to your head. That's why we are here, to make sure you know your place. And what you did last night, many of done before. Like me, and him, and him, and him." Swim then informed, pointing at the three men.
A general laugh went through the group, except for the 4 that had met Aizen when they were accompanying Gaius. He took this time to get a better look at them. They were all weak, their strength comparable to the thugs that attacked Amelia, outside of those three he "fought".
Speaking of which, this Swim's power was comparable to that of Farold. Meaning this was not an impressive group, but did make Aizen think this level of power was the standard in this world, that is if he didn't go out of his way to find someone higher.
"I told you to stop this, Swim! He is a guest, and you should treat him as such."
"That's the first I've heard about it." Swim remarked, letting go of the Shinigami.
"He is here because of Lady Amelia…" The maid tried to argue, but he wasn't having none of it.
"That's not what her father said. He is allowed to stay here, but we weren't told to give him any special treatment. That being said, where is he going?"
"He was given permission to go to the library, and I was tasked with leading him there."
"Is that so? Then, before you take him there, would he be open to a little sparring session?" Swim suggested, turning his attention back to Aizen.
"B-Boss, he took care of twelve thugs. Perhaps…" One of the guards from the previous day mumbled, before being interrupted by his superior.
"And you hold yourself at the level of said thugs? Don't you have faith in your training!? If I had been there I would have done the same. You know why? Because I have trained to go beyond simple thugs."
"I highly doubt that would be the case, even with your training. After all, your strength compares only to their 3rd strongest. Had you fought those above him you would have been killed. Rather easily, I would say." Aizen pointed out, with a mocking chuckle.
"Then, you won't mind spending some time here? Throw him a sword."
At his command, one of the men threw a wooden sword at Aizen, who had easily caught it. This was followed by him carefully analyzing the instrument. It was nostalgic in a sense, since it had been a long time since he had used something like it.
"This will be a regular sparring match, the goal will be to disarm the opponent. There will be no use of [Martial Arts], magic, or anything else." Swim announced.
"I will not allow this. You will let us pass, or I will…" Eva once more tried to protest, failing this time by Aizen's words.
"There is no need to be concerned. I have more than enough time to take care of him."
"A-Alright." She nodded, taking a step away from them.
"Begin whenever you are ready." The Shinigami informed.
Swim put on a confident smirk, as he charged forward letting out a war cry as he did so. His opponent needed only a single glance to see through all of his openings, and his current mental state. It was such an easy read to make, that it took away any enjoyment that he might have found in this.
The captain of the guard went for a downwards swing, his confidence doubled by the fact Aizen made no attempts to move. This would show everyone how good he really was. This hope came to a quick end, when Aizen calmly raised his sword blocking the hit. The feeling of both objects making contact, caused Swim to think he had crashed into a wall.
"You are full of openings, something someone who brags about his training, should not have."
Swim threw himself back, letting out a frustrated hiss as he recomposed himself. All the while Aizen calmly let his arm drop to his side.
"Don't look down on me!"
Swim went for a horizontal swing, which this time Aizen decided to act upon. Using his superior speed he lifted his sword right up to Swim's throat stopping the captain in his tracks.
"I wonder what has you so distracted." Aizen mused, applying some pressure on the throat.
"Stay focused on the match." His opponent growled back, backing away from Aizen.
"Is it perhaps because in one night, I managed to accomplish something, you know you would never be able to do?"
The young captain gritted his teeth upon hearing the correct jabs of from opponent. Being relatively young and confident in his luck with women, what he had heard last night had been processed as an insult.
"I will make you regret those words."
Swim didn't even have time to react, as in the blink of an eye Aizen closed the distance between them, hitting the captain in the gut with the wooden blade. The single blow was strong enough to drop Swim to his knees.
"Are we done here?" The Shinigami asked, looking down at his opponent.
"I'll take that as a yes."
Dropping his sword, the Shinigami began to make his way back to the maid's side. However, midway he stopped and looked back at the still kneeling Swim.
"I shall concede that you are as well trained as you claim, and I will admit that apart from those present, outside of myself, you are the strongest one here, captain. However, you very eagerly threw those attributes away, because of your pride. You may consider yourself lucky that my intentions were not hostile. Had they been would have you acted in the same manner, and thrown your life away, when you should be protecting your superiors?"
The captain of the guards cursed himself. Once more Aizen spoke the truth. Because of his bruised ego he had tried to one-up the man by beating him in a sparring match. Looking back now, it was obvious that had been a terrible idea. If this had been a real fight he would have been killed. It only frightened him more, as he understood Aizen could have finished this with the first blow.
"Why didn't you drop me with the first blow?" Swim asked, staggering back to his feet.
"If I had done that, what would you have learned? Would you have accepted the defeat, or tried to attack me again? Would you have understood that your downfall came because of your ego, or would you consider it a mistake on your part?"
"I-I see…"
"Shall we get going?" Aizen asked Eva, turning back to look at her.
"O-Of course."
"Wait!" Swim called out, getting Aizen's attention once more.
"P-Please train me." He then asked.
"Why?" The Shinigami asked in reply.
"I can see that you are powerful, and skilled. I may be driven by my ego, but I am not so foolish as to not ask someone like you if he would be open to helping me improve."
"U-Us to! We all would like to learn with someone stronger than the captain." The other guards said enthusiastically.
Aizen was honestly not interested in their request. He saw little potential in these men, but outright declining may make him look bad. Since he needed to show Gaius how trustworthy his word was, this was a decent opportunity.
"Very well. We shall begin training tomorrow."
Eva and Aizen continued making their way to the library, when the maid once more spoke out.
"That was very impressive! I had never seen anyone do something like that to Swim." She remarked, showing genuine surprise.
"That was nothing. He also wasn't taking it seriously."
"Still it was very impressive. Especially when done to someone like Swim, who thinks of himself as the best thing ever." Eva said, with a somewhat disgusted look on her face.
Finally, they reached the door that led to the library, which given its dimensions Aizen assumed the library itself was not that impressive in size. Eva opened the door, and they both entered. The space was composed of five large, completely full bookshelves, and a small area with 2 sofas, chairs and tables. As soon as they entered, they were greeted by an older looking man in a butler's outfit. He was bald, with kind looking light blue eyes.
"Walter, this is Aizen. He will stay here till dinner time, and shall not be disturbed." Eva informed.
"Very well."
"I shall return soon, with something for you to eat." Eva informed Aizen, before leaving.
"May I be of use, sir?" Walter asked.
"Yes, I would like a simple book. Something fitting for someone who does not understand your language."
"I-I see. In that case would a children's book be acceptable?" Walter remained serious as he spoke, showing his suggestion was not an attempt to mock Aizen.
"It would."
"Then I shall bring it to you shortly. Please take a seat wherever you wish."
"If you don't mind, I shall accompany you."
"As you wish."
Indeed, little over an hour later, Eva returned carrying a tray with her. She saw Aizen sitting by one of the tables, with a small pile of books next to him. Eva placed the tray on the table before taking a seat opposite to him.
"I brought what I could." She informed.
"Thank you." Aizen said, in an empty tone, as he was focused on the book.
Eva looked at the books, noting they were all for children's use. Deciding not to think too much into it, she turned her attention back to him, and lamented the fact she would have to leave soon. Hopefully by then he would have eaten. Soon enough, Aizen ate the meal she had brought him, and once more Eva left the library. This time she was confronted by a redhaired maid, who was ironically called Red.
"How did it go?" The smaller maid asked.
"What do you mean? I simply came to bring him something to eat."
"I'm sure he needed it. After spending a night hard at work." Red laughed as Eva walked past her.
"Still, are you really going forward with your idea?" She asked in curiosity.
"Of course." Eva replied confidently.
"I don't see what good going after Lady Amelia's new toy will do."
"Lady Amelia does not factor into this, given her reputation that is."
"But from what I understood, she may not simply walk away from this one." Red pointed out.
"And I don't need her to walk away. I just need him to walk to me."
"Good luck with that." Red said with a smirk.
Falco made his way through the alleys of E-Rantel, using his usual black cloak to hide his face as he went back to the abandoned house that was his destination. Entering the building through a broken window, he quickly made his way to the upper floor where three men were waiting for him. They all wore black armor, with each having some alterations made to theirs. One of them was taller than the other two, yet they were all taller than Falco himself.
The taller individual, had long black hair, brown eyes, and muscular arms. His name was Kevel, and he was to Falco's left. To his right, was another man with black hair, brown eyes, and slightly unshaven beard. He was less muscular then the rest, had a metallic toothpick in his mouth, and another one resting on his right ear. His name was Razor.
The one that stood in front of him was their leader. He was the oldest looking of the group, perhaps being in his late 40s or early 50s. He also had a muscular frame, which was pointed out by his muscular arms. He wore a black visor, with a matching bandana, and fingerless globes. His hair was blonde as was his long moustache, but his unshaven beard was black. His name was Logan.
"What do you want kid!? I thought we had agreed that the next time you contacted us, you would have the package with you." Kevel growled.
"T-That's the t-thing… They're dead." Falco hesitantly informed.
"What did you say!?" Razor forcefully replied, taking the toothpick out of his mouth.
"I-I don't know the specifics, but I know they were all killed."
"I thought you told us they were up for the job." Razor growled.
"I mean, how difficult can it be to capture one defenseless woman." Kevel said with a laugh.
"M-My sources also know t-that… t-there was an unknown man with her. P-Perhaps he was the one that did it."
"You're telling us that one guy took out thirteen men?" Kevel asked, but looked back at Logan.
"That is a stupid question, as you know such a thing is possible. You and Razor could do it, and I could do it." Logan replied, in a calm tone.
"Then what do we do?" Razor asked.
"We go back to the boss. Please, show young Falco here, his payment." Logan calmly replied.
Razor turned his attention back to Falco, charged some of his energy into his metallic toothpick, and threw it at the side of the man's head. This caused it to pierce Falco's skull, killing him.
Sometime later, Logan arrived at the door of his superior's room. Knocking at the door, he took in the sounds he heard from the interior as if they were something routine, since in the end they were.
"C-Come in!" His superior roared.
Logan entered the room, closed the door behind him, and turned right to look at the bedroom portion of the room. There an obese, balding man in his 60s, sat in bed with a much younger looking woman who did her best to pleasure him, and earn her master's good will. This man was Kalvyn Portio Ranoc, a wealthy noble of the Kingdom, who was in truth the organizer of one of the most decadent events someone of stature could partake in.
"Good news?" Kalvyn asked.
"No. Falco said that the men were killed, perhaps by a unknown man that was seen with the package."
Kalvyn let out a frustrated hiss, and in his rage he felt the overwhelming urge to hit something in an attempt to calm himself. Luckily for him, the girl was close enough for him to slap her out of the bed, and onto the floor. That action seemed to be enough for him to regain his focus, at least for now.
"This is terrible, absolutely terrible! She would have been the perfect piece for this upcoming event! Do you know how much they would have paid to get a shot at breaking a woman like her!?"
"I do, sir. If you wish, me and my men could…" Logan was interrupted by his superior's laugh.
"Eager, are we?"
"Eager to serve, as we always are." Once more Kalvyn laughed.
"Eager for the reward you mean." The noble said, looking at the young girl.
"I will admit they are always bountiful."
"No, that will not be needed… I still have some days left in this place, meaning we still have some time to think of something. Until then you are dismissed."
"As you wish."
Logan took a small bow, and walked out of the room closing the door behind him. He was met with Kevel and Razor, who were waiting for their orders.
"So?" Kevel asked.
"We are to wait."
"So, we can relax?" Razor asked.
"Yes. But you can begin to prepare to what I think the boss will decide." Logan replied, beginning to walk away as the other two followed him.
"The usual?" Razor asked, removing his toothpick from his mouth.
"What a pain." Kevel sighed.
"That's because you big man, have no concept of subtlety." Razor laughed.
"To be fair, you are both right." Logan added.
"Still…" Kevel said, pausing and looking around to make sure they were alone.
"When the boss asks us to kidnap new girls, it just means extra work for us."
"That's why you should relax before then." His superior explained.
"Which means, we have this city for ourselves! What should we do first?" Razor asked, energetically.
"Drink." Kevel and Logan replied, causing the three to fall into laughter.