Chapter 4: The Written Exam

Rewritten as of 24OCT19

Sakura's POV

After shopping for more ninja supplies, the Samurai in the scroll suggested a change in wardrobe too.

He said that a bright red dress was too colorful for a ninja who was supposed to excel in espionage, and my hair already gave me a disadvantage, no need for my wardrobe to make me an even bigger target.

Realizing the truth to his words I grabbed a few pairs of black pants, some black leggings, long and short sleeve shirts, and a sweater. It may have been summer now but long sleeves and jackets were a good protection to some attacks. A few bandannas too were placed in my small shopping basket.

I brought my things up to the cash register to check out my items when I saw a small first aid kit on the shelves behind the cash register and asked the salesman to ring that up for me too. That would definitely come in handy, especially because I don't know how dangerous these exams are or what they will all consist of. Even if I didn't use them for the exam, with my teammates it'll be used sooner or later.

It was nearly two hours later when I finally made it home. Why did it take so long? Because a fake Sasuke came and tried to convince me not to take the exams. But I knew right away it wasn't Sasuke, because there's no way he'd ever care that much. Plus he's not the kind of person to tell someone to quit like that. His mother would have killed him for saying such a thing.

After I got inside I realized that my mom and dad still weren't home.

And they wouldn't be home till the end of the week.

They'll miss my whole exam.

'Oh well, there's not much I can do about that anyway.' I thought to myself before closing the door behind me and walked to the kitchen.

After making myself dinner and having filled out the paperwork for the Chunnin exams, I packed a few scrolls with the things I'd need for the exam and put them in my hip pouch.

I took a nice long shower before going to sleep with the sword scroll next to me, hoping for some other kind of connection with the Samurai.

Unfortunately however there was no second dream.

That might be for the best though, considering the last time I dreamt with the Samurai I woke up late enough that Kakkashi-sensei even got to the training grounds before me. I might have gotten up late again this time and might have even slept through the exams, and that would just be unacceptable.

After waking up I started getting dressed with the new clothes that I bought yesterday, a pair of black flexible leggings and a navy blue long sleeved turtleneck.

I threw my long hair into a ponytail and attached my ninja pouches to my thighs.

I slipped on my shoes and had a quick breakfast consisting of two eggs on toast, and avocado slices on top before taking off out the door and to the academy where the exams would be held.

What do you suppose the exams will be about?

I heard the Samurai ask through my mind. Still a bit unsure about how to talk to him I just decided to think my response.

Who knows. We haven't been genin for that long so whatever it is it shouldn't be too extreme that we can't perform the exams they give us.

"Sakura-chan!" I look up and see both Naruto and Sasuke waiting for my by the entrance of the building. "You changed your clothes!?"

Both boys looked confused at my change of wardrobe.

"Well yeah, I kind of figured that the red was a bit too bright and that I'd go for something a bit more unnoticeable." I explained as I fiddled with the tips of my hair that was in its ponytail.

Was the change too much?

"Wow Sakura-chan, you're so smart!" Naruto exclaimed with a bright expression on his face.

I couldn't help the small smile that crossed my face at his words as my nerves calmed down.

"For a Civilian born."

My eyebrow twitched.

You know, that boy is really starting to anger me.

I hummed in agreement, I was merely seconds away from knocking him out and having him miss these exams and fail by default.

"Enough talking, we're wasting time. Let's go." Sasuke said from atop the stairs before turning his back towards us to walk into the building.

So is that one.

Again, I sighed in agreement.

"You Teme!" Naruto yelled as he ran after Sasuke. I followed close behind my teammates.

It took us a rather long time to get to the classroom seeing as how when we first got inside we were stopped at the second floor because of a genjutsu, then two older shinobi started pushing around a girl who was just trying to get inside, then Sasuke and Naruto both picked fights with another genin team.

It was a disaster to say the least, especially after the other Genin's sensei showed up saying he was Kakashi-sensei's long time rival and how he was winning 51 to 50.

Needless to say we didn't believe him.

He's insane I tell you, you best stay away from those green leotards Blossom. The mini one too, especially the mini one.

I couldn't help but agree with the Samurai.

They were insane.

But one thing was for sure, I wouldn't forget Rock Lee, Hyuuga Neji, Tenten, or Might Gai anytime soon.

When we had finally made it to the classroom where the test was to be taken, Kakashi was waiting by the door for us, saying how it was a good thing that we all came together because if even one of us had decided not to show up no one would have been able to get through, seeing as it was more of a team test.

Then he wished us good luck and disappeared in his usual swirl of leaves. Which leaves us with now, standing outside the door to the testing room.

"Well, are you guys ready to go inside?" I asked, Naruto seemed to take it as a challenge rather than a question and just kicked the door down.

"Dobe, what the hell?" Came the infuriated yell from my rather stoic teammate.

Sasuke and I stared in horror at Naruto who as soon as he walked in, jumped up on a table a started yelling at every shinobi in the the room.

"I'm not scared of any of you! I'm going to kick all your asses. Believe it!" He proclaimed

with a grin before jumping down and sauntered over so Sasuke and I.

Sasuke and I face palmed after Naruto walked up with a cheeky grin on his face.

"You idiot, now they're all staring at us." Sasuke scolded while pinching he bridged of his nose.

"What? My mom told me that if I get scared or nervous to challenge it head on. And they made me nervous so I challenged them head on." He explained like it was the most basic thing in the world. Which to him, I suppose it was.

But still...

"I don't think that's what she meant Naruto." I told him as I sighed.

"Of course you wouldn't understand Sakura-chan, you're a civilian born." Something in me finally snapped as I smacked Naruto upside the head.

"Ouch, Sakura-chan!" He exclaimed as he rubbed the back of his head with tears in the corner of his eyes.

I ignored Naruto for the time being and instead focused on what was going on around me. I internally cringed when I noticed the amount of people who were staring at us like we were some kind of meat the wanted to eat.

"Yahoo! We found you guys!" I was torn from my thoughts as Kiba jumped right in front of us.

Akamaru on his head with his hood on top, grinning with his canines.

His two teammates slowly following behind him till they were next to all of us.

"Kiba, Hinata, Shino! You guys are here too?" Naruto exclaimed, clearly surprised.

I smiled and nodded to Hinata in greeting but Hinata only frowned at me, making me confused. She then looked to Naruto who was still rubbing his head with a pout on his face. Her frown deepened.

Oh. That's why.

I ignored the look the Hyuuga Heiress was giving me and instead listened to the guys and what they were talking about until another new face joined the group.

"How troublesome, you guys are here too?"

Shikamaru questioned as he and Chouji walked up to the group, surprisingly missing their blonde female teammate.

The part of me that still wanted Ino as a best friend wanted to ask where the she was but the other more stubborn half didn't want to bother asking.

But regardless of either side of my inner turmoil my question was answered when said blonde came from around us all and tackled Sasuke into a back hug.

I felt a vein pop in my forehead but held in whatever comment I had on the tip of my tongue.

Sasuke struggled to get Ino off of him but to no avail, Ino kept her vice like grip on him.

"Ino you troublesome girl, let go of Sasuke. We're enemies in this exam so act like it." Shikamaru said coming to Sasuke's rescue.

"Shikamaru your no fun." Ino growled at him but ultimately let go of Sasuke and retuned to her teams side.

I caught the look of appreciation that Sasuke sent Shikamaru and had to hold back a laugh but couldn't help myself when a smirk formed on my lips. Which of course Ino caught.

"What's so funny over there billboard brow?!"

I looked up and nearly gulped because everyone was looking at me. I opened my mouth to try and come up with something but was interrupted by a newcomer.

As soon as I laid eyes on the man with silver hair tied into a ponytail and circular glasses I felt the scroll begin to hum against my thigh.

Sakura, don't trust him.

I kept my eyes on him as he began speaking.

"You guys should really keep it down over here, it's not a good idea to attract any kind of attention." The new comer said as he used his middle finger to push up his glasses.

"Who asked you for your opinion anyway four eyes?" Ino snapped at him.

"Ino calm down, he's just trying to help." Chouji said as he turned to look at him. "Hi I'm Chouji, what's your name?"

"My name is Kabuto."