Chapter 5: Discombobulate

"Do you have any time to train today?" Sasuke asks his only (accepted) relative. He doesn't expect Toru to answer positively. The only thing he's seen the older boy doing recently is research, train with his team, and eat and sleep.

Toru runs a hand through his hair, sweeping it back in an annoyed gesture when it falls in the way of his eyes. He looks up at Sasuke before looking down at what he is working on. Toru's barely managing to keep Sasuke and himself healthy between Natsumi's training and his own research. Not to mention, there's a psyche evaluation he has to go to tomorrow and he really wants to look more into sealing. The seal he's currently looking at is a simple storage seal, but it's never looked quite right to Toru (because it's not his seal).

"I–" Toru hesitates and his hand rises to his chest (it hurts so much because there's a sword being pulled twisted out of his chest and he's already bleeding and his people are dying and–). "Sounds good Sasuke. We could get Naruto to join us, if you want?"

Sasuke shakes his head, "Just us?"

"Just us," Toru confirms as he straps his weapon pouches on. "Have you got your weapons?" Sasuke nods with a small grin. "Let's go then."

The pair reaches an empty training ground, which is where they stop. "I need to work on my taijutsu," Toru says. "What do you say?"

"Without chakra or with?" Sasuke asks.

"You can use chakra," Toru decides, "but I won't. It's not saying that I'm better than you," Toru continues upon seeing Sasuke's angry face, "but I have been in the academy longer and I'm older, which means that I've got more experience and I have height and strength advantages over you." Sasuke accepts Toru's reasoning with a nod and takes a few steps back before stopping. "Go," Toru says.

Sasuke rushes forward, kunai in one hand. Toru recalls his memories of the (style his teacher from long ago taught him; it had been passed down through the years and lived through scrolls, word of mouth, and bodily hits. He had been taught multiple taijutsu styles and he had combined them and twisted them to suit him) Fire Style that had been taught to him. Instead of using it, though, due to the fact it left him open, Toru recalls memories of a different life.

Toru pushes slightly on Sasuke's arm, deflecting the blow. He leans back, lashing up with his legs as he flips backwards. Sasuke propels himself backwards and away from the kick. This time he doesn't rush in, but waits.

Toru moves first, lashing out with a punch that turns into a feint as Sasuke goes to deflect it. Using his other arm to punch Sasuke's stomach. Sasuke staggers before moving into a forward roll to dodge another one of Toru's punches. Sasuke throws a kunai at Toru, who's forced to dodge, and then attacks with a series of punches and kicks. Toru slips around each one like water.

Sasuke withdraws, realising that he's getting increasingly more out of breath while Toru seems fine. He goes through a set of hand seals, shouts, and then sends a fireball shooting towards Toru. Toru grimaces and launches himself high into the air; in the air, he kicks out, using chakra to push him against the air. He flips before landing on the grass on his feet.

Sasuke is ready for him, and is already charging, giving Toru little time to defend himself. Half-remembered instincts (from another life in another body) make Toru move forward into the attack. Sasuke shifts his weight, preparing for the attack that never comes. Toru dodges beneath Sasuke's punch and ducks around the boy.

Sasuke is just starting to turn around when Toru punches him. Sasuke catches the blow on his forearm and finds himself struggling to block Toru. Toru flips around Sasuke, dropping his shoulder just in time to shoulder Sasuke, knocking the other Uchiha off balance. Sasuke stumbles, trying to keep his balance but Toru doesn't give him any time, instead moving quickly and grabbing Sasuke's torso and flipping the academy student. He kneels down, pinning Sasuke with one leg and holding a kunai Sasuke's neck with one hand.

Toru stands up, putting the kunai away as he slowly stops panting. He helps Sasuke up, "Good spar," he says. "You switched between the General Academy Style and the Fire Style, didn't you?"

Sasuke nods, "Not for long, though. I used the Academy Style towards the end, but I don't know it very well."

Toru hums, "I could see that, but it suits you better than the Fire Style one currently." Sasuke opens his mouth to argue but Toru talks over the top of him, "It's simply because one of the key parts of the Fire Style is the sharingan, which – as I'm sure you know – helps to predict the movements of your opponent. It's also vital to be fast when using the Fire Style, as if your body can't keep up with your eyes, therefore making the style useless."

"You didn't use either of those styles," Sasuke points out. "What style did you use? I've never seen anything like it."

"It… was an old style that I found a scroll on," Toru says. "There are actually a few styles that I'm trying to learn. As I don't have the sharingan for the Fire Style and both of the academy styles are bases, I need to find other taijutsu styles that suit me. Now, I didn't know you could use the Great Fireball Technique. You were pretty good for a brat!"

Sasuke scowls, "I'm not a brat," he grumbles. Toru laughs. "What happened on your last mission?"

Toru's grin flickers before reappearing, "Well, it started off as a simple bodyguard and infiltration mission…"

It's he who finds her, in the end. The Uzukage looks like she's asleep, but the moment he gets near her, he can tell she has no chakra. He checks for a pulse. Nothing. She's a cold body (corpse). He turns to his team.

"Gather the main council now," he orders, his voice barely wavering (he can't show weakness). "Tell no one. Get Ken-san for me."

Seconds later, Ken is in the same room as he – Toru – is. The medic-nin looks half-awake but upon seeing Ayumu (no longer an Uzukage) dead, he gasps. "ANBU-san, she is–"

"Hai," he replies. "I'm sorry to ask this of you Ken-san, but we need a cause of death." Ken nods and the medic-nin's hands glow green as he runs a hand over Ayumu's body. Toru's ANBU team flicker into the room.

"Taichō, the council is waiting for you," Toru's second-in-command says.

Toru nods, "Thank you. I'm going to ask you to stay here, Tori, with Tora. Mission parameters are guarding only. Do not let anyone in aside from Ken-san. Ken-san, if you need anyone has to be trustworthy. Tora report directly to me with Ken-san once he has completed his diagnosis. Kame with me."

"Hai Taichō!" Comes the quick response from Toru's ANBU squad. The ANBU Commander, in his jackal mask, body flickers directly into the council room.

"Kame on guard," he orders. The turtle masked kunoichi nods and leaves the room. Toru activates all the privacy seals in the room, some that he made himself.

"What is it Jakkaru-san?" The Uzukage's advisor – Kaito – asks. "Where is Uzukage-sama?"

"Approximately seven minutes and thirty-seven seconds ago, Ayumu-sama was found dead at her desk. Ken-san is currently diagnosing the cause of death and will report to myself once the initial diagnosis is complete. Aside from Kame and myself, the rest of my team are guarding the scene of the crime," Toru reports. Immediately the council strikes up into conversation, many starting to cry at the news of their Uzukage's death.

"Enough," Toru says, making the council go quiet. "We cannot take the time to mourn. We currently have rumours about an invasion. We will mourn, yes, but we need to continue our preparations."

"That's barbaric, ignore our leader's death?" One of the council members says, aghast.

Toru refrains from growling, "We will not ignore Ayumu-sama's death, but we do have to continue preparing so we don't die. We will mourn but we also need to find the culprit. Ayumu-sama's death will have been due to someone she kno– knew. She would not have accepted anything from anyone she hadn't known well."

"This is a lot to take in," Kaito says, "How long until the diagnosis is known?"

Kame flares her chakra and Toru flares his in response. Tora and Ken enter the room. Ken immediately reports his findings, "The Uzukage-sama's death is due to poison. The initial results show that it was from cyanide."

"I located traces of cyanide within the tea and on the rim of the teacup," Tora reports. "Launch an investigation?"

"Call in Washi's squad for investigation," Toru decides. "Continue guarding the crime scene with Tori. Trust no one else in Washi's squad but the core: Washi, Uma, Buta, and Mausu."

"On it," Tora replies before leaving the room.

"Ken-san," Toru says turning his attention to the head of the hospital and medic-nins. "Do we know how lethal the dose was?"

"It looks like it took her one to two minutes to die. It appears she lost consciousness almost instantly and her heart rate increased astronomically. Ayumu-sama appears to have gone into cardiac arrest befo– before passing," Ken says, barely managing to keep his voice from stuttering the entire time. He takes his seat next to Kaito.

"We need a new Uzukage and soon," Kaito says. "I know this is hard, but we need to push forward through this difficulty. If news of the Uzukage's death is heard, the invasion may push forward due to our perceived weakness. Who can be nominated for the position?"

"Toru-san would be a good choice," one of the councillors offers. "He was on Ayumu-sama's genin team and was also a candidate for Uzukage upon the Nidaime's retirement and subsequent death."

"Michi-san is another candidate," Ken adds.

"Saki-san and Yoshi-san are the other candidates from when Ayumu-sama was chosen," Kaito says thoughtfully. "I recall Michi-san being passed over due to her responsibilities at the hospital and position as one of the head surgeons. Is this still a problem?"

Ken pauses before nodding his head. "It is, but she can step in for the invasion if needed."

"Saki-san was ignored due to her prowess in infiltration and spying abilities. Her kekkei genkai is the strongest in her clan; she is needed for missions," Toru says with a frown. "It is the same problem encountered as last time. We can take her off the mission rosters and put one of my ANBU in her position, but they are not as good as Saki-san."

"Damn," Kaito says. "That leaves Toru-san and Yoshi-san. Jakkaru-san do you believe that Toru-san will be able to cope in his current position as well as Uzukage?"

Toru nods his head, glad that his jackal mask hid his frown from Kaito, knowing that the advisor knew who he is. "He will be. He can foster some of the work off onto someone else and have his team help him."

"Why was Toru-san ignored as a candidate last time?" Another councillor asks.

"He caught wind that he was being observed to be a candidate and told me he didn't want the position and was happy in his current leadership position. He also pointed out that Ayumu-sama has– had more diplomatic missions than him, despite that only being because of Toru's current position," Kaito says.

"How do we know he'll accept now?" Ken asks with a frown.

"He will," Kaito says with a sad smile. "There is still Yoshi-san, though." Kaito looks up at Toru-san, "Jakkaru-san, you need to call in everyone for an announcement and check in on that investigation. We will continue discussing the Yondaime Uzukage here. Are you happy with either of the two candidates being Uzukage?"

"I'm fine with either," Toru responds. "Prepare to have an announcement in fifteen minutes. I'll gather my ANBU."

Toru leaves the room, signalling for Kame to follow him. :What's the plan?: Kame signals to him.

:Announcement in fifteen minutes: Toru responds. :Send the alert through and check in on Tori and Tora. I'll call in my ANBU.:

:Hai Taichō.: The pair separate, with Toru heading towards the ANBU headquarters. He takes the short route, cutting through the sewers beneath the ground before entering the cave system that doubled up as the ANBU headquarters.

The moment he enters, everyone snaps to attention. "At ease," Toru says, feeling the heavy weight of being an ANBU Commander rest on his shoulders. "I take it you have all realised something was up due to the call for Washi's squad without there being an actual mission?" There were a few nods and Toru took a deep breath, knowing the grief and sorrow he was about to cause with a few words. "The Uzukage was murdered early today. Traces of cyanide were found in her tea and teacup. The diagnosis shows that she didn't die in pain due to being unconscious."

"Who were her guards?" Ratto asks.

"She was in her own residence and was in the seal room," Toru replies, frustrated. The only reason no one knew who had killed her was because the Uzukage had been in her seal room. If Ayumu hadn't been in the seal room – where there can only be minimal chakra – she probably would've been saved. "Washi's squad is leading the investigation; any information that can be given is required."

"Who's the new Uzukage?" Another ANBU asks. Toru grimaces.

"I wasn't allowed to know because I may be one of the candidates," he responds. "I'll still be ANBU Commander until I decide upon my successor. There is an announcement for everyone in six minutes. Chō and Kaeru's squads are on lookout for threats. Hyō and Raion's squads are on in-village patrol. Panda and Kirin's squads are on half-guard. Everyone else, back to your normal roles, but be ready for any action. Keep an eye out for suspicious people."

"Hai Commander!" Comes the response from numerous ANBU. Toru turns around, and quickly changes from his ANBU uniform to his normal jōnin uniform.

Toru reaches the square in time for Kaito to start talking to the citizens of Uzushio. "Today," he begins, "our Uzukage was murdered within the grounds of her own home. We will have a day of mourning, but we cannot afford to show that we are weak! On our horizon, an invasion is brewing and there is a month until we will definitely fight. We will show them what Uzushio's strength is! We will show them why our power is to be feared! The Sandaime Uzukage has left us, but we now welcome our Yondaime Uzukage, Toru!"

Toru immediately freezes, he had known that there had been a strong likelihood of him being Uzukage, but he had never thought it would occur. It is traditional in Uzushio to not let the next Uzukage know they are going to be Uzukage until the announcement occurs. It is a way to show how the person felt about the position and everyone gets to see their initial reaction and make their own impression of that person.

Toru is gently shoved up towards the rest of the council and he climbs the steps, caught between happiness and surprise and sorrow. When he reaches Kaito, he gets a hold over his emotions and takes control of his mind. He is an ANBU Commander, and if necessary, he can force himself into that mindset. Kaito hands Toru the microphone and he looks out at Uzushio. He can pick out his ANBU easily, each one giving a grin and craftily signing to each other and their commander.

Toru talks. "When Ayumu became Uzukage, the first thing she did was drag me to the clifftop where you can see the sea become the horizon when the whirlpool is at its largest. She sat down, right on the edge of the cliff, and she told me she had finally become who she had always wanted to be. I then tossed a rock down, and watched as it fell into the ocean with a small splash.

"I told her that she should never hope to fully control Uzushio, because she was like her namesake. Uzushio was pulled up from the sea and the seals that make her are part of us all, because they make us too. I told Ayumu that Uzushio would never be tamed and that she's like the sea, and the sea never dies.

"Today has been tragic and this tragedy is something that all of us will feel. We will face sorrow and we will grieve and we will mourn. Ayumu has been one of my best friends since we were little, and to know that she has been killed makes me want to stop and mourn for the Warrior of Whirlpools. However, I know that more than anything Ayumu would want Uzushio to keep living and laughing despite her passing. Ayumu put everything into Uzushio, and it's only fair that we continue doing the same, as she would have wished.

"Ayumu is dead but her wishes don't have to die with her! We are the citizens of Uzushiogakure and we will continue on! We will move forward despite the events that attempt to subdue us. We will show that Uzushio is not to be taken lightly! We are the village hidden by the whirlpools! We are the ones the world fears when we take to battle! We are the sea, and the sea never dies!"

Toru looks out over his people as they roar and cheer and cry. He smiles. He might not have wanted this but it doesn't mean he won't enjoy it. He is the Yondaime Uzukage. He is the ANBU Commander. He is Uzushio and her people.

Toru wakes up. He… is not quite Toru Uchiha. It's a startling thought but one Toru has to make. He's been pushing himself to be better, to be more. It's exhausting him, and could end up as a problem in the future. There's a reason why Toru's been pushing himself so much as well. He's been struggling to forget. He's been trying to drown out the ragepainangerhurtgriefhatredsorrow in his heart. He hasn't taken the time to look at himself and what's happened. He's just moved forward and ignored what happened to him and what's happening around him. He closes his eyes and attempts to mediate, knowing that it's time he thinks things through.

There's anger in him and it's only slightly directionless. It's striking out at the world for doing this to him, for Uzushio's Toru who won't let him sleep in peace, for Itachi for murdering his clan, for Sasuke looking up to him, and his own failure at not becoming stronger quickly. There's hatred and hurt too, all wrapped up in the anger. It's like a fire he's been nursing – slowly feeding and banking the flames. There's hatred for himself for failing to save everyone, hatred for Itachi because he killed his only family (not that they acted like family), and hatred for Sasuke because the boy depended on him.

He's grieving too. There's a bone-deep sadness in him, and it's from his clan's death and Uzushio's fall. It's for Ayumu who ended so meekly and never really stood a chance. Ayumu who died, causing Uzushio's Toru to lose the one of the remaining figures from his childhood. Maybe he hates her for that, for leaving him alone.

Toru knows he can't go on like this. It's difficult enough attempting to work with his team, complete his own research, learn a new taijutsu style, and have time for Sasuke. To make matters worse, he finds himself waking up in the middle of the night with memories of an old village in his head. Not to mention, the two chakras in his body seem to be disturbing the other and making chakra control an extremely hard task.

He didn't ask for this. He never wanted this. Why is he the one stuck with dreams of a village long ruined? Why is he the one stuck with memories of dead people? Why had he survived the massacre with only one other person? Why did he manage to live when everyone else had died? Why is he here?

Uzushiogakure hadn't asked for an invasion either. Their Uzukage (Ayumu, his best friend, his genin teammate, his Sandaime Uzukage) had never asked to be murdered where she should've been safe. Uzushio's Toru never asked to be killed and lose his people to a war.

It's what they both got. Uzushio's Toru and he, they got what they didn't want – had never wanted.

There's a boy in Konohagakure, he knows, that has a demon trapped within him and doesn't know. He's hated and feared and lives with a sunny smile and tries his hardest. There's another boy in Konoha whose brother massacred his clan and killed his family, torturing his little brother and leaving him alive. There's a village lying in ruins that was once full of people, but now holds only forgotten reminders of a civilisation that once thrived.

This world isn't fair. It isn't just or safe. It's dark and deadly and the monsters in the dark tend to be just as human as everyone else. They're mercenaries for hire and killers with a home. They have morals but those can change depending on the mission. The very thing that makes them human changes for everyone.

He isn't Uzushio's Toru; he's a Konoha-nin with Uchiha blood in his veins. However, the world has been harsh on both of them and for this, he will learn from Uzushio. He will carry Uzushio's secrets because they have both faced the world's injustice.

Shou had initially been worried about their genin team. There had been the worry over whether they would accept them – as civilians tended to be less accepting – and use the correct pronouns. Then there was the worry over whether they would be liked or not. Lastly, there was the fear of dying out in the field.

Shou finds, to their delight, that not only are they accepted, but also their teammates constantly check that they're using the correct pronouns.

Not everything is perfect, though. Sometimes Toru will get a distant look and there'll be some unspeakable grief in his black eyes. Shou worries for the Uchiha, because they can see that both Uchiha hurting, albeit in different ways. Every so often, Shou will come across Toru training. The younger boy pushes himself, constantly working, and Shou wonders what his reason is.

Kiku is cheerful and happy; it's something the whole team needs. Toru, although constantly ready to offer a small smile and laugh, is quiet and awkward when talking, as if he just doesn't understand how you're meant to talk to someone normally. Shou knows that they aren't the best conversationalist; they're on the unassuming side of things and can't keep a conversation going. They tease each other, Kiku and them, but it's all in good fun.

When they're out on a mission and Toru snaps something at them, they listen. It's as if the boy is used to leading, and Shou catches him occasionally looking around as if trying to locate someone who's no longer there. Shou wonders whom he misses.

It's a good team. They're capable, and Natsumi may be blunt but she teaches well. If someone doesn't understand, they ask for help and everyone gives it. They might be average but they're not really average, they all have potential.

Shou sees it when Kiku blocks Toru's strike before kicking Shou in the stomach in a three-way spar. Kiku can be a taijutsu specialist if she puts the work forward, and she does. Toru doesn't seem to have found his niche, but every so often, he'll gain a thoughtful look and mention something that neither Shou nor Kiku understand but has Natsumi nodding with an interested expression. Natsumi teaches Shou genjutsu and Shou works to perfect each one they get taught.

"Affinities?" Kiku repeats after Natsumi, looking at the piece of paper in her hand. "I remember being taught about that in the academy. There are five main chakra natures, or affinities as they are also called – lightning, water, wind, fire, and earth. However, some releases get combined to create new kekkei genkai, like the Shodaime's wood release!"

"Exactly," Natsumi says with a nod of her head. "We have three months until the chūnin exams and I'm thinking about entering you." She crosses her arms, "You'll be the only Konoha rookie team entering, but it'll be good experience even if you don't pass. It's not saying you aren't good enough, but you'll probably have the least experience out of all the participants. I'm going to teach you all I can to get you ready in time, but it means putting in even more effort than you already have. Can you handle this?"

Kiku doesn't need to look at her teammates to see their responses; she can already see it in her head. She knows that Shou will nod and Toru will grin while she says, "We've got this Natsumi-sensei!"

Natsumi gives them all a lightning-quick smile that makes Kiku glow because Natsumi rarely gives them smiles unless they've done something to make her extremely proud. "We're going to look at techniques depending on your chakra nature. Shou-san, can you tell me what chakra nature you would expect someone from Kumo to have?"

"Lightning," Shou replies, "but that doesn't mean they can't have a different one. The Yondaime Hokage had a wind release despite being born in Hi no Kuni."

"Nicely put," Natsumi compliments. "Now, I want you to run a little bit of your chakra through the paper. Depending on your affinity, the paper will change. Toru-kun, can you tell me why I think you might have a fire affinity?"

"Because I can use the Great Fireball Technique?" Toru asks with a frown, "That was a hard technique to master. Is it possible to learn jutsu that aren't your chakra nature?"

Natsumi nods, "It is, but it's more chakra intensive as your very chakra has to convert to another type. It's possible that this might be true in your case, but it's very unlikely. Your clan tends to be fire orientated, with few lightning types. Kiku-chan, why don't you go first?"

Kiku gently pushes some of her chakra into the page. It catches on fire and Kiku drops it, jerking backwards as it turns to ash. "Fire affinity, right?" She asks, turning to look at Natsumi. Natsumi nods.

"Mmm, I'm sure Toru-kun will help you out. The Uchiha were quite well known for the fire techniques," Natsumi says. "Now, Shou-san, why don't you go ahead and find out your chakra nature?"

Kiku watches as Shou channels chakra into the chakra induction paper wrinkles, one of the corners catches on fire before it goes out. "Is it possible to have two affinities?" Shou asks and Kiku tilts her head to look back at Natsumi.

"It is, but most secondary affinities are extremely minor. You clearly have a lightning affinity, with a secondary fire one. However, the fire was quite small displaying that it's only a small affinity. This means it'll be hard to master your fire nature, although it'll be easier than mastering wind, water, and earth natures." Natsumi informs her students, "Toru-kun, why don't you give it a go?" Kiku watches in surprise as the paper in Toru's hands becomes wet and splits in half.

Kiku hasn't known Shou or Toru for very long. She's known them for the three months that they've worked in a team, but she doesn't know what Toru was like before the massacre or what Shou was like before they became a ninja.

Kiku came onto this team expecting it to be boring. She remembered boys and girls with black hair and black eyes with pale skin and fragile features. She remembers stoic faces and red eyes. She remembers how they stuck together. She doesn't recall Toru being within that crowd, but she still wonders how affected he is by the Uchiha massacre.

Sometimes the boy gets melancholy and wistful; it doesn't suit him. Kiku likes her team because they're friends and teammates, but they aren't family. That's something that Toru needs, Kiku knows, but Team Five isn't a family; they haven't known each other for long enough.

"That's surprising," Natsumi muses, pulling Kiku out of her ramblings. "I was expecting a fire affinity not wind and water. Your water affinity is stronger, but your wind affinity is almost as strong. I only know a few basic water techniques, but I do know one or two people who know some more. However, the first thing you all need to do is get a hang of calling on your chakra nature instead of your normal chakra. For example, Toru-kun, what does it feel like when you use your chakra for the Great Fireball Technique?"

Toru visibly thinks, "It's… like adrenalin, I suppose. It's quick and brief but while it's there, it feels like it's taking forever. It's in a… a rush, I guess. It wants to do something and you have to guide it and keep it steady. Its flames beneath your skin wanting to get out and your heart racing too fast. You want to move and do something but you need to control yourself." He shrugs, "At least, that's what it feels like to me."

"Although there are minor differences in what people experience, everyone agrees that there is a difference between their normal chakra and their chakra infused with a certain affinity. Kiku-chan, I want you to get a leaf and try to get it on fire using your chakra only. Got it?" Kiku nods.

"Shou-san, lightning is more difficult to control. You have to be careful because it's fast and it can electrocute you. The easiest ways to get rid of any symptoms caused by lightning chakra is to neutralise it with your own chakra. To understand how lightning chakra feels, you're going to work on sending it through this wire so that the lightbulb in the middle glows. Think you can manage that?"

"Hai," Shou replies as they take the lightbulb from their sensei.

"Toru-kun, you're going to try and make a leaf damp. Tell me once you've completed that, alright?" Toru nods. "Good, let's get to work Team Five!"

"Toru-kun, this is Kakashi Hatake," Natsumi introduces. "He knows a few water natured techniques and due to a favour owed, he'll teach you one or two."

"Thank you Kakashi-sensei," Toru says quietly.

"Ahh," Kakashi scratches the back of his head, "I owed Natsumi-chan after all." Natsumi walks off towards her other genins, leaving the jōnin to teach the Uchiha (and look how well that turned out last time). "There are three jutsus I was thinking that you could learn. One is Water Release: Stormy Upheaval; it's fairly draining but doesn't require hand seals and you can use a source of water for it. The second technique is Water Release: Wave, which is less draining but it does have hand seals. The third is a Kirigakure technique known as Hiding Mist Technique but it requires good chakra control."

"The second one would be best Kakashi-sensei," Toru says softly. "My chakra control isn't the best and I've only started working with my water chakra recently."

Kakashi nods, "The hand seals are dragon, tiger, and dog. It's a D-ranked offensive jutsu with a medium to long range." Toru slowly flips through the hand seals, getting a feel for how his chakra system changes for each one.

"Okay, I have the hand seals down, I think," Toru eventually says. "How do I aim it? Does it require aiming?"

Kakashi shakes his head, "It's similar to many other jutsu in how it depends on your thoughts on where it goes. It's like aiming for the body replacement technique."

Toru nods and calls upon his chakra. He focusses on the feeling of his water chakra nature, the push and pull, the give and take, the wilful, ever-forceful nature of it. His chakra rises and Toru turns his attention outwards and starts to flicker through his hand seals when he notices that Kakashi has moved backwards, too far out of the way for Toru to simply use a jutsu. He aborts the technique, letting his chakra fall away.

"Are you alright Kakashi-sensei?" Toru calls.

Kakashi looks at the Uchiha, for a moment the boy looks like an older one with sharingan in each eye. Kakashi shakes the image away, firmly reminding himself that the boy in front of him is not Itachi. "I'm fine," he replies gruffly, pulling his ANBU mindset around him like a coat. It's probably better that he doesn't flinch away from the Uchiha. He can see some of the similarities there. Toru is clearly intelligent but he also didn't graduate from the academy early.

Toru hesitantly nods before calling upon his chakra again. As it rises, Kakashi gets the sense of angersorrowgrief in the Uchiha's chakra before Toru goes through the hand seals. The water in front of Toru lifts slightly before collapsing in on itself as Toru's chakra wavers.

"That failed because my chakra wavered," Toru says, almost to himself. "Firmer control and maybe slightly more chakra so it isn't such a small wave and quicker to die down."

Kakashi takes a step back, knowing that more chakra is not the answer. Meanwhile, Toru calls upon his chakra and goes through the hand seals, "Water Release: Wave!"

The jutsu sucks out a third of Toru's reserves and a massive wave swells and rises in front of him. It flies forward and Toru's chakra slips from his grasp once more, except instead of stopping, the wave slams into the opposite shore, splashing one of his teammates.

Toru turns to face Kakashi, "You knew that was going to happen, didn't you?"

Kakashi shrugs and opens his book, "Do you know what went wrong?"

"Too much chakra," Toru grumbles. "It's easier to create a bigger wave with more chakra, but more chakra means it's harder to control, less control means it won't work properly. Start small and work my way up. Alright, let's try this again." Toru slowly goes through each hand seal carefully, "Water Release: Wave!"

The water surges forward and Toru concentrates on keeping his chakra in control of the wave. It's the work of a few seconds to increase the chakra going into the jutsu. He changes aim, attempting to pull the chakra a different direction. Instead, he loses his grasp over the wave and it laps against the shore as it falls to pieces.

"Better," Kakashi says, surprising Toru who instantly spins around and moving away. Kakashi notes the movement but ultimately ignores it "What was the problem this time?"

"You can't change the aim once you've started the jutsu," Toru responds. "I don't understand how you could use this in a combat situation."

"Aah," Kakashi responds but doesn't do anything else. Toru scowls at him and sits on the ground with crossed legs. Instead of attempting the jutsu again, Toru takes the time to think over it. The problems he encounters are based on chakra – the amount of chakra necessary and his control over that chakra. Toru's managed to get the right chakra amount, and he can recall the feeling so he knows how to do that properly. The problem is the force behind the wave is almost nothing, making it useless in a fight.

Toru frowns. He's assuming that the strength of the wave is depending on the amount of chakra put into the technique. However, each time he has completed the jutsu, his hand seals are slightly different.

Toru stands and goes through the hand seals, pausing on tiger for an extra second. "Water Release: Wave!"

The water in front of him surges forward in a wave, but despite the speed, it's still lacking strength. However, the knowledge that holding the seal increased the speed of the jutsu is important. The tiger hand seal is generally used for fire releases, which are normally fast and destructive.

Toru judges his chakra levels, before deciding he can probably manage completing the technique three more times before he drops below one third of his reserves. "Water Release: Wave!" Toru says, this time holding both the dog and tiger seals for an extra second.

Within the large pond, the water in front of Toru swells before racing forward. It slams into a rock on the far shore, and Toru can see that the large rock was pushed back. He grins and turns to Kakashi, "Thank you Kakashi-sense!"

Kakashi blinks, no longer seeing an older Uchiha student who had massacred the majority of his clan. Instead, another Uchiha has taken his place. For a moment, all Kakashi can see is an echo of Shisui.

Toru looks different smiling, Kakashi decides as he puts his book away. He might as well give the boy a bit more advice. "Using more chakra for one hand seal is the same as holding the hand seal for a longer period of time," he says. "Good job," he tacks on, aware that you're meant to compliment children.

Toru beams before spinning around and racing across the water to his teammates. Kakashi thinks what-if for a moment before turning on his heel. He no longer owes Natsumi a favour.

Sasuke tightens his grip on Toru's hand. The pair stares at the (empty) Uchiha compound gates (left unguarded because everyone is deaddeaddeadDEAD). Toru wonders, again, if it is a bad idea to bring Sasuke with him into the compound. They both needed to do this, so perhaps it is better this way.

Toru takes a step forward and it feels as if the world around him finally breathes. The next step is easier, and the one after that is even easier. Next to him, Sasuke walks and Toru can almost feel the anguish and hate that rises in the younger Uchiha.

They reach Toru's home. Toru pushes open the door (and enters the always, always empty house). He bypasses his mother's room and leads Sasuke up to his room. He enters the walk-in wardrobe that mainly contains the weapons he owns. "Take what you need," he tells Sasuke who starts picking up numerous weapons.

Something in the corner catches Toru's eye. Toru picks up a scroll that he isn't aware he owns. He sees a wrapped box next to the scroll and spots a few words on the box that makes him pause.

From the best cousin!

Toru closes his eyes (and wonders why everyone he knows dies) and picks up the box as well. He can look at them back in the apartment (not home, still not home). Toru turns to see Sasuke at the door waiting. "Are you okay?" Sasuke asks softly.

Toru picks up the only two pictures he's ever owned. "I will be," he replies. "I just… I was never really close with my mother. I think I reminded her of my father. He was from out of the clan, and she lost her standing within the clan when she married him. After he died… Well, I think she thought I needed a better standing within the clan because I was ignored by many others in the clan. She went on long missions; I think I saw her maybe once or twice a month after I'd turned eight." Toru doesn't know why he's telling Sasuke anything, but he thinks that he only remaining member of his family should know more about him.

"My mother was really, really pretty," Sasuke replies.

Toru grabs at a half-remembered memory of the wife of the previous clan head. He can't remember her properly. He swallows the hopelessness that rises within him. "I'm sure she was," he replies softly. The pair leaves the Uchiha compound behind (and the loathed memories it brought).

Hey Cousin; hope everything's well.

Of course, if you're reading this message, then something happened to me. I'm sorry that I've left you alone. This message would only be released if something happened and my chakra is no longer available to continue powering the seal.

More over, if something happened to me, I knew you would be all alone. Don't let yourself fall prey to anger and hatred, you hear me? As Uchiha, we feel more strongly than others do, and that's why we tend to fall in battle so easily. We give into our emotions, and we pay for the mistakes we make. However, we can also use our emotions to empower us to fight.

Essentially as ninjas, it is our job to protect Konoha. We are the ones in the shadows who keep the village safe. This may be hard, but I want you to protect Konoha. I will have died in her name. I will not force this upon you, but Konoha is the one who we owe loyalty to. We protect her and she protects us in turn.


Your darling cousin Shisui

P.S. I hope you appreciate your present (it is meant to be your graduation gift)

Toru wipes the tears from his eyes. He misses Shisui dearly. His cousin had been like an older brother and had always been there for him despite the fact he regularly took missions. Shisui had been full of life and always willing to laugh. When Toru's father died, Toru's mother had put everything into her work. Toru had been left alone and feeling despondent; he had learnt to depend on Shisui. Learning of Shisui's death had almost ruined Toru, and the massacre that had shortly followed didn't help.

The message Toru receives, though, tells that there's something else around. Maybe if Toru had been less than he is, he would've fallen prey to sorrow and grief and ignored the message Shisui left. Toru is more than his experience in Konoha; he's more than Toru Uchiha.

Shisui had been prepared for his death, prepared for it being before Toru's graduation. Shisui is warning Toru, warning him about his own emotions. Shisui had always been careful, and he had been powerful.

Toru frowns because Shisui had committed suicide, even if there was an investigation for murder. That alone suggests that Shisui had been preparing for his death, and for him to then kill himself? It didn't make sense. Toru is missing something; he just doesn't know what.

Toru knows he can drive himself mad with his thoughts looping in circles and criss-crossing and constantly moving, but he knows that it'll end up making him annoyed and frustrated with himself and the world.

Toru unwraps the brown paper covering, revealing a box. Toru reaches out with a tendril of chakra, and a seal appears, glowing red-black (and it's like a language he's always known but previously forgotten). He channels his chakra into the seal and it glows brighter in recognition of Toru's chakra signature.

A book rests on top of a piece of paper; the box ignites and turns to ash. Toru opens the book, and laughs upon seeing the title.

A Complete Guide to Fūinjutsu

A collection of seals and information from seal masters through the ages.

It is the piece of paper that causes Toru to freeze – if only because of what it says. Toru pushes his emotions away (and pulls his ANBU mindset around him), and reads the message.

Toru; after you read this, burn it. Treat it as classified information for your eyes only.

This message will only get to the person with your exact chakra signature. There is hidden information and all you need to know IS UNSAFE. There is something corrupt and acidic around; you need to take care and look out. Strengthen your position and make it hard for you to suddenly go missing. Keep your secrets and strengths carefully hidden and tucked away. Make sure you always have one unknown ability or else you will fail and fall.


Toru rereads the message a few times, trying to burn it into his mind before burning it. He picks up the first note from his cousin, and this time reads the first letter of almost every new paragraph before burning that note too. Toru swallows and puts the book away, deciding to look at it later. The new knowledge sits heavy in his stomach. He gets up; Sasuke is around somewhere. Toru ignores the lingering thoughts in his mind.


Almost six months after graduating from Konoha's Ninja Academy, Team Five consisting of Shou Shimizu, Kiku Kurama, and Toru Uchiha were entered in the chūnin exams located in Sunagakure. Team Five, led by Natsumi Hayashi, were accompanied by three other genin teams from Konoha. The exams were to take place over the course of two weeks. The expectations were for four genins to be promoted to chūnin status, two genins to die, and the rest to return to Konoha and continue training.


Alright, so yes, Toru is finally starting to accept Uzushio's Toru, but right now it's only because he's found a point of connection between them both. They're not the same person, it's more like Konoha's Toru has read a book and understood the emotion behind each word, but they're not the same thing. There are times when it seems like Uzushio's Toru bleeds through into Konoha's Toru (personality or behaviour wise), but that's because Konoha's Toru has lived through Uzushio's Toru's life (okay for future reference it's now gonna be KT and UT), and so KT has learned from UT and knows how to pull an 'ANBU' mindset (it's not quite the same as UT's ANBU mindset, it's more like KT's attempt at pushing his emotions away and ignoring them so he doesn't have to deal with them; ANBU mindsets are different in reality).

Also, KT is quite torn over Ayumu's death but once again he ignores the emotions. It's what pushes him to evaluate his mind, but he's still not really accepting anything. He's treating them like they're part of a movie or book, helpful but not overly important or useful in the grand scheme of things; he refuses to treat them like it's personal to him and something that only he knows/sees and how valuable the knowledge can be.

So I did a bit of research, and Kakashi is pulled out of the ANBU upon Itachi's betrayal (I'm pretty sure I read that on the wikia, but not 100% sure). Kakashi doesn't want to help Toru, but he owns it to Natsumi and paying his debts by training a genin is better than a bunch of other things he can be manipulated/pushed into doing. He reacts to Toru and judges/compares him to Itachi, as that's the main Uchiha in his mind. However, he does come to the realisation that Toru is not Itachi or Shisui, but his own person (even if it's only a vague realisation and isn't really important).

Sasuke asking Toru to train with him is character development, even if you don't think it is. Sasuke asking for help is showing that he does realising Toru is stronger than him and he needs help, but it's also Sasuke pushing past memories of Itachi not helping him.

The pair going back to the clan compound is a big step, even if they only go to Toru's house. Toru doesn't really care much for his mother, as it's more of a genetic link than any real family connection. They lost their relationship when Toru's father died. Sasuke giving that little bit of information is another bit of character development because he's accepting that she's dead, and also telling Toru little bits of information that he could've kept to himself but instead shares.

Shisui's message is a challenge to write, because it needs to have undercurrents but not obvious ones that any ninja can pick up. It needs to be strictly for Toru so only he can understand it. Shisui is essentially seen as a happy-go-lucky person, but he's also a prodigy (or a genius), and so he understands the realities of life and that is simply part of mask to hide himself and keep people underestimating him. Shisui can be stern and cunning; he can be serious. He's also pushing Toru to remain as a Konoha-nin, and loyal to Konoha not the Uchiha. Shisui didn't expect the clan to die, but rather thought if he was found out and killed someone needed to know the truth, and he's leaving hints for Toru if Toru realises and can manage to put it together.

Shisui knows that fuinjutsu is a very hard area but it is powerful when the time and effort is put into it. He believes that Toru has what is needed to be good at seals, even if he is never great it would still be a good skillset to have. Shisui is also warning Toru to keep a public image so if he goes missing it will be noticed (and therefore the perpetrator will get caught).

The next chapter is the chunin exams, so that should be interesting.