Chapter 5: Quirk Apprehension Tests

Ch 5: Quirk Apprehension Test

Fic rec of the day: Silver by Imyoshi

"Decide what your truth is. Then live it."

― Kamal Ravikant




Lee shook off his surprise quickly and reached out to shake the hand of the girl. Itsuka Kendo. He grabbed the hand and bowed at the waist, "I am so sorry, Kendo-san! Please forgive me!"

The orange-ette smiled kindly, not that he could see, and pulled her hand away to wave him off. "You're fine. It's not like I was hurt. Besides, if I got hit then that just means I'm not as good as I thought I was, right?" She said with a casual shrug of her shoulders.

That made sense, Lee reasoned. Lee straightened up and smiled brightly at her. Maybe almost hitting people was the right way to make friends? He was 2 for 2 so far.

At that thought, a little pang of something hit him at the thought of Mina. He hoped that she got in because it looked like she wasn't here. Maybe she was running late?

He switched focus onto the girl in front of him and smiled wide and honest, as Guy-sensei told him too, and introduced himself. "Hello, Kendo-san. I am Rock Lee, your classmate," He told her with his beaming smile.

Kendo-san smiled back Lee noticed her cheeks were a little pink. How curious. Maybe she was smiling too hard?

"It is nice to meet you, Lee," She greeted back cheerfully. "Since we're gonna be classmates, you can call me Itsuka."

Lee nodded, "Sure, I can do that Itsuka," He corrected himself.

"Yet another is brought into the fold of 1-B! How wonderful!" A voice cut in.

Lee and Itsuka turn to see a tall-ish boy with slick blonde hair and purple eyes looking at the both of them with a small smirk on his face.

The boy tilted his head a little and said, "I am Naito Monoma. Welcome to the class, Lee-san," his eyes swiveled to Itsuka and the smirk on his face seemed to grow. "If Kendo-san would permit it, the rest of the class would absolutely love to meet you," he finished with a peculiar tilt to his tone.

Lee's eyes widened at what he said and he couldn't help the smile that grew on his face. Others were excited to see him? Truly?

"Really? Well, allow me to not disappoint by not greeting them all!" Lee said enthusiastically with a fist pump. He was making friends so fast! He had to keep up the momentum.

His enthusiasm had Itsuka snort and giggle under her breath. It had Monoma to drop his smirk and scrunch up his brows in confusion.

Before Lee could get started with his introductions to the different people who were apparently excited to meet him, he heard the door handle turn. As a collective, the class turned to the opening door to reveal who was coming in.

"I think to save ourselves some time," A deep voice began, "we should kill two birds with one stone and do this out on the practice field, hmm?"

The person entered the room entirely, and everyone craned their necks up to look at him in silent awe.

Sekijiro Kan, Blood Hero: Vlad King

Quirk: Blood Control

The tall, heavily muscled man looked at them from behind a stony, intimidating scowl. He stood tall, definitely taller than Guy-sensei at least. He was built like a powerlifter with wide shoulders and bulging muscles underneath his red costume. Lee was in awe. It was Vlad King! Right here in front of him!

The class was as quiet as a class that was meeting a Pro-Hero for the first time. The Pro-Hero crossed his large arms across his enormous chest, muscles flexing and stepped into the classroom more and out of the doorway.

"No questions?" His deep voice grumbled out from behind a pair of sharp, protruding canines. "Then, go get changed and meet me at the practice field. Changing rooms are down the hall to your left on either side of the halls. The practice field is outside through the big double doors. You have 10 minutes. " He told them. His tone of voice didn't reveal much, but everyone was perceptive enough to hear the unsaid 'go'.

The class collectively scrambled to their feet and out of the door of their classroom in a hurry. The swifter students leading the way out of the room with the bigger, slower students stumbling behind to catch up to their running classmates. In a few seconds flat, Vlad was standing alone in his classroom. He quirked an eyebrow at their speed. Faster than in previous years. Hopefully, that was a sign of good things to come.

Lee looked around as he stood with his classmates out on the practice field in their UA provided fitness clothes. It was an extremely large, wide dirt field with painted white lines going around it that helped indicated boundaries. The dirt field was surrounded by short cut grass and a few trees scattered here and there, but Lee was almost taken aback by how large the field was.

"Hey, the stripes spell out U.A. That's pretty neat actually," one of his classmates, one with brown hair and sloped, oval-shaped eyes, said to nobody in particular.

Lee looked down and sure enough, he could make out the U.A. on the front going down the legs. That was pretty neat actually. The all blue and white outfit was pretty comfortable and lose in the right places. He guessed that was why they asked for his fitting size in the application packet. Lee picked at the zipper on the high collar and moved his neck around to try and settle it in a comfortable enough position.

Maybe he should just zip it down a little? It really was not the most comfortable thing in the world, but he needed to make sure he followed the rules here to the letter. He did not need 'not following dress code' to be the reason he gets kicked out. If they were supposed to wear these things, then he would wear them as intended. He petulantly flicked the zipper one more time before sighing in resignation.

He looked around nervously. He was sure he wasn't the only nervous one, he could feel it. In an open yard, everyone was scattered around yet still close enough to be called a single group. Some teetered on their feet, others wrung their hands together over and over again. He caught others looking around just like him too.

Where was their sensei at? Had it even been 10 minutes? What were they doing out here, on the first day, no less? Was this some sort of special U.A. introduction?

Lee grimaced to himself, as he did not know any of the answers to those questions. He was well and truly out of his element being here around so many people with such powerful Quirks. He let his lips turn downward at that thought. Quirks. He knew it was only a matter of time before they knew before they all knew he didn't have a Quirk.

Something in his stomach flipped around like when he ate too much before balance training, and his heartfelt heavy in his chest.

He couldn't lie, though. Guy-sensei had taught him better to lie like that, believed in him not to lie, but the thought appealed to a part of him he wished to ignore. A part persisted with a harrowing sense of strength. It would make things so much..simpler(safer) for him to lie. He could pass off the 'Gates' as a Quirk and they would believe him. He could see it now even, see it as clear as day.

Heavy approaching steps broke him from his thoughts, and he looked to find their sensei, Vlad King, walking towards the group. Lee stopped looking around and focused on the muscle-bound Pro-Hero.

Vlad walked their way, back straight and shoulders squared and gripped in one of his large hands was an orange bucket filled with what looked like baseballs. With his long legs, it took him a few steps to take his place in front of the assembled students. As he arrived in front of the assembled group of students, he wasted no time getting things started.

"Today, we will be conducting a series of Quirk Comprehension Tests for a better understanding of what you all can do," his rumbling voice began. "These tests are like the ones you took in middle school, but here you can use your Quirks. Everyone will participate in a series of tests scored on a scale of 1-5 with 1 being the lowest you can score and 5 being the highest," he explained to them.

For a few long moments, he didn't say anything and what he said settled with Lee and the class. Lee felt it was simple enough, but he couldn't help feeling a little confused. Wasn't seeing what they could do the whole point of the Entrance Exam?

"This will be furthering our and your understanding of your Quirks," Vlad continued. "The Entrance Exam gave us an initial look into your potential, but these tests will be us gauging your physical limits," he told them seriously. "Let us get started."

He dropped the bucket, letting it crack against the ground loud enough to make a few people flinch. Vlad reached down and picked up a baseball, which looked more like a golf ball in his giant hand and tossed it up and down a few times.

"Any volunteers?"

Quickly, a hand went up in response.

"Oi!" A rough voice spoke up from the crowd of students. From the group, the boy Lee saw with silver hair step forward to accept Vlad's invitation. "I'll go first and set the bar for everyone to reach!" He proclaimed confidently.

Vlad nodded his head as if agreeing with the loud teen, before tossing the baseball to him. "Then set the bar, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu of Class 1-B. Throw the ball as far as you can and do not hold back," he told him sternly.

The teen, Tetsutetsu, nodded determinedly and prepared to throw the ball as Vlad-sensei stepped away to give him space. A silence settled over the group as Tetsutetsu got ready to throw.

Lee leaned forward in anticipation. Tetsutetsu's arms seemed to start to glint under the sun-wait what was happening? Lee squinted a little and almost gasped. There seemed to be something growing along his arm? The whatever-it-was grew quickly along his exposed skin until Tetsutetsu's whole body was covered in it and he shined under the sun. Lee gasped silently to himself in wonder.

Tetsutetsu cranked his arm back and grit his teeth. He planted his foot and launched the ball from his hand.

"ORA!" Tetsutetsu screamed. The ball was catapulted from his hand into the air like it was shot from a cannon. It blitzed through the air until it was only a dot in the sky that Lee could barely see.

Wow, a stupefied Lee thought to himself, what strength!

Tetsutetsu relaxed and rotated his shoulder around a few times before settling down with a wide, sharp grin on his face. The glint he gained had gone, and his regular pale skin tone had returned.

Tetsutetsu turned to their sensei, who had a weird device pointed in the direction Tetsutetsu threw the ball. The device beeped a few times and large red numbers blinked on the screen.

Vlad flipped the device around to show Tetsutetsu and the class his score.

310.58 meters shone on the device in blocky red numbers.

"Hell yeah!" Tetsutetsu howled into the sky and threw his arms up in exuberance.

Vlad-sensei flipped the device back around and clicked a button on it to make the red numbers disappear. He turned to the class and gave Tetsutetsu a look that made him quickly tuck his arms back down. It did little to wipe off his satisfied smirk, though.

"With Tetsutetsu's display, the bar has been set, and, after that display, I am sure that was his absolute best. No matter the score, that is the expectation that has been set for you all. To do your absolute best," he lowered the device and something in his stance shifted as well as his tone. Lee couldn't help but be captivated by their sensei for a moment.

"We here at U.A. take nothing but the best. We accept those that prove to us that they have the highest potential, the highest will, to become the heroes of tomorrow, and you all are some of the few that have proven it. You earned your spot here, but now it is up to you to make sure you keep it," Vlad-sensei began intensely. His sharp eyes roamed across the class, looking at each student intently-pressing down upon them the real purpose of these tests. "During these tests, I want you to challenge yourself to do more than your absolute best, give more than 100%. I want you to go further beyond, go Plus Ultra," he finished resolutely.

Lee felt his heartbeat loudly in his chest and clenched his fists determinately. Vlad-sensei was right. He had earned his spot here just like everyone who did have a Quirk, and he was intent on keeping it. He was going to become a wonderful hero without a Quirk, and show the world just what hard work can do!

Lee took a deep breath and stood a little straighter. He squared his shoulders and his resolve within himself grew. He could do this!

Around him, he could see and hear some of his classmates stand a little more confident. Lee couldn't keep the grin from worming its way across his face. Time to start becoming the heroes of tomorrow.

After, Tetsutetsu's incredible display of strength, Vlad-sensei moved them to a different area for testing. This time they were at what looked like a butchered track. It was only the straightaway part of the track with the different lanes bordered by the same white paint from before.

Vlad-sensei gestured to the track, "Here, you will be running in a 50-meter dash. You will be running in groups of 5 with each person having their own lane to run in," he explained. "Find a lane and line up. Should be four to each lane," He explained to them in his rumbly voice.

Quickly, everyone found a spot. Lee found himself behind second behind a particularly hairy teen with glasses.

Vlad-sense stood on the right of the lanes, record-keeping device firmly in hand and made a move back motion with his hand.

"Give the person in front of you a lot of space. Those in front go on my signal, so stretch if you have not started already. After you finish, come to me, and I shall give you your time," he explained to them.

With no more prompting, things got started. Lee wouldn't use the Gates here. He couldn't really. Guy-sensei had also given him strict rules he needed to follow if he was to learn the Eight Gates of Chakra. His body couldn't handle the strain of more than one usage a day and only for a few moments. During the entrance exam was a dangerous move, he was lucky he got out without tearing anything seriously, but there was possibly a life at risk and that trumped everything. Screw the rules.

Regardless, as Lee began his stretching routine with toe touches(with Guy-sensei's voice echoed in his head about making sure not to bend his knees as he did it), he needed to lock-in. He knows he could perform at a higher level physically without a Quirk or the Gates. Guy-sensei saw to that thoroughly. His physical performance only supplemented the Gates, as Guy-sensei explained to him. So, these tests would help show him what he needed to focus on in order to become an even greater hero.

Lee straightened up from his toe touches, spread his legs and leaned to one side to stretch out the inner thigh and groin area. He made sure to take deep breaths as he counted to 15 silently. Then, he switched to the other side.

Just as he finished his other side, he felt a light tap on his shoulder that had him turning around. Lee turned to face a girl with horns and wide, green eyes with an even wider smile.

"May I join you in stretches?" She asked with an accent that Lee couldn't place. Her Japanese wasn't fluent, obviously from the missed pronoun, so that placed her out of the country. A foreigner maybe? Nevertheless, Lee wasn't going to turn her down if she wished to join him.

"Sure," he nodded, happy to have the company.

The girl with the horns smiled wide, showing off pearly white teeth, and joined him in the stretch.

"My name is Pony Tsunotori. I am from the America," She said in accented Japanese.

Ah, that made sense. Lee nodded to that with wonder. "I'm Rock Lee. You're from America? What brings you all the way over here to Japan?" He asked with unchecked curiosity.

Pony nodded, as if she had gotten the question before, and answered, "Family moved here uhm soon?" she asked with a shyly raised eyebrow.

Lee grabbed his foot in a stretch, "Recently," he corrected.

"Recently," Pony repeated. She muttered it to herself a few times before continuing her explanation. "Family moved here recently, and I've always wanted to become a hero. U.A. is top school, and parents always said to uhm aim above?" She finished unsurely as she straightened up from her own stretch.

Lee idly noted how flexible she was as she easily touched her toes with no sign of strain. "I think you mean to aim high," He said.

Pony nodded happily and her shoulders sagged with relief. "Yes, that is it. Aim high. They said to aim high, so I am here," she finished confidently with an assured nod as if judging her Japanese to be sufficient.

Lee smiled at her, it was easy to smile at her he found and finished up his stretches.

Before Lee could continue his conversation with Pony, Vlad-sensei's booming voice stopped him short. "Let's get started. Those in the front line up. You go on my signal!" He barked.

From there, Lee smiled one more time at Pony.

"After this, we should talk more," He told her.

Pony moved a few steps away from him and smiled right back.

"I would like that," She beamed.

From there, Lee turned around and focused on the tests. On Vlad-sensei's signal, things started.

Over the course of the tests, Lee found himself both proud and disheartened. He was doing good. Always the middle of the pack due to all the physical conditioning Guy-sensei had him do. He never came in last, which was great, but the gaps between him and those that came in above him were...vast.

His 50-yard dash time was great, a 5.30 He was just behind two students, one of them being Pony. Grip strength, he didn't do as well as those with strength enhancing Quirks, like Tetsutetsu's, which covered him in steel. He was all too happy to explain that after someone asked him. Also, Itsuka whose Quirk enlarged her hands. That one was a shocker!

In the long jump, he was so close to clearing the sandbox but missed by a few inches. He'd work on his leg strength after that realization. With the repeating side jumps, he went as fast as possible and landed with the same people as he did for the 50-yard dash. Speed was his forte and he took personal pride in being as fast as he was. Guy-sensei even said he might eclipse him in speed one day.

Now, that would be something.

Finally, they circled back to the softball throw where the displays were all over the place. Using your Quirk to supplement something like throwing a ball was simple enough. A girl used her vine-like hair, he wasn't sure if they really were vines or just long, green strands of hair, to throw the ball, another boy used his breath to propel the ball far into the air, and one other boy rotated his hands like drills and shot the ball as far as he could. Lee threw the ball as far as he possibly could and only got 130.5 meters.

Lee couldn't help but be impressed and excited. The tests showed him that things weren't impossible. They showed him that those heights were reachable and, better yet, surpassable.

Vlad-sensei rounded them up together at the end of it all to speak to them.

"You all did well today. You did your best and that is all anyone can ask of you. I asked you to go Plus Ultra, and that is what you did. Keep your scores in the back of your mind from this day forward because the only way from here is up as you get better and better and become the heroes you're meant to be," He said, a glint of something in his eyes. He looked at them and nodded his head, as if impressed by what he saw and said, "Get changed and head home. We're done for the day. Nice job, 1-B."

With that, Vlad-sensei led them back inside to get changed. After getting changed, they grabbed their things from the classroom, some people mingling with each other as they walked out. Lee was one of the last out of the classroom until he heard his name called by Vlad-sensei.

He turned to see his sensei standing in front of the classroom, arms crossed across his broad chest, and Lee couldn't help the slight apprehension that flowed through him.

He stepped forward to greet his sensei, "Uh, what did you want to talk about Vlad-sensei?"

Vlad-sensei waited till they were alone to speak, and a part of Lee was sure it was intentional.

"Walk with me, Lee. We don't want to take up much of your time," Vlad-sensei began as the duo moved out of the classroom in the opposite way everyone else left in.

Vlad continued to speak as they walked to wherever they were going. "As you and I know, your situation is a delicate one. It is a first in the history of this institution and the world. You will be under a lot of scrutiny from both inside and outside of these walls. If you ever find yourself being overwhelmed, let me know and we can work something out," he said in what was meant to be a gentle tone.

To Lee, it was patronizing. Oh, this is what this is about. Lee swallowed the anger he was feeling and replied, "I appreciate the thought, sensei, but I am done being treated differently because of my 'status'," He replied tartly.

Lee stared hard at his sensei. "I may not have what they have, but I won't fall behind nor hold anyone back. I am here for the same reasons they are, to become a hero," something ignited in his chest that fueled his next words. "I won't hide who I am. My sensei taught me better than that. He also taught me that hard work speaks for itself, so I have nothing to say to anybody that doesn't believe I belong here. If-if my classmates have an issue then that is their problem, not mine. I am here to become a hero and there is nothing anyone can say or do to stop me," he finished passionately.

Lee clenched his fist and teeth and tried to calm down. He looked away from his sensei and wiped at his eyes. Stupid tears.

"I apologize, Lee," Vlad-sensei began to Lee's surprise. Lee gazed at his sensei with a wary look.

"It was not my intention to offend you," the Pro-Hero spoke softly in his grumbly voice. "I assumed wrong with you. Your performance today should have been enough to reassure me, but I had to make sure. Things will not be easy for you, Lee. The school can only protect you so much, but I am sure you know first hand how cruel people can be when encountered with something or someone different or strange," He spoke with something deeper in his tone that Lee couldn't discern.

Lee couldn't do anything but nod at that.

"There is one other thing I wished to discuss with you. This one concerns your performance during the Entrance Exam," his sensei began. "In the end, you displayed enhanced strength and speed that you previously did not. As you may guess, that left us with more questions than answers. So, an explanation from you seemed most prudent in getting things cleared up for us and your records," the Pro-Hero explained.

Before he could answer the question, they stopped at a door that looked to lead into a bigger office. Lee looked at the window where the words 'Administration Office' was stuck to the glass. Oh, so that's where they were.

Lee followed his sensei in dutifully, the door clicking shut behind him. The office was well lit, white lights shined bright onto the deep blue carpet and white desks. They were really going all-in with the white and blue it looked like. The duo walked past a couple offices, empty from the looks of it until they made it to the one at the end of the hall, the words 'Principal Nezu' carved onto a plaque stuck to the door.

Lee felt that familiar sense of apprehension fills him slowly. It must have been noticeable because Vlad-sensei spoke up right then.

"Do not worry, Lee. The principal is just curious as am I. We need to understand the full scope of your abilities so that we can better help you reach your goals," Vlad explained in his gruff voice. Oddly enough, his words helped put Lee a little more at ease.

Only a little, as he tried his best not to gulp as the bulky Pro-Hero opened the door and walked in. Lee had no choice but to follow the man in.

The office was spacious but comfy if Lee had to describe it. Warm browns and deep blues filled the office, cushy blue chairs to the deep brown desk the filled up the majority of the space. Pictures and certificates hung on the walls and little paperweights were arranged on the desk around a computer set up.

Sitting behind the desk in a big, brown leather chair was Principal Nezu.

"Welcome, Rock Lee, to my office," the man, mouse? greeted cheerfully.


Quirk: High Spec

The principal was exactly like the pictures of him Lee observed. Short, furred, and with the deep, vicious-looking scar carving its way down his right eye. How he even still had the eye, let alone was able to see out of it, was nothing short of a miracle in Lee's opinion.

Lee bowed respectfully. "It is nice to meet you, principal Nezu. Vlad-sensei has filled me in some, and I assume that I am here to explain what it was at the end of the Entrance Exam?" He asked. Lee hoped being direct would make things go a little faster. The principal was busy and busy people didn't like wasting time, right?

The principal clasped his hands, paws? together in front of him on his desk and smiled. "Ah, straight to the point. I appreciate that. You are correct in your assumption. U.A. prides itself on many things, information on their students' being one of them. Your display towards the end of the exam was unexpected due to the Quirk like abilities you displayed despite your status being the opposite. So," here the principal indicated towards Lee with his hand," we felt it best to hear you explain things instead of us working off of baseless assumptions."

Lee nodded his head in understanding. That made sense, he thought to himself. He was prepared and began trying to explain it as clearly as possible.

"It is not a Quirk nor the result of any sort of drug, mutation, or external factor, principal Nezu. It is all a result of my hard work and dedication to the Strong Fist Style martial arts and the tutelage of my sensei, Might Guy," Lee explained forthcomingly. He had no reason to hide this after all.

"So it is a secret technique?" Nezu questioned, writing down something on a piece of paper that Lee hadn't noticed was there before.

Lee shook his head negative. "No, sir. It isn't a secret. It just is not well-known nor practiced by many due to what it takes to perform, and the effects it can have upon the body of the user. It has been dubbed the Eight Gates."

"Eight Gates," Nezu repeated to himself under his breath as he scratched something down on the paper. "Can you explain that further?"

Lee nodded. "I can. So, as my sensei explained it to me, there are eight meta-physical 'gates' inside of the human body that helps circulate chakra throughout our system. Chakra is the combination of a person's physical energy and spiritual energy. From my understanding, every living thing has chakra from me to a potted plant. Despite this, chakra has no real effects unless that person was to use the Eight Gates technique," Lee explained to them.

Nezu hmmd in thought. "So, everyone has chakra, a combination of our physical energies and spiritual energies, but without the Eight Gates, we cannot use it. What are the names of the gates, if the gates are named that is, and what do they do?" Nezu asked him.

Lee scratched his head and formulated his answer. "Uhm, okay great question," Lee's eyes turned serious as he continued to explain. "We have the first gate, the Gate of Opening," Lee points to his head, "which is located in the brain and unlocks mental inhibitors. Next is the Gate of Healing, in the brain too, which increases the user's physical strength, speed, and allows them to rapidly recover and become re-energized. The Gate of Life," Lee rubs his back, "located on the spinal cord further increases blood flow in the body. The Gate of Pain further increases the user's speed and power. The Gate of View builds upon what the previous gate did and the Gate of Wonder opens up the pores of the skin in order to further expel the chakra. Finally, there is the final gate. I don't know the name of it at the time, as my sensei has not taught explained it to me."

Nezu was silent as he wrote down several things on a piece of paper. Lee took this moment to catch his breath after the lengthy explanation. He had explained it to the best of his ability. He was sure of it

Nezu set the pen he was writing with down and looked up to Lee. "Thank you very much for your explanation, Lee. This has cleared up a lot, but one more thing. What are the drawbacks? You said earlier that it was a dangerous technique, but what makes it so dangerous?"

Lee grimaced. "It is dangerous because of the effects they have on the body, specifically the muscles and tendons. The human body is not made to withstand that much chakra, so muscles and tendons tear while exhausting the person using them. Training curtails some of the effects, but opening up the gates has the potential to leave the user practically crippled," he finished solemnly.

Lee sighed internally. It sounded crazy for anyone to use when he said it out loud, but that was the sacrificial nature of the technique. It was the literal embodiment of no pain, no gain.

"Hmm, that is indeed a dangerous setback," Nezu agreed. He smirked slightly and cocked his head. "Good thing that we at U.A. are prepared for such a thing. We have had our fair share of dangerous Quirks, and, while your abilities aren't genetic, it is still our job to help you become the best hero you can be," the principal said matter-of-factly.

Lee's eyes widened uncontrollably at the principal's candidness. No one beyond Guy-sensei had talked about his goal as nothing more than a fool's endeavor or child's fanciful dream. The principal stated it like him becoming a hero was real, like it was tangible.

Like it was a fact.

Lee had to be sure he wasn't putting something that wasn't there.

"You believe that I can be a hero?" Lee asked with a hopeful sort of disbelief.

If Nezu picked up on his hopeful tone, he didn't show. His smile was unchanged as he answered.

"You wouldn't be here if I didn't believe in you," Nezu responded with an easy smile on his face.


Welcome back. This chapter was mostly dialogue and setting up Lee's mindset for the coming year. I debated on him keeping his status hidden but decided that it wouldn't be true to his character to have him lie to people. In the anime, he made sure people knew and that he would succeed in spite of him not being able to use chakra. The case is the same here. Quirk apprehension tests are over and his scores are good. Lee, though, has been training most of his life, so he is in better shape than a lot of his classmates, and his scores reflected that, Quirk or no Quirk. I hope I did a good job of explaining why he didn't use the Gates for this test either.

Also, I know what the actual scores were in the anime. This isn't the anime, and I felt that since UA was as prestigious as it is I made the scores the way they were. Either way, their scores, no matter how high or low, had zero effect beyond if they got in or not. So, it doesn't really matter. Another thing, the Eight Gates are not a Quirk. He wasn't born with it, he didn't take it from someone, he didn't create it. It is a tool that he can use. A very dangerous tool that has very dangerous consequences. Would you rather want Lee without one of his staples? It doesn't make him any less vulnerable, but it does give him something more in his metaphorical utility belt beyond his fists. It would literally be impossible otherwise for him to become a hero. Regular people just couldn't do it. Good thing about the Eight Gates, though, is that anyone dedicated enough, and crazy enough, could learn it. What kind of implications will that have on the wider world once that is found out? Who knows? Hope you enjoy the chapter and hope your holidays were pleasant. Au revoir!