Tsume P.O.V.
I'm bored. Like, incredibly bored. I really don't know why I decided to do this now. I could have put it off for at least a year more! The nagging would be there, but it was an option! Why isn't Arata doing this instead?! He'd love it! Sitting around all day doing complex talk. Kami, I miss Shin. I wonder what he's doing right now. Probably having fun tending to his flowers or something. He should be tending to me! Ehehehe.. Tending...
'Tsume. Pay attention. You're showing.' Kuromaru's voice rang out to me in my head.
Coming back to reality I noticed something wet coming out of my mouth and a few people trying their best not to give me disapproving glares while paying attention to Haimaru's droning. One of them happened to be my dad.
'Oh shit.' I thought, quickly moving to inconspicuously wipe the drool off my face.
'Oh shit is right. I don't think Hisao's gonna let it go this time. We're in a Monthly after all.'
There was a round of voting. Five out of four voted against dad. A stalemate again then. He dismissed the council for a fifteen minute break and gestured for me to follow him to one of the many break rooms.
'Good luuuuuck.' Kuromaru thought, as he followed Aomaru in the opposite direction. Bitch.
After activating the privacy seal on the room he turned to face me, eyes weary. "What do I have to do to get you to want to be Clan Head?" I winced slightly, like damn, tell it to me straight.
"I just don't understand how all this droning on and on about taxes and the village is going to do anything. We've had only dead ends in these last few months. Another one, just now." He took a long time to just examine me. It's not really anything new, but it still unnerves me to this day. It irked me, feeling this way under his gaze.
After a while he walked to the counter and poured some pre-made coffee for himself. He gestured to the comfortable seating on his opposite side, obviously wanting me to get comfortable for a lecture. I obliged him, walking slowly while never breaking eye contact.
He took a sip and started. "You know I never wanted to be Clan Head. I enjoyed other things, a lot of them more destructive than some seeming office job. But then Atsushi died in the First War, with Rei following after him in the Second. And, grudgingly, your grandad decided it would have to be me. Haimaru and Chiharu among others weren't pleased, but the elders didn't have near the amount of power than they do now. I wasn't pleased either. I was content, you know. Living a life on the explosive side of the R&D division, leading the research on new and more threatening forms of combat with a beautiful wife by my side. Far from the Inuzuka way." He added, with a smile. Something seemed to happen outside, as he looked through the window. It was a frog, leaping from one leaf to the pond below it.
"I guess I was running, in some way. When I came back and I saw the clan for what it was, it was different than they made it seem to be. I was outraged by the things that were happening, and decided to change it. I made a lot of sacrifices and concessions along the way, but. Ultimately, the Inuzuka came better off. I think you need to find that outrage. A feeling of 'I want to do better.'"
He left me in silence for a while, content to just slowly drink his coffee. His eyes were not on me.
What am I even supposed to think? Of course there's things wrong with the clan. Arata's situation is barely even the start. But I'm not the one who should be leading that charge. Hell, even Arata as he is now could probably do better than me. Just throw him into some emergency economics and government courses and he'd be fine. If that's not an option, mom or Rika are also better qualified than me. Hell, Shin could do better. What could I offer to the table that others can't?
"For this next round, I want you to listen carefully to what they're really saying, and not the words that come out of their mouth." He set down his empty cup and opened the door, cancelling the privacy seal in the process.
I went back in, this time paying attention a little bit more to the small groups coming out of their respective break rooms. There, Haimaru. Flanked by his mate, Harumi. On the other side, a larger group. All heads or former heads of departments. In the front and leading them was Sayuri, eyes watching the room just like mine. We made eye contact. To their left was a distinctly separated group led by Nobuyuki and Ume. Some more flickered in, mostly elders without alliance. Yasuko, Kaoru.
The elders sat down in a circle, their followers seated behind them. Dad, once finished giving paper folders to them sat down at the largest seat with me flanking him. After everyone collected themselves dad started.
"The Council of the Inuzuka Clan of Konohagakure, on the first month of fall, 41CT, will now begin their second half of sessions." The scribe on dad's other side who's name keeps eluding me started writing furiously in his opened scroll.
"First topic on the floor," he continued, "regarding the recent Fairherbs, a medicinal herb contractor's, proposal. The proposal in question is a two-year contract providing Wind country exclusive medicinal herbs to the clan only. One of which, the razor mint, is crucial to treating the symptoms of Irregular Chakra Discharge disease. An affliction which presents a danger for many in the clan."
Shizuka. Since coming back from the hospital she's been quite frankly a mess. Although most of the broken parts of her body have underwent healing and need mostly rest, it's being slowed down by ICD, or Irregular Chakra Discharge disease. A disease which makes you randomly discharge chakra in your body through harmful canals. Long-term symptoms include burst tenketsu and inflamed chakra pathways, which makes using chakra incredibly difficult. Sadly it's very common in the Inuzuka clan, since it's a major side-effect to overuse of the Four Legs Technique.
"Details on the trade are found in your given folders." There was a moment of shuffling in which the elders looked at the papers, all with the most stoic expression possible.
"The deal is nothing if not favorable." He added, with a tinge of hope.
"I propose a referendum." Haimaru croaked out. I resisted the urge to sigh. Of course. Dad, on first glance looked to be undisturbed but I could tell he was just as annoyed that literally everything he said just had to be contested.
"On what grounds?" Dad asked.
"The contract is unfavorable in regards to our relations with the village." Haimaru said, barely blinking.
"Referendum in progress." Dad said, like ripping off a bandage. Everyone sat up a little straighter.
Haimaru got into droning mode. "Our relationship with Hidden Sand has been shaky since it's conception. This is widely known. Now that the Second War has ended it has left us with an uncomfortable peace treaty after many rough battles with them." Rough doesn't even begin to explain it. The effects of the bastard's poisons still give me nightmares to this day. "I believe it is unwise to pursue this deal without the village acting on some part of it. If we are to proceed with the deal without notice to the villages it would likely escalate conflict between them."
"You would pursue more village interference in our already limited scope of actions?" Yasuko asked. "It would give them more leverage to further increase control over us. Give them a meter, they will demand a kilometer."
"Why should we even go through with the deal at all? Village or no village the returns for the price established just isn't worth it." In the back, Nobuyuki clamored.
This time dad came into the fray. "So you would deny herbs from them, many of them cheaper than the market price we are already getting for our pharmacies and veterinarian departments?"
"I believe you misunderstood me. The exclusive herbs are the object in question which I do not believe are worth the price, which is the whole point of the deal."
"And what price would you suggest would be worthy of the product then?" Dad countered.
Nobuyuki scoffed. "At least half." Dad almost looked scandalized. Yeah no kidding. According to the folder given, bringing the price down by half is, in today's market, practically impossible. The contractor would probably sell them at a loss at that rate.
"You do not believe they are worth treating almost a dozen clan members, along with assisting in bringing revenue to our pharmacies and clinics?"
"And how would you know if there is even a strong enough demand for medicines incorporating these herbs?"
Ume interfered. "The market for it is there. Not only for international business but right here in the heart of Konoha we could treat or cure, on the top of my head, a minimum of five diseases common in Land of Fire domestic and wildlife creatures. Diseases which we simply do not have the resources to handle currently. As Head Veterinarian this is a gold mine of opportunity just waiting to be tapped. And I think Fairherbs recognizes that as well." Nobuyuki gave Ume a dirty look.
"Well that brings us back to the main argument, doesn't it? Can we trust Sand enough for a deal like this to even be profitable?" Sayuri said, looking very unimpressed.
"Obviously not. They were our allies, if you don't remember, in our last war. And they turned on us. They have always wanted what we have. Resources, land, power, status. Sharing of the only advantages they have on us will make them more jealous, make them loath. And in turn, make them start more conflict." Yasuko stated. It sounded like a final verdict.
Dad must have heard it too, for he called in a vote. Five out of four again. A stalemate, again.
"Onto the next topic on the floor.." Clearly the vote wasn't satisfactory for anyone, since they didn't seem very eager to move on from it. I wasn't either.
Arata P.O.V.
"Will you stop running?" I pretended like I didn't hear her, and kept marching. The stop line was long behind me already.
Tsume stood herself in front of me. "I said stop running. That means you stop running." I bumped into her, not intending on stopping. She of course didn't move, so I was left static. The pain was catching up to me, and I collapsed on her. She didn't catch me, just let me slide off her leg and on the ground.
My vision was blurry, my legs and sides hurt. I stopped moving anything but my legs long ago. I had a massive headache. Yet I still felt far from done.
"You need to rest. You can't go on like this, and trying to delude yourself into thinking so is going to hurt you in the long run. Especially with your age." With no regards to me she picked me up and brought me back to the Head's house where I'd been staying recently. I couldn't move, so with a click of her tongue, she bathed and fed me, then flopped me down onto my futon. Finally regaining some feeling into parts of my body I could feel that itch again. It came whenever I sat still for too long. An itch that seemed to call me to do more. More and more and more until I finally satisfied it. If not, the itch would develop. And get worse, until I saw more than I wanted to.
"Now what's really your problem? I really doubt Shizuka would want you to join her sick bed." I kept from wincing. It wasn't all that hard, considering my state.
The problem? How could I tell her? How could I tell her that this wasn't the end? That there would be another even more devastating war in a few years? That her children would grow up to fight a war even worse than that? Shizuka would be the start. Next it would be mom and dad. And it would just keep spiraling, I just knew it.
"...I'm scared." She raised an eyebrow.
"What? For the Hunt? Little late for that, kid." If I had enough energy for it, I would scowl at her.
"I'm not strong enough. We're ninja. Made to fight. And I'm not strong enough." If there was one thing that really drove home how messed up of a place this was, it was my body. It felt disorienting, being faster and stronger and more flexible as a five year old than I could even dream of being as an adult from Before. My mind would automatically focus on different things as well, things that could be a threat. Things that moved or made noise went off like an alarm bell constantly. I was born a weapon. Intentionally bred to fight and kill. And every action I took subtly reminded me of that. I learned to live with it for a while. Ignored it and repressed it. But Shizuka made it all come back. Shizuka is strong, no doubt about it. I experienced it firsthand no less. But even she was dominated by whoever or whatever she faced out there. Meaning that even with all the strength I had, I would barely weigh a kilo compared to the tonnes next and opposite to me. Knowing there were people that could think you away, and seeing it was so, so different.
"And?" This time I did scowl, however much energy it took me.
"People are going to die. Tomorrow… today.. I can't sit around anymore." She laughed, laughed.
"That's just reality, kid. It doesn't matter if we're ninja or not. We're all gonna die. The menaces of this world want to see you dead, ninja or no. You're safe here for now. Why stress out about it?" Her answer made me pause, but really what did I expect from Tsume?
"The future will catch up to us." I said, my eyelids closing from fatigue.
"Then let it." Tsume challenged.
I was sitting in class, as usual not paying attention. Just taking the time to think. Occasionally using the small marble I had for some chakra control exercise I picked up from a book.
"Then let it."
I kept from banging my fist onto something. How in the seven rings of hell does that even make any sort of sense? I could be killed, maimed and tortured so easily in this world. Mind controlled, raped and defiled on nothing more than a whim! Why would I let that come to me? Come to others?
"Arata." A stern voice sounded from across the classroom. "Explain Rule 62 of the Konoha Shinobi Handbook and why it was implemented." Ugh. Shinobi Rules. Otherwise known as 'shoved down your throat' brainwashing 101.
"Rule 62 states that when caring for an injured client a non-iryo-nin may not use iryo-ninjutsu without clear verbal permission." I drawled. "The reason for the implementation of this rule comes from the idiocy of an inexperienced chuunin harming an incredibly wealthy client when trying to heal him and after the fuss raised about it, promptly getting demoted to genin."
Chizuru-sensei nodded once, as if that wasn't a super abridged version of an explanation. Well it's better than what she usually gets, since we're all five.
"And what would you do if given this situation in the field? For example, say you know the basics of the Mystical Palm Jutsu and your client has just been sliced across the arm after a combat scenario gone wrong. You have no first-aid kit as it was used extensively on said mission already. You are the only member of your squad left, and your client is unconscious, bleeding out from the cut given by your assailants. What would you do?" Is that interest she's showing me? She usually doesn't ask follow up questions when asking for Shinobi Rules. Seeing as they're not supposed to be questioned and all.
"If waking him up doesn't work I would heal him. He has to be alive to be able to bitch about it right? If he prefers his ego over his life then it's already too late for him." She raised an eyebrow, barely noticeable under the glasses she wore.
"Are you implying you would kill the client if they raise complaints over their imperfect healing?" This got some ruckus from the other children listening. Apparently they didn't get the underlying context. I started rolling the marble around my arm, using only chakra to stick it to me and move it along.
"It's just an option, not one I would take if I didn't have to of course. It would solve a lot of problems, though. Less bitching for one."
Chizuru-sensei was quiet for a while. "An interesting perspective." She moved a piece of paper from one stack to another on her desk. "See me after class." Oh fuck. Some of the kids, sadly out of my immediate reach, sniggered.
After that the class went on normally, although some kids would give me looks every now and then. At the end of the day, after the rest of the kids left I was called on the intercom to come to Room 201. Hayama gave me a sympathetic look upon walking to greet his parents, but didn't say anything. Well I didn't need your comfort anyway. Pah.
Opening the door and walking in I saw Chizuru-sensei at her desk working on some papers at the front of the classroom. She didn't acknowledge me walking in, so I just sat down at the row of seats closest to her, and waited.
For a long time, the only sounds I could hear were the winds from an open window outside, the clock ticking, and the scribbling of her pen. In the halls you could hear a voice every now and then, coming and going. Chizuru-sensei continued to write.
Wait. Am I in detention right now?
I slowly reached for my pouch, and pulled out two marbles this time. Chizuru-sensei paused for a second, her eyes obscured by the glare of her glasses, and continued scribbling. Alrighty then.
This went on for another twenty minutes, with me adding more and more marbles to my body, rolling them all over the place. At nine marbles it became a little harder, and sometimes one of them would fall off of me. At those times, Chizuru-sensei stopped, supposedly to stare at me, and then promptly going back to writing. The stack of papers she was working on seemed to have no end. I didn't envy her.
"Arata," I started, and half of my marbles dropped to the floor. "Focus more on areas where you lack control. Forgo the arms, for you have no pressing need to improve control there. Instead increase the amount of marbles you circulate at your hips, back, and feet." I stared at her for a while. I mean, what?
Shaking out of it I followed her instructions, and found I had to significantly decrease my marble count to four to be able to keep up. The more I rolled them along, the more my concentration got lost in it. Time passed slowly.
After another hour of silence my chakra reserves started dipping, so I stopped using the marbles and moved on to a book about genjutsu. I didn't expect to become a genjutsu expert anytime soon, but any sort of skill in it might prove helpful one day.
Another hour went by, and it started getting dark outside. In all actuality I had already finished the book. I just needed to go over some of the techniques listed. I had been practicing one of the easier ones to learn, a harmless one really. I just needed a target.
I arranged my book so as to stand on its cover, hiding my hands from view.
Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique
Focusing, I made it so that there was an extra pen on the edge of her desk that looked like it would fall off. Not gonna lie to you, doing even this is really hard. It's not even moving, it's static.
She took a small break from her paperwork, stretching her arms over her head. She looked towards the pen, then towards me. She took off her glasses.
….This is pretty cool actually. Didn't know there were genjutsu specialists that could create entirely new words like this without a Sharingan.
"You are surprisingly calm about this." Chizuru-sensei said. She was standing opposite of me, without her glasses. Her eyes were an intimidating yellow-brown mix, yet it didn't make them any less piercing.
I looked around. Streams of color danced in between each other, blending to form more colors. It seemed to move and stand still at the same time. Looks a lot like expressionism, though I wouldn't know. I was hardly into art when I was younger.
"Maybe. How did you do this anyways? Knowing how to make entirely new realms isn't exactly common." I asked.
"It is an extension of my Kekkei Genkai, along with a combination of seals." She didn't elaborate, which was fair. Sounds complicated enough from just that. I mean what kind of seals alter your eyes?
"This technique is an original one strictly for my use. It allows me to communicate with anyone through mere eye contact. One minute here is roughly one second outside." Interesting. So it's like Itachi's Tsukuyomi? No. Not truly. If I really tried I could probably break out of this, even as an academy student.
"So what do you need to talk about then?" That required a covert intelligence jutsu like this, went unsaid.
"Your more recent results have been inconsistent with data accumulated over the past few months, and almost directly conflict data provided by the Inuzuka Clan." Figures. Over this last month, I haven't exactly been hiding what I could do anymore, making my performances (on paper) skyrocket. Although I'm still not at the top on more physical tasks, I am undisputedly on top for written and theoretical works, which put me at number 2 on the rankings. I'm kinda surprised I didn't clinch number 1, but I guess written tests can only count for so much. Not that it mattered in the end.
"And you want to know why." Not a question, a statement.
"I see no reason to beat around the bush." Fair enough. She's a Yamanaka, advanced enough to do this kind of BS, so she probably could figure it out. Maybe even more than I'd want her to.
I sighed. "Holding back just didn't seem like an option anymore." Any benefit I got from laying low paled in comparison to not being ready when the time came. I needed strength, and it's hard to get strength trying to hide it.
"And your reason for doing so in the first place?" I.. didn't have an excuse. Not one that didn't sound treasonous anyway. Bluffing my way through it is then.
"The caretakers back home don't like me much. I figured standing out would draw more ire than necessary." There was a pause. Chizuru-sensei didn't stop stop staring at me. So far the only thing she's moved has been her mouth to talk. It's kind of unnerving. Like move, woman! Do something! You're making me very self-conscious here.
"Your Head Caretaker informs me you struggle with communication. He told me rather plainly we should offer you no more attention than required, a notion not given rationale." Nobuyuki. I bit my teeth.
"He also told me, through many gratuitous words, that I should instead spend my efforts around other members, one Inuzuka Tomoe especially." My eyes narrowed.
"He specifically outlined Tomoe?" She nodded. Finally. Not a statue. Although am I even talking to her? Or just an avatar? For all I know she could be watching me from any angle.
"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind."
More awkward silence. Was that an indicator for the end of the conversation? She hasn't cancelled the technique. Does she expect me to do it? Is she just playing with me. Probably.
"What is a Konoha shinobi to you?" She asked abruptly.
I tried not to look away. "Which answer do you want me to give you?" This was the true clincher, yet still, no expression.
"Yours." She replied, not missing a beat.
I took some time thinking about it. I knew what it meant to be a shinobi after all. It meant making deals with death, over and over and over until the one time you couldn't pay the dues. Of course I could hardly give her that answer, given her position.
"I… I don't know. I don't know what it means to be a shinobi. Let alone a Konoha one." And it was true, in some way. I didn't really know. Not until I was out there myself, fighting.
"Then tell me. Do you have precious people in your life? People you'd want to protect?" Her question gave me pause. Chizuru-sensei was about the last person in this village I'd expect to come up to me with this. Right next to Orochimaru.
"Of course I do." I don't even know how it happened. One day I was alone, and the next I wasn't. Maybe they were always there, and I wasn't. Regardless, I needed to protect them. Things would start to go downhill, and fast.
"Then you already know what it means to be a shinobi." I wasn't satisfied with the answer. Apparently it showed since she went on. "Of course that is far from all. But at the core, that is what a shinobi does. They endure, to protect."
忍ぶ 1. To conceal oneself; to hide. 2. to endure; to bear; to stand; to put up with.
"Their suffering is silent and hidden. It is necessary, to keep ourselves afloat."
What more could I add to that? Refute it, and deny it's truth? Unlikely. It was silent again. It seemed to be a theme of the conversation.
"You have served the duration of your detention. You are dismissed." So it was a detention!
Before I had time to comment on it, the technique shattered and we were back in the classroom again. Chizuru-sensei continued writing as if nothing happened. Indignantly, I picked up my marbles and quickly left the classroom. Knowing Chizuru-sensei she'd likely assign another detention if I tried to talk to her now.
Outside at the exit I saw an unexpected figure waiting for me. "Shouldn't you be on patrol with mom?" I asked her.
"Yuuna hardly needs me to be there for something simple like that. The only reason I still go is because I have nothing better to do." Hanako responded. We started walking in the direction of the Clan Compound. Her bright orange fur stood out heavily, even in the approaching darkness of night.
I laughed a little. "So what are you here for then?"
"Shizuka was worried about ya, so she sent me to come make sure you're not dead in a ditch somewhere." I ignored the stab of pain at the mention of Shizuka.
"Please, if I were to die in the village, I wouldn't choose a ditch for a grave. Too dirty." She snickered.
"What, too low class for ya? Would an honorary head on the mountain do?"
"Depends, are they gonna add Shiromaru to it?" I really like Hanako. She always manages to keep the light around, especially when you need it. Tsume admires her a lot, and I can see why.
"Only if they're feeling generous." She quipped.
Once we got to the compound I could see Shiromaru jogging (never running) to us. "What's up with you?" I asked him.
"Oh thank kami you're here. Aomaru just wouldn't leave me alone! He keeps making me train!" It's kind of creepy how fast his speech is improving, even if that's half of what is day is dedicated to. He hopped on to my shoulder and tried to hide around my neck. I exchanged amused glances with Hanako.
"And that's a bad thing because..?" He looked super offended.
"Not you too!" Hanako laughed.
"A little training here and there wouldn't hurt. Though enjoying your youth wouldn't go amiss either, you know." She added. Neither of us commented.
"Well I'm here now, so you can tell Shizuka I'm going to try finding Tsume for training." She gave me a look, but didn't say anything else as she vanished in a Body-Flicker.
After training with Tsume (who was with Shin again) I went to the bathroom to shower. Shiromaru went in with me, since Aomaru showed up about halfway through, much to his dismay.
After bathing I looked at myself in the mirror. I could only see my face since I was so small though. I saw close to shoulder length brown hair and sharp eyes. Unlike most Inuzuka though, my hair was flat as a board, and if you looked closely, my eyes were more brown than black. They're probably from my mom's side, since her dad was a Senju. One of the few clans who could interbreed, since their trait was chakra control and all. It was strange how much history there was in just my face.
"What are you looking at you weeaboo?" I turned my head sharply to Shiromaru.
"Run that by me again?" He looked at me like I just forgot the number seven existed.
"Did you forget what a weeaboo means?"
I switched to telepathy. 'No not that, you idiot. How do you know?'
'I get a view of your memories sometimes. Your mind's like a sad dam or something, it's always leaking.'
I was speechless for a while. Or thoughtless, whichever.
'So you know about-'
'The future? Oh yeah. Looks a little too exciting for me, gonna be honest with you.'
'Then why didn't you say anything the whole time?'
'Uuuhh. I have no excuses. None.'
'What do you mean you have no excuse?'
'Well I just kind of felt like you already knew?'
I made a weird sound I couldn't explain even if I tried.
'So we're just gonna run with that? Fate of the world in our minds and everything?'
There was an awkward pause, both of us just staring at each before we burst out laughing.
'Can I be honest with you?' I asked.
'You look like a Pokemon.'
'What! No I don't!'
'Well you're not like any other dog I've seen before, and you're just the right size too!'
'I'm a ninken! What kind of Pokemon would I even be?!'
'Probably a normal type, since you're so lame.'
'Oh shut up already.'
I grinned. At this point, we had already left the bathroom and went into our room. I crawled into my futon, with Shiromaru doing the same next to me.
'Are you sure about all this? Things are going to go wrong. Majorly wrong. We're going to war.' I asked.
'Yeah I can't say I'm not worried about that. But the thing is, we're not dead, and we're not going to be dead for a while after this. If the future scares you so much, how about you start thinking about the present?'
'...How old are you again?'
'How old were you last time?'
'That's not fair.'
'I know, it's great.'
"All I'm saying is that tilt matters, especially with injuries since it can press on different nerves that way." Hayama looked disgruntled.
"You don't get it! It's not that simple! You have to-" He stopped once he heard an announcer voice come over the playground.
"Will the following students come to the Principal's office please. Mitarashi Anko...Shirakumo Hayama...Akimichi Torune….Inuzuka Arata…."
The voice went on. We made eye contact, and started walking back into the building.
"I would like to congratulate you on the stellar performances you have delivered thus far.." He went on and on. The principal is known for being long winded but this is getting annoying. I could start feeling my itch again. It was usually somewhat dormant during school, but the fact that I could see children walking out to their parents meant we should have been gone a long time ago.
"I think the message would be a lot clearer if I told it for them, Eisuke-sensei." One of the teachers who had been watching until now, stepped forward. I didn't recognize her.
"All of you were elected to take part in Konoha's Prodigy Initiative." Wait, what?
"Which means, you'll be skipping grades."
A/N. So this is my longest (and I think) best chapter yet. Though it might have dropped off a little at the end but it's been forever so I decided to upload it anyway. We have officially reached the meat of the Academy Arc. Do I have arc? I don't know. Am I rambling? Definitely. Anyways, if you have criticisms, suggestions, or anything really, leave a review! I do quite like them.
Revised 4/24/2020