Chapter 2: Like a Broken Record

Chapter 2 – Like a Broken Record

Toshiro Hitsugaya looked up at the treatment building of the 4th Division. The day had started, but he was early enough so that he could pay a visit to his childhood friend before work needed to be done.

Every ounce of the captain shook with despair and anger as he walked through the halls.

Aizen….that bastard.

It physically hurt Toshiro to say his name out loud, so he opted to think it out loud. He was the one who stabbed Hinamori, and for that, he would never never ever forgive the man. Betraying the Soul Society was relatively low on the list of Things that Really Pissed Hitsugaya Off(TM), although Rangiku slacking off and people calling him short were up there.

"Good morning, Captain Hitsugaya."

Toshiro turned and saw the ever smiling face of Retsu Unohana.

"Captain." He greeted curtly.

"I assume you're here for the patient, and that's fine. But could you please control your reiatsu a little better? Unsticking my vice-captain isn't something I prefer doing early in the morning."

Toshiro's eyes widened and he turned to see a nervous Isane, teeth-chattering as the ice bounded her to the already cold wall.

"I'm sorry! I….."

Moments later, the young captain was walking with Retsu towards Momo's room.

"You know, Captain, if you want to talk, I also offer therapy sessions."

"I'm not the one who needs them. Hinamori does. She…..she's pretty scarred, isn't she?"

Retsu's smile fell as she reached the door.

"Hmm…..see for yourself, please."

Toshiro walked in to see the cheerful face of Momo Hinamori, dressed in a hospital gown, and her signature hair bun.

"Hi Shiro! I'm so glad you came to see me!"

"….anyday, Momo. Anyday. Are… okay?"

"…..well, my wound still hurts. But that's okay! Captain Unohana has been monitoring me for hours. I wonder….how the 5th is doing? Oh, some of them need my greeting to get motivated, you know?"

A shake of the head.

"You know why you're here, right?"

"Yeah…..I….got hurt."


"C'mon, you know who." Momo shifted, starting to look uncomfortable.

"…..Captain Tousen, right?"

"Toshiro, please stop with the games." A firm frown. "Captain Ichimaru did this to me, or should I say….ex-Captain Ichimaru!"

The boy groaned. Her psyche is so bad, she thinks Ichimaru did this. And even though that bastard is a pain as well… was Aizen.

Retsu stepped forward.

"Vice-Captain Hinamori, you remember what happened with the ryoka, no?"

"Oh I remember them, ma'am, if that's what you mean. Ichigo Kurosaki, Orihime Inoue, Uryu Ishida, and Yasutora Sado…..they broke in to save Rukia, er I mean, Kuchiki-san. Good thing they did, or we might not have ever figured out that Captain Ichimaru was plotting to join up with the Hollows!"

Toshiro wanted to bang his head on the wall, but there was no use. This issue needed time, and sooner or latter, Momo Hinamori would have to accept the reality of who Aizen really was.

"Heeeey! Shiro-chan beat us here?!"

He glanced to the side.

"Matsumoto, I told you to get everyone started on the morning drills."

Rangiku pouted, somewhat annoyed he immediately skipped over Yachiru's voice to single out her.

"How mean, Captain! Hinamori is my friend too, you know. We of the SWA wanted to give her flowers!"

Momo's eyes widened at the gesture. Everyone who had entered the room carried a bouquet of different flowers. Soi had azaleas, Rangiku had violets, Nanao had tulips, Yachiru had sunflowers, Kiyone had roses, and Rukia-

"No way! Kuchiki-san isn't a rookie anymore?"

Rukia wanted to throw her carnations out the window, but forced a smile. That's what she says first?!

"How lovely!" Retsu smiled. "Why didn't you girls tell me? I would've contributed."

"Nah, it's okay, we didn't need eight people stealing from Byakushi's garden!"

"What?!" Rukia looked outraged. "You stole those from Kuchiki Manor?"


"I bought these." Nanao clarified, glaring at Yachiru. Soi did the same, but Rangiku just smiled.

"Don't worry, I didn't!" that earned a very harsh glare from her captain.

Momo on the other hand was laughing so hard. "You guys! You didn't have do that! Oh, how sweet…."

In that moment, Toshiro was glad his friend was happy, if but for a short moment. Yachiru gave him a headache, but Momo did enjoy being in the SWA. With a nod, he headed for the door.

"I'll see you at lunch, Momo. And Matsumoto?"

"Yes Captain?"

"Put those flowers back or I'll double your paperwork."

Rangiku stuck her tongue out the second Toshiro was gone.

"Madame President." Unohana began, realizing the "secret" meeting before her. "Shall I get Isane?"

"Yes please!"

"Oh they're so pretty….I'm so glad you guys did this! I think I'll put them in my office….well, when I get back to work that is."

"There there, honey." Rangiku rubbed her hair. "You avoid work for as long as you can."

"President?" Soi prompted, wanting her to begin.

"Okay, okay…..w-wait! Where's Nemu-chan! I need Nemu-chan!"


Momo and the others looked as Nemu stepped through the doorway, out of breath from a close flash-step. "Forgive me, I was…..oh…..I forgot the flowers I was assigned to get."

"Nemu-chan!" Yachiru was disappointed. "I'm gonna have to take away your next snack for that!"

"Yes….Madame President."

Moments later, Isane had entered with her captain. "Hello everyone…..President."

Yachiru cheered and jumped on Momo's bed.

"Everyone's finally here! Kay, let's cut to the chase. Yesterday in our special meeting, Ruki-Ruki promoted!"

"Ah, the headband is off." Retsu observed. "Congratulations, Kuchiki."

Rukia looked extremely smug.

"But like I was saying…..we need more members!"

"I've asked several people in our division." Momo said. "But they all had different excuses… we need funds? Oh, Captain Aizen was the best at the asking for donations for me…"

Yachiru immediately scowled at the name, not that Momo could see from her position behind her.

"Peaches, focus, okay? I want Boobies to join."


"Um…..Rangiku-san is already a member…."

"Not her!"

"…..I mean, Lady Shihouin might join if we were to ask he-"

"NO." Soi didn't want to start thinking about that.

"The other Boobies!"

Momo was lost. "I'm sorry, I don't know everyone's cup size….."

"Shall I provide them? You're actually more endowed than Kuchiki-san, Hinamori-san." Nemu replied in monotone and slight curiosity, earning a groan from the heiress.

Who needs big boobs, anyway?

Yachiru turned to face Momo and pulled her cheeks. "Ichi's friend! The one with the hairpins!"

"Ow! Okay okay, you mean Inoue-san. But what can I do? I'm still recovering."

"I have big plans, Peaches. Big ones! Why restrict ourselves to just Shinigami? Boobies could be the beginning! The beginning….of the end!"

No one knew how to respond to such a cryptic and bizarre statement.

"Understand that this club is seen as such amongst Head-Captain Yamamoto." Retsu pointed out. "Trying to recruit outside members could end up getting all parties in trouble."

Nanao sighed in relief. She was glad the serene captain was also sane.

"I do agree Inoue-chan would be perfect, though."

When she wanted to be.

"Inoue has a group of friends at her school." Rukia said. "I don't think any are spiritually aware, but…'s something, no?"

"Now you're thinking! But let's move to our secondary project. Does anybody have a boyfriend yet?"

Various heads blushed. Others shook their head. Two heads in particular were not pleased at the question. (Soi and Nanao)

"Sorry, girlfriend included? I don't mind, girls!"

More glares.

"Oh come on! Everyone knows having a boyfriend – and or girlfriend-" Yachiru directed the last comment at Soi "makes you happy! Doesn't everyone deserve to have that special one?"

It was rhetorical (read: not a word Yachiru knew how to spell) question, but it invoked some thought from everyone else in the room.

Rukia was unsure who she had feelings for, but maybe she wasn't meant to overcomplicate her relationships.

Nemu had someone in mind, but love was foreign to her. It was more of a curiosity that invaded her dream space at times. Could she be able to be with this person?

Soi only had eyes for one person, but she feared the feelings were not mutual and never would be.

Retsu wondered if someone could be that special one. She was always working too hard to enjoy a relationship, but maybe…..

Isane gulped. She was too shy.

Kiyone gave a hum. Loving Captain Ukitake didn't count as a deep affection, but aside from Sentaro (someone she always fought with), she really didn't talk to the guys.

Nanao shook her head. There could be someone, but he was never serious….

Momo definitely had someone in mind, but it was certainly extremely complicated now. I know I can get him back from Captain Ichimaru….

And Rangiku feared it would be lost forever. Gin….

Before anyone would comment, the girls noticed a piece of paper on Momo's lap.

Sorry girls, but I was getting bored. Think of the question and the other stuff too. Next meeting in a few days!

Everyone had no idea how she wrote it so fast and jumped out the window, without anyone seeing.

Yachiru soon arrived at her division, where everyone was doing their morning tussles and pick-fights.

"Hey Vice-Captain!" Ikkaku Madarame shouted, his chest already bare and dueling three people at once. "Captain Zaraki's looking for you!"

"Thanks Baldy!"

"Don't call me that!" The third-seat fired back, as several of his comrades laughed behind him. "ALL RIGHT, WHO WANTS TO DIE FIRST?!"

Yachiru skipped through the halls and corridors. She knew exactly where Ken-chan was.

True to her guess, Captain Kenpachi Zaraki was staring at his zanpakutou in hand, in his office.

"Hey Yachiru. Where you been?"

"Visiting Peaches."

Kenpachi couldn't be bothered with her nicknames, especially those outside the division. "Right." He responded.

"You trying to be like Ichi?"

"Yeah. But I still can't hear anything….I mean, I'm listening damn it."

"You can do it, Ken-chan!"

Yachiru sincerely loved Kenpachi with all of her heart, considering he was the one who named her and took care of her when she was a baby.

She learned many times from him – how to fight, how to dodge, how to address a wound (incorrectly) with just a cloth and best of all, how to lead.

She saw how much respect he got from the other members of the 11th; everyone followed him without question. How did he do it? By being himself.

Yachiru wanted to be like Kenpachi and lead crowds of people. The other thing she liked more than bossing people around was to have friends, and she considered herself to have a decent amount.

She wanted more. More people to like her, have her back in trouble, and just want to hang out with her. For Kenpachi's daughter, there was no limit.

"Hey. Think I'll get to fight Ichigo again?"

Yachiru giggled at Kenpachi's expression. She loved seeing Ken-chan happy. And fighting tough guys made him really happy!

"Well yeah! I want to see him too!"

"Hmm…..I'd say we should sneak away and hunt him down, but I'd rather fight him again when we're both at full power."

The large captain grunted, playing with his remaining bandages from his last fight.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Huh? I told you Yachiru, you can't turn the barracks into a bounce house."

"Not that. Ichi's friend, Boobies. You like her?"

"That woman? She's okay I guess. Her powers are somethin' else, but too complicated to bother fighting. She's too dainty."

Yachiru hummed and turned to leave, as the gears in her head were turning.

So Ken-chan wants to see Ichi and I want to see Boobies. Hmm….

Nanao sighed as she entered her office, pausing to rub her head in annoyance.

"The president is driving me up the wall….can't she ever stay focused?"

"Hello Nanao-chan~"

Nanao didn't bother turning around.

"Good morning, Captain Kyoraku. I think I have some forms for you to sign…."

"Ah, you're always working me." Shunsui Kyoraku gave a fake-pout and lowered his hat. "Can't you have some fun once in a while?"

"Certainly." Nanao said automatically, handing a stack to the kimono-clad captain.

"Good! Then let's have a drink."

"It's morning, sir."

"Ah, but given all that has happened….."

Nanao's gaze turned slightly uneasy. Her contribution to the invasion was not major: she restrained Yasutora Sado when Shunsui defeated him, then was forced to retreat when Head-Captain Yamamoto squared off against him and Jushiro Ukitake…

"Sir, walk with me. I have something to give our third seat, but I wish to continue this conversation."

Shunsui looked both stunned and happy.

"After you, Nanao-chan. Lovely, lovely-"

"Stop now." She warned.

Soon the two were walking in tandem down the hall, with a few Shinigami walking past. Some stopped to say hello, and Nanao had to pull Shunsui's ear when he got too flirty with the female cadets.

"So what's up?"

"Are you injured?"


"You and Captain Ukitake fought Head-Captain Yamamoto. I wish to know if-"

"Ha! Yama-ji's strong, but I'm not that lazy, Nanao. Jushiro and I are a team, and we both could match him if we worked together."

"Doesn't it bother you Aizen played us for fools?"

"Ah, we're getting to the meat of the conversation."


"Well….." Shunsui stopped to tip his hat at a female Shinigami walking by, and thought for a minute. "I guess it's not the worst thing in the world."

"He has allied with the Hollows, sir. That could be….problematic."

"Oh yeah." Usually he would agree with Nanao just to be charming, but the response was dead serious.

"…..I was wondering, Captain."


" not wish to be in such a position again."

"When Yama-ji scared you or….?"

Nanao immediately stopped to scowl at him, but relaxed her expression after a minute. "Yes." Came the quiet reply.

"Well that's no problem at all! You just need some training."

"Perhaps I do."

"I could train you, you know."

"You can't even focus on your paperwork."

"Because that's boring, Nanao-chan. A beautiful lady is never boring in my book."

Nanao shook her head and walked on further, reaching the door before Shunsui did.

How serious was Yachiru, anyway?

Nemu reached her division, immediately bracing herself for whatever her Captain would throw at her for being late.

When she entered the lab where Mayuri Kurotsuchi was working, she spoke up.

"Apologies, Mayuri-sama. I was-"

"Tch, I don't care! Just hand me that from the shelf over there."

Nemu complied, giving a nod.


"What are you working on, sir?"

Mayuri was huddled over his zanpakutou, prodding the hilt and blade with various tools.

"Isn't it obvious, you dunce? I have to upgrade my arsenal for future combat."

Nemu wasn't sure why. Ishida-san….or Aizen?

The vice-captain lowered her head slightly in shame. She was there when her captain gleefully announced all of the horrible things he did to Uryu Ishida's kind, the Quincy. It was not a lie.

To live with the knowledge….pained her.

Because she recently experienced the look at someone from the outside….the outside of the 12th, people who witnessed Mayuri Kurotsuchi's callousness firsthand.

She remembered the vivid look of sadness and fear on Orihime Inoue's face as Mayuri blew up his own subordinates.

She remembered the unaltered look of shock and horror on Uryu Ishida's face as he realized his grandfather was a victim.

The realization was obvious: people working at this division were used to such things. She remarked inwardly maybe she was desensitized to every kind of violence imaginable.

Her eyes met Mayuri's cross ones.

Slap! "Nemu, you idiot. When I'm talking to you, I want you to answer. Do not stare off into space like an ignoramus!"

Nemu didn't bother rubbing her cheek. She was meant to be his weapon/assistant, so pain was much more vivid than pleasure for her.

"I am sorry, Mayuri-sama..."

She wished the next SWA meeting was soon. Unfortunately, Yachiru Kusajishi didn't specify what a few days meant exactly. Three? Five?

Rukia stepped in the courtyard of the 13th with her zanpakutou in hand, taking a moment to breathe in the fresh air.

Ever since the execution was stopped, she felt her power naturally returning to her at a significant pace. All of the reishi and reiatsu speeded up the process. Soon she would be stronger than ever.

But how strong?

Rukia carefully inspected Sode no Shirayuki. It was ages since she spoke to it, and that was in no thanks because Ichigo had siphoned her power for weeks prior.

"Is something troubling you, Rukia?"

The Kuchiki turned to see the smiling face of one Jushiro Ukitake, her captain.

"Sir…..I have something very important to ask of you."

"Oh no need! You may visit Kurosaki-san whenever you have free time."

"Not that."


"I want you to train me, sir. I….don't want to stay an unseated member. I want to protect myself."

Rukia had seen the titans dunk it out, and the evidence was stunning. She gets scared of a Gillian, yet Ichigo powers through Captains? It didn't make sense.

"Rukia…..normally I prefer training my division as a group, but given what was happened to you recently….."

Jushiro sighed and rubbed his head.

It was the whim of one Byakuya Kuchiki that prevented any promotions, but the white-haired captain felt that restriction was completely ridiculous and unfair now. More than it already was.

"Anything I can do, I will help you. In fact… deserve a seat."


"Yes. I have to apologize again, because you did not deserve nearly being executed by the Sokyoku. Accused Aizen…..and accused rules! Yama-ji can be so stubborn sometimes…."

Realizing he was rambling, Jushiro coughed.

"We should start today, then."

"Captain!" came two voices.

Kiyone Kotetsu and Sentaro Kotsubaki immediately appeared in front of the white-haired captain, both saluting him.

"It's time for morning drills, right?"

"Yes Sentaro."

"Can you walk, sir? I'll carry you on my back if I have to!"

"Not needed Kiyone."

Jushiro was very used to the overzealous nature of his third seats, as much as-

"You can't carry the Captain! You're a girl with no muscle!"

"What?! You damn ape, are you saying I'm not caring enough for the Captain!"

"Please, you two. Let us just begin the day, please. We have a lot of work to cover given…..recent developments."

-Their bickering.

Luckily the two stopped, and nodded in turn. Before they were off, Rukia gestured to Kiyone to stay.

"We'll be there, Captain. I need to talk to Third Seat Kotetsu first."

Two nods and footsteps soon left the two girls alone. Rukia cleared her throat.

"Kotetsu-san, I guess I really am the rookie, but I was wondering: how serious is Vice-Captain Kusajishi when she says crazy stuff like that?"

"They say only Captain Zaraki knows how to read her. But I don't think she was kidding when she advised us to get boyfriends….I mean, I have no idea who I would even ask."

"Not that. The thing with Aizen."

"Oh. Well…wouldn't you be mad too, if someone hurt your friend?"

Rukia didn't know how to respond. She was part of the SWA, but not for very long. She felt more connected to Orihime and the like, but maybe it was all in her head. Yachiru seemed to accept her just fine, as did the others. And they were all different rank!

Yachiru Kusajishi was not Rukia Kuchiki. The former had many friends and a father figure that always supported her, but the latter had few friends and a brother who…was trying to kill her not too while ago.

Byakuya was an issue in of itself.

"I…..guess. But she has to realize, Aizen is not some boys club, or something. He's serious. He held me by the throat like some toy. My entire execution was staged because of him! If Ichigo didn't come-"

"the President knows, Rukia. She gives us nicknames and jokes around, but she really really doesn't like when people hurt her members."

"…..then why didn't she stop the execution herself?!"

Rukia didn't mean to shout, but the memories were fresh in her head. They were angry.


Kiyone was at a loss. The ryoka invasion was a very complicated issue and something that no one had experienced before, plus with the defection… was only reasonable everyone was acting wildly, right?

"Forget it. Let's just go."

Soi Fon flashed into her division's training grounds, where she noted with a nod that everyone was coordinated, working on their drills in the exact formation two days earlier.

Good…not even an invasion disrupts their focus.

But Marechiyo Omaeda was the only one not present, and that was not a good thing.


Everyone froze in place, turning to face their captain.

"You." A point at the seventh seat. "Tell me where Vice-Captain Omaeda is."

"We haven't seen him, ma'am."

"I would advise for anyone he bribed to keep quiet to speak now, unless they want to do double the drills with no breaks until nightfall."

The area was silent until one person spoke up.

"He's locked in his office, ma'-

It only took 15 seconds for the now angry captain to kick down Omaeda's door and pin him to the ground with her foot.

"Ow! Captain, i-is that you?"

"Take a guess, Omaeda. You'd better have a good explanation for being late for drills."

"You don't understand, Captain!"

Soi yanked Omaeda upward and pinned him the wall with the edge of her zanpakutou.

"Try me."

"Um…..well you know, I have to look presentable. That Kurosaki brat did a number on me on Sokyoku Hill, remember?"

"He punched you, Omaeda, get over it. I would be more upset at the fact that a substitute Shinigami defeated a vice-captain while the latter had Shikai activated."

Omaeda whimpered slightly at his captain's irritated face and now rising reiatsu.

"S-Sorry ma'am….."

Tuh! This place is going to fall apart. How am I supposed to catch those traitors if everyone keeps dragging me down like this?

Rangiku sighed as she laid down on her couch, fishing around for her bottle of booze.

"It's morning, Matsumoto."

She yelped at Toshiro's cross voice.

"Oh Captain! I didn't see you there."

"And I didn't see you at the grounds, so maybe you should rectify that."

"Captain, honestly… you think training is the best use of our time right now?"

"More than ever. We've got a large foe against us. All of us need to be at our prime for the future."

"…You know, it's okay to be angry."

Toshiro scoffed. "What are you, a therapist? I'm not the only one who hates Aizen right now."

"Yeah. Yachiru-chan seemed really mad yesterday too."

"The same who gets mad when someone steals her cookies? This is serious, Matsumoto. That bastard stabbed my friend."

"I told you, Hinamori is my friend too. And the SWA's friend too. And when the president gives a warning, hoo boy is there trouble."

"Funny how you're more interested in listening to someone who isn't your captain."

"I wouldn't be so dismissive, sir. You saw how happy Hinamori when we gave her flowers. Only Yachiru could organize something like that so quickly."

Toshiro was silenced by the reply. He wanted Momo to be happy right now. But could she ever recover?

"Don't worry, sir. I bet my life she'll bounce back soon."

"…..what about you?"

"What about me?"

"Like you said…'s okay to be angry."

Rangiku blinked but didn't respond at first, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"…..I know."