Chapter 5: A Chain Reaction

Chapter 5 – A Chain Reaction

Evening had arrived in Karakura Town, and Orihime was walking down the street with Tatsuki.

"Man oh man. Hime has fairies living her hair." Tatsuki shook her head and sipped her soda.

"I mean, it's not that cool…." Orihime said bashfully.

"It's SUPER cool. It fits you so much! How did you get them again?"

"Kurosaki-kun…..leaked some of his power."

"That's how Sado transformed too, eh? Fits him as well, he probably can knock a whole building down!"

Orihime was relieved Tatsuki was more excited and curious now, instead of angry, but she wasn't stopping with the questions.

"So if I hang around with Ichigo, I'll get some power too, eh?"

She forced the trio to take her to kill the Hollows (Ichigo and Tatsuki argued the whole way), and she was blown away by what she saw.

"I'm not sure….."

"Come on, Hime! Those Hollow things look vicious, and you guys said they always attack the town. Come to think of it, you three can't hunt them all down at once….right?"

"We have….help."

"Yeah yeah, that Urahara guy you mentioned. I could ask him."

Orihime's eyes widened. Didn't Kurosaki-kun get a side-effect from his training? That mask Kuchiki-san told me about….no no no….

"I mean…"

"Here's another thing. I think we should tell the others."

"What? But why?"

"So they can at least be informed." The boxer punctuated, glaring slightly at Orihime before nudging her playfully.


That meant more explaining, more demonstrations, and more worrying about them getting in trouble. And it invited the possibility of more powers being developed, which led to more reiatsu.

"Hollows like more reiatsu…." Orihime whispered.

"So why did Ishida leave, really?"

Tatsuki threw the can into the trash nearby.

"I…..that's complicated, Tatsuki-chan. Someone wanted to tell him something important."


Orihime smiled playfully this time. "You're so noisy, Tatsuki-chan."

"Come on!"

"A member of the SWA."

"…the what? Wait, that's the club that girl was talking about?"

"Um…..yes? I decided to join."

"For what? What do they even do?"

Truth be told, Orihime had no idea. But considering Nemu's passionate confessions, Yachiru's zeal, and the fact that she could be closer to Rukia, her friend, she felt like saying yes when Nemu asked her.

She also gave me some headband….hmm.

"I don't know." She giggled.

Tatsuki giggled back and bonked her friend's head. "You're such a klutz, Hime. Maybe all of them can set you and Ichigo up."

"Not this again….."

"Orihime Inoue, don't you lie to me again. You want to ask him out, so what's stopping you?"

What was stopping the girl? She was scared about Aizen, but then again… was Ichigo, right?

"Well….maybe one day this month. Okay? He probably won't even say yes."

"Pfft. I'll bet you 10000 yen he will."

The two girls laughed again.

"And this page…..this was from our honeymoon."

Rukia's eyes scanned every pixel of the photograph. Hisana really did look like her, and she looked so happy to be with Byakuya.

Surprising was how happy Byakuya looked.

A fire roared in the mantle, and the two had been sitting on a couch in a living of Kuchiki Manor for some time now, just looking over the memories.

"Nii-sama….would she say right now, if she was here?"

Byakuya closed his eyes and thought. Realistically she would be furious at him for the execution business, but then again, he would certainly be happier and probably not do that.

"I love this." Byakuya quoted. "Hisana always enjoyed our quiet evenings together."

Rukia smiled and turned the page in the album.

"Awww…..she looks so pretty, Nii-sama."


Again Byakuya glanced over at Rukia, her eyes still wide and bang shifting slightly due to the breeze outside.

The man was still so lost, but he had a ways to go. One photo album wouldn't make things better.


"….Can you ask something?"


"….why didn't you two have any children?"

"Ah." Byakuya crossed his arms. "Your sister was somewhat frail, even before her illness. She….couldn't conceive."

"You're kidding." Rukia gasped.

"I wish I was."

"I'm sorry."

"For what? You were….still in Rukongai."

"Nii-sama, you don't have to keep apologizing for that."

I know. The execution will always be the worse issue.

"Byakuya-sama, you have a visitor." A servant announced.

"Who could that be?" Rukia murmured. "Maybe Renji or someone like that."

Byakuya didn't react when Yachiru, of all people, stepped into the room. She looked sad, and in no mood to cause any pranks or playful antics. The older Kuchiki was concerned but still uneasy. She had a habit of breaking into his home to cause all kinds of trouble.

"Vice-Captain Kusajishi, is there something you needed?"

"Byakushi, I want to talk to Ruki-Ruki."

Instead of rolling his eyes at the blatant disregard for title, he merely nodded.

"As you wish."

As Byakuya got up and left the room, Yachiru jumped into Rukia's arms.

"I'm so sorry Ruki-Ruki! You're my friend, all right! I promise I'll always protect you!"

Rukia was stunned. The girl grabbed her shihakusho and began crying into it.

"President, settle down! What's this about?"

Yachiru sniffed. "Oh Blondie told me everything! You could've died, and I didn't really pay attention to that! I guess I was having fun because Ken-chan was having fun, and Ichi came….."

"Yachiru, please stop crying. It's okay."

The younger girl pulled away and rubbed her eyes, seeing Rukia with a smile.

"I….was just angry based on all that happened. I wasn't trying to blame you, or anything. Everyone was thrown for a loop."

"But…..I kept talking about Peaches! You were hurt too…."

"No no, Hinamori-san's condition is far worse than mine. See? No scars or wounds? I'm not fixated on Aizen either. We really should focus on helping her."

Yachiru rubbed her eyes and shook her head.

"I'm sorry Ruki-Ruki. I like you. You have nice drawings."

"Ha! Someone thinks that!" Rukia gloated internally at Ichigo.

"So don't ever feel like you're not my friend again."

Yachiru took Rukia's hand and squeezed it tightly.


"I promise."

Yachiru smiled. But that smile quickly faded.

"Aizen hurt you too. So now I really want to get him."

"…Yachiru, I want to hurt him as well. It was his fault this all happened. He won't restrain me. I'll freeze him!"

"Yeah! And I'll smack him around, then use my zanpakutou!"

Rukia laughed but locked eyes firmly on Yachiru.

"Remember…..he is very powerful. We can't forget that. No one in Seireitei can."

Yachiru hugged Rukia.

"So? Ken-chan always tells me to cut until you can't cut anymore. He still hurt my friends."

Rukia smiled and hugged the girl back.

"He hurt mine as well."

Shuuhei Hisagi rubbed his temples in frustration as his drink was passed to him.

"Geez, you look rough." Renji said.

"You would be too if you had to run a division by yourself. I needed this."

Renji glanced over to see Izuru Kira had already downed a few.

"Yeah, I get it."

"I think it could be worse." Yumichika hummed.

Hisagi glared at him. "How?"

"Imagine if Aizen had more cohorts."

"What, you implying something?" Tetsuzaemon Iba grunted.

"Please." Yumichika scoffed. "Even if I was so heartless and ugly to betray my own division, Hollows don't even dress right."

"They don't dress at all." Renji deadpanned.

"Can we please stop talking about betrayal?" Kira shook his head.

"Hey you think it's bad buddy, look at that Hinamori girl." Ikkaku gestured. "Surprised she didn't go off with the bastard."

"Don't talk about her like that, Baldy."

Everyone looked up as Rangiku sat down next to Yumichika and immediately ordered a drink. From Momo's earlier words, she wasn't in the mood to play matchmaker tonight. She wanted to drink.

"Call me that again, Matsumoto." Ikkaku growled.

"I'm just saying, Hinamori is my friend. So what if half of the Seireitei thinks she's crazy? In my mind….she's as sane as ever."

"Have you been drinking already?" Hisagi asked.

Rangiku hiccupped. "Define already."

"Say, Rangiku. The Vice-Captain was upset today, and it was tied to Kuchiki." Yumichika said. "Know anything about that?"

"The president was upset? That almost never happens. What did Captain Kuchiki do?"

"Nah, his sister." Ikkaku corrected.

"Rukia?" Renji looked confused.

"She felt guilty for not saving her in the….well, you know."

Rangiku thought for a minute. Is she really sticking to her guns here? Yachiru vs. Aizen, now that'd be the battle of the year!

"Wow. I didn't know."

"Maybe the SWA can help out Hinamori." Renji mused. "Captain Unohana is part of the group too, and it seems like you guys are always doing some kind of crazy plan."

"Well, it's what the president wants….hey! That's member business only, Pineapple!"

Renji frowned as Ikkaku and Iba both laughed. Rangiku ordered another drink.

"Just make sure Vice-Captain is happy, okay?" Yumichika folded his arms. "We at the 11th don't like when she's upset."

"Don't worry. We at the SWA feel the same way."

Isane flinched as she hammered her finger again.

"Ow! President, can I take a break?"

"No way, Isa-chan! You're the tallest one here!"

Now in a much better mood, Yachiru had to tell Kiyone to not cancel the party after all. She and a few others were setting up. Yachiru and the Kotetsu sisters, to be exact.


"Hey President, I think I got everything worked out. I got the fireworks, the food…..still can't find the magicians, but I got some confetti and glitter instead?"

"Okay! Thanks, Blondie!"

Kiyone smiled and continued to paint the wall of the club room.


"Sis, I'm not hammering the sign."

Isane whimpered. But you have gloves on!

"Not that. Any….luck in the love department?"

"Huh? Yeah, I'm too young for Captain Ukitake. Maybe in a few years."


"Fine! A decade, I guess. I dunno."

"What about that young man that's always with you, helping Captain Ukitake?"

Kiyone almost dropped the paintbrush in shock. "Sentaro? That ape! Ha! Get real, sis!"

"I don't know, you two have the same birthday, don't you?"

"Just my bad luck." She spat. "Urgh, stupid Sentaro….he's always rushing to feed the Captain in bed when he's sick. That's my job! He's supposed to give him the medicine!"

"Didn't you two once dress up as nurses to help him….?"

"I rocked the skirt better!" Kiyone shouted.

Yachiru giggled and waved her feet around. Everyone was joking around, and she really liked that.

"I'm just saying. The two of you really seem to be in sync when Captain Ukitake needs assistance. You might even know more about his condition than Captain Unohana!"

"Oh yeah…." Kiyone grunted, a blush on her cheeks. "What about you, sis? I'm sure you have plenty of secret admirers!"

"No I don't!"

"Yeah….maybe Yamada-kun gave you a note or something, hmm?"

Isane blushed now. "Hanataro? He's our seventh seat!"

"Pleasure before business, right sis?"

"That is NOT the correct expression! Oh Kiyone…."

Yachiru laughed and spoke up.

"Isa-chan…..where's Peaches? She went back to work today, right?"

"Yes. I believe…..she is meeting with the Captain for a session."

"Good. She really needs to get better."

"Prez." Kiyone turned around and set the paintbrush down. "We kinda have a problem. I'm not Vice-Captain Ise, but I think we've exhausted our funds for this term."

"So? We can get more."


"You can decide that, Blondie. I'm letting you pick!"

"Hmm…" Kiyone picked up the clubroom camera. "Maybe a calendar."

"But we've already put out three of those before. And the 9th Division makes one to go with their newspaper." Isane pointed out, before hammering her finger again. "Ow!"

"Hmm….something to make it sell….."

Kiyone tapped her chin and excused herself. She wanted to come up with a really great idea. She loved being complemented.

As dusk fell upon the Seireitei, Soi looked over the compound from the top of Sokyoku Hill. She had been investigating all day, but nothing concrete.

Until Nanao asked to meet her in private.

"You're late, Ise."

"Apologies. I was finishing up with my work for the day."

Nanao stood next to the small captain.

"So…..what have you found anything?"

Although she wouldn't admit it, Captain Soi Fon was fond of Nanao. Not only did the two share a strong work ethic, she was calm, collected, and a smart person.

"Yes. Captain Kyoraku has…..told me quite a lot."


"The eight officers…..they're still alive. And they're in Karakura Town."


Soi turned to Nanao in shock, her mind moving in different places.

"Let me finish, please. This information was passed to Captain Kyoraku, Captain Ukitake, and Captain Unohana by one….Yoruichi Shihouin. Before she left the Seireitei after Aizen's depature."

"What?! Yoruichi-sama…."

"She told my captain they're living comfortably, powers under control."

"Is that so?"

"Reports indicate the town is not a cero-blasted crater, Captain."

Although she was being slightly sarcastic, Nanao did have a point.

"…..I see."

I don't believe this. I was there that night! And yet I'm not included in this briefing?

"Why did she tell Kyoraku?"

"They were once colleagues, Captain."

"That explains their words this morning. The three of them want those officers back."

Nanao herself was shocked and happy to learn the woman she admired, Lisa Yadomaru, was safe and alive. But…..everybody would not be.

"My captain told me I could tell you, but I don't think this is something we should tell Head-Captain Yamamoto."

"You say that, or your captain?"

"Hmm." Nanao answered.

"So what now? The Central 46 is slain…"

"I'm not finished, Captain Fon. Lady Shihouin stressed the culprit was Aizen. According to her, he was the one who caused their Hollow powers to develop.

Oh of course it fucking was. Everything just points back to him, huh?

"…..I see."

"I'm not sure what the next course of action is, Captain. Captain Kyoraku said from Lady Shihouin's tone, she made it seem like the officers refuse to come back even if they were asked."

Soi tapped her foot in thought.

"I need more information, Ise. For now this information shall remain under the radar."

"Very well. I will be at the SWA clubroom, if you need me this evening."

Nanao adjusted her glasses and flash-stepped away.

Soi walked over to the ruined altar that Ichigo destroyed. Justice…..does even exist anymore? Nothing makes sense.

Suddenly two hands covered her eyes. Soi did not flinch.

"Whoever this is, I'm not laughing."

"Hahahaha…..a little too slow there, bee."

Soi removed the hands and spun around to see the smiling face of Yoruichi Shihouin, her dark skin blending into the growing shadows. Her golden eyes remained bright as ever.


"Yoruichi-sama…you shouldn't be here."

"Why's that? In case you haven't noticed, Kisuke gave me something to hide my reiatsu. Good luck trying to find me if I run away~"

Soi didn't smile at the teasing. She just felt hurt now.

"Come here just to mock me?"

"Actually no, but more on that later. How's things?"

"…..everyone is still reeling over Aizen's defection. The Head-Captain is not in a good mood."

"I bet." Yoruichi laughed, although she stopped when she saw her student's face. "Huh, what's wrong? Don't worry, I told you I was gonna pop in every now and then to visit. No more century waits."

"I bet you have eight specific friends keeping you company, hm?"

"What are you talking about?"

"…..forget it. I was going to head to my….club."

"Sure, I'll tag along."

Soi deadpanned at Yoruichi's still smiling face.

"Shall we begin, Hinamori-san?"

"Sure, Captain."

Momo shifted in her seat across from Retsu's chair. Their two zanpakutous were resting on the wall.

"You seem nervous. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, fine. I…well, I was going to meet with Captain Hitsugaya tonight. He wants to treat me."

"Ah ah….don't worry about title here. This is a private meeting, between patient and doctor."

Momo smiled back. "Okay…..Retsu?"

"Thank you….Momo."

Retsu tapped her pen.

"Now then. I must stress everything we discuss in this room shall be between me and you. I will not tell anybody in the 4th. I will not tell a captain. And I will not any member of the SWA."

"Ha! Prez can always find these things out…." Momo giggled, earning a smile from the captain.

"Nevertheless. Now….please. Can you tell me about the ryoka invasion?"

"Yes. Ichigo Kurosaki had broken into the Seireitei with his friends to save Rukia Kuchiki. Along the way, he fought both Captain Zaraki and Captain Kuchiki. He achieved Bankai."

Momo wished she had Bankai. One step at a time, Tobiume….

"Tell me about your perspective."

"Yes…..everyone was high alert. The Vice-Captains had met to discuss on the current situation…..then we found Captain Aizen pinned to the wall."


"Yes. But…." Momo shook her head. "T-That was a trick. He didn't die."

"Right." Retsu was careful to not answer questions for her, or force Aizen as a subject.

"How did you feel when you first saw this trick body?"

"Horrified….." Momo looked down. "I was crying so much. I remember screaming at the top of my lungs. Something I haven't done since….since…."

"Since when?"

Momo blushed. "The….first time I wet the bed as a little girl. Toshiro always teased me about that."

"Boys will be boys." An easy smile. "What else happened?"

"I didn't fight anyone…..well, no, that's not true. I fought with Izuru-kun. Toshiro stopped our fight."

"What were you two fighting about?"

"Um…..we had disagreed on something."

"Hmm? May I inquire as to what? Did you forget his birthday?"

"N-Never! I….I may have attacked Captain Ichimaru."

"Hmm. "

"Because I thought he killed Captain Aizen! Please don't write down I'm psychotic or something…."

"I would never." Retsu shook her head. "Why did you say, you think?"

"Because… was all an illusion. That's what Captain Ichimaru's zanpakutou does."

Retsu frowned and wrote some things down.

"Can I ask how was work done, for you?"

"Really well! Toshiro and Rangiku-san escorted me to the division, and everyone there was relieved I was okay. I met some new recruits, I did some forms…'s going to be difficult with just me in charge for a while."

"That's true. Ask a captain for advice if you're having trouble."

"I will." Momo smiled.

"Going back to the invasion…..what else can you say?"

"I….was stabbed. Through the torso."

"Yes, I treated you. We were all worried. Does it hurt now?"

"Only….when I touch it." Momo rubbed the outside of the scar length.

"I see. Well, please tell me if you're having chest pains."

"Do you….want to know who did it?"

"Hmmm…" Retsu hummed. "Couldn't be one of the ryoka. In fact, Inoue-chan says she's going to join the SWA. Does that make you happy?"

"Yes! Another member….Inoue-san is so sweet." Momo smiled. "But…..can I tell you who?"

"I have a guess, but please."

"Captain Ichimaru. I think I told you this before."

"You did." Retsu said neutrally.

"And then…..well, I was unconscious. Everyone says he escaped by a negacion. From my academy days, I learned that's how Hollows transport themselves. He….Captain Tousen….and Captain Aizen…all three escaped."

"Yes." Retsu answered.

"Captain Ichimaru brainwashed Captain Aizen to follow him. I….never trusted him."

"I see. Some are just as wary as you."

"What are we going to do? How can we get him back?"

"Why just him? Captain Komamura was a friend to Captain Tousen. And….Vice-Captain Kira and Vice-Captain Matsumoto certainly miss Captain Ichimaru."

"I know, it's horrible. Rangiku-san is going to get her heart broken. Why isn't she more upset?"

Retsu looked up. This could be an opening.

"I'm not sure. I have reached out but she insists she is fine. Do you know what the captains said before they left?"

"Yes. I was told. Captain Ichimaru said he was going to stand in heaven."

Retsu wrote more things down. That was definitely not the truth, and everyone who was witness to Gin's last words knew he apologized to Rangiku. So then….?

"Do you know what Captain Aizen said?"

"Yes…..he said….um…I'm sorry, Momo."

No. Oh dear.

"I see. He apologized even though you were not present. How thoughtful."

"It was….."

"Just one thing."


"…..has Captain Aizen ever addressed you by your given name before?"

"Well…huh. I don't think so."

"How curious."

"Very. Our day had proceeded as normal…"

Retsu tapped her pen again.

"Captain Hitsugaya was the most worried about you. He doesn't like that the captains betrayed us and you got hurt in the process."

"Shiro-chan…..oh, he's always worrying about me. I'm so lucky to have him. I don't let him know that enough."

"Maybe you should?"


Retsu thought for a minute before speaking. "If you had to choose…..Captain Hitsugaya or Captain Aizen?"

"What? I couldn't choose between the two!"

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Wait…." Momo looked ashamed of herself. "I didn't believe Toshiro. I saw a note….pinning the fake murder of Captain Aizen on him. I…..was an idiot."

"You were emotionally damaged, Momo. Your mind wasn't thinking clearly."

"Still!" Momo wanted to cry. "He's supposed to be my best friend. And I betrayed him! Why does he still stick by me?"

"Because he cares about you. Those who do always come back."

Come back…

Momo's eyes widened. Did Captain Aizen really care, then? He should come back.

Wait…..if he really was brainwashed, how could he apologize clearly to me? That doesn't make any sense!

Retsu looked worried as the vice-captain covered her head.

"Do you need to lie down?"

"I…..can we stop for today?"

"Certainly. Feel free to do as you wish for the rest of the day. But please….keep thinking about what we discussed. Remember the time for our next session."

Momo nodded and quickly exited the room after grabbing Tobiume.

She felt anxious now. And confused. And….angry.

Ichigo grunted as he finished the last of his homework.

Finally. That took forever.

The strawberry had a lot to consider. His friend kept asking about the spirit world and training but he honestly didn't have the effort to really get invested.

Again Ichigo put a hand to his face.

The mask… could form again. No, it will form again. I can feel it.

"Ichi-nii! Dinner!"

Following the call of Yuzu's voice, Ichigo headed downstairs and sat at the table. Karin was the only one there.

"Where's Goatface?"

"Finishing up a patient."

Ichigo noticed Karin wasn't looking him in the eye.

"Hey… okay?"

"Hmph. It's nothing."

"Karin, c'mon."

The older twin turned to her brother and frowned. "Why did you miss most of the game?"

"What are you talking about? I was there the whole time!"

"No, you weren't."

"Yes I wa-"

"No you weren't!" Karin shouted. "I saw you, Ichi-nii. First you walk away with some pink-haired girl, and I score while you weren't there! Then… two of you appear, and you run away with a sword?"

Ichigo's mind was racing. She noticed when I took the mod-soul pill?

"That wasn't you sitting at the bleachers, I could tell."

"Karin, I was…..I mean….I didn't…..that wasn't-"

"Stop with the excuses. I don't care what you do in your free time, but you still missed most of it. Including the end. Remember that?"

"Yes!" Ichigo growled slightly. "You guys won."

"We lost, idiot!" Karin scowled. "See? You weren't there!"

Damn it Kon! You don't tell me anything!

Yuzu entered the room and set the meal down, smiling as she sat down herself. But she looked around.

"What's wrong, you two? Is it not good?"

"It looks great, Yuzu." Karin muttered. "But I'm not hungry."

Yuzu gasped as Karin got up without saying anything more.

"Ichi-nii, what happened? Why is Karin-chan upset?"

Ichigo sighed. "She lost her game, remember?"

"Yeah, it was pretty bad. 7 to 2! How did the other team get so lucky….."

7 to 2?

Ichigo put both of his hands to his face.

Damn it. Goddamn it! Mom…..please, I'm so lost here. Help me….

"Okay! So here's how it's going to work. We're going to blindfold Peaches and Boobies, then cover their ears-"

"Madame President, we're not kidnapping these people." Nanao interjected. "Apparently you already did that yesterday?"

"So! She was fine!"

Nanao shook her head. She had come to the clubroom to plan this party (that Yachiru called for, canceled, and called back on). Only Isane was with her.

"Maybe…..we visit Inoue-san in the Living World, to surprise her?"

"Hmmmm…Ichi might get mad at me again."

"I don't want to know." Nanao groaned. "How are you affording these commodities, anyway? I did a tally of our funds four meetings ago, at the start of the term."

"Blondie got that." Yachiru answered.


"Say, where's Nemu-chan? She usually can help out."

"She said she had other things to do." Isane said. "Captain Unohana is busy as well. I think Kuchiki-san mentioned she wanted to spend the evening with her brother…"

"Oh that's okay, we don't need everyone for this." Yachiru erased the board. "But I really want Nemu-chan here. She's smart."


"You too, Nan-Nan!"

"I didn't say that."

Yachiru turned.

Soi had entered the room with Yoruchi, who was still smiling. Her student, on the other hand, was embarrassed.

"Soooo…this is the SWA. Nice room. You're the president, Kusajishi?"

"Hi! Yep, that's me! Nice to see you here, Boobies!"

Nanao shook her head. Yachiru was full of nicknames, yet she always overlapped with Orihime and Yoruichi, due to their….assets. Although Rangiku was called "Jiggles" instead.

"So…..what do you guys even do?"

"Things." Soi coughed.

"We can't you tell you, silly! You have to be a member!"

"Why not, then?"



"I can't join?" Yoruichi winked.

Nanao and Isane watched as Soi's face turned to very very horrified and Yachiru's turned to very very excited. Oh no, they thought.

"Of course you can! YAY!"

On the plus side, this was the happiest Yachiru had been in days.

On the minus side, the captain in the room was starting to stammer incredibly and twitch. "I don't think….!"

"Now we have two rookies, hmm. We should make another headband."

"Rookie? Pffft!" Yoruichi put an arm around Yachiru. "I'm like the oldest person here. I taught that member over there. Can't you make me skip around?"

"Sorry, but that's the rules. Unlesss….."


"Well…..Boobies, we could use more money. Have any ideas?"

"She doesn't!" Soi shouted.

"I have one…..yes, one indeed."

"Okay, go find Blondie and tell her your plan. She's got the camera."


"My s-sister….Kiyone Kotetsu."

"Ah….okay! I'll have the fruits of labor tomorrow, President." Yoruichi smiled. "I have something big to do after this."

"What?!" Soi shouted.

"Sorry bee, it's kinda secret. We will talk tomorrow, got it?"

Yoruichi nodded to the other ladies before flash-stepping away.

"Wow! Another member so soon! Nan-Nan, write that down into the log!"

Nanao quickly grabbed the binder at the vice-captain's poking and prodding. "Are you sure this is acceptable? Her….situation is complicated, President!"

"Hurry Nan-Nan! I'm sooo excited!"

Isane noticed Soi had left the room.

"Hey, she's gone…!"

The sound of the clock ticking was the only sound in the room as Ryuken Ishida finished the last form for the day. He glanced over at the door.

…..why is he here?

The older Quincy calmed got up and opened his office door.


Uryu greeted him as formally as ever. His gaze was neutral, although he was trying very very hard to conceal every drop of anger he had. He didn't want to ask him for help.

"…..Uryu. What brings you here?"

The truth was Uryu debated asking him for a while, and it took him just as long to even enter the hospital, let alone take the elevator to the floor with his father's office.

"…Can you guess?"

"I don't have time for games. Speak or leave."

Uryu scowled slightly and shook his head. "I…..recently….lost my-"

"-Your Quincy powers. How pathetic."

The younger Quincy didn't flinch.

"I require your assistance in restoring them."

Ryuken Ishida was no fool. He knew his son had snuck off to Soul Society to save a Shinigami, and he certainly knew Ichigo was one as well.



"I said no. I am not arguing this point, Uryu."

"….damn you."

"Why are you even asking me, anyway? Doesn't that fool Urahara have a solution, like always?"

"….I asked him, and he couldn't help me."

"Just as well. Trusting a Shinigami with matters of a Quincy would be a living paradox, anyway. I don't know how you lost them, but frankly, I do not care."

Uryu's eye twitched.


He quickly ran towards the elevator.

I lost them trying to take down the man who tortured your father!

Ryuken passively watched as Uryu left the floor, then returned to his office. But before he sat down, his eyes looked to the window leading to the night sky.

No…it can't be one of them…..

"Hey! Get me another over here!"

Ikkaku sat back down and continued.

"So I really think there's something fishy going here, you know? I mean, it's not between of the traitors or anything like that, but just….behind the scenes."

"How do you figure?" Renji asked.

"I dunno. Call me crazy, I guess."

"No, I feel the same way." Yumichika observed. "Even the Captain is more cautious these days. I mean, you certainly can't tell, but I can."

"How about you, Rangiku?"

Heads turned at the strawberry blonde, who was starting to become incredibly drunk.

"Huh…..? I mean…..maybe, I dunno."

"She's out of it." Iba shook his head.

"Am not!" Rangiku hiccuped again. "Tell 'em, Captain." She addressed the familiar face now sitting next to her.

"Not completely."

The group grew silent, leaving the only noise to be the chattering of the other patrons.

"Clearly I've had too much…." Kira groaned. "When has Captain Fon ever sat down for a drink?"

"Shut up, Kira. " came the curt reply, as the captain started ordering.

"Huh. What brings you around, Captain?" Yumichika asked, both interested and a little bit uneasy. But he merely got a scowl in response.

"You six – don't talk to me, understand?"

"Maybe she's drunk already, I count seven." Renji whispered.

Soi glanced at Rangiku.

"Do I have to tell Hitsugaya you're coming in at noon tomorrow?"

"Don't mention the Captain, please. I don't want to think right now."


Rangiku watched with surprise as the small captain immediately downed her drink and asked for another, telling them to "give me the strong stuff now"

"Wow, you're pretty…pretty….pretty thirsty, eh Captain?"

"Do I have to move so you don't vomit on me?"

"Ha! Have you ever drank before?"

"Of course I have. If you're going to ask dumb questions, you can stop talking too."

Rangiku hiccupped again and waved her hand.

"Nah, nah….all you need a drinking buddy."

"Whatever. I just want to drink until my brain stops processing."

"Uh uh!" The buxom vice-captain giggled. "Better be careful… could do some naughty stuff~"

Then she passed out, falling fast asleep.

Soi took her next drink and downed it again.

"Uh…should we do something?" Iba whispered.

"Trust me, you don't want to get in the middle." Yumichika whispered back.

"Ah…..beautiful! This will be a good shot for January!"

"A building?"

Kiyone looked up to see Yoruichi glancing at the same thing she was; the tallest structure at the 13th Division barracks.

"Lady Shihouin! H-Hello, I didn't see you there."

"You're Kiyone?"


"Your esteemed president told me to help you. Why are you taking pictures of buildings?"

"Ah ha." Kiyone smiled and wagged her finger. "Our fourth calendar for the SWA is going to fly off the shelves! The theme…..architecture!"



Yoruichi winked playfully. "That's boring, I have a much much better idea for a calendar, if you're willing to shoot it."

"Yes I am! Anything for the club!" Kiyone raised her fist.

"Good. This won't take too long."

I'd better hurry up anyways. No more playing around after this. Kisuke gave me a mission to do.

Some time had passed, and now the sky was dark. A half moon had risen over Soul Society, and two Shinigami were marveling at the size.

"Wow….it's so pretty….."


Toshiro invited Momo to a secluded spot in Rukongai, full of trees and a bustling stream. He had prepared some food for his friend, and the two were simply lying under the stars.

"Shame we only get these moons once every month." Momo shifted. "Makes you think."

The white-haired captain glanced over.

"How did your session go?"

"Oh fine, fine. Captain Unohana….well, she said I could call her Retsu-"

"I don't even do that. Maybe you should be a captain." Came the tease.

"Maybe…..maybe one day. Toshiro…..can I tell you something?"


"…..I'm sorry. For everything."

"You have nothing to apologize for, didn't I tell you this?"

"No!" Momo sat up, moving over the piece of eaten watermelon on the sheet. "I didn't believe you. I trusted some piece of paper over you! That's….horrible!"

Toshiro watched evenly. He guessed this came up during the session.

"How can I even call myself your friend?"

"Things happened, Momo. I don't hold it against you… couldn't never betray me…..unlike those who did to Seireitei."

"About that."

The prodigy gulped. Momo's gaze had her eyes wide and starting directly into his.

"…..Something doesn't add up, really. If Captain Aizen was brainwashed, how could've he said sorry to me before he left?"

That bastard has a lot more to do than say sorry. Like burn in Hell.

"I….don't know, Momo."

"It doesn't make sense! Retsu told me the loyal ones always stay. In that moment, if Captain Aizen had clarity of mind…..why didn't he choose to stay?"

"….Why do you think?"

"I think…..I think….maybe…he didn't care about me."

Toshiro had no response to that. He could've agreed heartily, but he didn't want to upset Momo and ruin the development of mind before his eyes.

"How could he leave us, Toshiro? He ran the 5th Division. I…..can't do that on my own. If he cared, he would've done something. He…..didn't care."

Momo's expression turned angry.

"He didn't care! He actually thought "sorry" would excuse everything! In that moment, he could've stopped Ichimaru or Tousen! And now….."

The young vice-captain pulled her hair slightly.

"We're alone. If we meet him again…I…can't pretend everything is the same. It's different now. Different….."

Toshiro thought to himself.

He was glad Momo was appropriating more blame on Aizen instead of pretending he was a victim forced to join up in a betrayal scheme, but she still did not think he was the true mastermind. Still, it was something. And now Momo had moved from denial…to anger. She was getting closer.

"Oh I'm so sorry, Toshiro. Here I am prattling about, and….I'm ignoring you. This trip was supposed to be about us."

She watched as her hand was gently taken by Toshiro's own.

"Stop apologizing, Momo. I'm just glad I'm with you, no matter what he discuss. I….you don't know how great it is to see you alive, well, and out of the hospital."

Momo felt her cheeks turn red as Toshiro smiled at her.

It wasn't a cocky teasing smile. But genuine and emotional. Momo couldn't remember the last time he had one of those. Her mind focusing and her heart starting to race, she did the only think she thought of.

"What are you….mmpf!"

Toshiro's eyes widened as Momo's lips pressed onto his.

Yoruichi appeared on a rooftop. In front of her lie the Department of Research. Her mission was simple.

Find evidence to expose Mayuri Kurotsuchi.

The dark-skinned ex-captain was an expert in sneaking around and being fast….hence her nickname.

The Goddess of Flash.

She jumped down and slid up to a wall, watching carefully as a few Shinigami exited the building. She quietly caught the door and pulled her scarf higher up.

The only way she would be detected was by sight alone. Unfortunately, although the collar she had on masked her reiatsu, it also limited the amount she could use without breaking it, limiting flash-step.

She entered and carefully looked around. The building had few lights on due to the time, and while the darkness gave her a good cover, she had to be careful herself.

Yoruichi jumped up and clinged to the ceiling, sliding forward carefully.

Eventually she reached an intersection, noticing the security cameras pointed in each direction.

Ha! Like that's a problem?

She expertly covered each one with a plastic black film and took the middle path.

If she was motivated enough, she could break into every Shinigami's quarters and steal one item each.

Eventually she reached a room where a few late-nighters were working on computers, including the third-seat, Akon. Yoruichi recognized him from the days when Kisuke was captain; he was but a boy at the time.

He's still here, huh?

Akon paused slightly and looked around, before shaking his head and continuing.

Where would Creepytsuchi be….?

Yoruichi continued onward, following the hallway light leading east. She peeked in and saw the young Shinigami that Mayuri yelled at earlier, working.

Hmm….rookie I guess.

Eventually she reached a closed door with a light peering underneath. With the grace of a cat, she slowly let herself down and glanced at the door.


A roll of the eyes. Didn't anybody know telling someone not to enter somewhere only made them want to do it more?

Naturally the door was locked, but Yoruichi focused and tapped her fist. The door swung open very slightly, and the Goddess of Flash slid in and clinged to the nearest wall.

Hung lights and test tubes littered the room, and she could hear a voice at the very end of the room, the source of the light.

They didn't hear me….?

Yoruichi lightly closed the door and climbed up to the ceiling, made easier due to the pipes. Again she scurried in the shadows, eventually reaching a curious sight.

Mayuri and Nemu were huddled over what appeared to be a dead body, chained up to a table. The body was wounded and the face carved up. The clown-face captain prodded the side with a rod.

"How curious. It doesn't seem that serum #24 produced any effect. Yet serum #23 did? They're similar in composition…."

Nemu scribbled a few notes down on the clipboard she was carrying.

From her vantage point, Yoruichi wanted to throw up and beat the tar out of Mayuri at once. This was twisted; not even her eccentric friend experimented on dead bodies.

She glanced over at Nemu, and she could see part of her face.

The vice-captain had the same stoic look, but inwardly she felt like a monster. She began seeing the faces and lives of test subjects/victims more and more valuable and clearly. Orihime's reactions during the invasion had changed her.

Nemu didn't know how long she could continue, but her fear of punishment was far too great.

Reminds me of Ururu….hm…..

"Nemu, go get #25. Something has to work."

"What of #24?"

"Bah! That particular one is not going to work. Maybe if I up the dosage…."

Yoruichi had no clue what Mayuri was up to. She glanced around at her shadowy position. A shelf had numerous binders and folders, could that be the piece she needed?

Nemu handed him another syringe, which he promptly injected into the abdomen of the body. To Yoruichi's shock and Mayuri's dull surprise, the body soon became animated, crying out in pain and flailing wildly.

"It revived him? My…that isn't supposed to happen."

Mayuri put a hand over the mouth and ordered Nemu to get #26, as the form started to thrash wildly.

Yoruichi watched Nemu walk over to the shelf and for a second, she could see the girl shake.

"Hurry up, you fool!"

One injection later, the body stopped all movement and sound.

"Tch…..why does it do that? That's very annoying."

Nemu had no answer.

"I don't understand. Creating something akin to Ichigo Kurosaki shouldn't be difficult at all. How did that oaf Urahara do it?"

Mayuri tapped his chin with his pointer finger.

"Perhaps we should inject Hollow DNA?"

What the hell…..he's trying to make a Vizard?

"It is an option, Mayuri-sama."

"What? You idiot, I wasn't talking to you. I was speaking rhetorically."

"…..My apologies."

"Hmm…and how would even I begin to make whatever Orihime Inoue and Yasutora Sado could do? There's so many variables."

Nemu's heart sank as Yoruichi's eyes widened.

"Taking a human subject wouldn't be too difficult, but I need a control. I need one of them to study! That fool, Yamamoto, neglecting the potential for research."

Nemu's eyes watched as Mayuri sat down on a chair.

"Hmm….Nemu, it is nighttime. You should go to the Living World and take one of them for this project."


"Yes yes, don't worry about getting caught, I believe serum #34 blocks out reiatsu signals for 12 hours….all of the time I should need, but you never know with these things."

One of the targets was Orihime Inoue, a girl Nemu had entrusted with her secrets and openly ensured no harm would come to her. And now, she was a SWA member. By that logic, she was now….Nemu's friend, like the president.


"…Hmm? What did you say?" Mayuri turned.

No more. Nemu wanted no more of this.

"I…said no, Mayuri-sama. They….are merely humans."

Mayuri got up and stepped over to Nemu, his eyes looking directly at hers.

"Please….elaborate, if you dare."

Nemu gulped and sighed. She only prayed Yachiru wasn't about to find her for some task and see this.

"I… not wish to be part of experimentation on humans, alive ones at that. I am sorry, Mayuri-sama."

Mayuri merely stared, scratching his head.

"….Is that so?"

Feeling braver, Nemu looked up and narrowed her eyes.

"I do not want to be part of any subject experimentation, anymore. I…..have seen enough. I have done enough. No….more."

Yoruichi watched carefully.

"I see."

Mayuri wasted no time in smacking Nemu, knocking her to the floor.

"You little bitch!"

Nemu cried out as Mayuri stomped on her torso.

"You dare say you don't want to experiment anymore? You defy me at that?! The nerve! You stupid stupid girl!"

Mayuri lifted the girl and smashed her into the wall, ninty degrees from Yoruichi's position. She wanted to help.


"You think you can call the shots?! Remember who created who!"

Mayuri began to smash Nemu's head repeatedly into the wall.

"You BITCH!"

Yoruichi gasped inwardly as Mayuri turned and threw her to the floor. Her face was bruised and bloodied.

"It's that ridiculous club, isn't it? The SWA, if I remember correctly?"

Yoruichi's eyes widened again.

"They've made you soft, made you rebellious! I will NOT stand for that!"

Nemu grunted as Mayuri began to smash his foot into her bruises.

I'm sorry….I'm sorry, President!

"Oh ho? Crying are we?"

The tears didn't start forming due to the pain, Nemu was too used to that. She wanted to be with her companions, the ones she called friends. She didn't want to keep lying to them.

"See? This is what I mean!"

Mayuri lifted Nemu up like a rag doll and threw her into a set of lab equipment, glass breaking everywhere.

"Feh! If you EVER disobey me again, I will make your life a nightmare, Nemu. And now….you are forbidden from that club! Do you understand?!"

Nemu slowly lifted her up her head. That was worse than any physical blow.


Yoruichi was about to jump into action and attack, until a knock on the door made Mayuri leave the area and walk to the entrance.

"What is it?!"

"Captain, I have some data here….you should take a look at it."

Yoruichi waited until she was sure Mayuri had left, then jumped down and walked over to Nemu. The vice-captain's eyes didn't shift.


"Sssh. We're leaving this place."

Meanwhile Soi had finished off her next drink, banging the glass as she set it down. Most of the patrons had left, and Ikkaku and Yumichika were the only other ones.

"How much has she had now?" Ikkaku whispered.

"A lot. Like…..more than the Captain drinks."


Soi's head was starting to spin, she felt incredibly woozy, and now she had a noticeable slur.


"Captain I don't think-"


At that cue, Ikkaku and Yumichika walked over, the two of them helping Rangiku's snoring form up and on their shoulders.

"Uh…..hey Captain, maybe you can stop? We were gonna take her home."


Yumichika sighed. "Do you want us to help you home?"

"Go….go, go away." She hissed, waving her hand.

"Whatever, c'mon Yumi."

Soi finished the next drink and stared at her reflection in a nearby mirror.

Yoruichi-sama….doesn't trust me.

The captain got up and wobbled to the door (despite the pleas from the bartender). She just wanted to get far far away from Seireitei for a while.

Yoruichi brought Nemu to an alleyway close to the 4th Division.

"Are you alright? That son of a bitch did a number on you…..can you walk okay?"

"It… fine. I was created to take large amounts….of pain like that."

Yoruichi immediately scowled.

"Who the hell cares about that? What kind of captain beats his subordinates like they're dolls?!"

"….that is how Mayuri-sama….is."

"Yeah, and it's pissing me off!"

"L-Lady Shihouin…." Nemu paused to wipe a stream of blood from her nose. Glass shards had stabbed her body earlier and she was bleeding all over. "Why were you at the division? He….could've saw you."

"Stop it, Nemu! You're focusing on the wrong things. Why don't you tell somebody?"


Yoruichi's gaze shifted as Nemu looked down, tears appearing in her green eyes again.

"I…..fear what Mayuri-sama can do. I… not want to get the members of the SWA involved. They….I do not want to risk their lives."

"That's crap, and you know it. I actually joined the club today-"

"Welcome. Shall I prepare a rookie headband for you?"

Yoruichi wanted to smack Nemu but she had enough abuse for the night. "Ssh! I was just goofing around but I saw your face when he forbade you. You….care about them, don't you?"

"…yes. Being in the club…..makes me…happy."

"Unohana's part of it, huh? Good, we're gonna visit her."

"But I-"

"No buts. I wanted to find something else, but clearly, that can wait for now."

Yoruichi picked Nemu up and dashed away.

"Madame President!"

Kiyone panted as she opened the door to the club room. Yachiru, Isane, and Nanao were still there.

"I….got something good! Something…..!"

"Kiyone, why do you have blood down your nose?"

"Huh?" The younger Kotetsu rubbed her nose. "Listen! I ran into Lady Shihouin! And she….she helped me find some shots for the calendar!"

"Yep, she joined!" Yachiru grinned. "So what did she do?"

Kiyone hesitated. "Well….it's a little…"

"What are you talking about?" Nanao asked, now suspicious.

Kiyone's eyes darted from Yachiru to Nanao to her sister. She leaned down and whispered into Yachiru's ear, whose expression lit up.

"That'll work fine, Blondie…..very fine….."

"What?! Reveal the photographs in your hand!"

Yachiru looked at Nanao…..before grabbing Isane and flash-stepping away with Kiyone.


Nanao growled before sighing and closing the logbook.

"I need a vacation."