Chapter 2: Betrayed and Executed

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach and Code Geass.

A/N: Now it is the beginning from Lelouch's death to ending up in the Soul Society and becoming a Shinigami.

Betrayed and Executed

Black Knight's Flagship, Ikaruga

Lelouch, in his persona as Zero was riding in the elevator with Kallen. The Second Battle of Tokyo was a failure to him due to the blast when Suzaku Kururugi, the Knight of Seven, shot the F.L.E.I.A. warhead and it had obliterated part of the Tokyo Settlement and worse for Lelouch was that it was believed that his sister, Nunnally was lost in the blast as well as Sayoko. It was sad day for Lelouch and Kallen didn't know what she could do for her leader.

"CC is gone and Nunnally has been killed," Kallen said in her head with sadness, "that means that Lelouch has…"

"Kallen," Lelouch spoke, "Thank goodness, you're safe. I'm sorry it took me long to rescue you."

Kallen looked at Zero surprised and then spoke, "Lelouch, I was able to talk to Nunnally. She saved me."

"I see."

The elevator stopped at the floor they wanted and they walked out of the elevator.

Kallen continued, "Umm, I know this is a weird time to be saying this, but I also had a brother and-"

Kallen was interrupted when lights flashed on them suddenly and she and Lelouch were surprised at what they saw. What they saw were knightmares and most of the core members of the Black Knights pointing their guns, specifically aiming at Lelouch.

"It's over Zero!" Todoh declared.

"How dare you play a con game with us!" Chiba added.

"We know all about your geass!" Ohgi said.

Lelouch was shocked at what he just heard and then he noticed Diethard filming the whole thing.

"The legendary hero Zero died in combat before he could achieve his goals," Diethard said in a documentary way, "however, his brave way of life will forever be told for generations to come."

"Is that your manuscript, Diethard?" Lelouch asked.

"To be honest, I wished to have filmed this until your victory over Britannia," Diethard shook his head and glared at Zero, "unfortunately the show is now cancelled."

"What should I do?" Lelouch asked in his head, "The Knightmares are an obstacle, but Ohgi and the others are still defenseless. If I use my geass without being noticed…"

"Everyone trusted you!" Minami said with anger.

"Inoue, Yoshida, they all died for you!" Sugiyama added with anger as well.

"Wait!" Kallen pleaded standing in front of Lelouch with her arms out to shield him, "This is too one-sided! This kind of…we all got here thanks to Zero, right? We should at least hear him out and-"

"Out of the way Kallen!" Tamaki demanded.

"Do you want to die with Zero?!" Sugiyama asked.

"Don't tell me you're under the control of geass as well!" Ohgi spoke in anger.

Kallen just looked at the people that were ready to shoot Lelouch and decided to find something out.

"Answer me Lelouch," Kallen said, "To you, what am I?"

Lelouch was silent.

"With you, I'd…well, c'mon…"

Lelouch was still trying to figure things out and then he looked at his upper left said and saw Schneizel with his aide Kanon.

"I see," Lelouch said in soft tone, "So this is your check, Schneizel? Then, in any kind of situation, there's really no way out."

Lelouch looked at Kallen who was still waiting for him to answer her question. Lelouch felt that there was no way out and since he was no longer able to reunite with Nunnally, all was lost to him and in the end, it was a reminder to himself that he was unable to help those that were dear to him and he felt that he had to do something right now, for at least that he would make sure that Kallen would not die because of him.

"Come on, please tell me!" Kallen pleaded.

Kallen was then surprised to hear Lelouch starting to laugh.

"Fools, you all realized it this late?" Lelouch said as he took off his helmet and surprising Kallen with his remarks, "About the fact that you were all being used? About the fact that you're all just pawns?"

This just made the core members of Black Knights angrier at the fact that Zero was saying these things to them.

"Zero, so it's true that you…" Ohgi spoke.

Tamaki was upset and it saddened him, "Zero…"

Kallen was in absolute shock and felt like someone was just took a knife and stabbed her, "Lelouch…"

Schneizel and Kanon just looked on and Schneizel half expected Lelouch to actually deny the allegations.

"Kallen, you were a very elite pawn among them all," Lelouch said with a smile and then gave his attention to rest of the core members, "indeed, everything was like a chessboard. All of this was a game."

Kallen turned with her head down feeling betrayed, "I see…" Kallen had tears that started to form in her eyes and felt betrayed, anger, and sadness, "Farewell, Lelouch."

Kallen began to walk away from the person she felt toyed with her emotions.

"Get ready!" Todoh instructed.

They all had their guns aimed and ready to shoot and Kallen moved out of the firing range.

"Kallen, you must live on," Lelouch said.

Kallen heard what Lelouch said and turned and saw Lelouch's expression of sadness as he smiled.

"I'm sorry Kallen, you deserve better than this," Lelouch said, "please live on."

Kallen's eyes widened as she started to realize, "Wait a minute, Lelouch, you…"

"Fire!" Todoh commanded.

Shots were fired and the bullets struck Lelouch in multiple places as he coughed blood out of his mouth. Lelouch cursed his own weaknesses and wished he done better for his revolution as he started to fall on the floor.

Kallen's eyes still widened, "Why didn't I realize?"

The Shinkiro suddenly appeared surprising everyone and Rolo came out of the cockpit and saw that he was too late and he was horrified to see his brother dead.

"Big brother!" Rolo shouted in a sad tone.

Kallen stares in shocked and the core members of the Black Knights talk about Lelouch getting what he deserved. Kallen went over held Lelouch's body which was already starting to get cold and Rolo stood cold and couldn't bring himself to move and tears started to form in his eyes to see his brother dead. He didn't forget about the things Lelouch had said to him but he was still willing to protect him because Rolo felt that he understood Lelouch and to him, he still considered him to be his brother even if they were all lies.

Schneizel went to Todoh and Ohgi, "With this, it's over. Now my brother can longer manipulate you to do his selfish desires."

"Yes," Ohgi said, "we'll leave his body to you Schneizel."

"I appreciate this, you all did the right thing," Schneizel turned to Kanon, "Kanon, have some the staff members over to pick up my brother's body."

"Yes your highness," Kanon obliged and went to do what he was asked.

Lelouch's Room

CC felt that something was wrong and simply spoke, "Oh, my master…"

Warehouse Three

Ohgi went to Kallen to try to comfort her.

"Kallen, are you all right?" Ohgi asked with concern.

Ohgi is shocked to see Kallen holding Lelouch's body with tears.

"Why?" Kallen asked on the verge of crying, "Why did you make such a face? That's wasn't the face of someone that had no regard for the people he's hurt. It was the face of someone who gave up, who felt that there was nothing left for him. Why did you tell me to live on?"

"Kallen…?" Ohgi spoke surprised.

"Hey Kallen…" Tamaki asked with concern.

Todoh had felt pity for Kallen, "I guess that it would be hard for Kozuki."

"But why?" Chiba asked with concern for Kallen, "Why is she sad about this? Zero just admitted that she was nothing but a pawn to him."

"Kallen…" Minami said.

Sugiyama rubbed his head and didn't know what say.

"Well, this is unexpected," Schneizel said in his head, "For someone to feel that close to my brother…Lelouch probably knew that and for that he…"

Kallen had her face against Lelouch's face and cried, "Lelouch…"

That's it for this chapter. Next chapter: Lelouch meets a Shinigami with a geass symbol in C's World and ends up in the Soul Society and meets with someone he never would expect to see.