Chapter 4: Sibling Reunion

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach and Code Geass.

Sibling Reunion

Euphie balled her fists and narrowed her eyes at her brother, "If that's the case…"

Euphie walked closely and got very close to Lelouch and Lelouch gritted his teeth prepared for whatever his sister had in store for him.

"Lelouch…" Euphie spoke as started to reach her hand to him and then put her hand down, "Lelouch, Lelouch look at me."

Lelouch did just that, "Yes Euphie?"

Euphie went to Lelouch and faced him eye leveled with serious look, "Lelouch I want to ask you something and I want you not to leave anything out."

"What is it?"

Euphie stood up and had Lelouch to do the same, "Lelouch, I want you to tell me what has happened after I died."

Lelouch was shocked and looked away with shame, "Euphie, I…"

"Lelouch, please…" Euphie said with a determined look, "I just want to know, what has been going on with you, Suzaku, Cornelia, with your fight with Britannia, everything, even if you think small details is not worth mentioning, I still want to hear it."

Lelouch sighed, "All right."

Lelouch started to explain to Euphie about the events that had happened starting from what happened after her death up to when the Black Knights turned on him after learning about his geass and when they executed him which resulted his own death. He didn't leave out anything as to the reactions and consequences of what had happened and the choices that Lelouch made.

Euphie was shocked in some of the things that happened with Suzaku and his convictions on things, learning that their father also had geass and used it to alter Lelouch's memories and using Nunnally, the death of Shirley by the hands of Rolo, who was assigned as Lelouch's brother and killed out of jealously, the Second Battle of Tokyo which resulted the use of the FLEIA warhead, right to the part of Schneizel revealing Lelouch's identity and his geass to the Black Knight which resulted to a coup d'état.

"I see, so that's what happened," Euphie said as she listened to every word Lelouch had said to her.

"Yes," Lelouch said, "really, it's my own fault. I was careless and in a way, I played right into Schneizel's hand. I lost and with everything that had happened, I gave up, I could no longer bring myself to fight anymore."

"That's why you said those terrible things to the Black Knights and even to that red head Kallen, even though it wasn't how you really felt and it sounds to me that you cared for her deeply."

"I had to make sure Kallen stayed alive," Lelouch said sadly, "she was one of the few people left that was precious to me, I couldn't let her die because of me so I did what I had to do."

"Even though it would hurt her and that she would end up cursing you forever?" Euphie asked concerned with what happened between Lelouch and Kallen.

"As long as Kallen was still alive and able to move on, it was good enough for me."

"…I see."

"So there you have it and with that, do what you wish Euphie."

"Are you certain?"

"Yes, I'm content."

Euphie raised her right hand and directed it to Lelouch and Lelouch himself closed his eyes and expected to receive retribution from his sister. He then felt her hand on his head and she was rubbing it. Lelouch opened his eyes and was surprised that Euphie was giving a warm smile as she was stroking his hair.

"Euphie…" Lelouch spoke surprised.

"This is what I wish. I really like stroking your hair," Euphie said with a warm smile.


"Anyway," Euphie released her hand, "I'm sure you're wondering where we are."

"Uh, well, yes…but Euphie, about-"

Euphie interrupted, "Well, as you know we're in a place called the Soul Society, a place where souls like you and me resides."

"Yes, I know that much."

"Now, about where you are right now. When a Shinigami sends a soul, they would say that the Soul Society is a paradise, the only place that seems to be a paradise in the Soul Society is the Seireitei."

"The Seireitei? Where's that Euphie?" Lelouch asked.

"It's the center of the Soul Society and act as its capital. The people who live there are mostly nobles and members of the Seireitei's military."

Lelouch was surprised and intrigued, "There are nobles in the Soul Society?"

"There sure is."

"Do you know how the nobles are?"

"If you're asking if they are the ones like in our homeland of Britannia, I really don't know for I've never met a noble of the Soul Society."

"Hmm, understandable I suppose," Lelouch said as he pondered what he was just told and continued, "And what about the military you were referring to?"

"Oh right, I figured you'd want to know. Well, anyway, the Seireitei has three military branches, the Gotei 13, the Kido Corps, and the Onmitsukido."

"I see…"

"The place we're in right now is the 8th district of the East Rukongai called Raku'uta and if you compare it with our world in history, it would be kind of like the Kyoto of the Edo Era."

"I'm surprised you know a bit of Japanese history."

"Come now Lelouch, give me some credit," Euphie pouted, "and it helped with Suzaku teaching me as well."

"Right…" Lelouch sighed, "Anyway, what is it about the Rukongai?"

Euphie nodded, "The Rukongai is actually divided into 320 districts. 80 in each side of north, south, west, and east. Each numbered district in descending order is on how far they are from the center. This results in the higher-numbered and farther districts decaying into slums, so while District 1 on each side is the most peaceful and lawful, the highest is District 80 of each side and it's the most hardscrabble, violent, crime-infested area like in the Heian era of Japan with the decaying living conditions and I don't mean diseases."

"So the further the district, the more decaying, crime ridden, and un peaceful it gets," Lelouch deduced.

"Pretty much, it kind of decays a lot more in starting with the District 15s."

"I see…Euphie, have you been here in the Soul Society all this time?"

"Yes, for a year."

"…Yes, of course, did you meet someone who said he was a Shinigami?"

"Yes, am I to assume Lelouch that you met a man with long black hair that went down to his lower back tied in a ponytail with two strands hanging in the left side of his face and had gold eyes and a small scar running down his right side of his face."

Lelouch nodded, "Yes, that's him."

"He's the one who sent me here as well."

Lelouch thought of things for a moment, "There are too many things that we don't know. Have you seen him since then?"

Euphie shook her head, "No, I haven't."

"Then we…probably won't see him again, maybe he's just station there," Lelouch concluded but had a thought, "the geass mark on his hand, he's got to be the same as CC…and the emperor…"

Lelouch was surprised when Euphie put her hand on Lelouch's shoulder.

"Lelouch, since you have nowhere to really go, considering that you just got here in the Soul Society, why don't you come with me?" Euphie said.

"Huh?" Lelouch replied confused.

"I'm on my way to the marketplace for an errand for someone I'm staying with, will you come with me? I would like your company," Euphie pleaded with her hands together being hopeful.

Lelouch was taken back and had a sad expression, "You sure about this? I mean, I'm the reason that…"

Euphie held Lelouch's hand, "Just come with me, I'll show you around this way."

Euphie pulled and dragged Lelouch along.

Lelouch was unable to understand, "Why? Why is Euphie happy to see me? She should be angry with me? She should hate me. It's my fault. It's my fault because of the malignant command that I placed upon her, making her do something that was against her very nature, her very being, I killed her and used what had happened for my goals…and yet she's happy to see me. I don't understand…"

Lelouch pulled himself free and stopped and Euphie turned to face her brother.

"Lelouch, do you not want to be around me?" Euphie asked feeling hurt.

"Euphie, I don't understand," Lelouch said.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean this, I mean the fact you're talking to me and going on about this like nothing happened. I destroyed your life and killed you and yet, you're carrying on like you're not angry, why?"

Euphie put her finger on her chin, "Lelouch, you seem to misunderstand something."


"I'm not carrying on like nothing happened."

"What do you mean?"

"Trust me Lelouch, I am upset for what happened but tell what good would it do me now?"

Lelouch was taken back, "I don't understand."

"Would it change anything? You think that I would be satisfied if I took my revenge on you. I could but what would I really gain? Would I be able to revive in our world? Would I be able to change the past? No, I wouldn't. Nothing would change and I can't really do anything about it right now. What happened has happened and neither of us can change it."

Lelouch looked down with remorse, "No, of course not," Lelouch then thought of something and was surprised and he looked at the reflection of a small pond that was nearby and then he realized something as he was checking his left eye, "My geass…it's gone. But how, how did this happen?" Lelouch thought of the Shinigami with the geass symbol on his hand and when it glowed as he stabbed him. "Is that Shinigami responsible for me losing my geass? If so…but how…?"

"Lelouch, what's wrong?" Euphie asked.

Lelouch sighed and just looked at Euphie, "It's nothing Euphie."

Euphie narrowed her eyes at her brother, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, absolutely, in fact, I'm actually relieved," Lelouch said with a warm smile.


"Yeah," Lelouch said and then thought, "At least, I won't make the mistake that giving a malignant command to anyone accidentally due to my own wording. It's hard but I think I can live with it."

"Lelouch," Euphie called.


"Lelouch, with everything you've told me and the fact that you were willing to let me do what I wanted towards you tells me what I believe all along."

"Which is?"

"That you feel remorse and that my death affected you as well, just as much as Cornelia and Suzaku."

"I…" Lelouch had his head down.

"I can see it in your eyes Lelouch and I see that you're the kind to take responsibility for things without trying to blame anyone else for it, even things that weren't really your fault, like your friend Shirley's death."


Euphie took Lelouch's hands, "It's like I said earlier and I'm sure you would agree that you and I can't do anything what has happened, it's all in the past. The only thing we can do is move forward and do what we can do now. It's what I have done and you can do it as well."

"I see…" Lelouch said and then smiled, "You amaze me Euphie."

"Oh well," Euphie smiled, "it did help that I had someone who looked after me when I came here."

"Someone looking after you…"

Euphie nodded, "Come with me for the errands and then I'll introduce you to the person She's a nice lady."

Lelouch looked at Euphie and then decided to go along, "All right, I'll go with you."

Euphie was happy, "Thank you Lelouch. Let's go."

"Sure," Lelouch said as he went with Euphie for her errands, "If anything, I'll look after Euphie, I won't make the mistake with her again. Nunnally…maybe I can find out where I can find Nunnally if she's here in the Soul Society as well."

Lelouch went with Euphie and Euphie was showing him around in Raku'uta. Lelouch still had questions of the circumstances but he figured that he would be able to figure things out one step at a time. It was still a shock to him that he no longer had his geass but the plus side for him was that he could look at his sister Euphie via eye contact and not worry even saying things as a joke.

Meanwhile, there were three men that were watching Lelouch and Euphie, one of them was the Shinigami that Lelouch met. The other two also wore Shihakushos and carried their Zanpakutos.

"He's met with Euphemia," the scarred Shingami said with a grin, "excellent."

"Can't I just strangle Lelouch," the man with a white hair asked, "it's because of him that I-"

"Enough Mao," the Shinigami interrupted, "I've already explained this to you. Lelouch has a role to my plans just as the others do."

Mao gritted his teeth in frustration.

"I can't believe that he was the one," the brown haired man with a beard said, "to think that Britannian brat was Zero and he used that accursed power on me to make my men and myself to kill ourselves. This is unacceptable."

"Calm yourself Kusakabe," the scarred Shinigami reminded.

Kusakabe was upset and glared at the Shinigami, "How can I be calm? I can't allow him to just walk free. You're mistaking in bringing that Britannian bastard here in the Soul Society," Kusakabe was about to move with his hand on the hilt of his Zanpakuto, "I'll go there and prove to you that-"

Kusakabe stopped himself when a sword was quickly drawn and the blade was inches away to his throat and he looked at the Shinigami glaring at him.

"Kusakabe, don't forget it was me who brought you here in the Soul Society when you were wandering in C's World," the Shinigami reminded with cold eyes and then looked at Mao, "Mao, the same goes for you. I could kill you both right now if you insist on defying me."

Kusakabe and Mao knew it wouldn't be a good idea to challenge him as they both knew that they didn't stand chance against him.

"All right, all right, you're right," Kusakabe said, "my apologies for my insolence."

"Fine, I'll continue to do what you say," Mao said, "after all, you did promise that I will reunite with CC."

The Shinigami smiled, "That's right. As long as you do as I say, you will meet with CC again," the Shinigami looked at Kusakabe, "Kusakabe, you'll have your chance of revenge against the Black Knights and Britannia by showing them your power."

"Yes, of course, it's the reason why I chose to follow you."

"Good, glad that you both understand," the Shingami said as he pulled his sword back and sheathed it, "you two get back to your divisions."

"What will you do?" Mao asked.

The Shinigami smiled, "I'm going to follow Aizen. See what he's up to?"

"Aizen?" Kusakabe asked, "Sosuke Aizen?"

"Yes, it seems that he's doing some experiments. I want to see it."

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Mao asked, "That man is dangerous. Who knows what will happen if he catches you."

The Shinigami chuckled, "I know that Sosuke Aizen is dangerous but don't underestimate me because I'm just as dangerous. Move it you two."

Mao sighed, "All right."

"Understood," Kusakabe said as he and Mao used Shunpo to leave.

The Shinigami smiled, "Lelouch vi Britannia, I'll use you to achieve my goal," the Shinigami looked at his geass marked hand, "I'm sure you don't mind if I keep your geass with me. Now then…"

The Shingami used Shunpo to leave as well.

Meanwhile with Lelouch and Euphie, the two were at the marketplace of Raku'uta and Lelouch was helping Euphie with the things that Euphie needed to get. While it was happening, Euphie was explaining things to Lelouch and Lelouch was listening and taking mental notes of how things were in the Soul Society.

"Tell me Euphie," Lelouch said.

"Hmm?" Euphie replied.

"You seem to know a lot about these things."

"Well, for me, it's because the person I'm living with knows. She used to live in the Seireitei."

"Used to?"

"Yes, something happened and she had to leave the Seireitei."

"What happened?" Lelouch asked out of curiosity.

"I don't know. I didn't ask."


"Yeah, it seemed like a touchy subject to her and I couldn't bring it up without upsetting her so I decided that I wouldn't say anything about it unless she herself wants to tell me."

"Oh, I see."

"She really is a nice woman and she helped me when I came here, she's like a mother to me," Euphie said with a smile.

"I see. I'm glad. I'm glad that you have someone like that close to you," Lelouch said with a smile.

"Thank you Lelouch," Euphie said, "well, let's finish this up and head back, I'll introduce her to you."

Lelouch nodded, "Sure."

They continued and then soon afterwards, they finished getting the things they need and Euphie led Lelouch to the place where Euphie lived with another person. Lelouch thought about his fate here in the Soul Society.

"I suppose this is my fate here," Lelouch said in his head, "I expected it be a lot worse for me but I guess I was just plain lucky…who knows…Nunnally, are you here as well? I swear I will find you if you're here Nunnally. Please, wait for me."

That's it for this chapter. Next chapter: Back with the living with the Black Knights, Kallen mourns over Lelouch's death and her declaration to the Black Knights, Villetta, Suzaku, and Schneizel.

District 8 of East Rukongai: Raku'uta (Ease Song)