Chapter 6: Plots and Schemes with Deceptions

Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with Bleach and nothing to with Code Geass.

Plots and Schemes with Deceptions

Bridge of the Great Britannia

Emperor Charles and his entourage were almost at Kamine Island and they were looking at the monitor.

"Preparations are complete, your majesty," one of the Geass Order members said.

"Very well, let us begin," the 98th emperor replied.

The screen was showing the globe the marking that indicate the thought elevators. The ancient ruins that were around the world were starting to glow and were even giving some sort of vibrations.

Charles was pleased as the ruins were synchronizing to linking to the ruins on Kamine Island.

"All relic systems are now synchronized," said one of the Geass Order members.

"With this shall end the world of the existing god. Destruction and creation, Ragnorok has finally begun," Charles declared.

Just then on the right side of the screen, the Knight of Twelve, Monica Kruszewski appeared, "Your majesty, Prince Schneizel sent in the report on the conflict in-"

"Did I not tell to leave these mundane affairs to him?" Charles interrupted; annoyed that one of his own personal knights would tell him things that were of no importance to him.

Monica was surprised to hear him say it, "Mundane affairs?"

Charles cut off the transmission, "Has the truth finally begun to dawn on you Schneizel? If so, it's too late. This game called war is already obsolete."

Ashford Academy

Milly Ashford gives her announcement to the world, "This is KT Television. Since our studios were lost in the blast, we set up temporary studio in Ashford Academy to bring you this emergency news alert. A short while ago, we received an official word that Prince Schneizel has signed a ceasefire with the Black Knights. In addition, according to an official announcement, Zero, leader and CEO of the Black Knights was killed in the final battle. Zero was wounded in the fight of the Tokyo Settlement and subsequently received medical treatment before the flagship, Ikaruga, but he succumbed to his injuries before daybreak this morning."

Kagoshima Settlement

At the headquarters of the UFN, Zhou Xianglin had just heard the news in shock regarding Zero. In the jet leaving the Kagoshima Settlement, Hong Gu, Li Xingke, Kaguya Sumeragi, and Empress Tianzi had just heard the news as well. The 13-year-old Chinese empress had a look of concern for her friend.

Horai Island

The people residing in Horai Island were screaming in anguish about the news of Zero's death.

Cockpit of the Sutherland Sieg

"What's the meaning of this Ohgi?" Jeremiah asked communicating with Ohgi, "Is it true that Zero's dead?"

"Yeah, I'm afraid it as the media reported," Ohgi responded, keep up his mask very well.

"Can I least see his face to confirm it?"

"Sorry but we're busy now Jeremiah, it will have to wait until later."

With that Ohgi quickly cut off the transmission. Jeremiah was shocked to learn that his young lord was reported to be dead. Jeremiah was sure but he had a feeling that something was definitely wrong since he remembered that Lelouch didn't have any injuries when he was brought in the Ikaruga. He suspected that either they were just lying or they were still lying and some foul play happened.

"My prince, what has happened?" Jeremiah asked, "If I had failed my prince like I failed Lady Marianne, then I…"

The Avalon

In the recreation room, Lloyd was throwing darts while Gino was having a pool match with Cecile, a match he was losing real badly. Cecile was hitting the solids in every hole with ease. Gino could only look with amazement of how the blue haired scientist was hitting every solid ball with such accuracy.

"Damn, she's good," Gino said in a low tone, impressed.

It was at that moment, Suzaku walked in. Gino looked up and saw his fellow Knight of the Round.

"Lloyd, can you give an update of the status of the Lancelot?" Suzaku asked his Lancelot creator.

"You know the status," Lloyd replied, "You saw the condition of the core luminous."

"No, I'm talking about the Lancelot Albion," Suzaku clarified.

"It's ready to roll out," Cecile replied as she hit another solid ball in one of the holes.

"Albion?" Gino asked, "What's that about?"

Lloyd throws another dart but missed the board completely, "Oh, I shouldn't have mention that. It's a custom knightmare built for Suzaku but in the state of mind you're in, I don't want you going near it."

"Lloyd, as Knight of Seven, I could order you to do it," Suzaku threatened.

"My unease grows worse and worse," Lloyd countered, not intimidated to Suzaku's threat.

Cecile walk towards Suzaku, "Suzaku, didn't you say that you had to be prepared not to fire the F.L.E.I.A.?"

"Miss Cecile, what's the fundamental purpose of any weapon?" Suzaku countered.

At this point, Cecile was not happy of where Suzaku was going with this course, "Sir Kururugi, you want to debate this like a schoolboy?" Cecile said with a sad smile and fake cheery tone.

Suzaku replied back, "The point is—"

"Drop it Suzaku, this isn't like you," Gino interrupted, concerned about his friend.

Schneizel, Cornelia, and Kanon walked and the two Knights of the Round and two scientists turned their attention to them.

"Your highness," the Knight of Three greeted with respect.

"It all right, you can relax," Schneizel said.

"Princess Cornelia, it been far too long your highness," Lloyd greeted, thrilled to see the 2nd princess again.

"Right," Cornelia replied, "Where is Lord Guilford?"

"Uh, well…," Cecile was having a hard time actually tell the princess about her knight.

Schneizel cuts in looking back at his half-sister, "Cornelia, I'm afraid Lord Guilford was caught in the—"

"He went missing after he launched the F.L.E.I.A. warhead," Kanon interrupted, "it was his heroism that saved all of us."

"Guilford?" Cornelia mentioned her knight in surprise.

"We may not know if he's alive or dead, but he did a great deed. You should be proud of him, he served you well as your knight," Schneizel said.

"What are saying?" Suzaku interjected, shocked that they were giving the credit of firing weapon to Guilford, "I'm the one who fired the F.L.E.I.A. warhead," this catches everyone off guard, "that's was my deed of honor, the feat I needed to become the Knight of One."

"Hold on Suzaku," Gino said, trying to calm his friend down, but Suzaku completely ignored him at the moment.

"Is this manipulation designed to protect Lord Guilford's legacy?" Suzaku asked feeling insulted of what Schneizel and Kanon were trying to do.

"What are you saying?" Cornelia asked.

"I suggest you stop Suzaku," Schneizel said.

"No, I've been naïve up till now," Suzaku replied.

"No you—"Lloyd tried to put in his word.

"Stubbornly maintaining that the means are more important than the end result," Suzaku continued as he walked up and stopped a few inches away from Schneizel, "That was idealist and self-righteous."

"Perhaps, but—"Schneizel was going to tell his point but once again, the Japanese knight interrupted.

"In any case, I insist on what is due me your highness; make me the Knight of One."

Schneizel was surprised that the Knight of Seven was demanding to be made Knight of One and he saw that Suzaku was not backing down. There no hesitation in his movements or in his tone.

Cornelia, however, was not impressed with her sister's former knight, giving him a death glare, "You've crossed the line into insubordination Kururugi."

"Anyway, only the emperor has the power to award the rank, Knight of One," Lloyd pointed out, "which means…"

"Which means, I shall rise to this," The second prince declared.

This brought huge gasps from almost all the people who were in the room.

"Brother," Cornelia said, surprised at what Schneizel had just declared.

Schneizel simply continued, "If I become the emperor, it will remove the problem. It's really as simple as that."

"Highness, what you said just now is close to—"Gino tried to point out.

"Gino," Suzaku interrupted, getting in front of Gino.

"What are planning to do?" Gino asked, not liking where this is going.

"Prince Schneizel, can you please tell us all what has led you to make this decision?" Suzaku asked.

"He considers our affairs trivial and mundane," Schneizel answered causing Cornelia and Gino to be surprised, "that's how his majesty referred to our mortal struggle with the Black Knights."

"But…" Gino tried to find the words, shocked of what he was just told.

"You've seen it too Cornelia," Schneizel said looking back at Cornelia, "how absorbed father is with his dangerous research, how he abandons the throne." Schneizel faces the others, "It's true he treats diplomacy and war like they were meaningless trifles. A man whose lost interest in this world, who sees his people, locked in a life and death struggle and shrugs in indifference, such a man has no right to rule."

"He's finally made up his mind, but…" Kanon thought to himself.

Lloyd was shocked and taking in what was going on, "Could it be…a coup d'état?"

"But that's wrong," Cecile muttered.

"Your highness," Suzaku spoke, "as a Knight of the Round, I can arrange an audience with the emperor. Please give me your order to assassinate him."

"Suzaku," Gino muttered shocked and angry that Suzaku would go this far.

"If I'm predestined to be a killer, so be it," Suzaku said, "Gino, I know what I am and what I must do. What matters are results."

There was no backing down from the Knight of Seven, who was willing to toss away his own morals to achieve his goals.

"Very well," Schneizel said, "then we can begin. Suzaku come with me, there's someone I want you to see."

Suzaku turned to Schneizel, "Huh? Who?"

"Better if you see yourself."

"…Very well."

Schneizel and Suzaku began to leave the room.

"You can't be serious," Gino said as he was about to rush towards Suzaku but was stopped.

Gino saw that Schneizel's soldiers appeared and pointed spears at Gino.

UFN's Jet on route to the Ikaruga

"Now then your majesty," Kaguya started, "as we previously arranged I'll conduct negotiations with Prime Minister Schneizel in Tokyo."

"But Kaguya, after all, Zero was your husband," Tianzi pointed out.

"Losing Master Zero is a terrible blow, it's true. But we can't dwell on that when our nations are in danger. We must turn his death to our best advantage and honestly, I know I called myself his wife but he and I were just…that is in the end, we were married but in heart only."

The 15-year-old supreme chairwoman of the UFN could no longer hold back her tears.

Back in the Avalon

Suzaku was led to a room by Schneizel and the Knight of Seven was surprised to see that in a makeshift coffin, Lelouch with his eyes closed, completely lifeless.

"You have Lelouch…dead?" Suzaku asked shocked.

"Yes, the Black Knights killed him."

"You told them about his geass, didn't you?" Suzaku deduced.

"Yes, I revealed them of the things he has done," Schneizel put his hand on Suzaku's shoulder, "it's thanks to you that Zero…Lelouch is no longer a threat. Euphie has been avenged."


"I'll let you have some time, considering that you and my brother were close friends."

Schneizel left the room and Suzaku went and got close to look at the lifeless Lelouch. It was hard to believe for him that Lelouch was really dead. He was also disappointed because he swore that he would be the one that would end his life. He was surprised that the Black Knights, the very organization that his old friend created were the ones that killed him.

"Lelouch, if only you would have realized…" Suzaku stopped himself and sighed lightly, "Lelouch, this is the result for you. I'm going to go now Lelouch. I'm going to kill the emperor and finally become the Knight of One and afterwards, Japan will be in my control."

Suzaku left the room to prepare for his task.

The Ikaruga

Kallen was riding the elevator down heading for the knightmare hanger. Kallen decided to follow CC who left with Anya earlier and had a destination.

"Kamine Island…" Kallen spoke, "CC said that I would know the truth when I get there."

Near Kamine Island

Suzaku was in a jet and he received the Intel that he needed, "His majesty has landed on Kamine Island?"

"Yes my lord," an operative replied, "along with an unknown group of subjects."

"Unknown group," Suzaku thought to himself, "Survivors of the Geass Order?"

The Avalon

Schneizel and Cornelia were sitting on their chairs.

Gino also sat in a chair but he had spears pointed at him on each side and Kanon pointing a gun at him, "Are you serious about sending Suzaku to assassinate your own father?"

"Gino," Schneizel replied with pity, "do want this war to remain in a stalemate forever?"

"What do you mean?"

"The true nature of people is this, they want to be controlled by their nation, their religion, their traditions, and by figures of grand authorities. Above all, the Emperor of Britannia must play his part."

"So now you're the one to play that part your highness, the grand authority?"

"If I'm called upon to do it, then perhaps."

"Perhaps? How so?" Cornelia asked curiously.

"Did you the word 'authority' actually has another meaning?"

Kamine Island

Suzaku had just cut down the last Geass Order member, leaving the Britannian emperor left standing.

"Was this treason Schneizel's idea?" Charles asked, unfazed of what just transpired.

"It was my decision," Suzaku replied, "Majesty, I appreciate your patronage, that cannot be questioned but you are guilty of two crimes."

"Oh," Charles muttered, slightly amused that his would be assassin is accusing him of committing crimes.

"First, abandoning your responsibilities as emperor," Suzaku stated, "and second, dirtying your hands with the power of geass." As he said it, he sets himself and his sword in a middle stance.

"Is that a capital crime?"

"Geass takes good men and bends them to evil. You knew that, you could've saved Euphie. It would've been so easy. But instead, you abandoned her."

"So what?"

Suzaku was shock with the emperor's statement. He then realized that Lelouch was right about him. The man really was an uncaring individual. He raised his sword feeling so much hatred toward the father of Lelouch and Nunnally, "You also drove Lelouch and Nunnally away, their despair is in this sword. Die!"

Just as Suzaku was about strike the emperor's skull, his sword was stopped by a huge black and gold sword, wielded by none other than the Knight of One, Bismarck Waldstein.

"Lord Waldstein, what are you doing here?" Suzaku asked surprised.

"Did you think you were the only one knew about geass? It takes many forms. Who could be foolish enough to relax his guard with a man who constantly betray everyone who trust him?" Bismarck stated while mocking Suzaku.

Suzaku was angry at himself for not thinking that emperor would never truly be unguarded, a stupid mistake that was now costing him.

"Bismarck, I leave this mundane matter to you," the emperor said as he turned around and moved on.

"Yes, your majesty, so be it," Bismarck obeyed.

"Hold on," Suzaku called out but was of no avail.

Bismarck grinned as his sewed left eye started to give small glow of blood red and he pushed Suzaku back with his sword. The clashing of swords continued as the emperor made his way inside.

UFN's Jet

Hong Gu set up a transmission to the Ikaruga, "Ohgi, this is Hong Gu requesting landing clearance. We brought her majesty and Lady Kaguya with us."

The Flagship, Ikaruga's Bridge

"Uh right," Ohgi responded, "then I'll contact Schneizel's staff as well."

The key members of the Black Knights and Villetta were all gathered in the bridge as well.

Diethard sat in a chair with bruises and small bandages to his face with his thoughts, "I thought Ohgi had finally changed a bit, but no, definitely miscast," he looked at Villetta, "his true nature is be defensive."

Kamine Island, near the ruins

Suzaku was pushed back by Bismarck's sword attack.

"No," Suzaku thought to himself, "The geass command that compels me to live, it's screaming at me to run away. Is the Knight of One really that dangerous as an opponent?" Bismarck was walking slowly to Suzaku and Suzaku charged at the Knight of One again, "I left my weakness."

"Weakness?" Bismarck responded, "Fool, what you call weakness," Bismarck parried Suzaku's attack and it caused the Knight of Seven to be sent flying to the ground, "that was the source of your strength. Gentleness and compassion are what drove you. Take those away and there's nothing left but violence," Bismarck was already close and was ready to give the finishing blow, "which means…you will die here Suzaku Kururugi."

Suzaku looked on as his eyes widened as Bismarck raised his sword.

"Dammit," Suzaku said in his head.

Soul Society

Lelouch and Euphie were carrying things and Euphie was leading Lelouch to place where Euphie was staying. They soon arrive at a hill and from there, they see a small house.

"There it is Lelouch," Euphie said pointing at the house.

"So that's it, huh?" Lelouch said.

Euphie turned to Lelouch with a smile and nodded, "Yes, c'mon."

"Yeah, sure."

The two siblings headed up there to the small home. Euphie slid the door.

"Rie, Rie, I'm back and I brought someone here," Euphie called.

"Euphie?" A woman said as she appeared before Euphie and Lelouch.

The woman looked middle aged and had short brown hair with brown eyes and wore a dark yellow kimono.

"Oh my, hello there," Rie greeted with a smile.

"Good afternoon," Lelouch greeted back.

"Rie, this is Lelouch," Euphie introduced.

"Lelouch?" Rie replied, "I remember you mentioning that name as one of your siblings."

Euphie looked at Lelouch with a smile, "Yes, this is him."

Rie went close to Lelouch, "So you're Lelouch."

"Um, yes, I understand that you've looked after my sister. You have my thanks."

Rie smiled warmly, "Oh, think nothing of it, I'm Rie Kenjima. It's nice to meet you Lelouch. Why don't you and Euphie put the items away while I make some tea, okay?"

"Thank you and sorry for the intrusion."

Rie turned her back, "No, not at all."

Rie left to make some tea. Euphie smiled at Lelouch and Lelouch smiled as well as they put the items they got away in their respective places.

That's it for this chapter. Next chapter: Lelouch sees Shirley again and is surprised to learn that she's a member of a noble clan.