Chapter 1: Plan A fails So plan B

Prithviraj was a mercenary that closely worked with RAW. Sometimes they would use his skills to take out high profile targets that were too well connected but posed a threat to national security. He does not have some sappy story about how he unfortunately fell into this profession. No he chose to be a killer because he enjoys death and destruction very much. The power he felt whenever he took a life was something he became addicted to. That doesn't mean he let his victims suffer. No he always gave them quick deaths. He was a professional killer not some evil psychopath.

Unfortunately for him a mercenary is an expendable pawn in a mission. That is what happened to him right now. He was asked to kill a highly protected individual who has their own private security teams as well as government appointed security. Halfway through the mission he received a message to abort the mission. Unfortunately his exit plan hinged on the chaos he would create inside the building where his target resided. But now he had to improvise and that's where everything went wrong.

He was found out and he had to take cover as the guards began to fire. He returned fire and his aim stood true as he gained hits quickly but unfortunately for him they began to throw grenades. That was the end for him as he quickly got surrounded. But he refused to lay down his weapon and spend the rest of his life in a prison cell. He began firing into the guards and they returned fire without prejudice and that's how he died.

But after he died he never reached heaven or hell. All he saw was darkness and silence. He tried to shout or make any sound but no sound came. He couldn't even feel himself. There was no sense of time, touch, taste, sound, pain, vision or anything for that matter. He didn't know how long he was in this state maybe years or decades. At some point he saw a small ray of light. At first he thought it was his imagination but gradually that light began to expand and he felt himself being dragged through a hole and he lost consciousness.

After some time he began to hear sounds. Slowly he opened his eyes and everything was very bright. His eyes gradually adjusted to the light and he saw a dark skinned man close to his face which frightened him and he tried to say something. But the sound that came from his mouth sounded like the cry of a baby.

"Stop making faces at him Isshin. You are scaring him." a womanly voice said as a hand was placed upon his body

That's when he realized that he has become a baby. Strangely he didn't panic at this revelation and nearby there was another baby with orange hair of all things.

"He has your eyes but he has my hair colour. But I bet he will be like his father and become super strong" Isshin cooed at the baby

"So what will we name them?" Masaki asked as she kissed the head of the baby

"You name Mr. Orange hair and I will name this little guy." Isshin said as he pointed to me

"Hmm... That's alright. How about Ichigo? Kurosaki Ichigo. Do you like it?" Masaki asked smiling happily

"Hmm... Not bad. Now I name this one as Indra. Kurosaki Indra. How about that…?" Isshin asked in delight

Masaki's eyes twitched. "That sounds like the name of an evil villain." she complained

"No no. You got it wrong Masaki. It is the name of a sky god and our son will be as powerful as a god." Isshin explained sweating bullets under his wife's evil eye.

"It better be. Welcome to our family Ichigo, Indra." Masaki said as she kissed both babies on their foreheads

While this was happening the newly named Indra was watching all this in surprise. He finally understood what happened to him. Like the many stories he had read in that funny little site he is now a self inserted character and that too in Bleach as the twin brother of Kurosaki Ichigo. Most people would find such a revelation difficult to comprehend but not Indra. He was of the opinion if life gave you lemons you should make lemonades and good one at that and if possible enjoy the drink.


As Indra grew up he learned that he was an un-identical twin. Thank god for that as he didn't want to become a carbon copy of his fool of a brother. I mean seriously Kurosaki Ichigo was the character he hated the most in Bleach anime. I mean this guy had so much power in his pinky little finger than the entirety of Shingami and hollows and this guy squandered it away. He never seek power and even when the villain granted him everything by putting him through some rough unwilling training slash fight the substitute shinigami refused to cut down his enemies because he is a drama queen. Then don't let him start about the women in the bleach universe. Ichigo had the cutest and sexiest girls after him and this fool couldn't even realize that. How fucked up is that.

But Indra was not like that. He was not someone who would waste his power and comforts in life to play hero. He was someone that actively seeks power. Now because of his birth he has the ultimate power to even become a god if he so wish and that was his end goal. In his last life he was so fragile, weak and powerless. But now he has a chance to become the ultimate being that can surpass the Reio and even the Quincy emperor. But first of all for that to happen he has to get out of diapers. Oh the horror!


It was a new experience for Indra to be bought up by a loving family. In his previous life he grew up in an orphanage. Still he did not desire any family attachments but he had to act the part as a cute little boy. It is easy to say but it was very difficult to act as an ignorant little boy. When Ichigo and Indra were four years old Masaki birthed another set of twins named Yuzu and Karin. When this happened, Isshin and Masaki had to concentrate more on the newborns. This gave Indra the unique opportunity to meditate and draw out his power. But unfortunately for him no matter what he tried he could not feel an ounce of spiritual power within him. But he was far from discouraged. In fact Indra increased his meditations to center himself and control his emotions.

There is an advantage being a child as all the higher functions of the body will be at it's peak during childhood. As more and more Indra meditated, without even his knowing he was slowly undergoing a transformation. His mental fortitude was becoming increasingly well balanced and slowly he began to feel the reishi in the air. But that was just the start as he could not for the life of him couldn't draw out enough of the substance. But still a little of something was infinitely better than a whole of nothing.

Over the years his ability to draw out the reishi began to increase. In fact Indra began to feel the reitsu of others especially himself. He compared his energy with that of Ichigo. There he found that his power was slowly overcoming Ichigo. Ichigo had a turbulent energy around him but Indra's energy was slowly becoming a refined flow overshadowing his brother in every aspect. This did not go unnoticed by Masaki who could feel the difference in her children but she couldn't find anything suspicious as Indra took great care in his activities.

As years passed Indra began to hear the distorted voices from his mind and he knew it was the spirits trying to contact him. Seeing as he was on the correct path Indra began intensive meditations and sensing exercises with his reishi. Slowly his spiritual pressure began to settle down into his body. As the spiritual pressure began to get dominated by Indra he began to get clarity of the words of the spirits inhabiting his soul.

It was on his eighth birthday that he achieved the first step in pursuit of power. Isshin and Masaki threw a birthday party for Indra and Ichigo. While they knew Indra generally hated such public functions he never complained about it either. But this birthday party proved very useful for Indra as Ryuken Ishida visited their home. It was there Indra came in contact with the spiritual pressure of a pureblood quincy. The spirit energy was very miniscule but that was all that was needed for Indra ad he absorb it. After the party was over Indra stay awake in the night and once again tried to enter his inner world.

This time he found himself exactly where he wanted to be. The world he found himself was filled with huge skyscrapers o different colours. The sky was completely black and a curved half moon shined brightly in the night sky.

"I am very surprised you are able to come here and even hear me for that matter at this young age. You are truly a prodigy." a voice said from behind Indra.

"A Zanpakuto is said to be another part of a soul. If that was the case you would not be surprised and that leads me to believe you are not my Zanpakuto spirit." Indra said as he turned around and faced an old man in a tattered black coat.

For a long time they only looked at each other neither moving a muscle.

"Release my Zanpakuto spirit from your control." Indra ordered

"I am your Zanpakuto spirit Indra. If you listen carefully you can hear my name." the old man said

"Indeed I can hear the name. But I can also distinguish my Quincy powers from my Shinigami powers even if for the time being you have absorbed a portion of my Shinigami powers." Indra said with a pointed look at the old man

The old man sighed and closed his eyes for a small time and then opened them with determination.

"It is for your own best interest that I suppress your Shinigami powers. It will bring you only misery and ruin." the old man said

"And do you think you are capable of giving me happiness. I know who you are and what you are. You are a piece of another soul. I will not allow you to dictate my life. So I will ask one last time. Will you willingly relinquish control to my true Zanpakuto spirit?" Indra asked

"I can't do that. Your Zanpakuto is fused with a hollow. If I bring him out it will destroy this world and it will destroy you." the old man said

"He was forced to fuse with the hollow because of you. It seems I will have to resort to other means." Indra said as he concentrated and exited his inner world.

Indra found himself in his bed in the room of his house. He really wanted to punch that Quincy spirit for daring to stand in his way. It seems plan A has failed now it was time for plan B.

His failures in spiritual side of things never reflected in his physical life. In fact he was the class first in academics. Seeing as his competition was other nine year olds there was nothing to be proud of. But Isshin and Masaki were overjoyed to have such a brilliant son. Ichigo was not bad as well as some of his own intelligence seems to have rubbed of on the orange head he was still a big mama's boy. When they were four years old they joined a Karate dojo. There they met Tatsuki Arisawa and she would always defeat Ichigo whenever they have a match. If Ichigo gets defeated he would always go crying to Masaki. Indra on the other hand never allowed anyone to so much as even scratch him. So even if many children would have likely bullied Ichigo for his over reliance upon his mother the presence of Indra scared them away. But Tatsuki was someone that liked Ichigo very much so they became fast friends and she even smiled brightly whenever she saw Indra. Already he can feel there is a little hero worship in Tatsuki's eyes. For five years they were avid members of the dojo.

Life was going smoothly but finally that day came a day that Indra was preparing for. It was a rainy day and the date was June 17. Even if Ichigo could not control his powers he could see ghosts by this point of life. It was this ability that made him saw a girl near a lake. Never knowing that it was a bait Ichigo ran towards the girl thinking she was about to jump into the river. Just as Ichigo neared the lake the girl disappeared. Masaki and Indra caught up with him and she was shouting at Ichigo to stop. Just as they reached near Ichigo the hollow appeared and knocked Ichigo unconscious. Masaki quickly created a bow out of reishi on her hand.

"You are one of those cursed Quincys aren't you girl. I will enjoy devouring you and your spawns." Grand Fisher roared

Masaki began firing arrows at the hollow which mad the hollow leap back to avoid the arrows. Suddenly Masaki fell to her knees as her quincy powers began to diminish and fade. Indra understood Yhwach was already making his move for his eventual awakening by activating Auswahlen.

Grand Fisher seeing her weakened state rushed in to take her out. The hollow extended one if its tentacles to strike at Masaki but a blue reishi sword cut it down. The hollow screamed in pain as its tentacle fell on the ground twitching. Indra stood protectively in front of Masaki with a reishi blade in his right hand.

"You little dog... You dare to stand against me. I will kill you." The hollow screamed in rage and more tentacles came out of its body. All of them began to rush at Indra fast.

Indra created another reishi blade in his left hand and began cutting them down to the best of his abilities. But a nine year old human's physical strength has its limits and two tentacles pierced his chest. Masaki screamed in anguish as blood began to pool beneath her son's feet. Grand Fisher laughed cruelly at the sight and he absorbed the soul from the young upstart quincy in an instant.

Masaki cried harder as she saw the lifeless body of her eldest son fall on the ground covered in blood. Grand Fisher enjoyed the suffering and despair he caused to the quincy women. Her kind has been hunting them for generations and this was his revenge for all the troubles they caused.

"Don't cry and spend all your tears for one of your offspring when there is one more left." the hollow evilly laughed as it extended its tentacles to kill the orange haired boy who was lying unconscious. Just as his tentacle was about to pierce Ichigo, Masaki shielded her son with her own body taking the hit herself. Blood spilled from her body but she didn't mind as she was able to protect Ichigo.

"You are brave Quincy but you are also very foolish." Grand Fisher said and he was about to absorb her soul but suddenly a kido struck his tentacles burning them away. The hollow screamed in pain and he saw there was a high level shinigami near him. The hollow didn't waste time and opened a Garganta that transported him to Hueco Mundo as he didn't want to take any chances against such a superior being who is wearing a strange hat.


Urahara and Isshin were at the Kurosaki house drinking sake over a friendly chat.

"How are the children Isshin." Kisuke asked

"You know even if they are twins they are entirely different. Karin and Indra are similar in almost every way. Yuzu and Ichigo are the next similar pair in character. It is almost funny in a sense." Isshin said with a laugh

"Hmm... You wanted to say something about Indra. What is it?" Kisuke asked

"He has activated his quincy powers Kisuke." Isshin said in a serious tone

"Really… How did you find out?" Kisuke asked

"We never told him anything. He just sort of began to manipulate the reishi around him from an early age. Masaki thinks he discovered his power when he was four years old. When he became five his spirit energy settled down and became transient unlike Ichigo whose energy is all over the place." Isshin said in pride

"Seems to me your eldest son inherited more from Masaki than you..." Kisuke joked

"More than I care to admit. He is more composed and mature for his age. I mean, the little guy is so precise, observant and alert at all times even when we are having dinner." Isshin said

"Looks like the qualities of a strong Quincy." Kisuke said

"Thank god for that. It seems our fears of that hollow are unfounded. At the very least we know for sure Indra doesn't have the hollow inside him right." Isshin asked

"I don't know for sure Isshin. Even if Indra manifested his Quincy powers we don't know anything about the nature of his soul. But so long as he remains human there is nothing to worry about." Kisuke said truthfully

Isshin sat deep in thought.

"So where is Masaki?" Kisuke asked as he took a sip of the sake

"She went out to collect Ichigo and Indra from the Karate dojo." Isshin answered

Urahara concentrated and tried to sense Masaki. Soon he found three spiritual energies that he was looking for and Isshin was right as he could feel the tranquil feel of Indra's energy. But suddenly Masaki's spirit energy wavered and became so low in a heartbeat and he felt Indra's energy spike. Concentrating further he was able to feel a faint echo of a hollow.

"Isshin, Masaki and the children are in danger. There is a hollow nearby. I will go there fast. They are near the river close to the public park." Kisuke said as he rushed out of the house and disappeared in a flash step

Isshin didn't waste any moment either as he rushed out of the house. Without his powers he could not move fast so he took his car out and drove towards the park as fast as he could. When Isshin reached there he saw Urahara standing near the bloodied bodies of Masaki and Indra. Isshin screamed in anguish as he ran towards them. He saw Masaki stopped breathing jyst as he came and soon she appeared in a soul form with a chain sticking to her body.

"I am sorry Isshin. I was too late." Kisuke said in sorrow as he bowed his head

"Isshin, my powers vanished. Indra tried to protect me. That thing took our son." Masaki cried

"Don't worry Masaki. We can save him. Kisuke do something. You can restore her right." Isshin asked in hope

"We can't do anything for her Isshin. All we can do is perform is Konso. I am truly sorry." Kisuke said sadly

Kisuke took out his Zanpakuto to perform the Konso.

"Look after Yuzu, Karin and Ichigo. Find that hollow. It's name is Grand Fisher and cleanse it and then release Indra. I love you." Masaki said tearfully

"I love you too Masaki." Isshin said tearfully as Urahara pressed the handle of his Zanpakuto on her forehead. With a blinding light the soul of Masaki disappeared from the human world. At the same time they heard a scream from behind them and saw that Ichigo had regained his consciousness and saw the bloodied bodies of his mother and brother. Isshin enveloped his son in a hug.

Soon the police came along with an ambulance. They wrote off the incident as hit and run with no witnesses. Isshin took Ichigo and the twin sisters back home. After putting them to bed he and Urahara decided to visit Ryuken to understand why Masaki said she lost her powers. But when they reached the Ishida house they found out Ryuken's wife, Kanae Katagiri also died that day.

Ryuken saw Urahara and Isshin and led them to a private room.

"She was already ill. But her quincy powers were taken away and she could no longer support herself." Ryuken said

"Masaki and Indra died today Ryuken." Isshin said dejectedly

"What! How….?" Ryuken asked horrified

"She was attacked by a hollow. Mid battle her powers suddenly disappeared. What is happening? Why did Masaki and your wife lose their powers?" Kisuke asked

Ryuken closed his eyes briefly and said, "The Quincy folklore spoke of the first Quincy as "The Sealed King": after 900 years of being sealed, he would regain his pulse; after another 90, he would regain his intellect; and after 9 more years, he would absorb the power of every "impure" Quincy to make their abilities his own with Auswählen… It has already begun. Yhwach has already begun the process of absorbing the powers of all Quincys he considers impure. In normal circumstances the impure Quincy in question will not lose their lives but my wife was already physically very weak. All that held her to this world was her Quincy powers and without it..."

Isshin stood from the chair and punched the wall.

"If only my shinigami powers were active." Isshin raged at himself

"About that... Now that Masaki is cleansed by konso your powers will start to return slowly. It won't happen quickly but over the years your spirit energy will recover." Urahara said

"Good. As soon as I regain it I will hunt down that hollow and finish it off." Isshin promised as he walked out of the room and went back to his home.

Isshin looked at the sleeping form of his remaining three children. He didn't know how he was going to manage them but he had to try his best.


That week Ichigo and his sisters never went to the school. The funeral of Masaki and Indra was a somber affair as heavy rain poured over Karakura town as if nature itself was mourning the loss. Among the Kurosakis Karin was the most affected as she was very close to Indra and Indra himself dotted on her an exception that he made for just her as she was his favorite.

Another person that was very sad for Indra's death was Tatsuki. She considered him her rival to one day defeat in the dojo. She also had a small crush on him as he was the only boy that was the same age as her and looked in her eyes without an ounce of hesitation. She liked how he carried himself with absolute confidence and his every move has had a purpose. This along with the mystery that he surround himself always attracted her to him and now her rival is gone because of some criminal murderer. She cried harder into her mother's body as her friend was buried alongside his mother. It was a dark day for not just the Kurosaki family but it was for many that knew them as well.


Initially I wanted to write a Shihoin Self Insert but as I progressed with the first chapter it kind of became similar to another story ' God of Flash'. So I changed the inserted character. Again I became confused as whether or not to create an OC. Initially I thought about an Ichigo SI but I was not comfortable with that one either as I wrote the first chapter. So that was also abandoned and now I think this character somewhat resonates with my style of story. As I am a huge fan of villains I am uncomfortable with writing hero stories.

So here it is. Tell me your honest opinion if you have the time. Wish you all a good day to all my readers.