Nymeria led her new master Indra towards the guardian of Menos forest. Frankly she was unsure why her master insisted on going after the other Adjuchas. He was already a strong Vasto Lorde, the strongest she has ever felt. But it was not her place to question her master and frankly she was afraid that he would wipe her away from existence.
From their right side a red cero came directly at Indra.
"Master on your right." Nymeria screamed in warning
Indra raised his hand and merely caught the cero in his hand crushed it and the energy dissipated quickly. A spider like Adjuchas rushed at Indra but as it came closer Indra disappeared with a sonic boom and stood behind the Adjuchas. The spider hollow fell down as it's legs were cut down and Indra's hands were covered in blood. The Adjuchas screamed in pain and despair.
"Eat it." Indra said to Nymeria
"Master, it is your kill." Nymeria weakly protested
"Yes it is and you will devour it. That's my order." Indra said with a pointed stare
Nymeria wasted no time as she began to eat the spider hollow. Soon she finished her meal keeping her hunger at bay.
"Come. I can sense a large number of Adjuchas and Gillians converging in one spot." Indra said as he walked forward his black hair bellowing out in the wind. Nymeria quickly followed behind him.
After some time they came across a clearing surrounded by trees. They saw two Adjuchas class hollows standing at the very centre.
"This is a trap master Indra. The guardian of Menos forest is known for his brilliant traps that he uses to take out hollows that threaten him." Nymeria warned her master
"I know. Stay out of this one Nymeria." Indra said as he disappeared with a sonic boom. The next thing Nymeria saw was her master's hand sticking out of the two Adjuchas at the very centre of the clearing.
As soon as that happened Indra became surrounded by a large group of Adjuchas and Gillians. The Guardian of Menos forest revealed himself and stood at the front.
"Hollows, fire your ceros." the Guardian commanded
Hundreds of ceros began to rain down upon Indra while he stood there never moving away from their trajectory. A huge explosion took place and a raging fire consumed the position of Indra. All the Adjuchas hollows laughed uproaringly as they watched the flames climbed to the sky. Suddenly a violent roar was heard and the flames became dispelled as the ground broke under the force of Indra's spiritual pressure. Indra stood at the centre without a scratch on his body and many Gillians and Adjuchas fell down under the shear presence alone.
Indra raised a finger on his right hand and he gathered a small ball of blue coloured energy. With a thought a fine sharp beam of energy exited his finger and Indra dragged his hand around him in a circle cutting down Gillians and Adjuchas alike. Many Adjuchas managed to jump over the energy beam and rushed in blindly with their roar.
Indra vanished in a Sonido and caught the face of first hollow with his claws and promptly crushed the head. Another hollow rushed in and threw a punch at Indra but a single finger stopped it and a blue beam exited out of the hollow's hand making it fall to its knees and Indra claimed it's life as he cut it down from it's hollow hole. Two Adjuchas rallied other Gillians and fired off a Cero towards Indra. This time Indra charged a cero on his horns and fired it off. The two ceros met in the middle and Indra's blue cero smashed away the other ceros and struck the hollows. A colossal explosion took place that wiped out the entire Gillians and the two Adjuchas.
The intensity of flames was so high the remaining hollows tried to flee the area altogether. But Nymeria took them out one by one by firing off several ceros in quick succession. She approached Indra cautiously and stood by his side as she watched the carnage around her.
"Go and consume the dead Adjuchas. If I will have to suffer a servant then it will be a Vasto Lorde class hollow. You will either evolve here or die by my hand." Indra gave an ultimatum
Nymeria panicked but she didn't waste any time and began consuming all the dead hollows. As she took the bite out of the eighth Adjuchas she felt her energy began to increase and with a scream she became surrounded by a storm of golden energy. Her huge size began to get decrease into a more human form. She still had the Jackal face but her body now resembled that of a women with the right curves. Her entire body was now covered by plates of bones hiding her physical form perfectly.
Indra stood by her side as she felt a tremendous power at her fingertips.
"Do not get drunk on this little scrap of power that is available now. There is still an ocean of difference between us and there are greater heights yet to be reached. Come" Indra said as he began to walk further ahead. Nymeria quickly joined behind her master as their journey continued.
They finally reached the mountains made of big stones. From there Indra jumped up into the sky and slashed his hand upon the air. A tear in space opened up and he entered the tear closely followed by Nymeria. They now stood upon a vast desert.
"Well that's a disappointment." Nymeria said as she looked around but only saw wastelands everywhere
"What did you expect Nymeria. This is Hueco Mundo, it is built to be a disappointment. Let's walk around anyway." Indra said as he walked in a random direction that he felt close to Las Noches.
"Yes master." Nymeria agreed as she followed him closely
Aizen sat upon the throne in Las Noches comfortably. His plans in Soul Society was being prepared nicely now he was just waiting for the opportunity to present itself. He was merely waiting for Kurosaki Ichigo to grow a little bit more. On the other hand he was very happy with the growth of Indra.
Just as that thought crossed his mind he sensed a strong and unique spiritual pressure within his range. Aizen sat up straight and concentrated on the flickering energy of Indra. A small smile came to his face at the close proximity of Indra. He immediately used a low level arrancar to summon Ulquiorra Cifer to the throne room.
"Lord Aizen." Ulquiorra bowed in respect
"Ulquiorra I have a mission for you. Recruit these two hollows. The one with horns is called Indra and the other is Nymeria." Aizen said as holographic image of two Vasto Lorde class hollows appeared before them
"As you wish." Ulquiorra said
"Take Nnoitra with you as well. Let him test the strength of Indra and Nymeria. You must merely observe the strength of the hollows and persuade them to visit Las Noches." Aizen ordered
"As you wish lord Aizen." Ulquiorra replied and with a bow he left the throne room. Aizen relaxed into his throne and observed the image of Indra.
How will you react Indra? Will you react like a brutish savage beast or will you turn this situation to your advantage, Aizen mused in the privacy of his mind.
Ulquiorra and Nnoitra travelled at high speeds towards the far side of the desert. That place had so many huge pillars that stood to the sky. In ancient times several hollows had banded together to form a kingdom there but the shinigami destroyed it. After that several hollows that survived the purge swore vengence and built Las Noches. It was to be a place from where the hollows could concentrate their power and finally destroy soul society. But unfortunately the hollows fell into infighting and the power of Las Noches degraded and the control of Hueco Mundo fell. Barragan tried to unify the hollows but by then there was no hierarchy or loyalty in hollows. That was until lord Aizen managed to unify the hollows under his power and gave them a purpose, Ulquiorra thought
"Hey Ulquiorra. What is so special about this hollow that lord Aizen wants us to recruit." Nnoitra asked
"He is a Vasto Lorde." Ulquiorra shortly replied as they used Sonido to cover large distances
"Then why the two of us. Only one Espada would have sufficed." Nnoitra asked
"He is a Vasto Lorde with a servant who is also a Vasto Lorde. If he can have a Vasto Lorde claas hollow as a servant then this hollow is very powerful. Besides I am only here to support you." Ulquiorra replied
"If that's the case, I will beat this hollow down until he decides to join us. Let's go." Nnoitra boasted as he vanished in a sonido
"What a fool." Ulquiorra murmured as he too vanished in a sonido
Indra felt the presence of two beings with high level spiritual pressure approaching fast towards them.
"We have company." Indra said as he stopped Nymeria from moving further
With a pop two Arrancars sonidoed before them. Indra immediately identified Ulquiorra Cifer the fourth espada and Nnoitra Gilga the fifth espada.
"Well well well. Looks like we caught ourselves two Vast Lordes Ulquiorra." Nnoitra said with a wide smile
"Caught? That is a serious claim from you, whomever you are." Indra calmly stated as he faced Nnoitra
"Nnoitra Gilga Fifth Espada in lord Aizen's army. Prepare yourself hollow." Nnoitra shouted as he threw his gigantic Zanpakuto at Indra.
Indra merely caught the Zanpakuto in one of it's curve by his palm.
"My name is Indra." Indra replied as he dragged the Zanpakuto forward dragging Nnoitra with it and with a single punch he put Nnoitra through one of the pillars. The pillar broke down upon the Arrancar but soon the large Zanpakuto cleaved a path through the debris and they saw the Arrancar with blood flowing freely from his mouth.
"Now you are a worthy foe to fight." Nnoitra screamed and he put his tongue out and a yellow cero formed at the middle of his tongue and as it stabilized the cero fired towards Indra and Nymeria destroying everything in it's path.
Indra raised his left hand and stopped the cero dead in it's tracks. Nymeria charged a cero at her finger tips which was golden yellow cloured and fired it. Her cero blew away Nnoitra's cero and consumed him in a matter of seconds. The Arrancar screamed in rage as his body was covered with burns from her Cero.
Nnoitra used sonido to appear directly behind Nymeria and swung his huge Zanpakuto upon Nymeria. For a moment Nnoitra thought he caught her as his blade neared the female hollow but Indra swung his right hand and a great force struck Nnoitra that smashed him through several pillars. The ground broke apart by the force of a single swing and the winds turned violent. Indra disappeared in a sonido and stood directly behind the flying Nnoitra and caught him by the back of his neck and promptly snashed him on the ground. The ground shattered under the force.
"Pray, Santa Teresa" Nnoitra whispered and a yellow aura formed around him creating a small shockwave. Indra jumped away from Nnoitra just in time as he swung Santa Teresa in his four arms. Nymeria stood beside Indra and fired a cero at Nnoitra. But the fifth Espada batted it away with one of his gigantic blade. Before Nnoitra could do anything else Indra fired a low powered Cero. Nnoitra raised his four blades to stop the blue cero but suddenly the power behind the cero increased and the blades shattered and consumed Nnoitra in a big explosion. As the blast died down Nnoitra was flat on the ground with two of his arms missing and his blades in pieces.
"You should take your friend away from here." Indra said as he turned to look at Ulquiorra
"He is not my friend merely my comrade." Ulquiorra said
"Whatever. Leave here arrancar, my master has shown how weak you are." Nymeria said as she stood by Indra
"I acknowledge your power is greater than mine even if I release my Zanpakuto. But tell me, do you want to end that everlasting hunger. Even if you both are Vasto Lorde, you will feel the hunger for more souls. If you become an arrancar your hunger will stop." Ulquiorra informed them
"In return what does the Shingami of Las Noches want?" Indra asked
"Lord Aizen is building an army to attack Soul Society. For taking away your hunger he expects you to fight for him against soul society. You are free of any other obligations." Ulquiorra said
"I find that hard to believe. What if this Shinigami is merely making false promises." Nymeria asked
"Lord Aizen made me an arrancar. After my transformation I have never again felt the hunger for souls. For a hollow that is one of the greatest gift that can be given. In return lord Aizen asks very little. You have great power within you Indra. So instead of wasting it on this endless sand, stand with other hollows and fight against soul society. I will be leaving to Las Noches. If you are interested follow me." Ulquiorra said as he picked up Nnoitra and placed him on his shoulder and disappeared via sonido.
"Master, what should we do?" Nymeria asked
"We have nothing else to do for now. So let's take a look at Las Noches " Indra said as he walked in the direction of Ulquiorra and Nymeria closely followed him.
When Ulquiorra reached the outskirts of Las Noches, he saw Lord Aizen and the other espada assembled outside the palace.
"Hey, Ulquiorra. Did you beat up this guy? You could have invited me as well." Yammy the 10th espada asked
"I didn't beat him up. They did." Ulquiorra said as he pointed his thumb to his back as Indra and Nymeria appeared via sonido.
The Espada absently put their hands on their Zanpakuto as their instincts flared up in danger as they saw Indra and began to feel the vast well of spiritual pressure.
"Szayel, please take care of Nnoitra for the moment. He seems to be in pain." Aizen said with a serene smile
"As you wish lord Aizen." Szayel said as he took Nnoitra from Ulquiorra and left to his lab
"So you are the Shinigami that rules over the hollows from Las Noches." Indra observed
"Indeed. My name is Aizen Sosuke. Welcome to my army Kurosaki Indra." Aizen said with a smile
"I no longer go by that name. Call me Indra." Indra warned
"So I was right. You do remember your human life." Aizen observed
"I do but it no longer defines me nor does it matter. I am a hollow. Ulquiorra said that you have the ability to stop the hunger hollows feel." Indra commented
"I do know a way for that. But if I have to do something like that for you, you must be willing to give something of equal value to me." Aizen proposed
"What do you want?" Indra asked with a tilt of his head
"Your allegiance. I am assembling an army to destroy the thirteen court guard squads. If you agree to join my army and fight against soul society then in rerurn I will take away your hunger by transforming you into an arrancar." Aizen offered
"Why do you want to destroy the Shinigami?" Indra asked
"To change the world. To shatter the soul society and kill the Soul King." Aizen said with a serious look
"Those are big dreams you have Aizen." Indra commented
"They are not dreams rather they are my goals." Aizen stated
"So you want to become god. You aim to replace the Soul King with yourself and rule soul society. That is a bold ambition." Indra complimented
"Among other things, yes. So will you join me?" Aizen asked
"Before I agree I want to know something. Show me your power. Show me you have the power to pursue such an ambition." Indra challenged
"Very well." Aizen murmured as his face lost his signature smile and suddenly the surrounding area began to get crushed under the potent spiritual pressure of Aizen. One by one the espada fell to their knees all except Starrk who still stood there lazily. Indra stood unfazed by the power of Aizen boldly.
"You have great power Aizen. You have my support." Indra said as he gave a brief nod in Aizen's direction.
"Hmm, that is interesting. I thought you would like to fight me." Aizen asked as he let down his spiritual pressure
"No. I merely wanted to know whether you had strength and conviction enought to pursue your goals." Indra commented lightly as he observed the Espada who were rising to their feet
"In that case let me fulfill my end of the bargain." Aizen started as he took out a small orb that glittered in the moon light
Seeing the inquiring look Indra's eyes, Aizen explained "This is the Hogyoku. It is created from the souls of Shinigami of Soul Society. It will help you to turn into an Arrancar."
Aizen wallked forward and placed the orb near Nymeria's forehead and channeled his spirit energy into the orb. A blinding light consumed Nymeria for a time and a golden yellow energy surrounded her. Nymeria screamed as her mask and bones that covered her body began to break away. She fell to her knees stark naked and only a circlet of bone fragment was left on her forehead. Her hollow hole rested now at the centre of her palm on her left hand. A Zanoakuto wirh a golden handle lay on the ground near her in the shape of a Katana.
"Harribel please give her some clothes." Aizen ordered
Harribel gave some white coloured clothes to Nymeria and helped to dress her up covering her soft creamy skin from others.
"Your power has easily surpassed that of Nnoitra. Perhaps you can be the fifth espada." Aizen suggested to Nymeria
"No. I have a debt that I can't repay to master Indra. I would like to serve him if you will have me master." Nymeria proposed as she looked at Indra. He gave a slight nod accepting her continued servitude.
"In that case let's get this over with." Aizen commented as he pressed the Hogyoku upon Indra's forehead.
A bluish white coloured spiritual energy blasted up into the sky from Indra. Aizen had to remove his hand from the Hogyoku as the energy began to burn his hand. Aizen used flash step to put some distance away from the colossal energy that was blasting into the sky. Aizen was a little apprehensive as he lost possession of the Hogyoku. He observed as smoke arose from his right hand with which he had held the Hogyoku. He looked apprehensively at Indra who was surrounded by the energy field.
Indra appeared in his inner world. This time the buildings were not inverted and was now rooted on the ground perfectly. The sky was still night but the moon was now complete and was shining brightly. Infact the moon looked more larger and well defined than ever and the moon light had lit the city brightly. The modern buildings reflected the sikver light all around presenting him with a spectacular view.
"It's beautiful isn't it." his Zanpakuto spirit commented as it stood beside him observing the bright full moon. The sporit had a broken hollow mask on one side of its face.
"Beautiful yes but powerful as well." Indra obseved
"Yes. The moon is most powerful when it is closer to the world. After all it influences the life support systems of all living beings on the planet. My power is similar. I have the power to influence the very existence of other living beings. You will understand after you forge my blade." the Zanpakuto spirit informed
"Then it is time." Indra said as he gave a nod
The Zanpakuto spirit raised his hand and one of the buildings rumbled as it fell down releasing Yhwach who represented the Quincy powers of Indra. The Quincy spirit floated down and stood opposite to Indra and the Zanpakuto.
"You have sealed your fate Indra. Yhwach will never allow you to live. If you had stayed human he would have let you off. But now that you have become a spiritual being he will eradicate you. I tried to protect you from this fate and now I have failed in my task." the Quincy spirit said sadly
"Instead of trying to protect Indra you should have empowered him. Instead you suppressed my powers. You are a fragment of Yhwach's soul even though you represent Indra's Quincy powers. The memories of Yhwach still influence in you in sone ways. You are not just acting in the interest of Indra but also for Yhwach. This is why you tried to suppress me." the Zanpakuto spirit accused
"I will not allow another soul to hold any influence in my soul. That's why I needed the Hogyoku. This is goodbye Yhwach." Indra said as ge concentrated on his desire. A purple aura surrounded Indra and its energy latched onto the Quincy spirit. The sporit began to flicker and soon disintegrated into spirit particles and began to get absorbed into the Zanpakuto spirit.
A blinding explosion took place as the process completed. As the smoke was blown away by Indra he saw the mask fragment from the Zanpakuto spirit had vanished and only the two horns remained. The eyes of the spirit now returned to normal as the darkness on them had completely vanished. The spirit was now wearing a white coat along with a white pant. A white Chokutō now rested sheathed to the spirit's hip.
"It seems your plan worked out well. Now call out my name and claim your power." the Zanpakuto shouted
"Transcend, Kagetsu(bright moon)" Indra called out and he felt himself pulled out of his inner world. He opened his eyes and saw that he was holding the released form of Kagetsu. The sword was a Daito with a silver blade that had blue coloured veins spread through it with an eerie glow. Silver flames danced along its razor sharp edge lighting up the surroundings. The cross guard was round and white in colour with blue stars shining on it's surface. The handle was covered with a blue and white cloth.
Indra looked at himself and he saw that he was wearing a white pant with a full sleeve white t-shirt and a white Jacket over it. A blue cloth was wound around his waist that held a black sheath for his blade.
"Do you understand our power now Indra." Kagetsu asked from the inner world
"Yes. I now understand. This is incredible." Indra said as he felt what the light of Kagetsu was doing
"If you wish you can eliminate Aizen and those who are loyal to him from existence. My light has already entered their bodies and inner worlds. Now that your spiritual energy has transcended they won't even feel our power affecting them." Kagetsu suggested
"No, not yet. I have too much use for Aizen. He is a stepping stone for our ascension. There are still many things we don't know about this world if we are to sit upon the throne of heavens." Indra reminded his other half
"Very well. Looks like Aizen is approaching you. When you have time enter your inner world. You must learn more about my powers if you still aim for the heavens." Kagetsu said as his voice faded away
Indra focused on his Zanpakuto and dismissed the released form returning his Zanpakuto to a Chokutō. He sheathed the Zanpakuto and opened his left arm. The Hogyoku pulsed softly in his arm before becoming docile. Indra raised his arm and gave the Hogyoku to Aizen.
"Thank you." Aizen said as he took the Hogyoku.
"No mask fragment, no hollow hole and I can't sense your spiritual pressure. You have achieved transcendence. Truly you have surpassed my expectations Indra. Come there are many things that I have to tell you." Aizen happily said as he led Indra into Las Noches. Nymeria closely trailed behind them uncertainly.
The other Espada looked at eachother confused by Aizen's behaviour but soon they left to their own rooms in the palace.