Chapter 4: Lily's Heir

Author's Comments: I don't own Pokemon or Harry Potter. I do own a Donphan or two, but one is a plush and the other is a little figure. I also own a robotic space t-rex named Grimlock, but all he does is stand there and judge me. Comments on the reviews from last chapter will be at the end.

[Le Fay's Crossing]

"First years, first years with me!"

"I guess that means us," Hermione said, stepping off the train. Le Fay's Crossing was little more than a large train station and boat dock that was located a mile away from Le Fay's Landing; the village was held to be the spot where the legendary trainer Morgan Le Fay had first appeared upon arriving in the Avalon Region. In the modern day Le Fay's Landing was a thriving town that serviced both Hogwarts and any trainer who was making their way from Caradoc City to Perceval City. For the older students, Le Fay Weekends were always a delight, offering a chance to stock up on new goods, get a glass of MooMoo Milk or stop off at Jessie and James' Candy Shop for a Rage Candy Bar.

"'ello, 'arry!" Hagrid said as the first years approached the dock. "Ya enjoy the train ride?"

"Yes, Hagrid," Harry said with a smile.

"Good, good. Well, come on then… four of ya to a boat!"

Hogwarts was not just the name of the school but also the island in the middle of Merlin's Lake. The sun had already begun to set but the students could see across the calm water the dark outline of the forested island, which was roughly the size of Galahad City. There were several other islands, smaller in size but just as impressive, stationed in the middle of the massive lake.

Harry did as he was told, settling into one of the small white boats that was tied to the dock. Sitting in a little seat on the back of each boat was a Marril, who waved to the students. "Why are we riding in these?" Harry asked, nodding to where the older students were either letting out their own Pokémon to take them across Merlin's Lake or were boarding one of the many Lapras that rose out of the water to greet them.

"Its tradition," Ron said.

"It is?" Harry asked.

"Yeah." The red head screwed up his face as their Marril fired off a water gun attack that sent their boat skimming across the lake surface. "Geez, I know this…"

Hermione piped up. "When Morgan Le Fay landed in Avalon it was because she wanted to challenge Merlin to a battle."

"Merlin?" Harry asked.

"The first trainer ever," Neville said.


Hermione nodded. "To get across she took a white boat like this one. Of course, she had to row it herself but now the Marrils help us." Hermione reached over and stroked the blue Pokémon's head; the little guy paused long enough to chirp in glee before continuing.

"Ok," Ron said with a smirk. "But do you know why they call it Hogwarts?"

"Hogwarts was the name Merlin gave his Spoink, the very first Pokémon ever to partner with a human."

Neville nodded, remembering his gram telling him this story. "When Merlin and Hogwarts passed away, Merlin's four apprentices, Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowana Ravenclaw, and Helga Hufflepuff named the lake in Merlin's honor and their school and the island after Hogwarts, that way the two of them would be together forever."

Harry nodded. "Who won the battle?"

"Huh?" Ron, Hermione and Neville asked.

"The battle between Merlin and Morgan Le Fay. Who won?"

The three 11 year olds shifted. "Well… I guess Merlin," Hermione said, not liking her answer in the slightest. "I mean, no one really knows…"

The girl was saved from the awkwardness by the gasps coming from the boats ahead. Harry and his new friends forgot all about Merlin and Morgan as their boat finally made the turn that allowed them to gaze at Hogwarts.

Originally, Hogwarts Castle had been exactly that: a castle. But over a thousand years the elements had worn it down while technology advanced. The current Hogwarts still resembled the ancient castle though it was, in fact, only a few hundred years old and some parts of it were younger than the first years that were coming to learn in its hallowed halls. Great stone blocks were reinforced with steel, stain glass windows had the best weather proofing, and electricity generated by subterranean heat powered its many classrooms and common rooms. For every high tower and drawbridge there were computer labs. Satellite dishes were hidden within elegant sculpted shrubbery and the millions of lights that glowed within were designed to look like flickering candles. Hogwarts was truly where the past met the present… all in the name of creating the future of the Avalon Region.

The students got out of the boats still gaping at Hogwarts. Even the likes of Draco couldn't quite muster the strength of will to not look like gawking tourists at the legendary trainer school. Hagrid beamed as he led the students towards the main door; he always loved seeing the students' faces when they first laid eyes on Hogwarts. It was the large man's favorite part of the job.

The great iron doors parted, revealing a stern looking woman dressed in a white labcoat, a dark brown long sleeve shirt and matching slacks. Looking to be in her 60s to 70s, the woman, with her hair in a tight bun and her eyes gleaming like diamonds in some dark cave, all at once conveyed a sense of strength and power.

And then she smiled and many of the students felt the tension lift, as if this woman had suddenly transformed into their grandmother.

"Hello there," the woman said, reaching down to pick up a Purrloin that had walked up and began to nuzzle her. "I am Professor McGonagall. Please follow me. Thank you Hagrid, you may head into the Main Hall now."

"Aye, right away," Hagrid said, acting as if this were the first time he'd ever brought children to the castle. He lumbered down a corridor, though not before pausing to give Harry a quick wave.

"Now then, allow me to explain what is about to happen," McGonagall said, leading the group of first years down a hallway. All around them were flatscreen displays that featured images of famous graduates of Hogwarts and either a battle they had won or some achievement they had made. McGonagall allowed her charges a moment to look at the 'portraits' before clearing her throat, gaining their attention. "You will all be brought into the Great Hall where you will be sorted. The rest of the school is already there and introductions will be made, as well as information you will need for your first night here. After that dinner will be served then you will be led to your dorms. You may bring your backpacks with you or leave them here for the school's resident Pokémon to move for you."

All the first years chose to bringing their backpacks with them and, with a nod, McGonagall led them to another set of tall doors. Stepping before them she nodded her head and, with a mechanical click, the doors swung open.

The Great Hall stretched out before Harry, nearly three twice the size of the Dursleys' house. As the students followed McGonagall Harry noted that there were four tables and at each one a different groups of students sat, all wearing the same colored hat: Red, Purple, Yellow, and Blue. There was no mixing of these colors amongst the tables and Harry instantly realized that the hats must represent the different Houses that he'd heard Ron speak about.

The floor of the hall was a polished marble and upon each of the tiles there was one of the Pokémon type symbols emblazed upon it. The stain glass windows to their right and left depicted famous moments in Avalon history, such as Merlin and Hogwarts becoming allies, Morgan Le Fay arriving on the back of a Swellow, the four founders gathered around a dying Merlin, and the construction of the school. Above them the ceiling was painted with a massive mural of all the legendary Pokémon, from the ancient Mew to the fiery Moltres to the Four Swords of Justice.

At the front of the hall was a final table, this one holding the staff of Hogwarts. The first years turned their attention to this table as an old man stood up, clearing his throat. He wore a white lab coat like McGongall, but instead of profession attire he sported under his jacket a silk shirt with a floral print, black slacks, and rainbow-colored sneakers. Of course, it was hard to see his wild shirt, as his long beard nearly covered all of it.

"Welcome, new students, to Hogwarts. I am Professor Albus Dumbledore and I am the Headmaster of this fine school." He smiled, eyes twinkling as he looked upon each and every new student. "Every year it is always such a pleasure to welcome new trainers to this castle. I look upon you and see the future of Avalon and hope that I am worthy to teach all of you.

"As I am sure most of you know, Hogwarts has four houses." Dumbledore gestured behind him and, as if by magic, four grand banners unfurled behind him, each one of the four colors of the hats Harry had spotted. "There is Gryffindor." Dumbledore waved towards the red banner that featured a roaring Arcanine. "Slytherin." Their banner was silver with purple trim, a hissing Arbok upon it. "Ravenclaw." The yellow banner of Ravenclaw had a Honchcrow upon it, looking rather puffed up and important. "And Hufflepuff." The Blue banner had a determined Buizel adorning it.

"You will be selected to live in one of these four houses. Your house will be your home here at Hogwarts… you will live together, work together, and win together. But know that just because you are in one house does not mean that all other houses are closed to you."

That earned some snorts from the Gryffindor and Slytherin tables.

"You have already met with Professor McGonagall, who is the head of Gryffindor. The other heads are Prof. Flitwick of Ravenclaw," Dumbledore gestured to a tiny professor who Harry was convinced must have been part of the Joseph family, what with his small size, slicked back hair and little beard. "Prof. Sprout of Hufflepuff," a kindly looking woman in a white labcoat stood up and waved to the students. "And Prof. Snape of Slytherin." The final professor, a tall, brooding man with long black hair and an equally dark labcoat did not bother to rise or make any gesture towards the students.

"I am sure you have heard some wild stories about how you will be sorted. Forced to endure the four elements… wrestling a Golurk," at that Ron glanced at his brothers nervously, who were nodding in glee, "or pulling one of the four names randomly from my hat." Dumbledore reached up and frowned. "And seeing as I forgot my hat, I suppose we will sort you the normal way."

The students chuckled, less at the Professor's poor joke and more at the nervousness of the firsties.

Pulling out a pokeball, Dumbledore tossed it out, released a large pinkish Pokémon with a strange, shell-like crown upon its head. "This is Slowking. You will sit on the stool Prof. McGonagall is bringing out and he will look through your mind, determining which of the four houses you belong in."

"Abbott, Hannah!" McGonagall called out.

Harry watched as the young girl hurried over to the stool, nervously playing with the zipper on her jacket. Slowking smiled and placed his hand on her shoulder and the girl froze, eyes flickering as the Pokémon's did the same.

"Hufflepuff!" Slowking called out, startling Harry. He hadn't realized that Pokémon could talk!

"I've heard about that," Hermione whispered, clearly having the same thought as Harry. "Some Pokémon are so smart they are able to speak human… it is a rare thing but quite-"

"Granger, Hermione!" McGonagall called out. The bushy-haired girl hurried to the stool, mimicking the rest of the students as Slowking touched her shoulder. After a minute he called out "Gryffindor!" and the House of Arcanine let out cheers. Ron's brother Percy had stood up and pulled out a bag, from which he drew out a red hat for Hermione to wear.

Neville soon went, sweating and fidgeting. Flora, still cradled in his arms, looked at Slowking and growled a bit before allowing the pink Pokémon to touch her trainer. After 3 minutes Slowking called out "Gryffindor!" and Neville happily hurried over and took a seat next to Hermione.

"Malfoy, Draco." The blond strolled forward, his head held high and a cocky smirk on his face. Only Harry seemed to notice that Slowking was forcing himself not to react to touching the boy. The Pokémon's hand barely brushed Draco before he declared "Slytherin!". Draco ran up to the table, missing Slowking's move to wipe his paw.

"Potter, Harry."

The Great Hall went silent.

Harry walked nervously forward, though he stopped halfway to the stool when he realized every single eye was upon him.

It was an experience he had never felt before. Every eye in the Great Hall was turned towards him, looking at him, judging him. He at once felt like the most important person in the universe... and he didn't like it in the slightest. They were all examining him, weighing him up and seeing if he was worthy. None of the other students had been treated as such and Harry wondered just what it was about him that made him so different.

"The-Boy-Who-Lived..." someone whispered to his right.

"The-Woman-Who-Won's child," another hissed.

"The Lost Heir."

"Lily Potter's boy."

Harry suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked up, blinking his wide eyes as Prof. McGonagall turned him so she could look at him. She stared at his green eyes and for a moment Harry thought the woman was going to begin crying.

"C-come now, Harry," McGonagall whispered, "can't keep Slowking waiting."

Nodding dumbly, Harry made his way to the stool, squirming as he sat upon it like some prize pie being inspected at a county fair. He looked at his shoes, not wanting to glance up and see all those eyes staring at him, judging him and finding him wanting.

'"You are much too hard on yourself'"

"Who... who said that?" Harry said, shocked to find his lips unable to move. In fact, his entire body had gone rigid. "Slowking?"

"Indeed, Harry Potter," the psychic Pokémon said in his head. "They do not look at you and find you wanting. They look at you and see the last living remnant of their savior."

"Their savior?"

"Lily Potter... your mother."

"My mum?" Harry whispered.

"Yes. But I see you do not know the tale. It is... no, no I cannot tell you."

"Please!" Harry exclaimed, desperate to hear more about his parents.

"I am sorry, but all of us owe your mother and her Pokemon such a debt that it would be wrong of me to breeze through their tale. You will just have to show patience." Sensing that Harry was not happy with this, Slowking sighed. "What I can tell you is that your mother loved you so much that she stared down a great evil... and evil blinked. Her life was the cost... but her noble sacrifice makes her, along with your father, some of the greatest in Avalon.

"But enough of this. There is still a task we must perform: your sorting." Harry's vision blurred for a moment, as if he had pulled off this glasses. "Hmmm... now this is interesting."

"What is it?" Harry asked, wishing he could turn his head. It was such a strange feeling, being unable to move even a muscle. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong, just strange," Slowking said. "When I sort a child, I look at who they were, who they are, and see who they could be. I then select the house that best fits what they need to flourish. But with you... well, see for yourself."

The world suddenly came back into sharp focus, only Harry found that instead of the Great Hall he was now sitting in an endless black room. Before him were four men... men he realized were himself.

"You have elements of all four houses... and they in turn offer each something you desire," Slowking said. Harry's gaze was drawn to the first Older-Harry. This one was wearing a blue jacket and surrounding him were baby Pokemon. There was a Pichu and a Magby and an Elekid and Budew and others, all hugging his legs. "In Hufflepuff you would find the compainonship you have so longed forth. Your life has been so void of pleasure and in Helga's House you would find new brothers and sisters."

To the right of this Harry stood another, dressed in a long white labcoat, his fingers adjusting his glasses. "Your relatives belittled your intelligence, Harry. They called you stupid and lashed out whenever you spoke up. But they did that not because you were dumb but because you were smart and it threatened them. You saw through their lies and had they listened would have seen the truth for themselves. In Ravenclaw you would strive to enlighten the world... perhaps even becoming Headmaster of this very school."

The third Harry was dressed in long red jacket, a cocky grin on his face as he held up his hand, his index finger giving the 'We're Number 1!' gesture. "Gryffindor... oh yes, the Growlithes would do well to have you with them. So many of them have courage but not the kind you do. You survived where so many would break and in that mighty house you would stand tall as the true Champion of Gryffindor."

The final Harry was glancing at the other three, the faintest hints of a smirk on his lips. He was dressed in a black short jacket, a pair of sunglasses on his face as he idly played with a pokeball. "You learned quickly that to survive you must hide your true self. Too many think the House of Arbok is about deceit... Salazar never stood for this. He believed in cunning and adaptation. You would be a force that would reshape Avalon, should you go into that house."

"So... what shall I do? Each fate is a good one... love, knowledge, adventure or power. What do you desire, Harry Potter? What do you want?"

Harry sat for a long time, watching his four older doppelgangers. He thought long and hard about what Slowking had said and considered not the promises he had given but his very first comments: the house you were given was based on where you had come from, where you were at and what you were heading towards.

He watched as the four Harrys began to shrink, their colors fading away. Their sizes changed, their forms were reshaped, and one even became a girl. Before Harry realized what was happening he saw that the four Harrys had become himself as he was now, Hermione, Ron and Neville.

"You have chosen... wisely," Slowking said, delight clear in his voice. "It is clear now that the House you need is not the one that will bring you your future... but the friends you have made, that you longed for... that will aid you in your journey towards your destiny. Yes, you truly belong in GRYFFINDOR!"

Harry blinked, his body lurching forward as the real world rushed back to him. He looked about in confusion, trying to figure out what had happened, to see if-

"WE GOT POTTER!" Fred and George cried out. The Gryffindor table exploded in cheers and Hermione and Neville and even Ron (though he wasn't sorted yet) rushed up and hugged Harry, laughing and clapping him on the back. The boy just looked around in a daze, allowing them to guide him to his seat. Even Percy was wearing a smile as he pulled out a red cap and handed it to the boy.

Harry found out as the rest of the firsties were sorted that he had been sitting on the stool for 10 minutes. Prof. McGonagall had become worried when Harry had remained frozen and Neville had commented that Prof. Dumbledore had been ready to recall Slowking just as the Pokemon had declared the boy's house.

"What the heck was going on while he was touching you?" Hermione asked.

Harry explained the vision as best he could, earning queer looks from his friends. "Harry-" Hermione began, only to stop for a moment to clap as Slowking, in 3 seconds, declared Ron a Gryffindor, "-when I went in there Slowking showed me two possible choices. There was a Gryffindor me and Ravenclaw... but the Ravenclaw one was barely visible... she looked more like a sad ghost."

Neville nodded. "There were shades for all but Hufflepuff and Gryffindor for me, and even then the Hufflepuff one seemed… wrong. The hat told me though that I needed Gryffindor if I was to face what was coming."

"Bulba!" Flora declared, butting Neville chest and demanding the boy scratch her head.

Ron sat down with a goofy grin on his face. "Slowking didn't even bother to show me anything! Said it was clear I was a Gryffindor true and true."

Harry opened his mouth to say something, only for Prof. Dumbledore to call for their attention. "Now then, there are a few announcements. The Forbidden Island is exactly that: forbidden." A few students scoffed and Harry got the feeling that Prof. Dumbledore gave this speech every year. "Mr. Filtch has posted a set of rules outside his office concerned banned items here at Hogwarts." More scoffs and a spatter of laughter; yes, same speech. "Tonight, after the feast, first years will have a meeting in their common rooms with their Head of House. Until then... bippity, blippity, boop!"

Harry scrunched his brow, confused by the nonsense words, only for his attention to become focused on wide variety of Pokemon that marched out of the kitchen with enough food to feed an army. Ron was practically drooling at the sight and even Neville and Hermione were looking at the dinner longingly.

All worries about cryptic messages, Forbidden Islands, and whispers of his name were forgotten as Harry settled in to have the best meal of his young life.

Notes: One of the things that annoys me is the fact that there is little history to the Pokemon world. Yes, we know about the Tin Tower and legends about the Swords of Justice and Mew... but this is such a strange, wonderful world that I want to know more... I want to know the history of the cities and the events that are playing out in other areas as we move through the game world.

Thus, my attempt in this chapter was to begin doing the history of Avalon. I used a bit of the King Arthur legend (notice the towns, following the theme of all the games, are named after Knights of the Round Table) as well as my own imagination.

The choice of the houses and their mascots was pretty easy. I wanted each to have a Stage Two pokemon as their mascot. I did mix up the colors, but it had to be done; makes no sense to have Slytherin be green if their mascot is purple.

People are probably wondering about characterization. I am going to say this right now: most will stay true to their book attitudes, but some WILL change. That said... there will be no Evil!Dumbledore or Death-eater-Rons or Draco wearing anything of leather, let alone pants. The fates of some characters WILL be changed (one in particular will be switching from one side to the other in a MAJOR twist that, if you know Harry Potter and Pokemon will be a nice surprise that makes sense).

Several reviewers have mentioned ideas for Harry's Pokemon. Keep it up, but also suggest for others... you'll have better luck suggesting something for Flitwick or Sprout then you might for Ron.

Finally, there are several things that I dislike about the Harry Potter universe... namely how Lily is treated. She was the true hero that defeated Voldemort... her magic and sacrifice saved Harry. Harry survived because of her and yet Harry is seen as James Potter's son. Thus, in this story, Lily (and to a smaller degree James) are more highly honored. Thus, while Harry is the Boy-Who-Lived... Lily is The-Woman-Who-Won

Remember to review. Reviews motivate me to write and I LOVE talking to you guys and answering questions