Chapter 4

A/N: As always, turned out kind of different than I expected. I shan't say anything more though, because I have a terrible urge to talk about the chapter and I always try to put my A/N's at the front of the chapter and not the end to leave a good taste at the end.

Again, thank you for all the reviews. You guys are too awesome.

Guest: No worries! Your review actually made me go fix that and add another line; it was an inconsistency, it was true. Basically, Naomasa doesn't care about keeping it secret unless Killua wants it kept secret, since there are no regulations regarding interdimensional stuff in MHA (rn, they don't even know it's possible). The added line showed him asking Killua if he could tell Bakugo. Thanks for reviewing, and never fear to give good feedback to me. :)

GranGlasses: Heh, yeah, the HxH world is pretty lax with the whole law-enforcement thing. The funny thing about the Phantom Troupe arc was that the police were actually working with the mafia. They were just in the mayor's pocket, apparently, who was in the mafia's pocket, so basically what Killua knows it "the police work for whoever they're paid by, and they're pretty weak."

And yup, family of assassins thing is definitely a culture different. The whole thief thing luckily cued him in a little bit on that, though... I suppose you'll see where that goes and I won't talk too much about it here. I'm glad you're enjoying the story. :)

I'm a guest: Good name. I fully approve.

More seriously, thanks for your comments. Gon is a pretty strong persona, so it's easier to get him right, especially imagining how angry he gets when something has happened to his friends. Finding his dad seems to be more of a side journey to him, something fun and adventerous to pursue, so that his immediate friends come first before any auction. Leorio I was a little less certain about, so I'm happy you thought I got my characterization right. Thank you for reading!

Chapter Four

"Ehh, the people in your world really have strong ideals, don't they?"

Killua was looking at Bakugo's phone. He had just watched the last thing open on it - a video titled "Stain's Ideals - A Last Stand for Heroism". He hadn't really known what to do with the phone or how to use it really, but Bakugo had given it to him to shut him up after Killua had shown the other boy his own turtle phone and Killua had decided to make the most of the opportunity.

Bakugo had, amusingly, however, threatened Killua five times with death if he broke the weird slick-looking, flat phone.

"You're really from an alternate universe, huh?" Bakugo asked, eyeing him warily from the next chair over, arms crossed.

"Looks like," Killua said, putting the palm of his hand on his cheek. He pressed the little button on the side that would make the screen go dark with his other hand and then lazily proffered the phone to Bakugo, who snatched it back hastily and put it into his uniform pocket. "Who's this Stain guy, anyway?"

Bakugo looked at him nastily. "You can't just shut up, can you?"

"Might as well make some conversation while we're waiting," Killua said, grinning, then looked around dramatically, eyes wide. "Wait, why are we waiting anyway? Is it because the big heroes don't have any time for you, hero student?"


Bukugo clenched his fist, narrowed his eyes angrily, and leaned forward. "I swear, brat, once I don't have to take care of you, you're dea- "


Bakugo's eyes immediately widened, but he promptly turned his scowl to the new speaker, even harsher than before. "Number 4," he greeted. To match the impression, he even crossed his legs, just to look more casual and recalcitrant.

The man, dressed in strange blue denim that reached all the way to his nose, smiled liplessly. Killua only knew he smiled by the way his face drew out over his cheekbones.

"Call me by my hero name, Best Jeanist, Bakugo. I see you have returned to your uncouth ways." The voice was chiding.

Bakugo snorted, then grinned feral in a way that showed all his teeth. "Never left them, never will."

"Hmm." The tall, slick man turned his gaze to Killua, eyes creasing more kindly. "And you are?"

"He's a brat I picked up from the police station," Bakugo said, jerking a thumb Killua's way, not even letting him speak. "Detective Naomasa says he's from an alternate universe."

Best Jeanist's eyes widened almost imperceptibly. Then a hand went to his denim-covered chin. "If Naomasa says so, then it must be true. What did he recommend as a course of action?"

"To take him to UA to talk with the heroes and get resources for returning the kid back to his own world. Wanted you to help with handling some of the business though," Bakugo said shortly.

"Hmm, I see." The man's gaze flitted back to Killua. "It must be difficult for you."

Killua shrugged. "Not really."

The man tilted his head, then seemed to accept it. "Well, don't worry. Leave it to us heroes to handle it - once we have all the information, I'm sure we can return you home as soon as possible."

Killua nodded.

Best Jeanist turned back to his pupil. "Good work," Best Jeanist praised.

It made Bakugo only scowl more. "Did nothin'," the recalcitrant boy said.

"Well, it looks like you will still have to do more." Best Jeanist looked at him more sternly. "We are run down by investigating Stain's video and the League of Villains. I'll put you in charge of this boy's case for now, but I expect a full report as soon as you return from UA. Meet with Principal Nezu when you go there. Tell your homeroom teacher the situation, and I'm sure a meeting can be arranged." Then, in a rebuking tone, "And this time, mind your manners with the boy."

'Yeah, yeah," Bakugo said, standing up finally. "I got it. No need for a lecture."

The man looked suavely skeptical, but continued with business. "I trust Detective Naomasa has taken care of all the essentials?"

"Yeah, yeah. ID, home, all that, taken care of." Bakugo was already turning away. Killua watched curiously at the resigned expression on Best Jeanist's face, before standing up to his own feet.

The pro hero nodded affirmation to Killua, evidently trying to be reassuring, and then stood still and watched as Bakugo led Killua out the door of the hero agency. There was a thoughtful look on his half-covered face. It put Killua on edge, just as being in that building full of "pros" had put him on edge, no matter how much he had tried to hide it by poking fun at Bakugo.

"All that time waiting, just for that?" Killua asked once they were outside.

Bakugo shrugged, then grinned wolfishly at Killua. "Guess he trusts me to handle you, brat." Then his expression turned ugly, and he stopped walking abruptly, Killua laggedly halting with him. "I'm gonna be honest with you. You piss me off. There's something fishy about you I just can't put my finger on."

Killua raised an eyebrow, fist clenching despite maintaining a casual expression. Was he going to - ?

"So," the boy said, loudly pointing a finger in his face, "if you try anything funny, I'm really going to blow your face off. I don't trust you. Got it?"

Killua smirked, relaxed, then shoved his hands in his pockets, letting his weight settle onto the backs of his feet.

"Got it," he said cheekily. He had to fight off a laugh at the kid's obvious bluster.

The boy gave him another strange look, a customary scowl, then whipped around. "Good," he said, definitively. A moment later, he muttered under his breath, "Freaky kid."

It was loud enough that had Killua been normal, he still would've heard it.

At that realization, he really couldn't contain his laughter.

Bakugo was really a character.

It took a while for them to get to UA. Bakugo had clearly been unhappy about Killua's percieved mockery, and actually chased after him threateningly, saying he really would blow his head off. The entire time, Bakugo wore a beautiful expression of pure berserk rage.

Of course, he never caught Killua. He was way too slow.

After the fun was over, Bakugo did calm down enough to show Killua the train station and take him to his academy. Once there, Killua became less happy when they immediately stumbled into Aizawa, the man who had been able to shut down his nen.

"Yo, teach," Bakugo said, strolling up to the pro hero. "Got this kid here. He needs to meet Principle Nezu or something."

Aizawa's eyes widened briefly in recognition, but he said nothing to Killua, instead maintaining a bored, flat expression.

"You know where his office is," the pro hero said flatly. "Go there yourself."

Bakugo cursed. "Why do I even bother following that blue-face's instructions…" Then he walked away, Killua bemusedly following after him. He did, however, take the opportunity to stick his tongue out at Aizawa, who took no great amusement in the act.

Killua was far more concerned, when, some minutes later, he realized that Aizawa was actually tailing them.

"Is it normal," he whispered, loudly, to Bakugo as he stepped up to meet the boy's pace, "for teachers to stalk students in your school?"

"Huuh?" Unexpectedly, the boy did stop, listened closely for a moment, and then whipped around, holding up one hand threateningly. "Who's there?" he barked.

A couple of students walking in the hallway paused to look at Bakugo strangely, but soon looked away, wearing "please-don't-be-looking-at-me" expressions. The presence slinked away a few seconds later.

Bakugo met Killua's eyes, suddenly serious. The moment didn't last long. He flicked his hand down and began striding forward as if nothing had happened. Killua didn't comment.

When they finally reached the principal's office, they opened the door only to see Aizawa leaned placidly against the wall, talking to the principal in low tones.

"What the heck?" Bakugo burst angrily, looking from Aizawa to the rat-like man sitting in the main office chair. "What's going on? You told me to come here myself! How'd you get here so fast, anyway?"

Killua stepped out of view of the doorway. Sensing a new presence, he pressed himself against the wall so that he was looking into the hallway.

"I am here!" a bulky figure trumpeted from behind Bakugo, just moments later. Killua watched in amusement as Bakugo whirled wildly around like a cornered dog. "What's the commotion?" The figure, who had ridiculously long blond bunny ears for hair, glanced down at Killua. "Ah, welcome, young one!"

From inside the office, Killua heard a groan.

"So much for a slow approach," Aizawa's voice said flatly. "This is the kid I was talking about."

"All Might!?" Bakugo asked, getting all in the big blond guy's face. "What's going on?" He glanced at Killua. "Something special about this kid I didn't know about?"

Killua was all tensed up and ready to go. He was positioned just so that he could, theoretically, slip past "All Might" and escape down the hall.

But he was starting to have a better understanding of things around here. The pro heroes were legally obligated to help him, for whatever reason. Now that the detective had sent him here, they had no reason to touch him. And all indications were saying that the detective had been truthful in his explanation of this world. Even the Senchas, an independent entity, had agreed with all that he had said.

Besides, it was both amusing and reassuring to see Bakugo, who was actually a native resident of the world, know less about this situation than he did.

"Yo, Aizawa," Killua called, still leaned behind the outer doorframe to the office room. He figured he was safe from the man's zetsu-erasing power, since he was out of sight. Last time when he had gone over the rooftop and out of sight the man's power had stopped affecting him, anyway. "So a dry-eyed old man like you is a professor? Never would've guessed with your bored-looking face. Can you really be interesting for a bunch of kids?"

A choked sound.

"Tch, kid - "

"You know him?" Bakugo demanded, entire body swinging wildly from Killua to inside the office, then back, as if he didn't know where to look.

"Why don't you come in?" A reedy, high-pitched voice called from inside, calling order to the chaos. Probably the rat man. "We can discuss this better in my office."

Hesitantly, Killua followed the group inside, whereupon Aizawa and the other heroes took the moment to explain what had happened to Bakugo.

Apparently, the Aizawa-guy had actually been worried about him, discussing him in the teacher's lounge. The mentality was something similar to what the detective had described, reassuringly enough. At some point, Bakugo mentioned that Naomasa had told him that Killua was from an alternate universe, and that this whole thing was about getting him home. It was like something then clicked with the pro heroes.

"So that's why you came here," said All Might boisterously, smiling down at Killua. "I'm glad that incident was just a misunderstanding."

"Yeah." Killua shifted his eyes away from the man. He was too bright.

Introductions were then made, and the rat man – Principal Nezu, apparently – got straight to business. He asked Killua questions right and left, the others peering on curiously. At some point, he asked to see Killua's new ID card.

"Your ID doesn't have a birth date on it," the rat-man principal noted.

"Yeah, I told them I was born in 1991 and they freaked," Killua said, smiling at the memory. Upon hearing Detective Naomasa's confirmation, the policemen had freaked out, kept glancing at him all are you really the age I think you are?, and had ultimately decided not to print the absurd date.

"I see, I see. And how old are you?"


Bakugo leered at him superiorly and obnoxiously from the side. "Squirt."

"How old are you?" Killua asked, annoyed, looking away from the principal.

The boy grinned victoriously, placing his fists on his hips and looking down through his nose at Killua. "Older than you, squirt."

"Bakugo," Aizawa interjected, sounding tired. "If you can't behave…"

"Who says I gotta behave, huh?" the boy said agressively. "Ain't nothing you can do to get me to shut up. 'Sides, I got orders to be here. You can't kick me out."

Aizawa promptly ignored him. "What are you thinking, Nezu?" Aizawa asked the principal. The attention of the room shifted back to the rat man with Aizawa's question.

Principal Nezu smiled enigmatically in answer. "Let's discuss Killua's problem first," he said.

Well, he had Killua's full attention.

"Unfortunately," the principal said, smiling a damnably placid little rat smile as he looked at Killua, "I cannot recall a single instance of a multi-dimensional quirk. We will of course search our databases, but the truth is that this will likely have to be a months-long effort, and perhaps an international one too." He paused, then continued. "Your best chance of returning home is for us to locate someone with a quirk that will be able to help you. After all, with a world population of ten billion and proof that interdimensional travel is possible, I'm sure there is someone who can do it."

"Are you serious…" Killua said. "Months? I don't have that kind of time. Can't you look faster?"

"In a hurry?" the rat man asked, eyebrows somehow raising.

"My friend needs me," Killua explained. "We were going to go to an auction… to try to find his dad. There's only a week left before it starts."

"Unfortunately," the principal said, "we cannot spead up the process. It will take time, time we don't have much of at the moment, to send investigators and heroes about the country to find someone with an appropriate quirk." He hesitated. "Although… there may be another way."

"What?" Killua growled. He didn't like the teasing way this guy was giving out information.

"We can contact the media," the principal said. "Surely an interdimensional incident would earn headlines. We can ask anyone with teleportation quirks to come forward to see if they can help you get home."

"What's the downside?" Killua asked, hesitantly. It sounded like a good idea. Rather than needing to search for someone, they would come to him. Putting up a monetary award would entice them to come, too, so motivation shouldn't be a problem, if these people were really willing to help.

"Your face would be plastered all over the news," the principal answered. "You would lose a lot of privacy in the time you have in this world."

Killua shook his head. "I don't care. The sooner I'm back, the better. How long do you think it'd take this way?"

The principal shrugged. "It depends. There are too many factors to be certain. But at least it would expedite the process."

Killua frowned. That wasn't very helpful. He had been much more confident in the situation when talking to the detective. This world seemed to have so many strange and eclectic quirks, why was one that would send him home so difficult?

"Do it," he said, finally deciding. "We can contact the media." He looked at the unfamiliar faces around him, who, other than Bakugo, seemed to be so insistent on wanting to help. "I want to go home," he said, voice firm.

To Gon, he amended in his head silently. Back to my friend.