
Okuyasu grunted and approached Tamami, lowering his upper body to intimidate the short man. "Oh, tryin' to pull a fast one on us? Just try!"

"Hold on, you just stole 7,000 yen from me!" Koichi pointed out.

"Consider it a fee for lying in my face!" Tamami barked. "You think 7,000 yen is enough to compensate for my dead kitten over there! That won't do!"

"Five hundred thousand yen should suffice," Tamami smiled pompously.

"Five hundred thousand!" Koichi yelled.

"That's right, five hundred tho-" Tamami was interrupted by Okuyasu's fist being jammed into his face.

"Shut up about this fee crap!" Okuyasu yelled.

Tamami began to walk backwards while waving his arms. He tiptoed to give Okuyasu the illusion that he's losing his balance. Once Tamami reached the curb, he "fell" and fell on the curb on his face. His tooth broke out of the gums and blood began to gush out.

"O-ow my tooth!" Tamami cried out as blood began to drip all over his shirt.

Okuyasu raised an eyebrow and began to feel sweat dripping down his forehead. "H-hey, what did you purposefully stumble and fall down like that?" Okuyasu nervously asked.

"'On purpose'? That's so mean!" Tamami began to have tears pouring out of his eyes. "How could you say that after you punched me? You knocked out my front tooth..."

"Hey, buddy, you okay?"

"Wait, Okuyasu, don't let him make you feel guilty for what you did!" Koichi shouted. Koichi was too late to warn his friend as another The Lock began to pop out of Okuyasu's chest. Okuyasu could feel the weight of his guilt pulling him down.

Tamami began to smile devilishly and said, "Y'know. tooth implants can be really expensive. My insurance can't even cover it. That's maybe another five-"

"Oi, is this suppose to be the cat that Koichi ran over?" Josuke interrupted. Everyone turned to Josuke, who was searching the bag that Koichi struck. He pulled out a stuffed animal with a movable arm joint that moves on its own.

"It's just a toy..." Koichi said. The guilt of killing a cat suddenly went away and The Lock suddenly began to disappear. "I-it's gone!"

"As for your tooth, I think I can easily fix it," Josuke said, holding Tammi's tooth in his hand. "Crazy Diamond!"

Crazy Diamond appeared behind Josuke and the teen handed Tamami's tooth to his Stand. Crazy Diamond hovered towards Tamami and jammed the tooth into Tamami's jaw. The short man flinched as he felt Crazy Diamond jamming the tooth into his gums. Josuke's Stand quickly used its restoration ability to fix Tamami's tooth.

"Eh?" Tamami muttered. He looked slightly amazed at Josuke's ability. He bit on his own teeth to find out that his teeth returned back to normal shape. Okuyasu's guilt of breaking Tamami's tooth suddenly went away and The Lock disappeared from his chest.

"I-it's gone!" Okuyasu exclaimed, tapping his chest to feel no lock sticking out of it.

"My heart feels lighter!" Koichi said. The two were relieved that they don't have a huge hunk of metal on their chest anymore.

"Who are you people!?" Tamami shouted. Josuke and everyone turned their attention to Tamami, hearing quietly whimpered as the short adult realize he's messed up.

"Oi, where's Koichi's 7,000 yen?" Josuke asked. Tamami quietly whimpered while looking at Josuke's glaring eyes.

"Put the wallet on the floor and scram!" Okuyasu barked. Tamami got on his knees and gently placed Koichi's wallet on the ground. He began to shuffle his body away from Josuke and Okuyasu.

"Please, take it back! I'll leave you alone from now on!" Tamami shouted. He got back on his feet and ran out of the scene. Koichi sighed in relief and picked up his wallet.

"T-thanks, Josuke. You really saved-" once Koichi opened his wallet, he only saw the ripped corners of the bills he carried. "Eh! He tore the corners to make them look like the actual money is in the wallet!"

"That bastard!" Josuke shouted, turning his head towards the running Tamami. The short man was too far for him to catch up.

"That's too far! An' it's not even my money!" Okuyasu commented.

Later that day...

Koichi sat through the entire day with the events of this morning clouding his mind. The short teen spent weeks trying to save up money for a new pair of sneakers. What's worse is when he's going to confront his parents about what happened with his money since he's not going to walk home with a new pair of shoes. During lunch, Koichi quietly poked his food with his chopsticks as Okuyasu went on a whole rant about his upcoming exams. Izuku was the one who noticed Koichi was feeling down.

"Anything happened today?" Izuku asked.

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing," Koichi muttered. Josuke finally took notice of his friend's feelings and entered their conversation.

"Oh, you must be down from this morning?" Josuke asked. Okuyasu paused his rant to turn his attention to Koichi.

"Can't say I blame him. Must've worked hard for that 7,000 yen," Okuyasu added.

"What happened?" Izuku wondered.

"Some bastard conned Koichi and stole all of his money," Josuke said.

"What? That's insane! did yo report it to a Hero?" Izuku asked.

"Not really. Me and Okuyasu decided to personally look for this guy and take the money back from him," Josuke said.

"Did he use a Quirk on Koichi?" Izuku asked.

"That guy used a Stand that basically made Koichi feel very guilty," Okuyasu explained. At this point, Izuku is convinced that Stand is just Okuyasu's weird way of saying Quirks. However in reality, Stands are completely something different compared to Quirks.

"Really? I could see how that would be effective in conning someone for their money. Did you guys inform a hero afterwards?" Izuku asked.

Josuke sighed and said, "No, and we don't plan to. We plan out to dish out our own justice."

"It's going to be great," Okuyasu chuckled while cracking his knuckles. Izuku laughed nervously, not sure if they're serious or not.

After school...

Once school was wrapped up for the day, Okuyasu and Josuke met up in the hallway and decided to walk out together. As they approached the school gate, they saw Izuku leaning on the wall while looking at his phone. He was reading about how a sludge villain escaped from All-Might's grasp, which was rare. Koichi managed to catch them before they left the school.

"I would hang out with you guys today, but..." Koichi sighed, looking down on the floor with a small frown on his face.

"It's okay, Koichi. If you need time alone, I don't blame you," Josuke said.

"Just take care," Okuyasu said, showing his respects to his friend.

"Later guys," Koichi said as he began to bike out of the school. On his way out, he rang his bike's bell to get Izuku's attention. The two quickly waved goodbye and Koichi decided to head straight home.

"Man, today can't get any worse..." Koichi thought out loud. Once Koichi got home, he parked his bike and put a lock on it. Just looking at the bike lock frustrated him. He sighed, wanting to forget everything about today. He hoped to whatever god out there that he doesn't run into Tamami ever again. It's going to take him a week to that much money to buy gym shoes. Before he walked into his home, he noticed that his dog is sleeping on the ground as usual.

"I'm home, Police!" Koichi called out his name but as expect, his dog didn't response. "You alive? Woof woof!"

Police quietly groaned and Koichi chuckled. As Koichi is taking off his shoes near the front door, he noticed another pair of shoes that did not belong to anyone in this household. He wondered who's visiting his home. Koichi had a feeling that he'd seen that pair of shoes before. He heard the visitor's voice coming from the next room and decided to see who it is.

"Oh, I've heard such good things around town about you, ma'am!" a man said. Koichi approached the corridor leading into the living and peaked his head over it. He silently gasped as he saw Tamami rubbing his mother's shoulders. He dropped his bag as he walked into the room stomping his feet on the ground.

"You!" Koichi shouted. "What're you doing here!"

"Oh, Koppy, you're home. Hi!" Mrs. Hirose greeted. Tamami chuckled as he sat down on the couch.

"Mr. Kobayashi here came here to give you the money you dropped earlier," Mr. Hirose said.

"That's right, your son crashed into me and dropped his wallet without realizing it," Tamami said. Koichi saw his wallet and lost money on the coffee table in front of Tamami. He glanced at Tamami, seeing through his eyes that he has some scheme planned out. "I'm here to return the money."

"Y-you should've done so earlier!" Koichi yelled. His mother slightly jumped out of here seat when she heard her son yelling son angrily.

"Ko, why're you getting so worked up?" Mrs. Hirose asked.

"Ma'am, this is hard for me to say, but I think I dropped my wallet when we ran into each other. Since our wallets looked alike, I think Koichi accidentally grabbed mine," Tamami said. Koichi clenched his fist out of frustration. "Let's see now, I was carrying around 500,000 yen."

"What?!" Mr. Hirose gasped. She covered her mouth to hide her reaction.

"500,000 yen!" Koichi shouted, "I see your scheme now!"

"What's that? You don't believe? I can prove it to you. My wallet should contain a receipt from Johnny's from yesterday. I ordered a double-patty burger with extra cheese and some fries," Tamami said.

Koichi's mother gently placed her hand on Koichi's shoulder and said, "Why don't you show us your wallet to see if it is Tamami's?"

Koichi followed through his mother's requested and pulled out his wallet. It looked almost identical to Koichi's, but the wallet in his hand is more worn-out. He saw receipt sticking out of the wallet and pulled it. Mrs. Hirose silently gasped as she read the receipt. The order on the receipt comes from Johnny's and does have Tamami's order as well as the yesterday's date. Koichi grunted as he crushed up the receipt and threw it on the ground.

"You planted this didn't you? You planned this all out so you can us con us for our money!" Koichi shouted.

Tamami chuckled and said, "You're son is still throwing lies even though there's evidence."

Mrs. Hirose silently gasped as she looked at her son. Tamami's lies managed to get through Mrs. Hirose. She felt guilty as if she wasn't a good mother to her son. Tamami managed to catch wind of Mrs. Hirose's guilt and decided to use it against Koichi.

"You're son must be going through a nasty phase in his life," Tamami said. He took a sip of the tea that Mrs. Hirose made for her guest. "You must feel guilty as a mother for raising a son like that?"

Koichi lunged himself towards Tamami and tried to land a punch on the guy. The Lock began to form around Mrs. Hirose's chest, causing Koichi to look back and miss his punch. He tripped on Tamami's leg and fell on his face. Tamami laughed maliciously as Koichi slowly got up. The weight of The Lock is caused Mrs. Hirose to get on her knees. Since she can't see the Stand on her chest, she thought that this weight pulling her weight is the weight of her guilt.

"I finally did it!" Tamami laughed. "I'll take everyone you own! First I'll take all your belongings, then I'll take this house's land, title, and seal!"

K-Koichi... is something wrong," Koichi's sister asked as she walked into the living room. Koichi quickly turned his head and panicked as The Lock managed to get on Koichi's sister.

"Sis!" Koichi cried out.

Tamami chuckled as walked up to Koichi. He muttered in Koichi's ear, "She accidentally spilled tea on me earlier and I pretended to act like it really burned into my skin! She was like 'Sorry, sorry"!. It was cute and sexy! "

"She a third-year going to an all girl's school! She's right for the picking!" Tamami shouted with perverse thoughts in his head. He began to droll on the side of his mouth. Koichi began to glare at Tamami as a green energy began to emit from his body. Tamami looked curiously at Koichi as his Stand appeared behind him. But unfortunately for Koichi, it's still an egg. Tamami began to laugh hysterically at the sight of Koichi's Stand.

"Is that your Stand!?" Tamami shouted, "You think that puny egg can defeat me!"'

Two green, small arms bursted from the egg's shell. Tamami stepped back as the two arms tore off the shell surrounding it. Koichi's Stand had finally developed. Unlike Crazy Diamond or The Hand, Koichi's Stand wasn't shaped like a humanoid. Instead it looked like a larvae, which explains why it was in an egg. The Stand had a green shell over its head with a yellow spike on top. It had a tail that was longer than its small body with a pair of wheels for its legs. Tamami began to back up against the couch at the sight of the Stand. Unlike The Lock, it looks like Koichi''s Stand has some fighting capabilities and he isn't going to feel guilty for beating him up.

"W-what the hell is that!" Tamami panicked. Koichi's Stand slowly crawled its way towards Tamami as he began to shiver in fear. Koichi began to shove his mother and sister out of the room.

"Koichi, what are you doing!" Mrs. Hirose asked.

"Now is not the time to ask me questions, mom!" Koichi shouted as he shut the door. Koichi's Stand wrapped it's tail around Tamami and the short man tried to pull it off him. Koichi glared at Tamami and demanded, "You better remove the locks of my mom and sister."

"I-if you beat me up, you're mom is going to feel more guilty if she sees you beating the crap out of me," Tamami said.

"I told you to remove them!" Koichi shouted.

"Like hell I'd take them off! Don't underestimate me, kid!" Tamami barked. Koichi's Stand punched Tamami across face and knocked him on the floor. The short man widened his eyes and rubbed his cheeks. The Stand lunged at Tamami to attack him again. Tamami quickly raised his arms and blocked another attack. "Huh, that didn't hurt. It was a fast jab, but I almost didn't feel it."

Tamami chuckled as got back up and grabbed Koichi by the collar. "Dumbass! You're Stand may be quick, but it's too weak to do any damage! A person's Stand is as strong as their mental strength and that means you got none of it!" Tamami shouted.

Koichi noticed a piece of text on Tamami's face. It looked like a comic book sound effect and it spelled out ka-crack. Tamami began to hear a violent noise ringing from the right side of his head. He lets go of Koichi to cover his ears.

"Ah, what's this ringing noise!" Tamami screamed. He lowered his hands from his ears and looked around. He saw another onomatopoeia on his arm and tried to rub it off. "What is this on my arm!"

The onomatopoeia began to emit noise inside of Tamami's body. The ringing from the inside of his body is making him feel distress. Koichi realized that his Stand's ability is to create an onomatopoeia and have it emit the sound it says. With this ability, he decided to give it a name like Josuke's Crazy Diamond and Okuyasu's The Hand.

"Echoes creates a comic book onomatopoeia and emits the sound it says. Even though it's weak compared to other Stands, the sound it emits can overwhelm a person if it constantly rings in their ears," Koichi explained.

"Ah, make it stop!" Tamami demanded.

"Not unless you release the locks from my mom and sister!" Koichi shouted. Tamami gritted his teeth and began to charge at Koichi, trying to bear through the ringing noises.

"Stop the noise!" Tamami shouted. Echoes struck Tamami again, creating another onomatopoeia on his face. The onomatopoeia created another source of noise to further drive Tamami insane.

"If you keep resisting, I can't tell what will happen to your body!" Koichi shouted. Tamami began to squirm his body towards the silverware drawer that was beneath the plates.

"The term 'Tama' means ballsy, and I'll show you why I'm called Tamami!" He opened the drawer and pulled out the knife. Tamami pointed the knife towards Koichi, who had Echoes in front of him ready to attack.

"I'm not scared of a knife!" Koichi exclaimed.

"Prepare to see how terrifying The Lock really is when someone's guilt overwhelms them!" Tamami screamed as he stabbed himself with a knife.

"W-what're you crazy!" Koichi shouted. Tamami chuckled as he tossed the knife at Koichi. Koichi caught the knife and his mom and sister walked in to see him with a knife and a wounded Tamami. The two of them screamed at the top of their lungs, with his mother breathing heavily over the sight of her son. His sister passed out, causing Koichi to panic.

"Sis!" the short student shouted.

"I won! You lost!" Tamami maniacally laughed. "You better stop the noises or the weight of your mother's guilt will overwhelm her!"

Mrs. Hirose slowly approached the silverware drawer and pulled out a knife. Koichi realized that his mother can't bear the guilt Tamami inflicted on her and she's now going to kill herself. Mrs. Hirose aimed the knife towards her neck with tears coming down her eyes.

"I-I've had enough of this world!" Mrs. Hirose cried out.

"Mom!" Koichi shouted.

"Alright, Koichi! Enough of the tough guy act! Remove these sounds and I'll let your mom live!" Tamami barked.

"No, I won't remove them but instead do the opposite," Koichi said, regaining his composure.

Tamami looked surprise as Echoes created a onomatopoeia that says 'believe me'. Echoes quickly planted its onomatopoeia onto Mrs. Hirose and the words 'believe me' echoed in her head. Tamami thought that whatever Koichi is planning would be ineffective. Echoes can only generate sounds while The Lock effects the human soul by amplifying a person's guilt. There is no way to that Echoes can nullify The Lock's ability.

Believe me! Believe me! Believe me! Believe me!

These words began to echo in Koichi's mother's head. Mrs. Hirose began to drop the knife on the floor, which caused Tamami to widen his eyes in both confusion and shock.

"Mom, believe in me! Tamami is just trying to manipulate us!" Koichi yelled. These words began to take in effect on Mrs. Hirose.

"I-if I don't believe in my son... then who would..." Mrs. Hirose said, now convinced that Tamami is just trying to con them for their money. The guilt of raising a terrible son disappeared and The Lock disappeared. Mrs. Hirose suddenly felt relieved and has no idea of Tamami's Stand ever effecting her. Mrs. Hirose noticed that her daughter is unconscious and and went to check on her. Koichi turned to Tamami, who silently whimpered and got on his hands and knees.

"I-I was just messing with you! It was all a joke!" Tamami cried.

"Remove the lock on my sister," Koichi demanded. Tamami pointed to Koichi's sister, who already had The Lock removed from her chest.

"It's already gone! I was joking about taking your house! I even payed back your 7,000 yen," Tamami said. He grabbed on Koichi's leg and continued to plead for forgiveness, as if he actually had The Lock on his chest, "Please forgive me! I'll do anything, Master Koichi!"

"Anything?" Koichi asked.

"Yes, Master Koichi, I'll be your underling!" Tamami shouted.

Koichi chuckled mischievously and said, "Anything eh? Why don't you pay me 500,000 yen?"

Tamami quietly whimpered as Koichi chuckled and patted Tamami on the back. "Calm down, it was a joke," Koichi said.

Tamami quietly thought. That didn't sound like a joke at all.

"Hm, that guy from earlier looked familiar," Okuyasu remarked. Josuke, Izuku, and Okuyasu were walking home together. Usually, Koichi would be around them but today didn't seem like he wasn't in a good mood to hang out. Josuke and Okuyasu took lead while Izuku slowly followed while reading that notebook he writes in all the time. The trio began to walk under a tunnel.

"The guy with the guilt powers?" Josuke asked. Okuyasu nodded yes and Josuke can already guess why he looked familiar. Josuke quietly whispered in Okuyasu's ear. "He was one of the Stand users your brother created."

"Bro only took in Stand users who wanted to become villains. He left a bunch of Stand users alone, including the one from this morning," Okuyasu quietly explained. As the two walked ahead Izuku, he could hear something from behind them. It sounded like some slimy and squishy substance is moving behind them. Izuku quickly turned around to see a sludge monster from behind. He recognized that man's appearance as the sludge villain that escaped All-Might.

"G-guys!" Izuku panicked. Josuke and Okuyasu turned around to see the sludge villain. While Izuku and the villain cannot see them, Crazy Diamond and The Hand appeared behind the two. Izuku stepped away from the slime monster and got closer to Josuke and Okuyasu. He thought that Okuyasu's abilities could easily help defend them as he erases everything he waves over with his right hand.

"I was going to attack a single target, but I cannot risk and wait for one. I'm going to kill you all right here right now!" the sludge villain yelled. He stretched out his right hand to attack Josuke.

Josuke threw a punch using Crazy Diamond's strength and speed to punch the incoming attack, but the Stand's fists became stuck on the villain. While the sludge villain might not be a Stand user, Stands are still restricted by the law's of the physical world. Josuke quickly realized his mistake and tried to pull Crazy Diamond's fist out of the sludge villain. But the sludge villain quickly absorbed Josuke and pulled the teen towards his body.

"Okuyasu, Izuku!" Josuke yelled out for help. His face was quickly covered in the sludge and the villain began to suffocate him.

"Hehe, don't worry about your friend here. You'll be joining him soon!" the villain exclaimed.

Clarifications here... while people may not be able to see Stands, they can still see the effects they emit, like The Hand's erasure effect or Echoes' sound generations. Anyways, for anyone wondering if Izuku is getting a Stand, that's a no. It would be an interesting story, but there are going to be a good number of Stand users in this story. Izuku will get All-For-One just like he did in the manga/anime. But, just like the rest of the series, will have a different variation of events as JoJo characters are in the mix.

Writer Response Corner:

The Dark Hour (So Echoes is going to make a formal appearance and Koichi being a man! But are you going to make his evolution the same with his ACTs evolving because of Tamami, Yukako and Kira? Even more, are they gonna appear? Especially Yukako and her stand?)

Well, I think this chapter can answer the first part of the question. As for Act 2, Yukako will appear to help Koichi grow even further. I'm still planning out how to write out the development of Act 3. I'm not sure if I'm going to put Kira in the story or not.

Shout out to Kerrowe for pointing out a minor mistake in the chapter.

Up next: Hero