"Ha, is that so?" Kaien grinned "Well then just you wait, she'll soon be crawling and talking and then you'll really have your work cut out for you."
"Ah-ah-ah! Kokoro-chan, those aren't for you" Ukitake chided gently as he pulled a whining Kokoro away from Nanao who was adjusting her glasses from the end of her nose.
"Curious little thing, aren't you?" Kyoraku smirked as he quickly drew the child's attention away with a little silver baby rattle before she could cry. "Don't worry Kokoro-chan, I also like to steal Nanao's glasses too so I can see her pretty eyes."
"Captain!" Nanao flushed beetroot red everyone laughed, including two newcomers that had just arrived, another Captain and Lieutenant pair.
"Ah, Captain Aizen, Lieutenant Ichimaru, hello, come on in, come on in." Hibiki welcomed the pair of men that walked in both smiling.
"Ah Sosuke-kun, there you are, we were getting worried you wouldn't show" Kyoraku smiled warmly at the captain a kindly man with a mop of brown hair and thick rectangular black glasses, smiled pleasantly at the room.
"Sorry, we're so late. Got caught up in all that rain outside. And Gin had to go back because he nearly forgot his umbrella."
"Yes you would not believe how flooded the Fifth Division courtyard is at the moment" his lieutenant, a tall thin pale man with silver hair and a face like a cunning fox with narrowed slit-like eyes, grinned and strode over to where Ukitake stood with Kokoro in his arms.
"Ah, and there is the Third Squad's little princess. Such a pretty smile. I can see why you like her. Here, Hime-chan I have something for you." as he put down his umbrella and pulled out from his Kosode, a small toy tiger with orange fur and black stripes.
"Hello I'm Tora-chan" Ichimaru rumbled in a deep but playful tone, wiggling the toy in front of the fascinated baby. "Nice to meet you Hime-chan"
"ba-ba! Ah-baba!" Kokoro's sky blue eyes lit up at once as she reached out to grab at the doll, much to everyone's amusement.
"Gin has a soft spot for children" Aizen offered a slightly apologetic look to Shiraki as his lieutenant continued to play pretend with the doll for the baby.
"I can see" Shiraki smiled, but if anyone bothered to look, they would have noticed that his eyes were ever so slightly cold as he kept a close eye on the fifth squad lieutenant.
Though Kokoro did like all the toys she had been gifted with, it was plain for all to see that this one was by far her favourite. For half an hour there was much talking and chatting and playing with the child, during which she gripped the tiger doll close to her, sucking and chewing upon its ear.
In that time, Kokoro had moved between quite a few hands, including Kaien, Nanao, Ichimaru and of course Kyoraku, who cried out in pain as the child accidentally seized a clump his chest hair in her small hands.
"Ow! My-my Kokoro-chan that's a strong grip you've got there…And sharp claws" the older captain grimaced, as he looked down and saw that her little nails had dug a small shallow cut into his chest. "You really are a little tiger. Next thing we know you'll be biting us with your sharp teeth eh?"
"Funny, I always thought you liked being bitten by cute girls Captain Kyoraku" Hibiki smirked slyly winning a few sniggers, from Kaien and Ichimaru.
"Ha-ha, very funny Hibiki-kun" Kyoraku shook his head at the cheeky jibe, pausing to look down at his as he felt a weight suddenly press into him.
"Oh dear, is something wrong?" Captain Aizen's gaze softened with concern from his spot beside them as he watched little Kokoro's face suddenly scrunch up and begin to wail into a surprised Kyoraku's shoulder.
"Eh? Kokoro-chan I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you upset" he chuckled patting the infant's back soothingly as she buried her face into his pink haori and began whimpering as if in pain, clinging tightly to the toy tiger in her other hand.
"She's probably just tired," Nanao said softly as she felt the baby's forehead for a temperature. "She has been getting played with a lot. Perhaps it's time for us to take our leave so she can have a nap."
"Hmm, I think that's a good idea Nanao" Ukitake smiled in approval looking at Shiraki "besides, we have all been here quite long, I'm sure Captain Shiraki could use a break as well."
"If that is what you wish, you are all welcome to come to visit Kokoro in the future if you would like." Shiraki nodded politely but firmly as he gently prized his wailing daughter from Kyoraku's arms.
Once she was in her father's arms, she was quick to nuzzle herself against him, hiding half her face away from everyone even as they wished her and her father goodbye.
"Don't worry Hime-chan. I'll be back to play soon with you and Tora-chan." Ichimaru bopped her small pale nose affectionately before quickly making to bow respectfully to Shiraki.
"See ya, little scamp. Try not to run your dad too crazy when you find your legs alright?" Kaien smirked as he gently ruffled Kokoro's pale hair.
Yet, no sooner had he mussed it, then did Nanao step in to quickly settle it back into place.
"Don't mind those two Kokoro-chan. They're always like that, you'll get used to it. It was lovely to see you once again Captain Shiraki." she smiled gently at Kokoro and her father bowing to them both.
"It was nice to see you as well lieutenant Ise and thank you for the books. They will be most helpful for teaching this little one how to speak." Shiraki nodded gratefully.
"Yes, Nanao-chan always was talented at picking good books" Kyoraku smiled as smirking a little as the young woman blushed slightly from the compliment. "I guess this means you won't be able to join us for as many drinks as before?"
"Honestly, I don't recall if I ever did join you for any drinks aside from your birthday celebrations or new year's." Shiraki deadpanned and Ukitake chuckled and put a firm hand on his shoulder.
"Still don't forget to take a break occasionally Kenji. Parenting is a tough gig; you will need some time to yourself. And I think I speak for Shunsui as well when I say we'd be more than happy to babysit if you or Hibiki ever need a breather."
"That is truly kind of you both my friends. I will keep that in mind, though I doubt we will have much trouble. Hamada already has put in first dibs on being her secondary carer." Shiraki smirked at his lieutenant who was preening himself proudly even as he quietly began moving all the new gifts to the baby's play area even as the two Captains left the office.
Now only Captain Aizen remained, his lieutenant Ichimaru standing dutifully by the open doorway.
"I'm glad to see you have made a family for yourself Kenji. It's good to see you looking so happy." Aizen smiled warmly as he reached out to softly touch Kokoro on the head.
But Kokoro cringed away, burying her face deep into her father's shoulder as she let out a small groan.
"Ah, you are very tired, aren't you little one." Aizen's eyes softened as he pulled his hand back and folded it into his sleeves. "I guess I'll leave you both to it. Once again, congratulations and the best of luck to you both."
"Thank you Aizen, I shall see you at the next monthly meeting" Shiraki nodded, eyes narrowing ever so slightly as he watched the captain and lieutenant of the Fifth Division walk out the shoji doors and shut it behind them.
Once he was sure they were out of earshot he sighed heavily.
"Well that went well" he looked down into his arms.
Kokoro was still fussing and looking distressed, but she was no longer hiding in his shihakuso.
"Like father like daughter. You don't trust Captain Aizen" Hibiki smirked from where he was setting up a baby mobile with little rabbits and ducks above the crib in the corner. "though she took to Ichimaru-san quite quickly I must say"
"Yes well…Gin Ichimaru might look like a sly weasel, but even he is better than that snake Aizen" Shiraki scowled at his subordinate but reigned in his temper as he gently rocked the infant in his arms.
"You know Captain, I'm surprised at you." Hibiki pouted "Captain Aizen is quite a nice man once you get to know him. And yes, I know you can't be liked by everyone, but he's never done anything wrong by you-"
"And that's the very reason I don't like him," Shiraki's jaw clenched uncomfortably "He is too nice. And if there is one thing, I know about the Gotei Thirteen Hamada it is that you don't get to be a captain's position if you're nice. Even Ukitake, one of the most decent, kind people I know, is not so perfect. At least he makes mistakes, he argues, he has disagreements and he is a formidable opponent on the battlefield. Aizen on the other hand…"
He trailed off looking down at Kokoro who was slowly but surely starting to drift off into an uneasy doze. She looked tired, unnaturally so, and it did not take a genius Soul Reaper to work out why.
"I'm sorry Kokoro," he murmured pressing his lips against the top of her scar on her forehead "You must really be quite tired with that much reiatsu pressing down on you all at once, but you did so well. Come on, let's get you a quick nap. You've earned it."
"This girl is going to be one of the most spoiled children in the entire Soul Society" Hibiki shook his head with a fond smile as the new father made to settle his child into her new crib.
Yes, life would never be the same at the Third Division anymore that was for certain.
It was a dark and stormy night as Kokoro Shiraki timidly tiptoed down the long wooden hallway, her heart hammering and her sky blue eyes flitting about with anxious excitement as she clutched a small bound scroll tight in her trembling hands. It had been fifteen years since she had been found alone in that rainy forest as a baby, not that it had changed much about her appearance.
After all souls in the Soul Society aged at a slower pace, and she was no exception. She was still a short child of about eight or nine years old, but she was certainly healthy and fit, with lean muscles now wrapped over her skinny slender frame. Her platinum blonde locks were now in a chin length bob with long bangs over her forehead, which could not quite hide the long scar that stretched over her left eye.
She wore a burnt orange yukata with plumb purple obi and white tabi, all of which contrasted starkly with the black and white uniforms of the Shinigami that passed her by. Most of the older seated officers nodded respectfully at her with small warm smiles. However, it was not uncommon for many of the unseated officers and greenhorns to mutter under their breaths as they caught sight of her scarred face.
"Good evening" Kokoro mumbled politely, tucking her head down to hide her face as two low ranking Shinigami she just passed started to murmur amongst themselves.
"Ugh! Who was that?"
"Eh, don't you know? That's Captain Shiraki's daughter."
"Captain Shiraki? From the Third Division. I didn't know he had a kid."
"Yeah, she's adopted. Apparently, he found her in some hovel in the seventy-seventh district of West Rukongai."
"Yikes, what's wrong with her face?
"Dunno, she's always had that. And besides, that scar is nothing, I hear she has fangs for teeth and she bites people."
"Ew, gross. Then again what else can you expect from a child from such a lowly +slum."
Kokoro's hands clenched into fists as the two shinigami's turned a corner, their voices fading into the distance.
It was always the same. All it took was one look at her scarred face and they would lean in to whisper their horror or pity to their neighbour. And it did not stop there. Some shop keepers she passed on the streets purposefully ignored her if she approached them and avoided touching her if they were forced to hand back change. Of course, they only did this when she was alone.
If Captain Kenji Shiraki had been there with her no one would dare treat her anything less than royalty. After all, he was one of the most respected of the Captains in the Gotei Thirteen, as well as one of the best swordsmen.
But to Kokoro, he was so much more than that. Ever since he had found her in that hovel in the seventy-seventh district of the Rukongai, he had been both her father and teacher. With much time, patience, and the occasional swat or two on her bottom, he had guided her from a rambunctious playful infant and moulded her into the refined, quiet, if timid youth.
Though there were times she wished she could sink her teeth into the jerks that mocked her. But no, she could not do that. That would only give people more reason to sneer at her.
Quietly she reached up to her mouth and traced a finger over her teeth. Contrary to popular belief, only her canine teeth were fang-like, and even then, they were not that large. And yes, she did used to bite people when she was a lot younger, but it was just playful roughhousing with the members of her father's squad who had been assigned to babysit her on those occasions both her father and his lieutenant could not watch her. The Third Squad all loved their Captain's little Tiger, as they had affectionately called her, and did not mind her differences nor her scars, but the other squads…well…they were not quite as understanding.
If all those shmucks could see the scars on my back, they'd all have a field day. She thought moodily as she strode up to a familiar ornate set of sliding doors and into a lavish office.
Inside two men were sitting and chatting over cups of sake at a lovely wooden table. One of them was tall and wore a pink flowery woman's Kimono over the top of his Captain's haori and uniform. He had a head of long brown wavy hair tied back in a low ponytail with a matching stubbly beard. His brown eyes were warm as he chuckled at the other captain in his pristine captain's haori and black shihakuso.
It was a man with black hair with grey sideburns, tied back into a top knot. His steely eyes were rolling in exasperation as he said:
"-Honestly, you'd think those brats had never worked a day in their lives the way they complain."
"You should relax Kenji" The man in the pink Haori chuckled "not everyone is capable of working as hard as you do. Well maybe except-Ah Kokoro-chan, welcome, welcome!"
"Hello, Captain Kyoraku." Despite her nerves, Kokoro felt herself smile slightly as she cautiously stepped into the room. "Otou-san, I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude"
"Not at all my dear not at all, come in, come in. And no need to be so formal. I told you I don't mind it if you call me Uncle Shunsui." Kyoraku grinned as he beckoned her towards her desk.
"Is everything alright? Did something happen?" Shiraki frowned but then relaxed as soon as he saw the scroll clenched in his daughter's hands as she dutifully made to stand beside his chair.
"I see. The results of the Entrance exams have finally arrived." He quickly explained to Kyoraku whose eyebrows rose in astonishment.
"Ah, already? That was fast. I thought the results weren't due until the end of the week."
"So did I. Yours must have gotten marked earlier in the pile" Shiraki quirked a brow as he caught sight of the wax seal still unbroken. "Have you read it yet?"
Kokoro shook her head, her eyes fixed on the ground as she mumbled:
"No, not yet."
"Would you like me to read it?" Shiraki's smirk widened as she nodded.
He took the scroll from her and was searching the captain's desk for a letter opener when someone else came through the door. It was a tall, young Shinigami woman, with black hair tied back in a bun with a clip, and thin rectangular glasses. On her arm was the lieutenants' squad armband. She was scowling in annoyance as she spotted Kyoraku's face.
"There you are Captain, I've been looking all over for you. You still need to sign those forms from the ninth-oh. Captain Shiraki, you're here too?" She paused, blushing slightly with embarrassment as she realised, they were not alone. "Forgive me, Captain, I didn't know you had company."
"That's quite alright Nanao-Chan. You are just in time to witness history in the making. Kokoro-chan has just gotten the results from her Academy entrance exam." Kyoraku smirked as Kokoro flushed scarlet.
"Oh really, that's wonderful Kokoro-chan, I'm sure you'll do very well." Nanao smiled warmly down at the young girl as she put a warm, encouraging hand on her shoulder.
"She should be good, after all the work I've put in to train her" Shiraki snorted proudly as he finally unfurled the tightly curled piece of paper. "And its official. Congratulations kid," he smiled at an astonished Kokoro.
"You are now officially a student, of the Spiritual Arts Academy!"
Kokoro barely heard Kyoraku's loud congratulations and shouts to get a few more glasses for a celebratory drink, nor did she hear Nanao's and her father's exasperated sighs at his exuberant behaviour.
She just stood there, completely dumbfounded.
It was here. It was happening. She was finally on her way to becoming a Shinigami like her father.
Though Kenji Shiraki had trained her vigilantly over the past fifteen years, she still was unsure as to whether she would pass the entrance test.
She had stumbled a few times walking into the private interview room, and when they'd asked her to demonstrate her skills she had released too much reiatsu and knocked over one of the examiners in his chair. After apologising profusely, she was dismissed by the board of teachers only to trip and land flat on her face as she scuttled towards the door, quietly cursing herself for her clumsiness.
Clumsy, skittish, and timid, not at all desirable traits in a Shinigami, and yet somehow, she had passed.
Well, like her father always said, there was no use crying over spilt milk. She was in the Academy, and if she worked hard, she would soon be in the Gotei Thirteen.
The corners of her mouth twitched upward as she saw her father scowl and playfully whack Kyoraku on the back of the head as he made a pass at a very flustered Nanao.
Just you wait Otou-san, I'll be a Shinigami you can be proud of. You'll see.
It was a dark and stormy evening outside, as the graduates all sat diligently as they waited for their names to be called to receive their graduation certificates. Amongst them a young girl who appeared about nine or ten years old, sat, staring at the ground beneath her chair.
Her platinum blonde hair grazed the tops of her shoulders, the blunt bangs at the front hanging limply over the lightning burn over her left milky white eye which she shut along with her normal gold one as she waited for her name to be called by the Master of Ceremonies.
The man's voice droned on, the names list now reaching the R's. Soon it would be her turn. Shiraki, Kokoro. In her terror, she feared that she would never hear her name. Of course, this was an absurd notion, for why else would she have been sitting here amongst the other graduates if not to graduate herself?
Oh god, oh god. Please hurry up so we can finish this already.
Kokoro gulped in her head as the row of graduates in front of her stood up to walk in a line to the side of the hall as the M.C. called out more names.
He was standing on the grand lecture hall amphitheatre stage behind a podium and in front of a large panel. On that panel, next to the heads of department sat all the Captains of the Gotei Thirteen with their Lieutenants sitting dutifully behind them. Many of them were waiting patiently, though it was clear some were very bored and were only there to fulfil a duty and nothing more.
Kokoro was quick to spot her father, austere and patient in his seat while behind him his lieutenant Hibiki winked cheekily at her and briefly made a pair of bunny ears behind his pristine top knot.
Despite her nerves, Kokoro shook her head slightly and rolled her eyes with fondness at the lieutenant's playful antics. Hibiki Hamada had been just as much a part of her life as her own father. When she had been smaller it was not uncommon to spot the lieutenant carrying her on his shoulders as he took her on long walks around the Sereitei. Hibiki had a fantastic sense of direction and was adamant that Kokoro knew all the streets and secret passageways within the walled-off city by heart so that she would never get lost or could run away if there was trouble.
Another name got called out and Kokoro sighed as she let her gaze wander past Hibiki and her father. There was the serenely smiling Captain Unohana, and her calm very tall subordinate Isane Kotetsu both seated calmly beside Captain Aizen and Lieutenant Ichimaru of the Fifth Division, respectively.
Kokoro smiled slightly as the latter caught her eye and smirked his iconic sly smile at her. Ichimaru might have come across as creepy to most others, but like Hibiki, he too had a gentle side when it came to children. He had often come to the third squad to visit her and play with Kokoro when she was younger, sometimes bringing her trinkets and sweets, or teaching her how to play harmless but amusing pranks on the other members of the Third Squad as she had gotten older.
Her father had been hesitant about the friendship, for he was not too trusting of the Fifth Division or the two officers that led it. However, the lieutenant had never done wrong by him or his daughter, so he let the matter rest. Personally, Kokoro was always more anxious about Captain Aizen than Ichimaru. True he was always friendly and kindly, yet there was something about the way he looked at her that always unnerved her, though she couldn't identify what it was since the lenses of his glasses slightly obscured them from her sharp vision.
Kokoro shivered as she quickly averted her gaze from the brunette captain and was quick to move along the line until she reached Shunsui Kyoraku, her godfather. He was smiling serenely as he watched the students get up one by one to receive their commendation, occasionally letting his eyes wander over a few of the more attractive women amongst the ranks. Both he and Captain Jushiro Ukitake of the Thirteenth division had been most supportive of Kokoro during her formative years in the Academy, the two of them often inviting her over for a chat to listening to her stories and accounts of Academy life.
There were not many stories to tell, at least not many that made for an exciting retelling. Most of Kokoro's Academy experiences were average if a little lonely. Being a daughter of one of the Captains had not exactly warmed her up to her classmates. Though her father had been strict with her in her training, most of the other students thought she had gotten ahead due to nepotism.
This when added to her unusual appearance only made Kokoro's classmates avoid her even more.
The only real friend she had made during those six years was Kimiko Shibata, and that was because the two of them were roommates. Kimiko was older than Kokoro, and very pretty, with long wavy luscious black hair tied in two low pigtails that fell over her curvaceous body. She was outgoing, lively and kind-hearted, and often made it a point to drag Kokoro out of her shell whenever she saw fit, treating her like one would a little sister. Her eyes were a bright purple and sparkled with excitement as she gazed at the captains from her spot next to Kokoro.
In fact, she was staring at one captain.
He was tall, with a short head of black hair and a square jaw. His brown eyes were listless as he glazed out where he sat, doing his best to stifle a yawn that was creeping up on him and failing miserably to the consternation of his busty strawberry blonde lieutenant behind him.
The man was Isshin Shiba, Captain of the Tenth squad, the squad Kokoro and Kimiko would be joining as of today.
Kokoro felt her heart tinge with guilt as she glanced once again between her father and Captain Kyoraku. Both men had kindly offered Kokoro a place in their squads, but she had refused, much to the surprise of everyone who knew her.
After all, she had spent much of her life at the Third Division with her father, and most of the seated officers liked her and would have been happy to watch over her as she learned and worked. And if she joined the eighth squad no one would have objected since her godfather was its captain.
And that was exactly why she did not want to go to either Division, not yet.
Her father had been sad but was proud of her for taking such a leap out of her comfort zone. He knew life at the Third Squad would be easy for Kokoro. People knew her too well; they would coddle her and try to shield her in a safe little bubble (himself included), and if she stayed in that bubble, she would never come out and never be able to grow.
The same could be said for the eighth division.
When Kokoro had told Captain Kyoraku why she had to refuse his offer she had expected him to be mad at her, or at the very least complain and whine and guilt-trip her with his skilled wit. The man might have acted like a skirt-chasing, sake guzzling buffoon, but Kokoro knew he was far more cunning and ruthlessly manipulative than even the wiliest of weasels when he really wanted something.
However, she had been most surprised to find that instead of the massive guilt trip she had expected, the older captain had smiled kindly at her. True it was a slightly sad smile, but she could see he sincerely did not begrudge her for her choice.
After all, he said, as a Shinigami, she had the responsibility to steer her own destiny, but if ever she wanted to join his squad in the future, or if she ever wanted his advice and guidance, his door would always be open.
Of course, Kokoro could not refuse that gracious officer. It was not every day a powerful captain offered such an opportunity to a new and green graduate who had not even achieved a proper Shikai.
"Kokoro-chan! It's time!" Kimiko's voice hissed beside her.
Kokoro blinked, just in time to see the other people beside her stand to their feet. She quickly hopped to stand, feeling her heart flying in her chest as her hands fisted themselves into the sides of her red hakama.
As she had stood up she had seen her father and Captain Kyoraku's heads turn in her direction to give her a supportive smile, only for other members of the top brass to follow their proud gazes.
If only I could turn invisible. Then I could just take the damn scroll and get out in peace without being stared at.
She gulped as she made her way to the side of the amphitheatre to stand in the queue, doing her best to hide behind Kimiko's back without it looking too suspicious, much to the older girl's amusement.
"It's okay Kokoro-chan, we'll be back in our seats soon." She whispered and Kokoro cursed as her cheeks traitorously flushed scarlet. Was she really that transparent?
Just ignore them, as you do at practice.
She sucked in a deep breath and did her best to keep her gaze fixed on the back of Kimiko's white and red kosode as they moved up the queue. However, she found herself distracted by a blot of white glistening in the corner of her one good eye. She glanced sideways and her eyes were quick to fall upon a short white head of hair closest to the stage.
It seemed to belong to a young boy, dressed in the blue and white academy Kosode and Hakama. He was roughly around her height and physically appeared to be around the same age as her, maybe a little younger. That did not mean much in the soul society, for people aged far slower here so the boy could easily be much older than her and just short.
His turquoise eyes certainly were more mature than the rest of his baby face and she blushed when she realised that he was staring her back in the eye with a curious tilt of the head.
She turned away abruptly and stepped forward to bridge the gap that had formed between herself and Kimiko as the queue moved forward. It was not long before she heard the call:
"Shiraki Kokoro! Class One, Assigned to Tenth Squad"
Oh, crap here goes.
Kokoro's hands trembled by her sides as she strode up onto the stage moving towards the headmaster to accept her certificate scroll. Every step had her sweating buckets as all eyes of the captains and lieutenants of the Gotei Thirteen turned to look upon her along with her father and her instructors.
Why? Why was she so nervous? She had been a good student, had followed the rules to a tee. She had done her best to get along with her fellow students. So why was she so nervous?
Maybe it was the way the Head Captain Genryusei Shigekuni Yamamoto scowled at her as he looked her up and down before briefly meeting her gaze for an instant.
Kokoro gulped and would have run away had it not been for the sight of her father sitting just two seats away from the old man. No, she could not disgrace her father by being such a coward, especially not in front of one of the most powerful men in the Soul Society.
And so, sucking in a deep breath she stared straight back at the Head Captain, both her sky blue orbs meeting his dark wrinkled ones with a mixture of terror and defiance.
She held his gaze even as she straightened her back and bowed perfectly to the headmaster and quietly accepted her scroll with a soft gracious thank you. She only broke the contact when she had to turn away to walk across to the other side of the stairs, keeping her eyes fixed now ahead like a petrified coach horse with blinkers.
Just look straight ahead and get back to your seat. Just look straight ahead and get back to your seat. Oh my god, I just stared down Head Captain Yamamoto in front of everyone?! Stupid Kokoro what the hell is wrong with you? You should've just walked up to the Headmaster, got your scroll and walked away, that's all you had to do.
She was so focused on getting back to her seat that she had not noticed the proud knowing smirks from her father and Hibiki, nor the curious expression from the tenth squad Captain Isshin Shiba as he leaned back to whisper to his surprised busty lieutenant. She did not notice the gleaming brown eyes of Captain Aizen as he watched her pass him by, Ichimaru's smirk faltering slightly behind his head as he followed her progress down the stage stairs on the other side. She did not even notice the white-haired boy from before was watching her path closely even as she made sat down next to Kimiko a few rows behind him.
Just her luck she had to attract even more attention to herself today.
She just hoped she could make it to tomorrow without anything worse happening.
And thus began the journey of the Shinigami Kokoro Shiraki.
So there we have it. The end of Chapter 1.
I hope you guys liked Kokoro Shiraki (written with the kanji for White+tree). She's a lot different than how I first created her years ago (back then she was named Kokoro Shiro) and hopefully, I can get more of a chance to work on her and improve on her. Her adoptive father Kenji Shiraki is a fairly new creation along with Lieutenant Hibiki Hamada, and yes they are the predecessors of Ichimaru and Kira, and the successor of Rose Ōtoribashi.
Anyways i hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter and please follow/favourite if you liked and review to tell me your thoughts on how it went.