A/N: So, my first story! So excited! Hope you enjoy, I'll answer Guest Reviews at the bottom of each chapter, and account-reviews by PMs, unless you've disabled that feature. Won't usually have A/Ns at the beginning unless it's super important. Last time this A/N appears, so read carefully!
Summary: Motivated, miffed, and magical, Shikamaru Nara was a force to behold. Whomever had placed him here was going to get it, but first he'd have to get through a school for magic. And he'd thought ninjas could be stupid. Troublesome.
Rating: T, and should stay that way.
Genres: Friendship, Adventure, Hurt/Comfort, maybe more, I don't know yet.
Warnings: Language, spoilers for Naruto and Harry Potter, mentions of mistreatment of children, Motivated!Shikamaru, SPOILERS FOR NARUTO AND HARRY POTTER, warnings are individual per chapter, might change next chapter or might not. No slash or yaoi, yuri, Shounen Ai, or Shōjo Ai.
Pairings: As far as romance goes, it's canon for both series.
Friendship!Shikamaru/Harry&Ron&Hermione&Neville&Fred&George. I might add more later, if I think of it.
Disclaimer: Don't own either, wish I did though.
Emphasis on words
(#) Number to indicate small cliff note
Regular text
Edit 10/7/16: Re-written version, entirely re-written. Changes will be on the latest chapter when it comes out for those of you who don't want to re-read.
A Shadow in Wizard's Robes Chapter 1: Magic? Troublesome.
By: AngelicSilverWolf
"Here you leave today and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow, and fantasy."
― Walt Disney Company
Shikamaru was rudely interrupted from his reading by the opening of a door, and the beginning of a sentence.
"Er…" someone started to say. He looked up from his thick encyclopedia of magical animals to see a boy with black hair and almost startling green eyes. "Hi, I'm Harry. Can I sit here?" the boy asked. Well, he didn't seem bereft of manners like some others on the train, so he didn't mind.
"Shikamaru, go ahead," he replied easily. Harry plopped down in his seat, and Shikamaru returned to his book.
Being in this new world since birth had thankfully let him adjust to the enormous cultural change, but the magical portion of it all was still being processed. He'd discovered his abilities when he was fairly young, but hadn't learned much about them until he'd gotten the letter to Hogwarts. At least his orphanage was connected to the magical world; otherwise his introduction to the whole subject in general could have been a lot worse.
As it was, the non-magical people of the orphanage (which was quite a large percentage of it considering the majority of the adults were squibs or people related to muggle-born wizards and witches, and the children were mostly non-magical despite the war a decade ago) explained the bare minimum of what it meant to go to a prestigious boarding school like Hogwarts, and how he should have been honored to be accepted even if he didn't deserve it.
The people that ran his orphanage needed serious help. He'd had toddlers do better when trying to bring down his self esteem. Which actually probably said a lot more about the toddlers than it did the adults, but.
And in the brief interlude between the arrival of the letter and his trip to the train station, Shikamaru had gathered all kinds of information on the Wizarding world that he hadn't been previously told. Maybe, if he'd had parents that had kept him, things would have gone differently. He probably would have been spoken to personally by a school staff member, if his parents had been muggles. Or, he would have learned from birth what he had flowing through his veins – magic, curiously enough, was a different sort of energy from chakra, based more on the spiritual side of the body as opposed to being equal – and he wouldn't have had to scramble for whatever he could learn from books, of all things.
He'd never been the bookish type as a child in Konoha, usually choosing to nap or play strategy games. Unfortunately, here? It was kind of a necessity since no one around him would or could tell him what he needed to know.
So, it was from books that he discovered that wizards were so far behind in technology and social hierarchy that they used letters to contact each other, had Noble Houses that were equivalent to lords and ladies, and had divisions between them so deep that Shikamaru was sure it was just a matter of pride and ignorance instead of legitimate grievances. It was like they had been stuck in a time warp where time stood still and the wizards didn't change.
They wore robes and pointed hats. So, maybe the stereotypes weren't so far off after all. And, he really, really had nothing better to so anyway since the other children didn't like to talk to him and just didn't like him, and with some rather severe insomnia that made it hard to sleep, and nightmares when he did sleep, books were an easy solution to fill up his time. And he, with his excellent memory, absorbed the information like a sponge with a vigor he'd never had before.
Anyway, Shikamaru just was here at this school to fulfill his mission (given to him during the meeting with the mysterious bastard who had planted him here in the first place, with the order to "Make stuff better," whatever the hell that meant), and to learn magic. That was it. He wasn't going to get involved in politics or whatever idiotic feuds that were happening between the houses of the school, and he refused to make magic his life. He would certainly adhere to the Statue of Secrecy, but he wasn't planning on having his head stuck in the tiny hole that was magic's circumference.
He'd get into Gryffindor, since he'd researched the houses and decided that Slytherin was too close to those politics he wanted to avoid, Hufflepuff was nice but he wasn't a people person – and they seemed like they would be friendly to literally everyone, and Ravenclaw placed far too much value on books. Books were good for information, but he didn't want to hang around socially stunted kids that believed everything they read at face-value (which was why he'd also visited the Wizarding community in his free time not spent reading, just for another information source besides books). So, Gryffindor it was. He'd always liked loyalty as a trait in people anyway.
The door opened again, causing his eyes to lift while his head stayed buried in his book – Japanese, of course. Though, the large picture of a centaur facing off against a werewolf on the front was probably an indicator of what he was reading about.
In came a somewhat pale redhead with freckles painted across his face.
"Can I sit here? Everywhere else is full," he mumbled. Harry nodded and Shikamaru shrugged his consent. He might have made a crack at how they were treating it like private property, but they were young and nervous so he let them be. Chōji had blamed his growing mischievousness on Naruto, but they both knew he'd always had it since childhood. He swore it was in the genes from his mother's side.
"I'm Ron Weasley," the redhead introduced.
"Shikamaru," Shikamaru replied absently.
"Harry Potter," Harry concluded. Ron gaped in surprise, and Shikamaru set his book down so that it lay flat against his lap. Harry Potter. Where had he heard that name before? Oh, yes, now he knew. He reached his conclusion just as Ron spoke.
"Are you really?" the latter asked in amazement. Harry looked taken aback; rather a reasonable reaction to having his identity questioned in Shikamaru's private opinion.
"I've heard that name before," Shikamaru said slowly, trying to drain the tension. His social skills were a work in progress, so if this went sideways, he refused to claim responsibility. Both pairs of eyes turned to him. Ron looked slightly dazed and Harry looked apprehensive. Probably had already been subjected to public displays of awe, poor boy. Well, especially if that was the case, he'd have to change both of those. Hero worship never did anyone any good in his experience. "Are you famous?" he asked curiously, causing Ron's awed expression to change into incredulous disbelief and Harry's to relief.
"Yeah he is – don't you know who Harry Potter is?" Ron demanded. Well, just to rile him up… (Because of course he knew who Harry Potter was, he hadn't been living under a rock. Though he did have to wonder how he missed the scar. Troubling times were ahead if he couldn't notice even that. It was like missing a sign on the road, possibly an incredibly important factor on where he ended up.)
"I know who Harry Potter is," Shikamaru replied dryly. "He's the boy who will be attending Hogwarts with me, and who came in and asked for a seat. Though, I do recognize his name and face. Maybe he just has one of those really common names." (1)
Ron face-palmed and Harry grinned. Good. Tension gone.
"Unbelievable," Ron said while shaking his head. Before he could say any more, two redheads poked into their compartment.
"Hey, Ron," they said in tandem. Oh, lord help him, they were twins. Shikamaru had dealt with twins exactly once in Konoha, and the experience had left him rather scarred. Two words, Naruto wannabes (and no words for how mentally exhausting that made him feel, just thinking about the two kids who'd adored their Hokage so much they'd tried to copy his every move. From prank to jutsu, to orange jumpsuit. Those poor, poor ANBU, may their innocence rest in peace).
"Listen, we're going down the middle of the train – Lee Jordan's got a giant tarantula down there," one informed their brother, interrupting Shikamaru's inner reminiscing.
"Uh huh," Ron muttered. He didn't look pleased – either about the spider or the other person, and if the other person was like Rock Lee in any way…well, Shikamaru had been practicing his stealth skills, magical and otherwise.
"Harry," the other twin said, because they apparently knew the boy, "did we ever introduce ourselves? No? Fred and George Weasley, at your service. This is Ron, our brother – not that you probably can't tell, between the hair and freckles. Oh, and who's reading about…werewolves? Wow, really ahead there."
"Shikamaru," he said briefly. He was really straining his (imaginary) daily word quota today and he thought it best to tone down the talking a bit. After waiting to see if he would give his surname – he didn't – the twins left with a farewell.
"So, Harry Potter," Ron said thoughtfully. For the love of—Shikamaru thought they'd gotten past this already. Harry just nodded.
"Have you…have you really got the – you know." Ron gestured to his head. Harry, quite patiently considering the circumstances, pulled back his bangs to reveal the famous lightning scar. Ron stared. And stared some more. And stared some—oh, for the sake of Shikamaru's increasingly limited patience-
"Nice scar you got there," he said casually. Out of character for him to initiate a conversation or tease someone he just met, but hey, new life, new person, right? There was probably a saying like that somewhere. "Is it real?"
It was his turn to be stared at, by both boys. It wasn't the most pleasant experience ever. He'd only asked a simple question.
"You've got to be kidding me," Ron said flatly. "There's no way you can't know—even my old aunt knows about Harry, and she's batty!" Quick slang translation: and, crazy.
"I grew up around non-magicals for the most part." Shikamaru shrugged indifferently. Harry, for some reason, looked intensely relieved at this. Then his face fell slightly when Shikamaru added, "And it's for that reason that this past summer I mostly just studied to understand the Wizarding world."
"You studied?" Now Ron was looking at him like he was the 'batty' one.
"Yeah. Learned a whole lot about Wizarding culture and uninteresting things like that," Shikamaru said with a nod. Of course, the fact that he also looked ahead, practiced some spells since the read-about Under Age Magic prohibition didn't really come into effect until after the first year of Hogwarts (and that rule made no sense whatsoever, but go government!), and memorized his books wasn't mentioned as the redhead was looking incredulous enough.
And, before there could be any questioning of his (admittedly somewhat questionable) sanity, he turned the conversation to a safer topic. Well, for him anyway. Harry was on his own with the inquisitive boy. "So, you have twin brothers?" he asked Ron.
Ron nodded. "Yeah, I also got another three older brothers and a younger sister." he said. He seemed depressed about this for some reason - maybe expectations or something. But, he brightened up again when Harry started asking questions, and Shikamaru returned his attention to his neglected book, satisfied.
When the food cart arrived some time later, Shikamaru bought exactly one Cauldron Cake and one Chocolate Frog. Never one that was overly fond of sweets, and having eaten just before he left for the train station (bought at a café with his carefully budgeted out job-money since the orphanage had punished him again for 'acting out'), he wasn't very hungry. Harry, it seemed, was incredibly hungry, if his armfuls – that's right, multiple loads of food were bought – of sweets and snacks was any indicator. At least he wasn't stingy with his stuff. Hopefully that didn't just apply to the food.
Shikamaru returned to his book, tuning out the conversation between the two boys with practiced ease. If he could ignore a teenaged Naruto on a sugar/ramen high, he could ignore anyone. He was interrupted again – this was becoming a disturbing trend – by a knock on the door. Oh, well, at least they were polite, unlike the others who just barged right in. These things really needed locks, and wizards were in desperate need of being taught a little thing called 'manners'.
In came a round-faced boy with a tearful look in his eyes. Shikamaru was reminded instantly of Chōji in his much younger days minus the visible food obsession.
"Sorry, but have any of you seen a toad?" he asked shyly. All three of them shook his heads, causing him to droop sadly. "I've lost him! He keeps getting away when I'm not looking!"
"He'll turn up," Harry said, trying to be encouraging.
"Yes, I guess," the boy said miserably, clearly Harry's methods hadn't worked. "Well, if you do see him…" He left with a sniff. Shikamaru stared at his book thoughtfully while Ron talked about his rat. Maybe he could make friends with the boy…? He didn't know, he'd see. It rather depended on house placement, despite his disinterest in house boundaries. People were people wherever he went, and that meant they came up with ridiculous fences between themselves according to what was acceptable in society.
Damn sheep.
"Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow,
Turn this stupid, fat rat yellow."
Shikamaru came back to himself to see Ron fail spectacularly at a spell. And – when had that girl joined them? He should really work on his observational skills, they were clearly lacking if an entire person had slipped his notice.
"Are you sure that's a real spell?" she asked, with rather justifiable confusion. "It isn't very good if it is. I've practiced a few myself."
She then started to talk about books that featured Harry, who looked bemused by the entire thing let alone the fact that he had multiple untrue books about his life story, but Shikamaru just ignored her, only paying the slightest of attention when she mentioned her name. Hermione Granger. Shakespeare, huh? Shikamaru had read some of his stuff, but…rather depressing for him. And considering that he was a realist with some cynical views, that was saying something.
Soon, thankfully, she left, leaving behind a stunned Ron and Harry.
"Whatever house she's in, I hope I'm not in it," Ron muttered fervently. Harry nodded. Shikamaru looked at the latter, and then abruptly extended his hand. Harry blinked in confusion.
"I can fix your glasses," Shikamaru explained. Harry blinked again, but shrugged and handed them over. With a quick tap with his wand - ten and three quarters of African Blackwood with a dragon heartstring - and a mutter, the glasses were repaired. He gave them back in pristine condition, accepting the gratitude with a nod, and then decided to read his book and ignore any further interruptions, hoping the universe would allow him to finish unhindered. And it would have worked, but the next people who entered the compartment were quite loud about it.
As soon as Shikamaru laid eyes on him, he knew he was an aristocrat's son. Whether it was the way he carried himself or how he kept his face distantly cool, he was certainly of nobility.
"Draco Malfoy," the blond boy introduced himself. Before Shikamaru could warn him not to, Ron snickered. "Think my name's funny, do you?" Malfoy snapped. "No need to ask who you are, red hair and freckles, you're a Weasley."
And honestly, if Shikamaru was going to be friends with Ron – and he probably was – then he didn't want to have to deal with this kind of rivalry born from petty insults, so against his better judgment, he spoke up.
"He wasn't laughing at your name, per say," he said, interrupting Malfoy's next statement. "He was just being immature and he's on a mild sugar high."
Ron gave a betrayed splutter, and Malfoy eyed him suspiciously. Ah, nothing like a rich kid that relied on Daddy.
"Who are you?" he asked, and it would have been rude but it was too…elegant. Those lessons probably paid off then – Shikamaru wondered if wizards had therapy.
Probably not.
"Shikamaru," he said courteously. He didn't extend his hand, because not only was that at least five different opportunities for someone to hurt/disable him, but he didn't think Malfoy would shake it anyway.
"What's your last name? It's not polite to hold it back," Malfoy said imperiously, having forgotten about Ron and Harry for the moment. Shikamaru shook his head. Thank the stupid stars he remembered his head-of-the-clan-now-act-like-it training from hell.
"You, in fact, never introduced yourself to me, but to Harry and – sort of – Ron. Therefore, I am entirely in my rights to keep my heritage to myself. You are being discourteous by not introducing yourself to me, even though I extended you that honor," Shikamaru rebutted politely. He'd forgotten how tedious things like formal greetings could be. He generally tried to toe the line between eloquently learned and insufferably pompous. So far, he'd come off as educated yet not arrogant or above his status – the latter of which was somewhat nonexistent in this world.
It at least served the purpose of keeping Ron from saying anything further to harm this meeting's direction, and even Malfoy's…friends were looking sufficiently surprised. Malfoy himself had a pale eyebrow raised, which he quickly lowered.
"Forgive me, I was not thinking," he said, as he would to an echelon of equal or higher status. "I am Draco Malfoy, son of Lucius Malfoy." He went to extend his hand, and then seemed to think better of it and kept it to himself. Smart boy. Rough around the edges, perhaps, but could undoubtedly grow into a refined noble.
"It is nice to make your acquaintance," Shikamaru said, inclining his head graciously. "As a Malfoy, do you plan on going to Slytherin?" Those history books had been filled it the brim with pure-blood stories, it had taken over a dozen not to find any filled with worship or fearful scrawls of the pure-blooded side.
Malfoy looked pleased at the inquiry.
"Of course," he said almost dramatically. "Malfoys go nowhere else then such an esteemed house."
"If that's what suits you," Shikamaru said agreeably. "I hope to go to Gryffindor. Never one for politics, people or academics alone, I find that the house of lions will probably suit me most."
Malfoy clearly wanted to protest this, but something must have told him that Shikamaru wouldn't be changing his mind any time soon.
"I don't know if you can request which house you go to, and I don't understand your desire for the…brashest house of Hogwarts, but I hope to meet you again when we're there," he said with surprising diplomacy. He wasn't so bad once you got back the slight complex he had with his name. Shikamaru just nodded, a practiced dismissal learned from years as head of the Nara clan. The three probable future Slytherins departed without another word, leaving Shikamaru to be stared at by his two companions.
He sighed. He was never going to finish his book at this rate.
"Nara Shikamaru," Professor McGonagall called out. Shikamaru strode forward with a lazy expression that made the majority of the children behind him incredulous. As soon as he sat on the stool and placed the hat on his head, a voice spoke in his ear.
"Hello there," the hat said. Shikamaru only just prevented himself from recoiling in hard-wired self defensive reflexes. "There are certain…barriers around your mind that even I can't breach. Would you care to lower those?"
"Not really," Shikamaru replied a little stiffly. "I know where I want to go."
"Ah, decisive. From what little I've gleaned, you can go to any of the houses. A loyalty to friends that Helga herself would admire, brains that would make any Ravenclaw jealous, cunning that would enable fast connections in Slytherin-" the hat rattled off, when Shikamaru interrupted him.
"And idiotic bravery for when it counts that would make the entire Gryffindor house roar in approval. I know my traits," he said a little flatly. Excuse him for being uncomfortable with another presence in his head. Thank God that Ino saw fit to teach him advanced mental blocks.
"Ah, yes," the hat replied in amusement. "Not to mention your dry belligerence." The hat sighed. "Well, with your defiant attitude and determination not to do things the traditional way, I suppose there's only one place for you. Better be GRYFFINDOR!"
Shikamaru's eyebrow twitched at the volume before he took the hat off of his head and set it none too gently back on the stool. The Sorting Hat's chuckles followed him to the cheering table, where there were... three redheads that looked vaguely similar in looks. Ron wasn't kidding about his big family. His poor mother - six boys at once. He nodded at Fred and George and then sat down.
He watched the rest of the procession with slight interest, instead finding much more with which to occupy his time to study the school and staff with which he would be for the next seven years of his life. He was only roused from his observing when Harry's name was called. The other boy was up there for quite some time before the hat screamed Gryffindor, and he sat down next to Shikamaru amidst the loud cheering.
"It couldn't decide where to put me," Harry muttered in answer to his friend's raised eyebrow. "Eventually just chose Gryffindor." Shikamaru nodded in understanding. They watched with the rest of the house as the other first years were sorted, feeling a mix of resignation and dread for Hermione, pleasantly surprised with Neville, and glad about Ron. Then, after some greeting words from the headmaster, there came the food.
Never, in either of his lives, had Shikamaru seen so much food in one place. And that was just this table alone. Golden plate after golden plate filled with food, from vegetables to gravies to heavenly smelling meat. He did notice, wryly, the lack of foreign food, and was amused to think about Naruto's reaction to the utter non being of ramen.