Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

A/N: I would like to thank everyone who have followed and favorited this story. As well as everyone who reviewed the last chapter.

"Naruto," Turning around from where he was sitting on the couch going through the history of this world, Naruto saw Jiraiya standing in front of the door with an envelope in his right hand stretched out to him. "Your letter from the school is here." Naruto gave him a confused look before he realized what he was saying. He was still trying to understand everything about this world that I had completely forgot about the letter from the school.

Walking over to him, Naruto grabbed the letter from his hand and returned to his spot on the couch. Nothing too fancy about it aside from the wax seal that kept the envelope closed. Opening it, Naruto saw that there was no letter inside, only a small circular device. "What…" he whispered quietly to himself. This was not something he had come across yet in my studies. Holding the small device in the flat of my palm, he pressed the center of it with my other hand. Suddenly, a smaller, less solid version of All Might appeared in the center of the device, scaring him and causing him to jump and the small device to land on the couch cushion in front of him.

"I am here as a projection!" The projection All Might yelled at him. "Actually," continued projection All Might after a small pause, "I came to this town to work at U.A. You have passed both the written and practical exam! However, you did not earn any rescue points. You see, this exam was not graded only on villain points! How can you call yourself a hero when you don't save others? There were also rescue points in this exam! But you did not get any of these. Despite this, you have still earned yourself a spot in class 1-A! Naruto Uzumaki, 58 points! You pass! Welcome, young Uzumaki, to your Hero Academia!"

After that was said, the projection turned off, leaving a mildly confused Naruto in its wake. Naruto had written down the name's scene on the scoreboard of people he assumed would be his classmates. He would have to start researching these people, and congratulate Izuku on making it in. But Naruto was still confused about how All Might had appeared as a projection.

"I'll give Haru a call," Said Jiraiya from behind Naruto. He was leaned against the couch, having been paying attention to the All Might Projection. "Hopefully he can help us get some information on your classmates." At this, Jiraiya started to walk away, already dialing Haru's number before pausing. He made his way back to Naruto before placing his hand on top of his head and rubbed it affectionally "Rank 10…right in the middle…good job kid." He flashed Naruto a warm and genuine smile before turning around and walking into the other room.

Naruto turned back around so his back was to the back of the couch again before smiling and shaking his head. He then picked his book back up with the intention of continuing to read about the history of this world. But before he could do that, he heard another voice in his head. 'Yeah what that old fool said, good job kid. You managed to not fuck something up for once.' Laughing lightly at what Kurama said, Naruto returned to his reading.

Naruto continued walking towards U.A. alone. He was hoping to see Izuku on the way there. He figured that he had put off getting to know the boy for too long. While Naruto knew that he shouldn't make any personal connections, he wanted to be acquaintances with Izuku. It was going to become inventible, they lived in the same apartment complex, were in the same class, and it would probably be like that for the next three years. He wasn't trying to form strong friendships with anyone, but he would need to get to know them.

Finally reaching the U.A. campus, Naruto made his way towards class 1-A. however, the corridors seemed oddly empty to him. Double checking the time on his phone, Naruto was able to confirm with himself that he was, in fact, on time to class. Turning down the last hallway that would lead him to his classroom, Naruto saw a girl standing outside the door. He immediately recognized her as Uraraka Ochako. Remembering that her file said she was a very friendly and open-minded person; Naruto made his way over. He also spotted Izuku standing in the doorway, and the kid that interrupted Present Mic during his speech at the entrance exams. If Naruto remembered correctly, and because of his ANBU training he knew he did, he knew that his was Iida Tenya. While he could be stuck up at times, Iida generally had a respect for his classmates that were dedicated and followed the rules.

Having reached his classmates but realizing that they had yet to sense him, Naruto decided to wave and speak up. "Hey guys! You all apart of class 1-A too?" He asked. "Yeah! We were just talking about the entrance exams! My name is Uraraka Ochako!" Uraraka said in response to Naruto, now that he had the trio's attention. "Nice to meet you all! My name is Uzumaki Naruto!" After saying this, Naruto threw a casual peace sign their way with his left hand while scratching the back of his head with his right. He also gave them an easy-going smile. "Good morning! I am from Somei Private Academy! My name is Iida Tenya! It is a pleasure to meet you Uzumaki-san!"

Before Naruto had the chance to reply, a monotone voice spoke up from behind the four of them. "Go somewhere else if you want to play at being friends." Glancing down at the ground, Naruto realized that the yellow caterpillar in the center of the floor was their homeroom teacher Aizawa, Shouta. Also known as the pro-hero Eraserhead. He was known for his zero-tolerance policy of any misconduct as a teacher and was quick to expel students. He also took a page out of the shinobi handbook as he generally encouraged his students to look underneath the underneath, despite never outright telling them this. "This is the hero course." Aizawa-sensei continued. He then proceeded to unzip his sleeping bag and climb out of it, but not before finishing a juice pouch. "Okay. It took eight seconds before you were quiet. Time is limited. You kids are not rational enough." After he said this, Naruto could both hear and see the shock on his classmates faces as they all came to the conclusion that this was their teacher. "I am your homeroom teacher, Shouta Aizawa. Nice to meet you." Another wave of shock went around the classroom as the rest of Naruto's classmates figured out what was going on. "It's kind of sudden but put this on and go out onto the field." Aizawa-sensei then pulled out what Naruto assumed was the gym uniform for this school, as he held in his hand a simple track suit with the school colors on it and the letters U.A.

Standing out on the training field, Naruto was able to come to the conclusion that everyone was confused by what their homeroom teacher was doing when they all yelled back at him what he had just said. 'Great observation their kit. If the shinobi thing doesn't work out, maybe you can become a detective in this land.' Ignoring what Kumara had just said to him, Naruto focused on what Ochako was saying. "What about the entrance ceremony? The orientation?" With his back turned away from the class, Aizawa answered the question. "If you're going to become a hero you don't have time for such leisurely events. U.A.'s selling point is how unrestricted its school traditions are. That's also how the teachers run their classes. You kids have been doing these since junior high too, right? Physical fitness tests where you weren't allowed to use your quirks. The country still uses averages taken from results from students not using their quirks. It's not rational. Well, the Ministry of Education is procrastinating. Bakugou, you finished at the top of the practical exam, right? In junior high, what was your best result for the softball throw?"

"67 meters." Replied Bakugou, without making eye contact with the teacher. "Try doing it with your quirk." Aizawa said. From what Naruto had read about the teen, he was not one to back down from a challenge. So, Bakugou walked over to the circle without hesitation, and Aizawa continued explaining the rules. "You can do whatever you want as long as you stay in the circle. Hurry up. Give it all you've got." Hearing this, Bakugou started stretching his arms out, preparing to throw the ball as far as his body would allow him. Bakugou took the ball from Aizawa, activated his quirk, explosion, and screamed "DIE!" as he threw the ball. 'Die…? That seems a little intense.' Naruto thought, as he watched the ball fly away.

"Know your maximum first. That is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero." Aizawa said, before revealing Bakugou's distance to everyone. The class screamed in shock as they saw the number 705 flash across the screen. While this score did not seem impressive to Naruto, he put on a show to blend in with the rest of the students. One kid in the back, who Naruto identified as Kaminari Denki had a hard time believing he threw the ball that hard. "705 meters? Seriously?"

"What's this? It looks fun!" Piped up another classmate of Naruto's. He was able to identify her as Mina Ashido said. "We can use our quirk as much as we want! As expected from the hero course!" This was spoken by Sero Hanta.

"It looks fun, huh." Aizawa said, effectively raining on the classes parade. "You have three years to become a hero. Will you have an attitude like that the whole time? All right. Whoever comes in last place in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential and will be punished with expulsion." Aizawa finished this statement with an odd smile on his face. "Huh?!" The entire class screamed, upon hearing what their teacher said. 'Interesting way to motivate everyone.' Naruto thought to himself. 'I don't doubt the fact that his man will expel anyone if he didn't think they had potential. But I also think that this is his way of getting everyone to take this assessment seriously. It is the only way he can see everyone's true potential at their best if everyone is fighting to stay in the class. Except, unlike what Kakashi-sensei had us do, and work together, this assessment is every man for themselves. Very Interesting indeed.'

"We're free to do what we want about the circumstances of our students. Welcome to U.A.'s hero course!" Aizawa continued, before Ochako spoke up once again. "Last place will be expelled? But it's the first day of school! No, even if it wasn't the first day of school, this is too unfair!" 'Unfair? I knew these kids lived away from the natural horrors of the world, but this makes it seem like she was raised in bubble wrap. I would hate to be the one to tell her that the world is never fair to people.' Naruto was brought out of his thoughts by his sensei's response. "Natural disasters, big accidents, and selfish villains. Calamities whose time or place cannot be predicted. Japan is covered with unfairness. Heroes are the ones who reverse those situations. If you wanted to go talk with your friends at Mickey D's after school, then too bad. For the next three years U.A. will do all it can to give you one hardship after another. Go beyond. Plus Ultra. Overcome it with all you've got." Aizawa's speech seemed to inspire all of the students as Naruto look at the determination that was shown through some of their eyes. "All right. Demonstration's over. The real thing starts now."

If Naruto was being honest, the quirk assessment test was harder than he thought it was going to be. Not in terms of his skill, as he knew he could beat everyone in the building at these tests and still have energy to spare. But rather, it was trying to determine where he needed to score. Yes, he knew all of his classmates' quirks, but when most of the tests were completed in pairs and Naruto had no idea if he was going to compete next or not, it was hard to hold back enough to end up in the middle but fall far behind. Naruto knew that if worst came to worst and he fell behind he could always do a little bit better on the next test, but he honestly wanted to challenge his skill to see if he knew how hard to push. And Naruto had to say he wasn't disappointed in himself.

After the whole baseball throwing fiasco with Izuku, Aizawa, and Bakugou (who reminded Naruto of a certain someone back home…but he refused to continue the thought for fear of jinxing it and it becomes true) the results of the quirk assessment test were revealed. Naruto ended up in ninth place, beating the person behind him by one point. All-in-all Naruto was pretty proud of himself for almost coming in the middle of the class again.

"By the way," Aizawa said. "I was lying about the explosion." If Naruto could laugh, he would have been barking in this situation. He could feel the disbelief of his classmates at this statement as they all stared blankly at Aizawa. "It was a rational deception to draw out the upper limits go your quirks." At this, Naruto's classmates started screaming at their sensei. Once again, Naruto had to fight the urge to laugh at everyone and act like them.

"Of course that was a lie." Turning towards the voice, Naruto saw that Yaoyorozu, Momo speaking. Based on her IQ levels, Naruto was not surprised to learn that she figured out the true meaning of the test. "It should've been obvious if you just thought it through." She continued. His classmates stared at her with shocked expressions, and Naruto had a hard time fighting the urge to roll on the floor with laughter. "With that, we're done here." Said Aizawa, bringing the classes attention back to him. "There are handouts with the curriculum and such in the classroom. So when we get back, look over them." He then proceeded to walk over to Izuku and hand him a paper. "Midoriya, have the old lady in the office fix you up. Tomorrow will be packed with even more rigorous tests. Prepare yourself." And with that being said, Aizawa-sensei continued on his way.

Walking out the front entrance of the school and starting his way home, Naruto noticed Izuku, Ochako, and Iida in front of him. But, instead of making friendly conversation with them, he observed them from afar. He had his suspicions about Izuku. While Naruto had already ruled out the possibility of him being a villain or a traitor from loose observations of him, something about his quirk didn't add up. Everyone unlocked their powers at the age of four here, so why did it seem like Izuku had just unlocked his power? And even if his power had just developed, it would only happen at such a late age during a very traumatic event. If so, then what happened to Izuku?

Naruto had also heard the conversation between Aizawa-sensei and All Might. He had also noticed All Might observing them, Naruto had no doubt that there was some sort of relationship between them. What type of relationship this was, it was too early for him to say. But Naruto was almost positive that All Might had given Izuku One-For-All. He just needed more evidence to confirm this.

While pondering on these thoughts, Naruto changed his direction so he was taking the long way home. He didn't want the group to turn around and find him. Naruto knew that he would have much to tell Jiraiya tonight, and a lengthy report for Tusande.

A/N: We're finally at the point in this story were I can follow the anime! What did y'all think of this chapter? Who do you think that Naruto should befriend in class 1-A? Do y'all want to see interactions between Naruto and teachers at 1-A? When should Shikamaru join the story? And who should Naruto end up with later?