Chapter 2: Life in Fairy Tail 1/2

(Re-written version)

(respond to old reviews)

matiasl151: Thank you, and that's an interesting pairing option.

nickclause: Thank you, I've always been a fan of Itachi as a character myself.

Guest: I will take that consideration.

Shadow Mystogan Uchiha: I will take those pairings into consideration, and no there will be no harem in this story. And thanks.

Saru: Autocorrect is a bitch isn't it, and I will think about your suggestion it could be useful thank you.

Corey: Don't worry Itachi will take the S-class trails in this chapter.

Guest: Thank you.

izica1: Thank you.

snorlax7: Thank you. And I will try to make it more detailed, but I can't promise anything.

pr0dz: We already talked about it through PM so…. Nothing much to say now.

Ryner510: I will try my best to keep you and everyone else interested, and that suggestion would fit wouldn't it.

iniziodellastella: Thank you, and you'll just have to wait and see.

Guest: Okay! Okay! Chill I'll make more just don't hurt me.

Derek: Okay maybe I won't make too overpowered, even though normally Itachi would be able to beat anyone in Fairy Tail that would include Zeref and Acnologia. I was actually only trying to make Itachi have a challenge by making some of the people from the Fairy Tail universe stronger than they actually are. But yeah, I will try not to make Itachi way too much overpowered compared to the others, how does it sound to make him on par with Gildarts? And Itachi's chakra reserves were low true, but that's only because of his illness. Since he was considered to be the only Uchiha that could surpass Madara (by his father and peers and such, they didn't exactly say Madara but they meant he had the potential to become the strongest Uchiha, of course it was only speculations), with that in mind his chakra level would be quite high if it wasn't for the illness which also made his stamina lower. But your suggestions are helpful so thank you.

Harambe: Thank you and you might have noticed I have already updated "From ninja to Saiyan" by now.

Terra: I will try but I can't promise anything.

madeyemoody95: Since we already talked about it through PM. I'll just say this thank you for the help and support.

fssmonik: Thank you, and I will consider some of your suggestions, but of course I cannot promise that all of them will be written in the story.

Dxhologram: We already talked about it through PM…so no reason for me to repeat the same thing twice.

Chapter 1: Life in Fairy Tail

Makarov was stunned, shocked, and shaking, his eyes where wide and sweat ran down his forehead. "T-To think… that someone had to go through… something like that… and not to have gone insane, is unbelievable." There was also rage in Makarov's eyes, but it was not directed at Itachi but rather it was directed at someone who wasn't in this room, someone Makarov saw through Itachi's memories, the elders whom ordered Itachi to kill his entire clan, especially this man named Danzo.

"I will understand if you would ask me to leave the guild." Itachi said with his expression showing a slightly hint of sadness for being reminded of his crimes.

"Don't be foolish my boy. You are a true hero. No one can question what you had to go through in your life. You are welcomed here at any time. Fairy Tail is your home." Makarov said patting Itachi on his back while giving him a warm welcoming smile.

"Master Makarov…I… Thank you." Itachi said with a small smile on his face as this old dwarf of a master turned out to remind him a lot of the Third Hokage, which made Itachi hold somewhat of a respect for the old master.

"No need to thank me my boy. Now we shouldn't keep your sister waiting." Makarov said as they headed back to the main hall. When they entered the main hall chairs where flying from every direction, as a large cloud with fists and legs popping out of it rolled across the hall. "Those darn brats." Makarov sighed at the behavior of his guildmates the ones he considered to be his own children, and truly they all acted like children.

Itachi looked over to Erza who was standing in a corner looking a little nervous as she saw her new guildmates act like wild animals fighting over a piece of meat. "Does this happen often here?" Itachi asked the master while they followed the cloud of fists both with stoic faces.

"Afraid so. But it livens up the place." Makarov said as his eyes where following the cloud as well.

"Want me to take care of it?" Itachi asked as his eyes also followed the cloud that went back and forth.

"Go ahead." Makarov replied.

The brawl continued when suddenly a kunai knife landed on the floor close to them making them stop, and they all looked up as they began to sweat a little at what they saw. "I thought I found a place with powerful mages and yet I find out this place is filled with nothing but children." Itachi said as his red sharingan eyes glowed blood red while he was giving a dark expression that could make the bravest of men feel fear and he was releasing a slight amount of bloodlust just to make them behave. "I suggest you start behaving nicely and civilized around me and my sister. Understood?" Itachi questioned in an even darker tone making them nod their heads in fear. "Good." Itachi said as he deactivated his sharingan and his face went back to his normal deadpan expression and his bloodlust faded.

"Wow, the new guy is no joke." Gray said with a grin and a little sweat running down his forehead from feeling that bloodlust Itachi released earlier.

"Gray, your clothes." A girl around Erza and Gray's age said as she was holding some magic cards in her hand. Her hair is brown tied into a high ponytail, her eyes are large brown, her clothing consisted of an orange dress.

"Damn it!" Gray cursed seeing that he was only in his boxers once again after having just found his clothes.

"Here." Itachi tossed Gray's missing clothes to him which he found underneath a table.

"Wow! Thanks dude!" Gray thanked as he put his clothes back on.

"No problem." Itachi said and walked over to Erza who was hiding in the corner. "Is everything alright?"

"I'm…fine." Erza lied.

"Your nervous, aren't you?" Itachi asked with an amused smile and chuckle as he found Erza to be cute like Sasuke was when he was little. In fact, Erza reminded Itachi of Sasuke a lot, almost like a female version.

"I'm not!" Erza exclaimed with a faint blush.

Itachi poked Erza's forehead just like he used to do with Sasuke, he seemed to have put a bit too much force in it since it was making her back up a little. "What was that for?" Erza asked as she rubbed on the spot on her forehead where Itachi poked her.

"It's okay to be nervous around new people." Itachi replied with a smile.

"It's not just that…" Erza said with a sad expression.

"Then what is it?" Itachi questioned with a raised brow.

"All those people we left behind at the tower…I…I" Erza said as tears formed in her eye, and when Itachi saw this he saw an image of Sasuke crying at the night he massacred the Uchiha clan.

"Look, there was nothing you could have done. And for all we know they all made it out. Besides the best, you can do for those who didn't make it out, is to honor their sacrifice and live life to the fullest," Itachi said ruffling Erza's hair a little.

"Is it really okay for me to live on happily?" Erza questioned with tears still running down her eye.

"I'm sure they would want you too, so don't worry about it." Itachi replied and connected their foreheads together. "Besides I will always be here for you, no matter what." Itachi made a promise to himself, that he would make sure to be there for Erza unlike how he was for Sasuke.

Erza rubbed the tears away from her eye. "Thank you, onii-san." Erza then wrapped her arms around Itachi and embraced him into a hug. Itachi widened his eyes a bit and hugged Erza back. After a few short seconds, he broke the hug.

"It will be alright, you'll see. How about we go shopping?" Itachi asked as he still had some money left from selling all that stuff he took from the tower.

"What?" Erza questioned with a slight surprised expression.

"I'll buy whatever you want, so let's go." Itachi said with a smile.

The market

"You're sure that's what you want?" Itachi questioned seeing Erza trying on an armor while swinging around with a sword, testing its weight, and the feel of it. Itachi didn't think armor was something a girl would ask for, but clearly Erza was different.

"Yes. Why do you ask?" Erza questioned with an innocent look on her face.

"No reason. If that's what you want, then fine." Itachi replied and went up to the counter. "How much?"

"2 thousand Jewels." The man replied.

"Here." Itachi payed the man and walked out of the shop with Erza following him.

"Thank you!" The man said.

"Onii-san, can we go buy some cake?" Erza asked with a pleading look.

Itachi looked at Erza's pleading face and gained a small smile. "Sure. What kind of cake?"

"Strawberry cake!" Erza replied with stars in her eyes as a little drool ran down from her lips.

"Alright then, strawberry cake it is." Itachi said as he and Erza headed towards the bakery. They entered and were greeted by an old man with a mustache.

"What can I do for you?" The old man asked.

"We would like two strawberry cakes please." Itachi replied.

"Coming right up." The man said and went over to the counter bringing two slices of strawberry cakes. "That will be 1 hundred jewels." Itachi gave the man the money and took the two cakes and gave one of them to Erza.

They both went out and sat down on a bench. Erza used a plastic fork to take a piece of the cake. As she ate it she happily kicked her legs back and forth. "I assume you liked it." Itachi commented.

"Uhm!" Erza replied with a happy smile, as she kept on eating the rest of the cake. As soon as they were finished with the cakes they headed back to the guild hall.

"Ah, your back!" Master Makarov said welcoming them by the entrance. "Perfect timing, I wanted to talk to Erza about her eye. I think I know someone who can help you with that."

"My eye?" Erza questioned while holding her right hand over her eyepatch.

"Of course, a pretty girl like yourself should have two eyes." Makarov replied with a warm smile.

"Who exactly are you talking about?" Itachi asked.

"An old friend of mine, Porlyusica." Makarov replied.

"And what makes you think this, Porlyusica can give Erza her eye back?" Itachi questioned feeling curious to know more about to what extent magic can accomplish.

"Well not exactly her original eye, but Porlyusica is kind off our own personal healer." Makarov replied.

"A healer huh." Itachi said and looked over to Erza. "Go with the master and I will go and buy us an apartment." If Master Makarov trusted this healer than he would trust this healer as well.

"Oh, okay." Erza followed the master out of the guild.

Itachi went over to a table where two men sat having a drink one of them was Macao Conbolt, a slim mildly muscular man, with short slicked back dark blue hair. His outfit consisted of a dark shirt, a pair of brown pants that had a belt holding it up. The other man was Wakaba Mine, his hairstyle was a unique pompadour-style that protrudes frontwards from the top of his head in a large curly and fluffy tuft. His outfit consisted of a light brown open jacket, underneath the jacket was a red shirt, he was also wearing a pair of dark sunglasses, and he was smoking a cigarette.

"Excuse me, but do either of you know where I could find an apartment for me and my little sister?" Itachi asked them.

"Hey it's the demon eyed kid. Itachi right?" Macao asked with a smirk on his face.

"Um, yes. But demon eyed kid?" Itachi questioned as he couldn't possibly have gained that kind of reputation yet.

"Yeah, that's what people call you. You've really gotten quite the reputation." Wakaba replied puffing smoke from his cigar.

"I've only barley been here for one day." Itachi said with a deadpan expression and a sweat drop, maybe he was too harsh on those brawlers earlier.

"I know, but what can I say. You basically scared the crap out of half the people here." Wakaba said with a smirk as he let out a chuckle.

Itachi narrowed his eyes in annoyance but decided to let it be. "Anyway, back to the subject about the apartment."

"Oh right, you should be able to find a place to rent a few blocks from here." Macao said pointing in a direction. "It's perfect for an upstart like yourself, you know until you find a more permanent place."

"Thank you." Itachi said and gave a polite bow before heading out to town. Itachi walked down a few blocks as he saw a sign that said "Apartment for rent". Itachi went inside as he was meet by an old man that was wearing a red-white striped west with a white shirt underneath, he had white hair and a big white mustache. "I'm looking for an apartment for two."

"Separate beds?" The man questioned.

"Yes please." Itachi replied.

Itachi payed the prize for the apartment which cost him most of his remaining Jewels. 'I should go on a job soon. Maybe once Erza gets back.' Itachi thought bringing all of their stuff into the apartment.

After Itachi had spent the rest of his Jewels buying some stuff for the apartment, he went back to the guild hall. Once Itachi entered the hall he went over to the request board looking over the different jobs. 'I'll need something that pays well and that's not too difficult.' Itachi thought. "Hn, this one seems good. Get rid of some monsters and it pays 300.000 Jewels. But it says I need at least three people. Well with me and Erza that makes two, but who should I ask to accompany us?" Itachi questioned looking around the guild. 'Why does most of these people look like side characters?' Itachi thought then he spotted Gray who was looking for his clothes, again. "…Guess he will do."

"Damn where did my clothes go?!" The young ice mage questioned.

"Excuse me. Your name is Gray, right?" Itachi questioned.

"Yeah." The boy replied.

"Would you like to accompany me and my sister on a job?" Itachi asked as he showed Gray the quest.

Gray looked at the quest and the payment. "Sure, I'll join you guys. When do we leave?" Gray asked with a grin on his face.

"As soon as Erza gets back we'll leave." Itachi replied.

"Well, when does she come back?" Gray questioned with a raised brow seeming ready to go right now.

"Soon." Itachi replied.

"That doesn't really tell me anything." Gray said with a sweat drop.

"How about in the meantime, you tell me about your magic." Itachi suggested as this was the perfect opportunity to learn more about this world's answer to ninjutsu, magic.

"I use ice maker-magic, I can create things out of ice." Gray said slamming his right fist into his left palm, the air around his palm let out a cold breeze, when Gray lifted his fist up in his palm was a snowflake made out of pure ice.

"I see. Can you only make objects out of ice?" Itachi asked.

"Well every maker mage has their own style, that's what my master Ur always used to say. But yeah I can only make non-living objects." Gray replied with a little sad expression on the mentioning of his master, making Itachi come to the conclusion that Gray's master Ur was no longer alive. "What about you? What's your magic?" Gray asked, changing the subject.

"I don't use magic, I use something called ninjutsu." Itachi replied as there was no reason for him to lie about that. They don't know what ninjutsu even is so him telling them about it couldn't hurt, if they didn't know about it they couldn't do much about it either.

"Ninjustu? The heck is that?" Gray questioned.

"Well from what I understand, you mages use the ethernano that your bodies absorb from around you in order to perform magic, right?" Itachi said to which Gray nodded. "Well I channel something called chakra from my body and use it in order to for example spit fire and other things. However, people who use ninjutsu normally can only use their own main elements in order to make a powerful attack. My main elements are fire, water and wind, so those are the ones I use the most. However, I'm also skilled in genjutsu which basically is illusions, I'm also very skilled in taijutsu which is basically hand to hand combat, and I'm also skilled in shuriken jutsu." Itachi explained and from the look of Gray's face, it was like this was all new to him. Which proved Itachi's thought earlier, that telling them what kind of abilities his able to use wouldn't matter as long as they didn't understand how it worked. "You seem confused by all this."

"Well, a little yeah. But fighting is something everyone knows, and I have heard that there are some mages that use illusion magic. Wait. Shuriken? Isn't that like a ninja throwing star?" Gray asked to which Itachi nodded. "So, you're a ninja, is that it?"

"I prefer to call it shinobi, but yes." Itachi replied and then remembered what Gray mentioned about illusion magic, Itachi thought he would need to study more on illusion magic and see if it was similar to genjutsu.

"Have you ever tried to use the ethernano your body has absorbed?" Gray asked.

"No, why?" Itachi questioned as he did notice that his body had begun to absorb a different energy source in these last couple of days.

"I don't know, perhaps you could master the other elements you don't normally use. And perhaps-" Gray said.

"Making my own attacks more powerful by merging the ethernano with chakra. Is that what you were going to suggest?" Itachi questioned.

"Are you a mind reader to?" Gray questioned with his eyes widen a little due to shock.

"No. You're just easy to read." Itachi replied with a straight face. 'But maybe I should try it, I mean I do feel like I have two different energies in my body. And this could help me improve.' Itachi thought.

"What about your sister. Does she use magic or ninjutsu?" Gray asked.

"She uses magic, so far she's been able to levitate objects. Although I'm pretty sure that's not all she can do." Itachi replied.

"What are you guys talking about?" Erza asked as she and the master had returned.

Itachi looked at Erza and saw that she had two eyes now, same color and everything. "Your eye, it's…"

"An artificial eye. But it looks just like a real one." Master Makarov said as he went over to the bar counter and jumped up.

"Master, I would like to take this job with Erza and Gray." Itachi said presenting the request.

"Are you sure? It sounds a little too dangerous for a first job." Makarov said despite knowing that Itachi could take care of himself and Gray wasn't a weakling either, but he wasn't sure about Erza as the young girl had yet to demonstrate her abilities.

"We'll be fine." Itachi assured.

Makarov sighed seeing as there was no arguing in this. "Guess I can't argue with you, even if I did you would probably still go."

"I'll take that as a yes." Itachi said and Makarov nodded in confirmation, Itachi then walked over to Erza and Gary. "Let's go."

"Go? Go where?" Erza asked.

"On a job, were taking down some monster ants that's been terrorizing a village." Itachi replied showing Erza the quest.

"We're going on our first job?!" Erza questioned with excitement in her eyes.

"Yes, and Gray here will tag along. So, let's go." Itachi said and the ice mage greeted Erza by waving his hand slightly, they then headed towards the door.

"Right!" Erza said determined following after her big brother.

"Just don't slow me down." Gray said with a grin as he followed them.

After sometime our trio where at the moment sitting on the Magnolian train. Erza was looking out through the window enjoying the view of the nature with a big smile, while Itachi and Gray were just leaning back enjoying the trip. "So how are we going to split the reward?" Gray asked.

"Since the reward is 300.000 Jewels, and there is three of us we'll split the reward evenly." Itachi replied.

"Sounds good." Gray said as the conductor announced our groups destination.

"Guess this is our stop. According to the map the village shouldn't be too far away from here." Itachi said as they exited the train.

"So, all we have to do is kill a group of monster ants?" Gray questioned.

"Well according to the job, all we have to do is to kill the queen and the rest will die as well." Itachi replied as he read the job flyer over again.

"How do we find the queen?" Erza questioned.

"She should be in their nest, and if we go in there we will encounter their entire army, so the best option is to flush her out." Itachi suggested as that way they would have a wider area to fight the monster ants, and if they had entered the nest they would be at a field disadvantage.

"How do we do that?" Gray questioned.

"Let's just wait until we see the nest." Itachi replied. They walked a simple pathway for about an hour until slowly in the horizon they began to see top of buildings sticking out from behind a giant wall that must have been put up to defend the villagers from the monster ants.

As they entered the village they were met by all the villagers which consisted of around a thousand people. An old woman with a walking stick, wearing a black hooded cloak walked up to our trio. "I assume you are the mages from Fairy Tail."

"Yes, we are." Itachi replied.

"As you saw from our request some giant monster ants have ruined our crops and fields and even in some cases attacked our farmers and even killed them. And we would like you to get rid of them. I'm the village elder Baba." The woman said.

"I'm Itachi Uchiha, this is Erza Scarlet and Gray Fullbuster." Itachi introduced.

"Follow me, and I will show you their nest." Baba said as they walked towards the fields where they saw a large mountain of earth with several tunnels, and some giant ants at almost the same size as the guild hall crawling into and out of the holes.

"Go back to the village, we will handle this." Itachi said as he analyzed the ants nest. There was one major exit while the other tunnels looked like they only were big enough for one of the gigantic red ants.

"Thank you." Baba thanked and headed back to the village.

"Now what?" Gray questioned.

"Gray, make something to cover those tunnels except the main one." Itachi said.

"Right." Gray said and without a second thought he slammed his fist into his palm letting out a cold breeze.

Ice-make: Ice Cork!

Corks made out of ice were pushed into the tunnel holes except the main one. 'Now let's see that's my chakra and the other ones ethernano, doesn't feel that different shouldn't be too difficult to master.' Itachi thought focusing his energy he found one source that was blue which was his chakra and another which was golden which was the ethernano.

Water style: Exploding water shock wave!

A blue magic circle appeared in front of the main tunnel letting out a tsunami wave of water flooding the nest. 'Hmm, guess I need to practice more.' Itachi thought as usually there would have been more water, and with the magic circle that was formed from him using ethernano the water must have been transported from somewhere. It wasn't that difficult for Itachi to control the ethernano it worked just like chakra with only a slight difference, hence why Itachi thinks he needs to practice using it more.

"Should I cover up the main tunnel to?" Gray asked thinking they could just drown all the ants.

"No, they will just dig them self out before they drown, this way they have to go out one at a time, we can face them one on one until the queen arrives." Itachi said as they began to hear shrieking and crawling coming from the tunnel. "Get ready."

"How do we know which one is the queen?" Erza questioned.

"Well judging by the size of those we saw, I would say the queen should be twice as much bigger." Itachi replied.

A large red claw exited from the tunnel and following that claw a giant ant. "So, they have claws huh?" Gray said. The giant monster ant swung it's claw towards Itachi whom remained motionless and un faced by the attack, when suddenly.


Erza used her sword to slice off the claw of the giant ant making it shriek in pain. As Itachi threw a kunai with a paper bomb tag attached to it, the kunai pierced the giant ant's head and exploded blowing its head of. "When does, the queen arrive?" Erza questioned.