
"A power can be beautiful or disgusting depending on how you use it. If you use your power to protect your siblings, in my book then that power is beautiful." Itachi said with a warm smile as he gently grabbed a hold of Mirajane's demon hand.

Mira let out a gasp as the wind blew of her hood revealing her long silver white hair blowing in the wind, with her large blue eyes looking back at Itachi. Itachi was stunned at what he saw, he didn't move, he didn't speak, he just looked at her hair blowing in the wind. Feeling as he was staring at pure light that shinned to his darkness.

"Mira-nee!" Lisanna's voice was heard and both Itachi and Mirajane were brought back to reality.

"Nee-chan!" Elfman's voice was heard as they ran up to their sister.

"Look!" Lisanna said with excitement.

"I bet you'll be surprised!" Elfman said with a big grin.

""Now!"" The two of them said in unison as a big puff of smoke surrounded them.

"Animal soul: Cat!" Lisanna gained a very questionable cat outfit. She had real cat ears sticking out from the top of her head, cat tail from her back, and cat paws, it looked like she was wearing grey tiger striped underwear since it only covered her chest area and her private area.

"Beast soul: Bear! Only a claw though." Elfman now had a bear claw on his right hand. Mira gained a little surprised expression. "They taught us."

"It's magic, just like yours!" Lisanna said with an innocent smile.

"Although I can only change my hand so far." Elfman said with a nervous chuckle.

Tears began to form in Mira's eyes. "You always look lonely, Mira-nee…" Lisanna said.

"…so now you won't be, right?" Elfman questioned.

"You two…" Mira said as she began to cry.

Itachi just smiled at this whole thing. "We'll always be together!" Lisanna said.

"And magic will be with us, too!" Elfman said.

"One-two!" Lisanna counted.

"Yo!" Elfman said as they were again covered in a puff of smoke.

"Huh? Huh?" Lisanna questioned as she suddenly turned into a little piglet with white hair. "It didn't work right!"

"Neither did mine!" Elfman said now that his hand was a giraffe's leg.

Mira let out a small chuckle and wiped the tears from her eyes. "Can you do work for the guild with magic like that?"

"Nee-chan, you used your power to protect us, and now we'll protect you." Elfman said.

"Right!" Lisanna agreed.

"Well considering how far behind they are with their magic skills, I'll say they will still need you to protect them." Itachi said with a smile.

Only first now did the two other Strauss siblings notice Itachi and Lisanna grew a smug expression. "Huh? Sorry for interrupting your date!"

"Date?!" Mira questioned with a small blush.

"No, no, your sister just seemed depressed so I tried to cheer her up. But I guess you guys are better at it then me." Itachi said with his kind smile. "Well I guess I will see you guys back at the guild. Later." Itachi said and walked away.

"Thank you. Itachi." Mira muttered in a whisper tone.

A few days later

"What do you mean I can't do S-class jobs?!" Mira questioned with a loud voice, ever since she accepted her powers she has achieved a dramatic change in personality. She was now less of a shy girl and more of a bad girl. Her clothing had changed into a more gothic look and more revealing. Her outfit now consisted of a dark skimpy sleeveless shirt adorned with some light curved motifs on the chest, a pair of leather shorts held up by a belt with a demonic looking buckle, thigh high boots, and her hair was tied up in a long high ponytail that reached to her back, it was tied with a dark ribbon, she also had dark nail polish.

"Only S-class mages can take those jobs and at the moment the only ones in the guild that are S-class are Gildarts, Laxus and Itachi." Makarov said as Laxus became an S-class this year.

"Itachi is S-class?" Mirajane questioned.

"Yes, he's the youngest one ever to become S-class, he took the exam when he was thirteen." Makarov replied taking a sip of his beer.

"There must be a way for me to do an S-class job? All the normal ones are boring." Mira complained.

"Well you could ask an S-class mage if you could tag along with him on his job." Makarov replied.

"Great! Where's Itachi?" Mira asked looking around the guild. "Hey cutie!" Mira shouted ("Cutie" became Itachi's official nickname from Mira) when she spotted him and rushed up to him. "Take me on an S-class job! And just you and me!" Mira demanded.

"A job? Sure." Itachi agreed and brought out a job request he had picked from the S-class board. "Some giant monster has destroyed an entire village, and they want us to get rid of it. Are you sure you want to tag along?" Itachi asked just to be safe.

"Yes! Come on! Let's go! Let's go!" Mira demanded.

"We'll leave tomorrow morning. Meet me outside of the guild then alright?" Itachi said.

"Why can't we go now?" Mira asked.

"Because I just finished a job with Erza and I'm tired." Itachi replied with an annoyed expression.

"Fine then tomorrow. And don't you dare ditch me!" Mira said before walking back to her siblings.

'If I did do that she would most likely try to kill me.' Itachi thought with a sweat drop and a nervous chuckle.

Next morning

Itachi was standing outside of the guild when he saw Mirajane coming with her siblings behind her. "I thought it would just be you and me?" Itachi questioned.

"It will. They are just here to see me off. Oh, and here." Mira handed Itachi a packed lunch box. "I-It's nothing special or anything I just bought it at the store." Mira said with a small faint blush on her cheeks.

"No she didn't. She spent all night working on it with her love." Lisanna teased with a small giggle.

"Huh?" Itachi questioned.

"No I didn't silly. Remember good girls don't lie." Mira said pinching Lisanna's cheeks with a dark expression that rivaled that of Erza's.

"I'm sorwwy!" Lisanna cried as Mira kept pinching her cheeks.

"Um anyway, thanks." Itachi said as he put the lunch box in his bag. "Shall we get going?"

"Yeah." Mira replied as she and Itachi walked to Magnolia train station.

After a long train ride they arrived at the village where the villagers told them that the monster was somewhere in the woods and that it will come out tonight. So Itachi and Mira set up camp where they waited until nightfall. "This is really good." Itachi said as he took a bite from the lunch box Mira gave him.

"Really?" Mira questioned.

"Hn, just like my mother's cooking. Haven't had this kind of delicious food in a while." Itachi complimented as he kept eating. "Where did you buy it?"

"Um. Actually, um…I-I made it." Mira replied with a small blush as her eyes avoided Itachi's and she pushed her finger up against each other while looking all nervously.

"Really? Can you make it for me some other time?" Itachi asked as this was truly the greatest food he had ever tasted.

"S-S-S-Sure I'll make it for you again." Mira replied now blushing even more.

"Thank you. Erza tries to cook for me every now and then, but if you ask me she should stick to fighting." Itachi said that last part with a nervous laughter.

"She can't cook huh?" Mira questioned with a smirk.

"Well no but it's just so…tasteless." Itachi replied with a sweat drop. "She's my sister and I love her and everything, but she isn't the best chef around." Itachi said making Mira chuckle. Suddenly they heard a roar.

"It's the monster." Mira said with an excited smirk.

"Let's finish it quickly." Itachi said with his deadpan expression.

"Aha, I will finish it. You just sit back and watch cutie." Mira said as she saw the monster approaching. It was so tall it's head went above the trees, it had long horns, and its head looked like a wolf, with the body that resembled a human body just way, way larger, also it had claws.

Satan soul!

Mira let out a dark purple glow. When the light died down her hair was standing up, her eyes looked soulless, and she had black lines around her body. Her forearms and hands are now covered in scales, and each sprouts a fin-like protrusion on its outer side. She has also grown a large stocky tail made of metal plates and scales. Her clothing changed into a dark, skimpy one-piece suit revealing her arms and legs, it is also open on the front and on the back, exposing her belly, her developing cleavage, her upper back. She also dons a pair of gauntlets covering the back part of her arms. She then grew wings and charged at the monster.

Soul Extinctor!

Mira gathered her hands together forming dark energy into them making a dark globe. Then she fired a large dark-purple beam that exploded right in the monster's face. She then flew at it delivering a punch to its face. It looked like it was faced a little but not that much.

Evil Explosion!

Mira formed a dark sphere in her hands and threw it at the monster's belly, when it collided it exploded and the monster grunted in pain. The monster then swung its arm at Mira sending her crashing into several trees. "Now this is challenging!" Mira said and leaped back at the monster, crashing into its gut sending it back a little.

Demon blast!

Mira charged up a ball of dark energy between her hands and then that ball shoot itself as a dark purple beam. It hit the monster in its right eye destroying it making it roar in pain and anger. It then spitted out a large wave from its mouth destroying most of the forest and making a hole in a mountain. Mira then flew at the beast at high speed with a dark purple sphere forming in her hands.

Evil Explosion!

She blasted the monster in its face. Then out of the smoke left from the explosion came the horns of the monster that extended. Mira dodged the horns and grabbed one of them. "Let's remove this toothpick!" Mira then broke it off.

"She's having fun I guess." Itachi commented watching the fight while standing on a tree top, although he made note that she could use a better fighting technique than just bombarding the opponent with powerful attacks, she had talent, but she could improve on her fighting skills.

Mira then flew up to the monster's face delivering a series of punches. Then the monster shoot out beams from its red glowing eyes cutting an entire mountain in two, and almost Mira if she didn't dodge just in time. "Damn! Ugly here almost got me!" Mira growled in anger. She then gathered dark energy into her palms that took the shape of a dark globe.

Soul Extinctor!

Mira blasted the monster with a dark purple wave that made a powerful explosion when it hit. The monster then emerged from the smoke delivering a punch at Mira sending her crashing into the ground making a small crater. Mira got back up now with an angry expression. "Wanna play big guy? Okay let's play!" Mira raised her arm above her head and began to charge dark magic into the form of a large sphere, it kept growing larger and larger.

Satanic Blast!

She then brought her arm down pointing it at the monster, sending the sphere at it. And when it collided it turned into a huge pillar of darkness magic covering the area. She then landed back on the ground as her Satan Soul form vanished and she returned back to normal. "Is it over?" Mira questioned when the monster emerged from the smoke shooting a wave of magic power directed at Mira. When it collided, it made a huge explosion and all that was left was a crater.

Suddenly Itachi appeared holding Mira in his arms bridal style. "I-Itachi." Mira said as Itachi gently put her down.

"Fun's over. I will finish it." Itachi said as he made a few hand signs.

Fire style: Dragon flame bomb!

Itachi spitted out several dragon head shaped flames that went past the monster and up in the dark clouds. "You didn't even hit it!" Mira shouted when the monster swung it's claws down on them. Itachi grabbed Mira and they vanished and then they appeared on the top of a tree, with some distance from the monster.

Itachi had Mira in his left arm holding her so close that her head rested on his chest. "Why didn't you hit it with that attack?" Mira asked, but Itachi raised his right hand with lightning flickering around it.

"Who said I was aiming for him with that?" Itachi said as a dragon made out of lightning and thunder formed itself into the sky.

Mira widened her eyes in shock. "I-Is this the power of an S-class?" She asked herself with a look of awe.

The monster roared at them. "Be gone. With the thunderclap." Itachi said as he brought his hand down.


The lightning thunder dragon struck down on the monster destroying most of the area around it, with Itachi and Mira at a safe distance of course. When the light cleared the body of the monster laid in the crater, with its right upper body gone as well as the lower left. It was dead. "Mission completed." Itachi said as he lifted Mira up bridal style and jumped down from the tree.

They headed back to the village and claimed the reward. And despite Itachi trying to give Mira more than half, she kept insisting that they would split it fifty, fifty. Mira had twisted her ankle so Itachi piggybacked her back to the train station, and on their way to the guild.

"You don't have to carry me you know." Mira complained with a small blush.

"Consider this punishment for being careless." Itachi said with a small smile.

"People are staring. I have been punished enough, I can walk by myself. Please." Mira begged but to no avail.

"Nope, a punishment is a punishment." Itachi said with a small chuckle as Mira pouted with a small blush.

"Fine." Mira pouted as she saw them now standing outside the guild hall.

Itachi then kicked the door opening it. "We're back!" Itachi shouted making Mira blush even more out of embarrassment. Everyone stared at them with wide eyes and then began to let out a laughter that echoed through the guildhall.

"What happened here?" Makarov asked with an amused grin on his face.

"She twisted her ankle so I carried her back." Itachi replied with his usual deadpan expression. He then noticed Erza looking at him with her eyes narrowed.

"You seem to be a bit too close with Mirajane, onii-san." Erza said in an annoyed tone.

"What do you mean by that?" Itachi questioned.

"You've never carried me like that." Erza said with an annoyed expression.

"Well you never twisted your ankle before." Itachi retorted.

"Oh, is Erza-chan jealous that her onii-san hasn't carried her like this. Maybe I'm more special." Mira teased Erza.

"You take that back demon!" Erza shouted.

"Make me!" Mira shouted back.

Erza was about to charge when. "We don't attack people who are injured." Itachi scolded.

"Baka onii-san." Erza muttered and walked away.

"Don't tease her like that please." Itachi pleaded Mira.

"I can't help it. She just makes me angry." Mira said.

Itachi let out a sigh. "Let's get you to the medical bay."

Time skip: 4 years later. Year X782

Itachi had just finished a mission and was headed back to the guild. He was far away from it actually, he heard that Mira who has now become S-class took a job with her siblings around this area. Itachi decided see if he could maybe meet up with them on the way. He then spotted two figures in front of him it was Mira who still had the same outfit as 4 years ago only this time she had developed her breast, she was supporting Elfman who now was way taller and muscular, but he looked injured. And Lisanna was nowhere to be seen. He could hear them sobbing. 'Something's wrong.' Itachi thought and ran up to them. "Mira! Elfman!" He shouted.

"I-Itachi?" Mira turned around and Itachi saw that she was crying.

"Itachi-san?" Elfman turned around also crying, he was about to fall down but Itachi caught him and held him up.

"What happened? Where's Lisanna?" Itachi asked and then noticed that their expressions darkened. "W-What happened?" Itachi asked.

"I-I killed her…" Elfman said as he began to cry. Itachi gained a shocked expression as thunder struck in the horizon. "I tried to take over a monster that was way out of my league…and I…I lost control…I couldn't stop myself…"

"He tried to save me by taking over that monster. And when he went wild. Lisanna tried to reason with him but then…" Mira said as she began to cry.

"Nee-chan I'm sorry…it's all my fault…" Elfman sobbed.

"No, it's not your fault." Mira argued.

"She's right it's not your fault Elfman." Itachi said with a sadden expression. "Where's the body?" Itachi asked.

"She just suddenly got taken by a light. It took her up in the sky and she vanished." Mira replied crying.

"I see." Itachi said as that light reminded him of something, someone from the guild had told him about, a very close friend.

"What are you even doing here?" Mira asked.

"I finished a job, and remembered you were on a job in this area. I thought I would meet up with you and we could walk back to the guild together." Itachi replied. "If I had maybe just gotten here sooner, I could have done something." Itachi said clenching his fist.

"It's definitely not your fault. You can't blame yourself for that." Mira said.

Images of the dead bodies of Itachi's parents laying before his feet then came to his mind. "...Let's head back to the guild." Itachi said as they began to walk.

When they reached back everyone looked confused on why they looked sad, and when they said what happened. Everyone began to shed tears. The one that took the news the hardest was Natsu. At first, he screamed saying that they were lying. Until Itachi said that it was true and Natsu saw Mira and Elfman just crying. He ran outside into the rain and didn't come back for a few days.

A few days later

Mira sat by the lake hugging her legs watching the sun go down. "You alright?" Itachi asked and sat next to her.

"Itachi?" Mira said in a weak voice.

"Yes?" Itachi questioned.

"You know what it's like to lose someone you love. Tell me does the pain ever go away?" Mira asked as she leaned her head against Itachi's shoulder.

"The pain will go away, but the memories will haunt you forever. I could lie and say that everything will be alright, that you will be fine, that everything will be fine. But I won't lie, you will always remember the sadness and pain that you felt. But you will also remember the love, the joy, the fun you had with that person who's gone. And with those memories you will keep them alive in your heart. It's not going to be easy to move on, but eventually one day. It won't hurt so much anymore." Itachi said as he hugged her. "If you keep their will alive in you, if you keep the memory of them alive, they will never really be gone."

Mira had tears running down her cheeks. "I can't use my magic anymore. No matter how hard I try nothing happens. Ever since Lisanna died, I haven't been able to use it."

"Have you told the master?" Itachi asked.

"Yes, I have also quit being a mage. I will start to work as a barmaid at the guild from now on." Mira replied as she cried into Itachi's shoulder. "Promise me. Promise that you will never get killed."

"You know I can-" Itachi said looking like he was hiding something.

"Please…promise me…" Mira begged.

"….I promise." Itachi said when suddenly he felt a stabbing pain in his chest. 'No not now.' Itachi thought and forced on his normal expression.

After sometime later Mira went back home. And Itachi headed towards the woods. "Did she tell you?" Makarov asked arriving at the scene.

"About her magic, yes she told me." Itachi replied.

"Where are you going my boy?" Makarov questioned.

"Porlyusica." Itachi replied.

"Why?" Makarov asked.

"To make sure that I keep a promise." Itachi replied and walked into the woods.

Itachi walked until he came across a tree that looked like a house, he went up to the door and knocked. The door opened revealing an old woman with pink hair tied in a bun on the back of her head, her eyes were red, she wore a red cape with a wide collar decorated with dragon horn-like decorations. "What do you want?"

"A medical examination." Itachi replied as he clutched his hand over his chest and began to cough up blood.

"Come on in and take a seat." Porlyusica said.

A few hours later.

"Well?" Itachi questioned.

"This sickness, I have never encountered anything like this before. Your saying that in your world when this happened your eyes began to go blind as well?" Porlyusica asked.

"It was related to it yeah. But my eye sight is fine now. Why I do not know." Itachi replied.

"I think I do. It seems your eyes are absorbing the ethernano around you. Supplying your eyes with their power preventing it from going blind, also supplying it with an endless source of power. However due to this sickness of yours, you can only tap in to a small amount of your full power." Porlyusica explained.

"How much?" Itachi asked.

"Should be just as much as you could use back in your own world, when you had this sickness. I would say if you use about more than 40% of your power, it will drain you of your life energy." Porlyusica replied as she brought out a note and began to write on it.

"So, if I use more than that I will die?" Itachi asked as it was just like it was for him back at the Element of Nations.

"Yes." Porlyusica said and walked up to Itachi handing him a note. "Unless you can get me these medical herbs that is."

"These herbs will make me a cure?" Itachi asked to which Porlyusica nodded.

"Where can I find them?" Itachi questioned.

"Far at the edge of this country. It will be a long journey, and you don't have much time." Porlyusica replied.

"How long do I have?" Itachi asked.

"Two years, three if you're lucky." Porlyusica said. "I suggest you inform this to Makarov in order to help you find the herbs."

"No, I don't want the others to know. They will just worry themselves, it's better if fewer people knew about this. I will inform the Master and Mystogan, the guy seems to be able to keep secrets." Itachi said.

"That stubbornness might be your downfall." Porlyusica said.

"Then so be it." Itachi said and walked away.

"Stupid brat."

Back at the guild hall

"Master I need to talk to you." Itachi said.

"What is it my boy?" Makarov questioned.

"In private." Itachi said, then they walked into Makarov's office and Itachi began to explain.

"Y-Your dying?" Makarov questioned with sweat running down his forehead and with a worried and terrified look.

"Yes." Itachi replied and brought out a note that he ripped in half. "Give this to Mystogan." Itachi handed one of the halves to Makarov.

"What is it?" Makarov asked.

"A list over herbs Porlyusica needs in order to make a cure." Itachi replied.

"Why Mystogan?" Makarov questioned.

"He's the only one I trust to keep this a secret from everyone else." Itachi replied. "Master please don't tell anyone other than Mystogan about this."

"But Itachi, the more help you have-" Makarov said.

"Mira just lost her sister, knowing that I will die also will crush her, it will destroy Erza. Not only that but if everyone tries and fails, they will blame themselves for the rest of their lives. And yet I can't do this alone, so that's why I want you to give that to Mystogan and only show it to Mystogan." Itachi said with a stern serious look. "I will look for half, he will look for half."

"What about Gildarts?" Makarov asked.

"I doubt you will be able to contact him when he's on his one-hundred-year long mission." Itachi replied as the strongest mage of Fairy Tail left last year on his one-hundred-year long quest, the highest ranked quest there was.

Makarov let out a sigh. "Fine you win. How long do you have?" Makarov asked.

"Two years, three if I'm lucky." Itachi replied. "I'll leave now." Itachi said and walked out from the office.

"Good luck my boy." Makarov muttered.

Itachi walked towards the door. "Onii-san where are you going?" Erza asked with Natsu, Gray, Mirajane, Elfman, Cana and Levy behind her.

"I'm going on a job. I will be gone for a while." Itachi replied.

"How long?" Mira asked.

"Two years." Itachi replied and opened the door.

"Can I come with you?" Erza asked.

Itachi looked at her and waved his hand for her to come closer. Erza walked up to Itachi but then. Itachi poked her forehead, and the force was enough to make her back up a few steps.

"Sorry Erza. Some other time okay?" Itachi apologized with a smile.

"Very well… until next time then, onii-san." Erza replied with a smile as she rubbed the spot on her forehead where Itachi poked her.

"Later." Itachi said and walked out of the guild.

Time skip: 2 years later. Year X784

The guild was being attacked by Phantom Lord, as the Fairy Tail members stood together and fought back. "Have you been able to contact anyone for help?!" Mira asked who now had changed her appearance. She had her bangs in front of her forehead tied into an upwards ponytail, she was wearing a red dress with a pink bowtie.

"No good! Laxus is being an asshole! And I can't contact Mystogan or Itachi!" Cana replied. Who now had long mid-back brown hair, she was wearing a light blue bikini top over her fully grown large breast and a pair of camouflage pants. When suddenly they heard crows in the distance flying in circles over the edge of Magnolia.

"Looks like Itachi's here." Mira said with a relived smile as she would recognize those crows anywhere.

On the edge of town was a man with long raven black hair tied into a ponytail, he had black eyes and tear lines on his face. He was wearing a black open leather jacket with a large red Fairy Tail symbol sowed on the back, he had a pair of blue jeans. Crow feathers fell around him as he walked towards the battle field. Itachi had returned.

And that's where I will end it!

Hello everyone, as those who have read the early version of this chapter could probably see. I have removed the eight gates from Itachi's arsenal (figured even 4 of the gates were too much anyway, so just took them away.) Also, Gildarts didn't break out of the Tsukuyomi, mostly because I didn't have Itachi use it this time, and because he shouldn't be able to break free from it, even if Itachi was weakened and hadn't gotten used to his new environment of ethernano. Also in case anyone is wondering, the jutsu Itachi used to vanish from place to place, was "Sunshin" or the body flicker jutsu.

Also, I want you all to keep in mind, that unless you see in the future chapters this on the top (re-written version) I haven't gotten to re-write those chapters yet, so keep in mind that some of the chapters that doesn't have that on the top will be re-written eventually as there are changes I want to make. Such as not follow that much of the canon fights and have Itachi either interrupt them and assist, or have the characters use different moves and fighting styles Itachi has taught them. Keep that in mind while you are reading the future chapters.

Anyway, leave a review!
