
The writing kept changing as people were battling one another all over Magnolis. "Max versus Warren: Warren wins. Vjieeter versus Nab: Nab wins. Laki defeats four others. Battle between Macao and Wakaba begins…" Happy read.

"Stop! Stop it, you brats!" Makarov shouted at the development of the guildmates fighting each other.

"There are enchantments traps all over town, and everyone who gets caught in them being forced to fight… This must be the Battle of Fairy Tail Laxus talked about!" Happy said.

"What for? This makes no sense!" Natsu gritted his teeth.

"Natsu…" Happy said as he and Makarov looked at the fire dragon slayer.

Natsu then pushed his face up against the barrier. "I wanna join in the fight!"

""That's what you want?!"" Makarov and Happy questioned in unison.

"What's with this invisible wall?!" Natsu said as he panted from exhaustion.

"Imbecile! Why would you want to fight?!" Makarov extended his arm and slapped Natsu in the back of his head.

"This is a tournament to see who's the strongest, right?!" Natsu questioned.

"How is this a tournament?! It's just a bunch of friends fighting each other because Laxus egged them on! Erza and the others will turn to sand if we don't defeat the Thunder God Tribe before time is up! Everyone is in a frenzy trying to prevent that from happening! They don't have a clear grasp of the situation! At this rate, those who've been petrified will turn to sand forever…" Makarov said.

"Laxus would never go that far. He's annoying as hell, but he's one of us. He's obviously bluffing." Natsu said with a smirk.


"This is just a simple fighting festival! But why can't I get outta here?!" Natsu shouted trying to push himself out from the barrier. "This barrier won't let anyone over eighty pass! Does that mean I'm older than eighty?!"

"I don't think so…" Happy said the writing then changed. "Time remaining… two hours, eighteen minuets. Participants remaining… 42."

"42?! That means less than half our members are left standing!" Makarov said.

With Itachi and Mira in the medical room. "Wh-What's going on down there?" Itachi questioned.

"I don't know, but you need to rest. Whatever it is I'm sure the others can handle it." Mira said.

"Mira, if they are in trouble I should help them. Ugh!" Itachi grunted in pain as he clenched his hand over his bare chest.

"No, please you need to rest. You've gone through with this pain for over two years now. You have to rest, please." Mira begged.

"Mira… I…." Itachi muttered as he saw the determination in her eyes, she was really not going to let him out of this room until he had gotten his medicine. "Okay, I will let the others deal with it for now."

With Reedus. Reedus ran as fast as he could up the hill as he was on the outskirts of Magnolia. "The East forest! The East forest! I gotta hurry and get a remedy from Porlyusica to save Erza and the others! And to get Itachi's medicine!" Reedus said when suddenly he crashed into a barrier. Reedus then looked around. "D-Don't tell me there's an enchantment around the entire city?!" Reedus questioned when suddenly behind him Freed appeared from some runes.

"My rules will not be disobeyed." Freed said.


"As Laxus said, the entire town is our battlefield. If you're a wizard, then fight. Demonstrate your strength! That is the rule."

Meanwhile with Gray. Gray was running around the town. "Damn! Where is the Thunder God Tribe?!" Gray questioned as some of Bickslow's dolls floated around him.

"It's Gray! It' Gray!" As they blasted him with a wave of energy. Gray then quickly leaped into a clothing store.

"Those were Bickslow's…!"

"Yo! Let's have some fun!" Bickslow said making Gray turn around to face him.

Meanwhile with Elfman. Elfman encountered Evergreen in the middle of the town. "Evergreen! Curse you! A real man wouldn't take hostage! Turn the others back!" Elfman charged at him.

"I'm not a man, you know…" Evergreen tilted her glasses upwards making Elfman close his eyes. Evergreen then blasted Elfman into a flower shop. "I just love flowers. They suit me so well, don't you think?" Evergreen said as flower pedals flew around her. Elfman had now transformed into his beast soul mode. "It's a shame the only thing cute about you is your name, Elfman…"

"Turn them back to normal!" Elfman demanded as he had covered his eyes.

"You think you can defeat me blindfolded?" Evergreen asked as Elfman leaped at her with his fist raised. Evergreen then leaped to the side dodging it.

Elman then used his enhanced beast senses and found her. "There you are!" Elfman leaped towards her and delivered a punch, but Evergreen dodged by flying up in the air as Elfman's fist connected with the ground.

"I see! You can use smell to locate me!" Evergreen said as golden dust then surrounded Elfman. "But you're out of luck! You're covered in my fairy dust now."

Fairy Bomb: Gremlin!

The dust on Elfman then exploded all around his body. Elfman was covered in burn marks and bruises. "I love stone statues, too. Once turned to stone, even the ugliest of beasts can seem beautiful. Now gaze at me! As if giving yourself in to beauty…" Evergreen tilted her glasses upwards turning Elfman to stone.

Back in the guildhall. "Evergreen versus Elfman: Evergreen wins. Elfman KO'd…" Makarov read.

"I can't believe Elfman was beaten!" Happy said.

"Gray is fighting Bickslow! I wanna fight too!" Natsu said angered at the fact that he couldn't get out and join the battle.

"And Reedus is fighting Freed! The Thunder God Tribe is making a move!" Happy said.

With Reedus. Reedus ran in some ruins as he reached a dead end. "This is the end of the line." Freed said and appeared out of some runes.

"Hold it! Why don't you pick on a man—uhh, girl—your own size?!" The voice of Lucy said as she stood in a maid outfit holding a whip.

"You were turned to stone." Freed said with an emotionless expression.

"The spell broke, so I came after you! You have no idea what kind of magic this man—err, woman—can unleash! Do you have the guts to fight me man-to-man—I mean, man-to-woman?!" Lucy asked while laughing.

Freed then turned back to Reedus who was trying to climb over a wall. "Crap!" Reedus cursed. Freed then swung his sword and Reedus as Lucy vanished.

"So, it was an imposter of your creation… You are a wizard who can bring your drawings to life. You might have fooled me, had I not already known that." Freed directed his blade towards Reedus.

"Freed! Please! Don't hurt any more people! You're not the kind of person to do this…!" Reedus said as he fell unconscious.

"40 people remain in the Battle of Fairy Tail." Freed said.

Back at the guildhall. "They took out Reedus!" Happy said.

"Man! That's Freed for you! He's good!" Natsu said.

"This is no time to be so laid-back!" Happy scolded. "Now we can't get Porlyusica to help us!"

"We don't need her help! That whole sand thing is obviously just a bluff!" Natsu said.

"You think I'm bluffing, Natsu?" A projection of Laxus appeared behind them.

"Laxus!" Natsu said.

"It's a projection!" Happy said.

"What are you still doing here anyway, Natsu?" Laxus asked.

"I'm stuck here!" Natsu replied.

"Laxus…" Makarov muttered.

"Can't stand watching your friends, no, you called them brats, fight each other, can you? With Itachi, Natsu and Erza out of the game, there's no one left who can beat the Thunder God Tribe. Will you surrender?" Laxus asked his grandfather.

"Gray's still in the game! He's about as strong as Natsu! He'd never lose to the dumb ol' Thunder God Tribe!" Happy said.

"Him, as strong as me?!" Natsu questioned looking angry.

"Well, it's true!" Happy retorted.

"Gray? You're placing your hopes in that runt?!" Laxus questioned with an amused grin.

"Do not underestimate Gray, Laxus!" Makarov said.

With the fight between Gray and Bickslow. Gray dodged waves of energy from Bickslow's dolls.

Line Formation!

All five of the dolls went on top of each other and sent a blast of energy, Gray dodged the wave by leaping to the side. "Not too shabby, Gray! Now for Victory Formation!" Bickslow said but his dolls didn't respond. "What's wrong babies?!" Bickslow looked over to the dolls and saw that they were frozen in ice. "When did they…?!" Bickslow questioned as Gray leaped towards him kneeing him in the chin.

Ice make: Hammer!

A large hammer made out of ice went down towards Bickslow who smirked.

X Formation!

Four manikins and a teddy bear blocked the ice hammer. "What?" Gray questioned.

"My seidhr magic allows me to possess dolls with spirts! If you freeze my puppets, I can simply move them to other bodies!" Bickslow said as the dolls chanted in unison. "Other bodies! Other bodies!"

"Man, you're a real pain in the neck!" Gray said in annoyance.

"Get it? Attacking my puppets is completely useless!" Bickslow said.

"Then I'll just freeze you!" Gray declared and sent a wave of ice towards Bickslow but the puppets blocked it as Bickslow ran away.

"Whoa! Like to see you try!"

"You're just gonna run now?!" Gray ran after him back out to the streets. "Get back here!" Gray shouted as Bickslow just laughed then he turned into an ally. Gray went into the ally and didn't see Bickslow anywhere. "That bastard! Where did he go?!"

"Up here, Gray!" Bickslow said as he was in a spagat position between the two buildings.

"Just what are you tryin' to do?!" Gray questioned.

"I told you before! I want to play with strong opponents! My babies have been dying of boredom lately too!" Bickslow said as Gray looked around and saw them to be surrounded by an enchantment.

"An enchantment?" Gray questioned.

"No one can use magic inside this barrier until they battle it out!" Bickslow explained.

"One of Freed's traps?!"

"It's times like this that being a long-distance wizard comes in handy!" Bickslow said as the puppets came in and blasted Gray. Bickslow then let out a laugh. "Without magic, you're helpless to do anything."

"Is that what you think?!" Gray leaped out from the smoke and leaped to the side of the buildings to get up to Bickslow's level, Gray's cloths were torn as his jacket was gone and he was in and orange V-neck shirt and pants. Gray raised his fist as two of the puppets flew up behind him. "You can't catch me!" Gray said when suddenly he spotted a little girl looking at them through a window. While he was distracted the puppets blasted him into a wall.

Bickslow let out a laugh. "Tough luck, Gray!" Bickslow said as Gray leaped out from the smoke and punched Bickslow in the face sending him crashing into the ground. Gray then fell to the ground. "Why, you little…! Even after being hit by my babies' powerful attack!" Bickslow said as he looked at Gray's unconscious body, he slightly pushed Gray's body with his foot. "Guess my extra clothing helped lessen the damage I took… Had me scared for a minute. You should really consider wearing heavier clothes too, Gray." Bickslow said with a smirk as he walked away.

Back at the guildhall. "Gray is Ko'd. 28 contenders remain." Laxus said the let out a laugh. "Told you so!"

"You're lying! He used some sort of dirty trick! I just know it!" Happy shouted.

"Who else can possibly defeat the Thunder God Tribe now?" Laxus asked with a cocky smirk.

"Gajeel can!" Happy said.

"So sorry. He doesn't seem to be taking part in our game. He doesn't give a damn about out guild anyway." Laxus said.

"I'm still here!" Natsu said.

"What use are you if you can't leave this place?" Laxus said.

"All right. I've had enough. I surrender." Makarov said.


"Cease this, Laxus." Makarov begged.

Laxus looked at Makarov with a smirk. "That won't do. The master of the almighty Fairy Tail, giving up just like that?! But if you really insist, then you could hand over your title as master to me first."

"That's underhanded, Laxus! You too afraid to fight me?! Huh?!" Natsu said.

"Why, you little…! That was your aim from the very start!" Makarov said clenching his fist in anger.

"You have an hour and a half until the stone statues crumble. If you wish to end this then use the guild's loudspeaker to announce to the entire city that you hereby hand over the title of Fairy Tail's master to Laxus! Think it over. What's more important, your title or your friends?" Laxus questioned as he vanished.

"Get back here!" Natsu charged and crashed into a pillar. "He'll call himself the strongest and take the title of master but he won't fight me?!"

"I don't care about my title as master." Makarov said.

"You don't?!" Natsu questioned.

"But I cannot entrust Fairy Tail to Laxus. He doesn't have what it takes to fill these shoes. He lacks principle and heart." Makarov said.

"But Lucy and the others will turn to sand if we don't do something… Someone needs to beat Laxus and his group… Itachi can't do it because that he's sick, who else is there…" Happy said when they heard someone eating some metal. They turned towards the source and saw Gajeel eating iron behind the bar counter.

"Gajeel! You were there the whole time?!" Natsu questioned.

"Don't eat our dishes!" Happy shouted.

"Will you go for us?!" Makarov asked.

Gajeel leaped over the counter and walked over to them. "I do got a score to settle with that bastard. Just leave it to me." Gajeel said as he walked towards the exit and crashed into the barrier much to everyone's shock.

"You're eighty too?!" Natsu questioned.

"Of course I'm not!" Gajeel shouted back.

They all then looked at the runes. "Only four left!"

"Why can't you leave either?! Quit copying me!" Natsu shouted at Gajeel.

"Don't look at me!" Gajeel shouted.

"I'm getting hungry, you jerk!" Natsu shouted.

"Again, don't look at me!" Gajeel shouted.

"Wait four?" Makarov questioned and looked at Gajeel and Natsu. "You two are left, who else?" Makarov questioned when he heard coughing coming from the medical room.

"Drink this." Mirajane's voice was heard coming from the medical room.

"Only these four?!" Makarov shouted becoming pale.

"You mean I don't count?!" Happy questioned.

"Itachi get your butt down here!" Makarov shouted.

"Master, Itachi is sick he can't get out of bed!" Mira exited the door from the medical room and shouted down to the others.

"Sick or not, we need him more then ever!" Makarov shouted.

"What do you mean? What's going on?!" Mira questioned.

"Laxus and the Thunder God Tribe has declared a Battle of Fairy Tail, and there is no one else left to fight besides those two, and they can't get out of here thanks to Freed's enchantment!" Makarov replied.

"What are the stakes of the battle?" Mira questioned.

"If we don't defeat them all within the hour all of the girls who were in the Miss Fairy Tail contest will be reduced to sand!" Makarov pointed at the stage where everyone had turned to stone.

"N-No way…." Mira muttered.

"Itachi is the only one we have that can get outside! We need him!" Makarov said.

Mira looked at Itachi who was now sleeping as he was sweating and breathing a little heavily. "B-But he's in no condition to fight Master!" Mira shouted.

"No other choice! Guess I'll revive Erza!" Natsu said.

""What?!"" Makarov and Happy questioned in unison.

"Sheesh. This was finally my chance to show her up, too." Natsu said and walked over to the stage.

"Hold on! How do you plan to do that?!" Makarov questioned.

"The stone and stuff should melt if I burn it, right?" Natsu said.

"Stop!" Makarov shouted.

"They're all stone to the very core!" Happy shouted.

Natsu placed Erza's statue on the floor. "Only one way to tell for sure."

"Stop! Do you want to kill Erza?!" Makarov said.

"I'll just toast her like so…!" Natsu said as his hands were infused with flames and directed over Erza's body.

"Don't rub her with fire!" A worried Makarov shouted.

Suddenly a crack appeared on Erza's stone head making everyone scream. "Crap! She cracked! Glue! Glue! Happy! get some glue!" Natsu shouted holding the Erza statue by the shoulders.

"Aye sir!"

"You idiot! That won't hold her together! Gajeel shouted. "We gotta use my iron and your fire to wield her shut!"

"All of you…!" Makarov shouted as Erza's statue's cracks grew.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Natsu said when suddenly the stone cracked of and Erza sat there completely fine.

"I'm feel hot…" Erza said as her expression darkened. "Was it you, Natsu?! What were you thinking!" Erza punched Natsu sending him flying of the stage.

"Erza's back!" Happy cheered.

"Thank goodness, but how…?" Makarov questioned.

"I'm not quite sure either… Perhaps it was because of this right eye of mine…" Erza said as Evergreen's spell's affect must have halved due to Erza's artificial eye.

"Do you understand the current situation, Erza?" Happy asked.

"Yes. Despite being petrified, I could still hear what everyone was saying." Erza replied.

"We can do this! It's time to strike back!" Makarov said as the writing by the door changed.

"There are 5 people left!" Happy said.

"The numbers of remaining contenders has changed upon my revival. How elaborate…" Erza said.

"Then those 5 must be Itachi, Mira, Natsu, Gajeel and you!" Happy said when the number increased to 6. "6 people left?"

"It went up?" Gajeel questioned.

"Who is it?!" Natsu looked over to the other statues that were still statues.

"They're still petrified. Just who is it, then…?" Makarov questioned.

Erza then smirked. "There was still one other person outside town, remember?"

"Wait… You mean him?!" Natsu questioned.

"No way!" Happy said.

"He's back?!" Makarov questioned.

"So he finally decided to join in… Things are starting to get interesting!" Erza said with a smirk.

"Who are you guys talking about?" Gajeel questioned.

"One of the candidates for Fairy Tail's most powerful member… Mystogan!" Erza said and ran outside to the battlefield. She ran across the city when suddenly magical blasts rained down on her she leaped back dodging all of them.

"And just how did you turn back to normal after being petrified?" Evergreen questioned as she stood on the top of a building. "Well no matter. It just means I get to enjoy tormenting you more."


"You really tick me off. You call yourself the Titania, queen of the fairies?! I'm the number one fairy here." Evergreen said with a cold smirk as the battle over the role of Fairy queen was about to begin. Evergreen send a blast wave towards Erza, when it exploded Erza jumped out from the smoke with two swords. Evergreen flew in the air and stood in front of a tower, Erza leaped towards her and swung her swords. Evergreen managed to fly away from Erza's attack as the tower was sliced in half instead. They then landed on two separate roof tops. "Impressive as always, Erza."

"I never imagined you would seek me out. If I defeat you, everyone will turn back to normal!" Erza leaped towards Evergreen.

"Can you, though?" Evergreen tilted her glasses upwards as her eyes glowed. But Erza closed her left eye as her right artificial eye blocked the spell.

"That won't work!" Erza kept charging as Evergreen flew back.

"I see! I didn't realize you had an artificial eye! In that case…"

Fairy Machine Gun!

Evergreen had shoot several golden energy needles at Erza, Erza used her swords to deflect the needles that came towards her as she charged towards Evergreen. "Take this!" Evergreen flew up and kept shooting.

"Get back here!" Erza leaped after her. Evergreen kept flying away and Erza followed as she deflected all the energy needles that came towards her with the swords.

"I'm impressed. You're able to block all of them. But can you handle twice as many!" Evergreen then blasted twice as much of the needles, Erza deflected several of them but they started to penetrate her defense as it started to make small cuts on her outfit. Evergreen laughed. "From this day forth, the title of Titania will be mine! I am the real Fairy here!" Erza then requiped two more swords that she held with her feet and began deflecting all of the needles. "I-Impossible!" Evergreen said in disbelief as Erza moved closer and closer then she threw the two swords from her feet towards Evergreen. Evergreen was in front of a tower as the swords nailed her stuck to the tower by stabbing the sleeves of her dress.

Erza landed a few feet away from her. "Your personal character aside, you are a fellow member of Fairy Tail. If you wish to call yourself Titania, then do so. I don't know who gave me that name anyway. If you cease this nonsense and return everyone to normal, I pledge not to hurt you."

Evergreen chuckled a little. "You're being a little naïve, don't you think? My Stone Eyes have another ability, you know." Evergreen said as Erza walked closer. "Remote control." Evergeen said as Erza stopped. "Drop to your knees and bow to me! Or else I'll shatter the petrified girls into pieces right now!" Evergreen gave a victorious smirk then Erza requiped into her Heaven's Wheel armor, making Evergreen sweat nervously as she had a dumbfound expression on her face.

"I see. If you value winning over your own life, then you have my esteem." Erza said as she had several swords directed towards Evergreen. "I shall use your life to purify the souls of the girls you turn to dust." Erza gave a cold stare as Evergreen began sweating even more and shaking.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-!" Evergreen screamed and was then punched directly in the face by Erza.

"This is how you bluff." Erza said with a deadpan expression.

"I-I give up…"

Meanwhile back at the guildhall all of the girls returned to normal after Erza defeated Evergreen. "What happened to Juvia?" Juvia questioned as the girls looked confused.

"We're…" Levy said as Natsu, Makarov, Gajeel and Happy walked over to the stage.

"Oh!" Makarov smirked victories.

"You're back to normal!" Natsu said.

"Lucy!" Happy flew into Lucy's bosom.

"Huh? What?" Lucy questioned.

The writing on the door then changed. "Erza versus Evergreen: Erza wins." Makarov read. "Well done! The hostages have been freed! What will you do now, Laxus?!"

Meanwhile with Laxus at Cathedral Church. Laxus punched a pillar in anger he had wide eyes and veins on his forehead, he was gritting his teeth in rage over the fact that Evergreen lost. "Damn it…! How could you be beaten by the likes of Erza?! Huh?! When did you get so weak, Ever?!"

"Erza's just too powerful. Bickslow or I should have gone instead." Freed said.

"Why have you returned, Freed?" Laxus questioned.

"Because the game is as good as over. With the hostages freed, the master has no reason to act now." Freed replied as Laxus sent a wave of lightning blasting through next to Freed. "Laxus!"

"It ain't over. If you can't stick by my side, then get lost. I don't need you in my Fairy Tail." Laxus said.

Meanwhile back at the guildhall with Itachi and Mira in the medical room. "That's it I need to know what's going on." Itachi said as he got up out of bed. "Where's my shirt and jacket?" Itachi questioned as he was topless and you could see his muscular body structure clearly.

"No, it's okay. Everything is fine now." Mira said.

"What happened?" Itachi questioned.

"Laxus tried to take over Fairy Tail by turning the ones in the Miss Fairy Tail contest into stone, and threatening to shatter them if the master didn't name him master. But Erza was revived thanks to her artificial eye halved the spell, and she defeated Evergreen and all the hostages returned to normal." Mira explained the situation.

"What about Laxus? Is he defeated?" Itachi asked.

"Well the game is over so…"

"I mean has anyone fought him and beaten him?" Itachi said.

"Well no but there's no need now…" Mira said.

"If Laxus is still out there, this is far from over." Itachi said as he walked towards the door but was stopped as Mira stepped in front of him.

"The master can deal with it, you have to stay here and rest. We can't risk your sickness to get any worse." Mira said.

"It won't get any worse." Itachi argued.

"You said it yourself, if you use more than 40% of your power your lifespan shortens." Mira retorted. It was true if he used more than that his lifespan would shorten, and Laxus is just as strong as Jellal if not even more. Itachi could risk having to go over that limit when fighting Laxus.

"Who's left to fight besides Erza?" Itachi asked.

"Well since this was a Battle of Fairy Tail Freed placed several enchantments across the town so everyone ended up fighting against each other. And the Thunder God Tribe took out whoever was left. So the ones remaining are Erza, Natsu, Gajeel, Lucy, Cana, Bisca, Levy, Juvia, you and me. Oh, and Mystogan." Mira replied.

"And what about Laxus? How many of his little bodyguards are left?" Itachi asked.

"Evergreen is the only one who's been defeated, Freed and Bickslow are still out there somewhere." Mira replied.

"That settles it then, I'm going." Itachi said.

"No you're not! Mystogan and Erza are strong enough to beat Laxus and the others can easily take out Freed and Bickslow!" Mira protested with a pouty face.

"It's not that, Laxus still has one card left to play in order to get what he wants." Itachi said.

Mira began thinking when she realized what Itachi was talking about. "Y-You don't mean…?"

"Yes." Itachi nodded.

"Do you really think he would want to go that far?!" Mira questioned.

"In the situation he's in now, that's his only option if he is to win. And at the moment he's willing to do anything that takes for him to win." Itachi said with a dead serious expression.

Meanwhile down stairs with the other. "Battle of Fairy Tail?!" Lucy questioned as they had all been explained about what has happened.

"Laxus did all that?!" Cana questioned.

"But it's all over now. With you back to normal. There's no need to play Laxus' stupid games anymore. Later I will personally give him punishment of the highest grade! Curse you, Laxus! This time you will not get off easy!" Makarov said clenching his fist.

"Hold on." Natsu stopped the master. "I can't help but agree with Laxus' idea of finding out who the strongest person in Fairy Tail is." Natsu said.

"Huh?!" All the girls questioned.

"So don't be too hard on him, Gramps!" Natsu said then he gained a wide smile. "So…let the second Battle of Fairy Tail begin! Bring it on, all of you!"

"Wha…?!" The girls questioned.

"Stop!" Makarov ordered.