Chapter 5:Luna & Liam's Life Journey

Luna is still with Liam there are many challenges and may successes but with each challenge Liam and Luna grow stronger in themselves and in their relationship. Luna after the hell she went through is engaged to Liam and she is happy and so is Liam. Liam is working and saving money to buy a car and a house. Liam puts me in a room n house until we can afford to rent or buy our own house .he is finally able to buy a car and oh it feels so good to not have to walk everywhere. Liam bought a 2002 Dodge Entrapid and I am proud of him we moved out of the room n house and moved to a supposedly better room n house in Deltona Florida and he would travel back and forth to work until one day we let his ex girlfriend use the car and the car disappeared for 2 weeks we finally put a police report out and it took a whole week to get it back and when we did the car looked like it was put through the ringer. after all the hell it took to get the car Liam and I vowed to never let his ex girlfriend use our car or get into our car. 1 Month later Liam was driving on the highway and the rack n pinion came off of the car as he was driving all of a sudden I get a text saying Baby I almost died I went crazy I called him immediately and almost cursed him out about texting his fiance he almost died but couldn't I was just happy he was ok and to hear his voice was a joy I thanked God everyday since then that he's still here. Liam and I still had our challenges but we conquered them together . June 29,2019 Liam and I got married we didn't get legally married but we are married,and I don't think it's appropriate to tell you how we ended up married but we are and decided to spend our honeymoon in Daytona Beach Florida we went to see my brother for the first time and my brother and Liam became the best of friends they talked like they knew each other for years. After meeting with my brother and his family it was late so we decided to stay the night so we found a motel near the beach and we celebrated our honeymoon on the beach under the stars and moon and went back to our motel room and made love all night and the next day we hit the beach again before going home and it was beautiful and fun I loved every moment of it. I have to admit I want to be legally married to Liam so we can have a real honey moon and a real wedding. And he agreed and I can't wait for that day to happen.