When people ask me, "Where are you from?" I say I'm from "out of town". What I mean by "Out of town" is over millions of miles away. I might tell them I'm from Asia, or China; even though I don't look like I'm from there. It's easy to say I'm for another country or something, but how do you tell someone that your from another planet.
Let's start from the beginning. I come from a different planet, it's named Gloop. Yes, the planet is named Gloop. There are few species that live on the entire planet, but the main one is called Gloopins, or Gloops. The reason we're called that is because when we're born we're shaped like a human baby, but we are either pink, or blue, obviously pink means girl and blue means boy.
Gloops take the shape of a human, but based off our color will tell everyone if your a girl or a boy. Though we look like a sticky glob of something, just in the form of a human.
When we get older we can morph ourselves to look exactly like a human - hair, skin, eyes - but it's limited. You can only morph into a human your age, and your stuck with the same human for your born with. On the other hand there are small qualities you can change, like hair color, or length.
Everyone looks different, there's a chance that you look the same as someone on planet earth, but earth is forbidden for Gloops to go to, so we'll never know.
This might be surprising, but Gloops don't need food, we only need water. Eighty percent of us is made of water, so we only need water, without water we dry out. If Gloops start to dry out we can't morph. When we dry out we crack, then we only have so long until we turn to dust, when you turn into dust, you're dead. And I mean dead, dead, no way to come back.
There's not many things that can hurt, or kill us, because we can stretch. We move are bodys in different ways than humans. Some examples of what can hurt or kill us, no gravity equals death, as can not having enough water. So drinking water is a daily thing, its something all living things need to survive, we just need a little more. But, too much water will make us closer to a liquid, then a solid, so we won't be able to hold ourselves together. The main point is to hold yourself together, physically.
Now imagine that your entire life is set out in front of you. Well on Gloop everyone knows what their going to do when their older. Everyone knows your business! Let me explain. Two things make this happen.
First everyone has a gold bracelet no one puts it on them it's just there, no one can never take it off, because it's apart of you. You probably think everyone has a gold bracelet on one of their wrists, how does that tell your entire life? But the bracelet can be on your wrist or your lag or your forearm, etc. That tells people what where your job will be, when your older. Every bracelet has a stone. The stone color will tell you and other people what you'll be doing in that area.
For example if your meant to be working in the royal area, you bracelet will be just above your knee even if they're King or Queen, but they stone is red. Now if you work for the government, the people that hold the laws is place, your bracelet will be on your finger. If you hold the laws in place, like the police on earth, it will be blue.
The second way people know your business is everyone can read each another's mind, everyone meaning only Gloops. The royal guards are the only ones that can read everyone's mind on the planet. Otherwise you have to be at least a yard radius to read someone's mind. Unless there family you can read their mind from any distance. Now by law you are allowed blockout people from reading your mind, but if the guards or the royal family is trying to read your mind, you must let them no matter what. If you don't allow them to read your mind the penalty is death. At Least that's the law the queen wanted made.
When your blocking people from your mind, they can try to pry into your mind. If they do most of the time it hurts like someone is stabbing your brain. No one understands why it does, it just does.
We can only read other Gloops mind, not humans or any other species in the universe.
If you think that's weird, just wait. If your a Gloop you don't age. Well you age to a point then stop for a few hundred years. In are religion when you start to age again that means you have served your purpose in life and you will age until you die from there on. But when you age your not allowed to work ever again. Only because know you can live the rest of your life the way you want to. Just the laws still apply to you no matter your age.
The average Gloop stops aging when there eighteen years old. Do what your supposed to do and die. That's what life means to Gloops.
Here's some history about use. Five years ago we discovered Earth. The government on Gloop sent out some Gloops to discuss with them about their lifestyle. Gloopins and human got along, until some of our people were kidnapped. Humans experimented on them to find out what we're made of. They didn't know what we needed to survive, but we told them that we're not like humans. The humans kidnapped 50 of are people and we only found thirty dust piles that we found out where the last of the ones that died. The twenty unfound, we didn't know if they were dead, or a live. One of the kidnapped was a part of the royal family. The King, he was not found dead or alive.
The Queen went to war with humans for two years. The war was terrible millions die, most humans, some Gloops. Remember when I said that there's not many ways to kill Gloops. Well the humans made a bombs and guns that can. The weapons would dry out the water of any surface, it touches and if Gloops were hit by it they would instantly turn into dust. This was one of the wars that everyone thought would never end.
Until a peace treaty. The treaty informs if any Gloop steps foot on Earth can and will be experimented on. The humans will return the Goops they kidnaped before. Also Gloops and humans will never contact each other. All this came into place after all the Gloops are accounted for.
The humans only gave back thirteen, but the King was not accounted. They claimed that four died and three wanted to stay. Everyone knew that the King and his children would have come back if they were alive.
Some claim the King started aging before he was taken so it wouldn't be a surprise if he has died, or by loss of water. When you age you need to drink more water, because you need for energy. Some say that the King never aged because he was meant to live forever, others say before he was kidnapped his stone changed colors, to green, along with the others takened. The ones that came back, they're stones were what they had before they left.
The color green means something, but no one understood what it meant, except that it's a death sentence. The Queen put the ones with green stones and those who talk about it in the dungeon. Green means something, but no one knows what it means expect for her.
Now earth is known as the forbidden star, because no Gloop will try to walk on that planet.
Also tell me if you want the next chapter.