After so long....

After so many years have passed after killing the almighty, the first many years passed when Xenocrates left gaius crying all alone and ran. Now it has become a World where there is no competition between kings to conquer the world. Now the world is full of technology and advancement. Now gaius lives in New York, where he is a king of many vampires around the world. Now all the vampires live in the world by being careful and secure. They pretend themselves as humans and being careful about lingering under the sun for a long time. There's also another threat to the vampires. It is, long long ago there is group who hunted down vampires, the son of Aeros, now become a new powerful yet advanced weapons, to hunt down the vampires.but they only live and hunt down vampires in the places of rome, france, italy, Mexico. so there is no threat to the other vampires. they hunt the vampires without any mercy. they track down even places where they maintain so much secrecy.