Rumor spread at the speed of light.

Port City Arlesha

"Okay, pain, pain, fly away" (Arge)

Ten days have passed since I started healing people with recovery magic.

As planned, I was working in front of Felnote-san's house.

And I must say, the first three days were almost free.

I only got a little money from healing a grandpa and a boy

I'm curing that Grandpa's back that had been hurt for age and he give me some pocket money

Even though I'm planning to cure that boy's injury for free but his parents come later and give me some money.

On the fourth day, the number of customers suddenly increased.

Rumors from townspeople and adventures began to spread, such as:

『I have an uncurable sickness from a long time ago that all doctor and healer have been given up』

『I had lost an arm from a monster』

I was surprised because many serious customers came to see me.

I thought that it would be impossible to re-grow a lost arm or cure a person who was about to die.

But when I tried, I can re-grow any lost body parts and heal any injury.

Recovery magic is convenient, however, it's impossible to bring the dead back to life.

As it was troublesome to take and count money, I told the townsfolk that 『anything is fine』

Because of that, most of the townspeople have started to look at me like I'm some sort of Goddess.

Some have even started offering me a lot of money

I have become pretty rich. Oops…

When I told Felnote-san about the money I have now, she said 『You're rich enough to brew your own tea』with a cold face.

When people heard that 『anything is fine』some people went home without paying anything, but I didn't mind.

Like that, I was able to earn a lot of money enough for me to travel again.

I don't think I have anywhere to go so I will stay here for a while.

Felnote-san sometimes gives me blood, and this town is quite easy to live.

It's a nice place to have a nap and it may be good to find someone who is willing to feed me soon.

"Yes, I'm done, so you can go kill demons, but please don't die." (Arge)

"Oh, thank you very much… Truly a goddess!" (Adventurer A)

"No, I'm not a goddess" (Arge)

Although I used my hood to hide my face for a while.

But I would remove it when it got hot and if I used recovery magic at close range,

people could clearly see my face anyway.

It seems like I've wasted Zeno's concern about me to hide my power and face.

But this is bad, not only my face but also my mysterious recovery magic that can recover a severed body part has become well known.

Then more rumors started spreading and recently I was labeled with titles like:

『Goddess of the Sea Breeze』

『Silver Angel』

『Genius bishoujo wizard Vampear-chan』

Geez, You should properly name me

One of the townsfolk I cured seems to be one of the people who worships me like some sort of Goddess.

He took out some money from his wallet and handed it over to me, saying 『I will come again, goddess!』 and returned home skipping.

No, please don't worship me.

Didn't you guys hear me properly?

Since I've achieved great success every day, even after he left.

There were still plenty of people queued up and waiting in line.

By the way, I did not tell the town that I'm a vampire

Felnote-san told me to be quiet about that, saying I would stand out too much.

My fangs stick out like a vampire, and my ears are somewhat sharp.

But thanks to my immunity to the sun, it seems that no one thinks that I'm a vampire.

"Well… when I cure five more people,

I'll be finished for today,

so could you guys please prioritize people with serious injuries?" (Arge)

Even though I said that I was done today,

it wasn't because my magical power was exhausted.

I said it simply because I was tired, and wanted to take a nap.

I would like to stop working right now, but I can't say my real intentions.

Besides, it's better to earn money when I still can.

This way, when the time comes, I can have an easier time finding someone that would be willing to feed me

And I heal five more people today works as a compromise.

Since everyone will be saved if they obediently listen, and because I can rest when I want to take a break, it's easy an easy work environment.

There are people who complain from time to time, but the amount of violence is small

Because those people would immediately be beaten up by the other people waiting in line.

I cured the five people and returned to Felnote-san's house.

Her house is two stories and quite wide

It seems that Felnote-san bought it with the money she earned in the past.

The cause of her blindness was due to a fight against monsters.

With most of her skills are are battle oriented.

So she probably made a living as a monster hunter in the past.

If I want to confirm it, I could just use Blood Reading to verify, but I am not interested.

Walking through the corridor and going into the kitchen,

Felnote-san was sitting in a chair.

Because there's a tea set on the table, is it tea time?

"I'm back, Felnote-san… Felnote-san?" (Arge)

When I tried speaking to her, I didn't receive a reply.

When I thought about how strange it was, I noticed Felnote-san's eyelids were falling down.

I heard her gently breathing and the big breasts make a 'Boin' due to my first impression of her shake slightly in accordance with her breathing.

Is she taking a nap?

It's quite comfortable to sleep while sitting. I understand that feeling.

There is a sense of security that's different from the bed,

which would make you start to feel like sleeping as soon as you sit down.

"… It's bad to wake her up, isn't it?" (Arge)

Felnote-san may be tired because she's busy every day, and moves around a lot.

I don't know what she's doing, but she wasn't able to see with her eyes for a while.

It seems to be something that she became able to be done again because she got her sight back, and those things just came back with it.

I like taking naps, rather you can say I love them.

I know exactly how happy I feel when I take a nap.

This means that you shouldn't do anything that will take happiness away from others.

…Anyway, it's around the time to prepare a meal.

Felnote-san makes my meals every day.

Although it is dependent on the menu, the preparations for the meal should have already started…

"…It can't be helped" (Arge)

When I see Felnote-san sleeping comfortably, I feel that way.

Although I am paying money, she makes delicious meal everyday, so let's give her some rest.