Back on the Vermilion, The patron guards know that they're in there and are trying to break their way in. K-12 and M-4 are running on paper-thin time for that door to break down.
K12 opened up a nearby ventilation shaft, While M-4 went rapidly on the computer trying to locate The pirate sheet. Both of them discussed their predicament. Nervously. "Don't worry, I'm getting close, I'm getting close." Said M-4 nervously. "You've been saying that for 20 minutes." "When are you gonna find it?"
"K-12, don't panic." "If you panic, I panic, chill bro." " You're the only one panicking." "Look, just tell me when you find the damn- "Found it." "Good!" Now let's get out of here. "Hold up, hold up." "The sheet is a locked vault at the back of the vessel."
When he turned back to K-12, he had already left. "WHA-!" "Hey man, don't leave me." He entered the ventilation and shut the door behind him. A second later and the patron guards broke through the door.
When the both of them were climbing through the air duct, K-12 smelled something sweaty. It was M-4.
"Eh, you need a shower. You smell like a wet dog." "Yeah, when you need a haircut, you look like a girl." "Oh, that's a good one, Gum disease." "Why don't you brush those disgusting, disease-written denticles you got there, donkey teeth." "Hey, at least I got an ass better than your flat piece of paper you got there." "You don't even have an ass; you have A square." "You should get a job as a sidewalk."
While the both of them enjoyed their banter, underneath them was captain alpha, and they both lay silent. The loony tune above them goes on a tantrum while sounding like a gay Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Those animals." "Decimating a Sanctified, Celestial, Landscape of Istanbul." He starts to cry. The robot covered in bronze gives him a tissue. He snatches it. "These pirates will be purged of the planet." His voice starts to choke up with the following sentence. "I'm going to beat them like a Pinay."
"Don't you mean pinata, sir?" A soldier Corrected. "Don't correct me. I know what I said!!!!!" "I am so distraught and upset that I'm gonna cancel my Angle." "You mean anger?" "SHOUT UP?"
His face with so many tears he should be classified as a rain cloud.
The robot gives him another tissue. He snatches it. "I will hunt them down to the end of the Earth, and no one's gonna stop me." "Not even Henderson."
"Men, go to the carnage and flush them out; we're going to destroy these monster's heads! "Where's squad 8th?" They're facing Mason Sierra. Said one of the patron guards.
"Well, let's join them. I want that monster to stand trial and then !" "Sir Captain Alpha, sir!" They fled the scene to face Mason. All the boys underneath them. They gave each other a look that said, wow, that man is out of his nutter.
As they crawled their way to the ventilation shaft, an arduous amount of dust was in the post. It was so dusty; It felt like since they built it.
"Disgusting." "Hello, Ladies and gentlemen, Harvey here, Please clean whatever environment you're in." "Alright, now back in the story."
Every time he crawled, he couldn't stand it because the dust was getting in his nose and his face. It was very, very disgusting." For every crawl, he was more angry, irritated, and sickened.
With an angry expression, K-12 stopped in his place and said. "We gotta get the hell out of here. It's disgusting, it's getting hard to breathe, and I think some of it went in my mouth." Giving an annoyed response.
"I want to get out of here too, but we're not in the correct position to do so." "We're not even close to our destination." "The mission comes 1st." "Yeah... but how do you know where we're going we're in the vents?" "Do we even have a map?"
M-4 ponders. "Sigh, no." "Well, let's get out of the vent and see if the crewmates know." K-12 cut the travel short and Just wanted to get out of there.
Founded the nearest Door vents and proceeded to kick it for everyone to hear.
So loud two patron guards and a robot could hear it. Once that was open, he crawled out of it, and around both of them was covered head to toe in dust.
Their appearance was gross, dirty, and sickening. Even for M-,, four for the dusk gives him a mustache. He would have been disgusted beyond belief hadn't realized they were only a few corridors down from their destination. "I didn't think this mission would make me sick, but anything's possible." K-12 Detain. "Come on, my friend, let's go; it's almost over." M-4 Recollect.
The both of them took off their shoes To prevent tracking dust and threw it in the air duct. Then they scurry along with the Zeppelin, both of them holding .45 pistol silencers, Shooting any live cameras they find with every step. There were a few corridors down but, Not knowing which door was the room that was in. If only they had a map.
They searched and searched from corridor to corridor, Hiding from squads of soldiers, just praying they would find this room, and constantly not finding this room convinced them more and more that they were going to die.
One of them contacted their Other captain. The captain, only the crew, knows. "Hey captain, we're having difficulty finding this Room." Said M-4. A female voice responded to the call. She had a Spanish accent.
"Hey, listen, If you can't do a Spanish accent, don't hurt yourself trying."
"Aye, M-4." Said the woman. "Our price is closer than you think... I will guide the both of you from here on out." "Aren't we close to our destination?" "No, actually, you went backward. You'll be even farther Than the actual goal."
"Oh…..oops." "No worries, I'll get you there."
As she guided them. The boys followed her orders word-for-word shot-for-shot. Like they've done this before. They did it without any fuss or talked back. Like they had this plan from the beginning, and it worked perfectly.
"All Right Go left, make another left, go down, Head down that hallway, and As you walk down, There's a camera North from you." Pop! The camera. They slink around the corner into an empty cafeteria where several cameras are monitored. Pop-pop!!
Shoot the cameras and keep on walking.
"OK, several guards Above you and several below you." The 2 of them tossed a Smoking Grenade, And K-12 removed his silencer and fired two air shots. The guards were alarmed. And you see both of them crawling up the smoke, While M-4 is dragging him On his back.
M-4 yells, "Wait, wait, don't show it, don't shoot!!!" "Help the intruders!" "I found them; they're around the corner." The guards know About the intruders, but they don't know what they look like or know that it's the janitors. All of them Charged at the smoke, ready to fire. Well, both of them Jogged away, feeling very clever.
"Are we closer, captain?" Said M-4. "Yes, yes, after this hallway is the backroom To the sheet." "You're near your destination and 3...2…1!"
Finally, their destination has arrived. The vault was looking at was 10' tall made out of tungsten steel. With pictures and ornaments, images of Captain Benjamin and his companions, And a decorative circular rug.
The gears on it looked ancient And expensive. They probably spent more on the vault than they did on the Zeppelin. The interior felt clean and felt like they cleaned it every single day. The vault door on its own looked perfect, Perfect enough to steal.
On the left and right-hand sides were two security panels with keycard slots and levers. Both of them acquired vital cards, which, thankfully, the two Pirates did. They both pulled out their cards,
and walk to the panels across from each other.
Then they set their devices in the slot while their captain told them the number. It was a six-digit code. But they had to type in the code and pull the lever simultaneously, with no errors. if an error does occur, a security alarm will go off instantly, and they would be killed or, worse, captured. "Let's hope they get killed."
Both of them readied their fingers and took a deep breath. The captain prepared the necessary code. "You ready, boys?" "Of course," said M-4 Eagerly.
"Yeah….we're ready." Said K-12 Nervously. 2-2-7-1-3-9. They typed it in and pulled the levers.
There was silence, and then…... The alarms go off.
K-12 panics. "I don't understand!" "We did what you said!" The captain panics as well. "I don't know; look for a second clue or just get out of there; I don't know!" "Look around the room for any other errors we must have missed." "Said M-4 in a Frustrated Panic.
They were shuffling around the vault room, trying to figure out what went wrong. At the same time, patron troops start sprinting towards the vault room. As well as that bronze robot and those two patron guards from before.
After a few seconds of searching, M-4's frustration turns to anger, and he starts destroying the room and flipping the table, grabbing the paintings off the wall and tossing them, Punching the ornaments. It was like he wasn't even looking anymore; he was finding stuff to break.
He flipped the carpet and found a secret hatch. In shock, he frantically opened the hatch.
When he opened the hatch, he found a third security panel similar to the ones near the vault. M-4 Furiously alerts His captain. "Captain, there's a 3rd security panel underneath the rug!"
"Our Undercover emissary did not mention that you needed three key cards to open The vault!" "Goddamn!!!" He smashed the walkie-talkie on the ground. "We were so close!" He began to Swear like a sailor and started destroying the room again.
While M-4 was having a fit, K-12 continued the conversation. I don't mean to scare you, captain, But I don't think we're going to make it back."I don't see a natural way out of this without a 3rd key card."
This mission was a failure." "It was fun being a part of a group like this." "It was fun while it lasted." "No, that's not true." She responds. "I'm sending Mason And the [Rotten Cobbler] to your location."
"Yeah, shut up, K." M-4 diascalates.
"Calm down; the job is not over." "I'll even send O-64 to you."
M-4 obliged. "good, send that dumb-ass; I would like to cuss out that little worm myself when we're done." A ferocious scream shatters the air. "Freeze, on the ground!!!"
It was too late. At the corner of their eye were the two patron guards and the bronze robot. I was holding them up at gunpoint.
"Engaging insurgents,'' said the robot. "We require your capitulation.
M-4 and K-12 Looked at one guard pointing a gun at them. He looked very familiar, and they were relieved.
Both of them raised their hands and put their hands over their heads. One of the soldiers pulled out their handcuffs and was thrratese was about to handcuff M-4. He giggles and says.
"Well, you sure took your time to get here." "Undercover emissary."
The guard with the handcuffs was puzzled while the other guy pointed a gun at his partner and shot him in the back.
The robot turned its guns at the other guard, but K-12 gunned down the robot.
"Thank God you're here." Said K-12.
"What happened? What's going on?'' Says the captain. "Captain, Agent O-64 has arrived."
O-64 Introduced himself with a Southern accent. "You're best as lucky I'm here." "We would also be lucky if you also told us the 3rd lever." "M-4 added." "Oh right, my bad." his face turned red, and he started to rub his neck, feeling sheepish. He pulls out his key card from his pocket.
"I thought it did require only two people to open the vault, but no other Soldier was allowed past this vaulted room."
"Alright, crew." Captain recaps the situation. "Okay, no more, Filler, let's get this sheet and get you two out of here." "Now."
The three of them insert their keycards and repeat the breach. Then the vault finally opens.
A gust of fog hits them in the face; in front of final thesis sheets, the copper cave is guarded in an oval glass dome, in a clear white room.
All 3 of them were too severe, To celebrate.
M-4 reached for his pocket and pulled out a folder, While K-12 smashed the glass dome. Then M-4 Carefully snatches the sheet and puts it in the folder, Reaching his walkie and relaying the captain. "The treasure is secure, ready for departure."