First task as a member

Ch20 [Watcher's Crown–First task as a member]

Luwen stared at his reflection on the mirror. With his striking blue eyes, he gaze at his current attire.

He was wearing a gray coatee with a dark collar, shoulder strap and cuff. Paired with a black pants and black combat boots. On his head, he was wearing a black visor.

Luwen grimaced at his attire. He was basically wearing an attire of a military personnel. He was now wearing the same standard attire– a uniform that his seniors wear when they had gone out in the institution and do their missions.

Now, he was wearing the same uniform. He glance at the table where a black cloak was placed. He picked it up and wore the garment. Luwen glance at the mirror again, with his tired and sleepless face, he smiled bitterly.

Watcher's Crown– That was what the Seniors call themselves. They were the one's responsible for finding people who are influenced by the manifestation of Entities. Taking the people to the institute and giving them to the Head Archivist to record their statements. After taking the statements, they were responsible for returning the people depending on their situation. Finally, they would conduct the investigation and relay the situation to the branches of the Magnus Institute.

Watcher's Crown– From now on, he was one of them. People who would conduct morally illegal actions such as abductions and mind control.

At least, it was better than killings right? Luwen laughed hollowly at his thought. Spending his time in the Institution, has really derailed his perception. He wonder if somehow, does the institution have a psychologist? It's obvious that he would need one.

Luwen adjusted the visor on his head with his white glove covered hands. He caress the storage ring and watched as a small doll appeared. The doll started shaking. Luwen immediately put it back in the storage ring before he become affected by the sealed artifact's adverse effects.

Sighing, he never thought that a sealed artifact would ever look like this.



A loud knocking can be heard behind the door. Luwen immediately walk towards the door and opened it.

He was immediately welcomed by a sight of chestnut braided hair and amber yellow eyes glaring at him. An average looking woman ranging from nineteen to her early twenties. Senior Milka look at him impatiently.

" Next time, you better hurry up. "

Milka glared at him. With his eyes downcast, Luwen nodded his head. He would never really understand Senior Milka. In one moment she was excitable, the next second she would have a bad temper. Her attitude and thoughts are beyond his understanding.

" Good, let's go now. "

Luwen followed after Senior Milka. Just like from what happened before, he was uneasy and uncertain in the events that would happen.

June 25th 1349– of the evening.

Luwen Gardner would set out on his first task as a member of the Watcher's Crown together with the other members.

Their task? The usual. Abduction and Mind controlling their victims.


Stoen City, Loen Kingdom.

Evening... They arrived at the peaceful night of the Stoen City. It's county, the East Chester County was famous for the many aristocrats who owned many mansions in this city. This was also a famous place to go for the aristocrats during the hunting season.

Even nobles aren't an exceptions. As long as the person encountered a supernatural events that was a result of the manifestation of the entities, they aren't exempted as a target of the Watcher's Crown. A poor person or a wealthy noble, they are equal in the eye's of the Organization. As long they had an experience of encountering the manifestations– Their fears would turn into statements.

Behind the trees and shrubs, Luwen was hiding himself. He glance at the sky where the crimson moon of the Evernight Goddess was staring back at him– wait, according to the lessons of Mr.Miller the Evernight Goddess belongs to the Star, not the moon.

Currently, he was outside of one of the mansion in the Stoen City. He was ordered together with Senior Johnson to remain outside and observe. Senior Nicholas had ordered them to immediately inform them if a situation that was outside of their control would happen.

One example of such situation was them being discovered by beyonder officials– According to the Seniors, it happened several times to them. Even most of them are mid sequence beyonders, they are force to retreat as having their identity not being discovered is important. Having the existence of the Magnus Institute being revealed to the many people– it wasn't in the Head Archivist's plan.

The Watcher Crown's target today was a wealthy viscount. Luwen hoped that it wouldn't be like the last time where they have encountered the Poor Mrs. Winston.

Luwen glance at a few distance away from him at a place where the trees and shrubs are dense and shrouded. Senior Johnson was watching around the mansion. Occasionally, Luwen would saw him open his mouth as if he was speaking to someone. On his hands, he was holding a card and flipping them.

Senior Johnson a mid sequence of the Wheel of Fortune pathway. From what had Mr.Miller had taught him, they had a good divination abilities. Luwen wanted to know what would be the result of Senior Johnson's divination.

As Luwen was watching Senior Johnson while watching the surroundings, Senior Johnson frowned and immediately throw the cards away. He glance at the Mansion. Luwen followed his gaze.

Senior Connor walk outside expressionless while carrying an unconscious person on his shoulders. The viscount seemed a person who appears to be in his late thirties.

Luwen and Johnson revealed themselves. Senior Milka look pale and sickly. Different from her liveliness from before.

" Gah! We need to inform the head archivist! " She exclaimed with her voice sounding disturbed and trembling. Beside her, Senior Nicholas had a serious expression on his face– his face is grim and not good. As if something bad has happened.

" Looks like what I have divined was right. " Johnson said sighing. He glance at the storage ring of Senior Nicholas.

" The Leitner, is it there? "

Nicholas nodded his head and says. " We need to head out to the Institute as soon as possible. We had already placed a marionette that would pose as the Viscount. "

Luwen followed after them. Glancing at their backs with a confused gaze. He wondered what is a Leitner.