Wonders of the Spirit World

Ch31 [Mr.Fool–"Wonders of Spirit the World"]

Luwen stiffened, and slowly turned his head to look behind him. He sighed in relief when it wasn't a ghost, yet he doesn't know if encountering a ghost or him would be better between the two.

Holding a lamp in his right hand, Darren, the keeper of the underground 1st floor stared at the new member of their organization. He felt annoyed and irritated to see someone still wandering in the institute at this hour. His gaze swiftly flashed through the book's that Luwen was holding.

" You're fortunate that you have arrived at the second floor before you are dragged with them. "

Them? A chill went through Luwen's spine. So, after all, those things aren't really a product of his imagination. They are real. Luwen felt fear as he digested the words that was said to him. What are those things?

" Go back now in your room. Nights like this are dangerous without the Head Archivist's presence managing the Magnus Institute. "

Luwen nodded his head and bowed. Quickly, he scampered towards his room and sighed as he opened the door. Later, after changing to his sleeping clothes, he wasn't in condition to read with the sudden events that has happened. He felt tired and drain with the sudden scare situation. There was really a reason why there are certain rules that exist in the Institute.

What are those things? Are those things a ghost or evil spirits? Luwen thought in dread while he glance at the books. Then he frowned.

[ Songs of Hope; A legend lost and forgotten – Jurgen ——— ]

[ Al extiora; Foundations of Magnus Institution– Robert Smirke ]

[ Long lost in History; Once Forgotten, Twice Emerging — Jonah Magnus ]

[ Deep fears within; Double seven, Future one: Theories of Manifestations– Gertrude Robinson ]

[ I open the door; Magnus Archives – Jonah Magnus ]

He doesn't remember taking this books. Is this things a Leitner? His senses are telling him that they aren't dangerous. But how can they appear all of a sudden? How come he didn't realize that the books were changed?

Luwen glance at them fearfully. He decided to keep them inside the cabinets and lock them. After making sure it was secured, Luwen lay on the bed and pull the quilt on him.


The next day, Luwen groggily opened his eyes. Getting up the bed, he blinked and yawned. He started stretching and working out the kinks on his body. Washing his face, bathing, hygiene and changing for a formal and proper clothes– Luwen is prepared for the new day. Smiling at the mirror slightly–it quickly disappeared when he saw his reflection. Having his lips tilted up doesn't suit his face. He sighed while silently mocking himself inside his mind. There was no attractive or desirable trait on his anymore. A face which look constantly tired and lack sleep are unattractive. Much more with a face that look so unhealthy and sickly.

Luwen knotted the red tie under the collar of his long sleeve white shirt. He buttoned his gray coat. Today, Luwen remembered that there would be visitors from the Everchase so he wore a formal clothes.

While Luwen was preparing to leave, he notice the books which was innocently laying above the table. He froze. How come they are there? He remembered that he keep them inside the drawer yesterday. Luwen thought while he cautiously move forward and glance at the books. Now if it was him before the the train incident, encountering an event like this may cause him to faint from shock or unconsciousness. The books doesn't seem dangerous. Other than their mysterious appearance, he doesn't get any danger signs on them.

Luwen brought his hands the books and hold all of them. There's no danger reaction. Luwen felt relieve. He left his room carrying the books with him. As he strolled the institute, he encountered Connor. The latter glance at him expressionless. Luwen felt awkward as he compared his clothes and Senior Connor's clothes.

He was dressed in a formal clothes while Connor was wearing a clothes that looks neat and clean.

" Good clothes. " Connor said. " But you don't need to wear formal clothes. "

Luwen nodded his head.

" Next time, choose a less formal clothes. You don't need to fret or be worried about them visiting the institution. "

But isn't respect a basic courtesy? Was it common for hosts to welcome their guests? Luwen wanted to asked those words. But looking at Connor's expression. He doesn't care about those trivial things.

Luwen sighed. While he was strolling with Connor. He decided to talk about his encounter yesterday night. And how he encountered the Senior who was usually at the underground 1st floor.

" The rules are there for a certain reason. That was a close call. "

" Those beings, what are they? "

" They are spirit beings. The Magnus Institute was an unusual place built by the fourteen avatars. The creation of the institution has resulted in unexpected side effects. What have you encountered was one of those side effects. Every night without the presence of the Head Archivist or any of the avatars here in the institute, the 1st floor of the Institute would become a place roamed by the spirit beings. A door from spiritual world would lead on this place. "

Luwen was surprise by the information. The information was inconceivable and ridiculous from someone's point of view. He even felt that such a thing should be impossible.

Out of curiosity, Luwen decided to asked Connor's opinion on how could such a wonderful and impossible phenomenon could happen.

" The spirit world is a magical place. It can overlap with the real world. Anything can intersect with the spirit world. So it wasn't inconceivable for the spirit world to develop a door towards the Institution. I think that because of many knowledge and information about supernatural and mysticism are held on the first floor, the spirit world had acknowledge the institution to be place worthy of visits from the spiritual beings. "

" Senior wouldn't make the institution defenseless? "

" The spiritual beings are bound by a contract. They can't leave the first floor and it was already forbidden for them to take the books away from the institution. As for the beyonders roaming in the spirit world towards this place, since the founding of the institution, there are no beyonders that have arrived in the institution. This place could be considered as the one of their most held and precious secrets. Also, the suppression effect of the institution also worked on them. "

Luwen sighed at the information. Later when they arrived at the first floor, there was an unfamiliar people talking with Senior Nicholas.

Luwen instantly knows that they are their guests from the Everchase.