Humiliate sex

Matt saw that three of the most popular girls were turning to him, the first girl was Kitty Allen, the Bee Queen, she was a girl with a length of 171 centimeters and had blonde hair and blue eyes, she knew how to put on makeup to make her look at her best, and was wearing an expensive jacket Cashmere and knee-length skirt, white sandal with heels, chewing gum in her mouth.

The girl to her left was called Emma, ​​she does not remember her last name but she had black hair and brown eyes, and she was dressed just like a kitty, to show how beautiful the kitty was in the clothes, she looked like kitty lite.

She was the third girl called Naomi, she had black hair and green eyes, rumored to be of German descent, she was always a sports person, not much known about Matt.

When they noticed that Matt saw them, they cunningly smile, at least, Matt did not like that smile.

When they arrived near him, she was the first to talk to Katie, since she was the chair of the group. "Hello, I was thinking, maybe we four can have some fun together?"

Matt Tension a little, was always tense when talking to women of his age, and knowing that the 'fun' that I mentioned may have to do with the rule that I added earlier.

He said hesitantly, "Oh, what do you mean?"

With a smile on her face, she said, "We just finished the sports class since it was her first session, and we were bored, so when we saw you we decided that you would skip the next class for us to enjoy."

After a moment, she added, "Well, it's not like you have a choice."

It is precisely at this point that the students started exiting the locker rooms. If Matt does not want to be late, he must hurry up.

However, Kitty seems to have a different idea, as both Emma and Naomi have grabbed an arm and pulled out a matt. Matt could have resisted, but he didn't feel like it, he didn't like sporting activities anyway.

After several seconds, both Naomi and Emma pulled Matt into the girls' dressing room, which was now empty.

Matt watch while they tying his hands with a rope, although the Umu annoyed that he wanted to know what they wanted to do.

"Since you have not resisted, you cannot blame us for anything we do for you," Naomi said.

"Oh, it's okay with me," Matt said, while his stress eased a little.

Kate first said, "Oh? You give us your approval to do anything we want?"

"Yes, of course, and whatever you do, I will not say anything to anyone else," he said, while he knew that even if he said anything he would not benefit him, Kate's family owned the town almost entirely.

A playful smile appeared on the faces of the three girls.

Kate stood over Matt's chest while she was looking up at him. She put her right foot over the face of Matt several inches and said, "Then, before my shoes."

"You want me to accept the bottom of your sandal?" Matt hesitantly asked.

As I moved her foot over Matt's face, Kate said, "I want to thank you after every kiss!"

He hesitated and could hear his increased heartbeat. He always had this kind of fetishes, but now that he can try it he will not say he was not hesitating.

He repressed his hesitation, and closed his eyes before kissing the bottom of Kate's sandal and then thanked her. He could hear the trio shouting, which made him feel offended, but this only served anything but to make his cock erect.

Naomi noticed the puffiness in the pants "Oh he loves this !!"

"He's a loser," Emma added while hitting Matt side with her shoes.

After that time went on a moderate speed, every Kate and Emma made him accept their shoes several times and thanked them and directed several insults when he reached the role of Naomi, who was wearing sneakers, he told him to remove them.

When he removed her shoes she attacked the smelly feet of his nose, Naomi noticed this and put all of her feet covered in foul socks and full of sweaty feet in the face of Matt, his first response was to banish his face.

"What are you doing? I want you to take my feet to your face and breathe their smell," Naomi said.

He hesitated again, the smell was like eggs and rotten cheese, though he took Naomi feet and began to inhale their smell, which made the girls insult him again.

After a while Naomi pulled her feet, only then saw that Kate was filming a video with her phone.

He said "Hey, you can't shoot."

"Why not, I said we can do whatever we want," Kate ironically said.

Matt regret for his words, but Naomi broke off his thoughts.

"Stop thinking about this," she said. "Let's have a little fun, you and I" went on, "Take off your clothes completely."

Matt Frequency a Littl "even my underwear?"

Naomi nodded as she loosened the rope that was tying his hands to take off his clothes.

Matt takes off his clothes to reveal his 12-inch (31 centimeter) dick.

Kate said, "For loser, we expected you to have a small dick." She paused a little before continuing "your penis is bigger than my boyfriend cock."

"Oh thanks." Matt said ashamed.

He knew Kate was dating the captain of the football team.

They told him to lie on his back, and then after that he saw that Naomi had removed her socks and put them in a dead mouth, it was sickening, but he did not resist.

After that, she removed her underwear and inserted his penis into her vagina. From her facial expressions, he could say that she suffered a little. His dick was not only long, but also thick.

After that, I started having sex with him, from this moment on, he is no longer a 'virgin'.

After that, Emma sits above his face, which makes him breathe the dirty smell of her ass from his nose and drinks Naomi sweat from the socks in his mouth.

After about 10 minutes, Emma was sitting on his face, and naomi have sex with his cock while groaning, and Kate filmed the whole scene.

Matt ejaculated into Naomi's vagina for the first time, and after several minutes he ejaculated again.

Suddenly, Emma stood up and Naomi stood up and put on her underwear, seeing that Kate had stopped filming, and Matt had removed Naomi's socks from his mouth.

He slowly asked, "Can I get dressed again?"

"Of course, but from now on you have to do everything we say to you, or we will publish this video on all social media, of course after hiding our identity," Kate said.

"You can keep my dirty side, consider it a treasure for you, even though you are a loser, you have a good penis so I think we should have sex again, of course I will be dominant over you," Naomi added.

After that they left him in the girls 'dressing room, he looked at the couriers and found that it remained less than 15 minutes until the session ended so he quickly put his clothes on and put Naomi socks in his pocket and went out, he no longer had the desire to study for the rest of the day so he activated the' global acceptance And he asked the manager to let him skip the classes today and return to his home.