An unexpected group of captors

I stealthily followed the two men as I removed my shoes in order for my bare feet to not male any noise.

On the unlit candle I had the sleeping powder sprinkled. Once I get close to these two men I can light the candle. The sleeping powder contains sodium nitrate which is essential to the production of a smoke screen. As the sleeping powder combusts with the candle wax it will create not only a smoke screen but a gas which will put my captors to sleep.

I chuckled softly as they stupidly walked deeper and deeper into the house. Red carpets lined the floor while pictures of men in fedora lined the corridor walls.

Three steps. Two steps. One step. Perfect. I flicked the lighter and lit the candle. With one hand I held the candle out a few feet away from the men. And with the other I placed my fedora on my mouth to block the sleep powder from knocking me out.