Chemical first degree burns

Francisco shuddered next to me as several dark spots formed on his hand. Tears leaked from his eyes as I used a syringe to take our more droplets of hydrochloric acid.

The chemical formula is HCL. In most chemical reactions it is quite harmless but when it comes in contact to skin or the air it could prove to be quite the poisonous gas or acid. in my previous life HCL burns were usually washed away and treated quickly with a topical cream. But due to the fact that I'm in the 1920's no topical cream would be sufficient. I have to resort to Magnesium or calcium crystals instead. But those type of crystals only treat hydrofluoric acid burns. But the fucker in front of me didn't know that. Preferable for any HCL burns exhaustive water washing is the best treatment. I took Francisco's other hand and picked up the syringe. I calmly said.