Well its time to start putting things into action tomorrow me and mom have a meeting with the lord black where we shall drop the sirius is innocent bomb on him ,he is an occlumency master and has great control over his expressions so if i can get him to lose his shit for just a second it would probably be worth it.either way it was another of dear dads moronic gatherings and as such i was free to do what I pleased for now so naturally I started plotting and came up with another great plan,at the moment though all the malfoy house elves were more loyal to me than father they were still bonded to him not like the simpering idiot would know if it was broken as long as they obeyed him he'd not notice any difference so I planned on freeing all the elves from the malfoy family and bond five personally to me while mother took the remaining four,I planned on ordering them to obey Lucius and if he ever asked them to punish themselves to pretend to do so and not actually hurt themselves get none new absolutely loyal minions to order about in this world and get a few options that I could take with me to the next world's. I decided to do the elf switcheroo tonight then get the diary horcrux away from him plan a replica of some sort so he doesn't note the difference, from canon it's pretty clear that Lucius has no fucking clue what the diary is so he won't notice the difference between a horcrux and a diary with some dark protection spells on it so that will do. I'd probably show it to arcturus and get him on track for destroying said horcruxes himself there's probably a ritual of some sort to destroy them all because if information on their creation was found by riddle in the Hogwarts library restricted section or not, there would be a shitload of immortal wizards running around. The blacks or goblins probably had information on this topic and as far as I can tell goblins were more the honourable warrior yet cutthroat bankers who would screw you over if you were disrespectful instead of just hateful little bastards.which was probably the reason that my mom in direct contrast to the idiot who was my sperm donor told me to show just enough respect to them so they don't screw you over. with them it was like too little respect we screw you over,enough that it turned to asskissing and again we screw you over.
Putting this thoughts out of my mind I go to my room and practice occlumency before bed my mother told me that my progress was acceptable and that I would be a master at the age of 13 if I kept working at it as hard as I was right now.i had actually managed to reduce the time needed to enter my mindscape to measly 57 seconds but I wanted to practise to the time it wouldn't take me a second to do so as that would increase my memory retention to actual eidetic levels. mother instructed me in building my mindscape, though her mindscape was the same routine castle design her method of sorting memories was unlike most as instead of in books or in memory vials or some sort of storage her memories were all sorted into bricks in a hallway that nobody would probably guess this method was very effective as most idiots created Thier mindscapes and stored their memories in grand places like a huge library or some kind of grand ballroom and most didn't think of what was in my previous life known as security through obscurity. I myself planned on using a concept so alien to wizard that I could sit there without any actual defences as still keep my memories safe,I was going to use a (you guessed it right) a laptop, hell even in the muggle world computers were currently big as a room and worth about as much as a palace and as such it was nearly unbeatable in terms of protection I also had a plan that would let me lie under veritaserum and the like but that was a thing for another day.right now I was about to start buildings mindscape which wasn't really that hard you just pushed some magic into your mindscape and imagined whatever you wanted for your mindscape. I decided three days after I regained my memories what my mindscape will like like as of right now it was as such,I was going to create a city seized labyrinth at the very centre of which of a tower. At the very top of the tower would b nothing just a big explosion waiting for someone to step in. I planned on selecting an out of the way wall which was thick enough and hide it using Muggle methods such as a false doors and the like that wizards would never really think of them have it lead into a hallway which led to a door and behind the door would be a danmachi styled fifty floor dungeon and stored on the fifty first floor in a laptop which would be connected to a frankly obnoxious amount of cameras within both the labyrinth and the dungeon so that I could witness the humiliation of any who tried to invade my mind. I planned on having a variety of magical beasts from this reality like the usual goblins, snakes, acromantuala, dragons, a basilisk or two ,and a few from fiction like zinogres,Kirin and tigrex's to name a few.now you might be thinking isn't that taking things just a bit too far ,well in all honesty it is not, because if my occlumency was strong enough I could be free of any and all mental influences including things like illusions or the like.and there is really no such thing as secure enough and given the frankly ridiculous amount of power I plan on gathering soon I was going need complete mastery of my mind or I could cause shit that could end world's.
Even on the last floor I planned on having three laptops each password protected that would need a phrase that no one in this reality could ever guess for at least 25 more years at which point I would be the strongest wizard alive and as such the issue became a moot point the pass word would be a catchphrase from adult cartoon Rick and Morty 'wubba lubba dub dub' I dare a wizard to utter those words let alone type it into a freaking laptop. Now for the three laptops thing I planned on creating one completely fake memory bank for anyone who could actually manage to overpower my defences to go through memory manipulation was a tricky thing though as I planned to do so to a copy of my memories and not my memories themselves I would be safe and not turn Into a gibbering vegetable,this would allow me to lie under truth serums and spell as I would by clicking a single switch truly believe whatever it was that I was saying making it impossible for me to be caught lying. The laptop which held my memories would be protected by another password and the last laptop was there to store the footage of my mindscape as I plan on letting Snape and dumbledore invade my mind to test my defences feasibility some time in my future probably name as I actually kinda sorta maybe trust him.
Anyway for today I decided to build my tower, so first things first I created a belly in the most that was my mind that was absolutely covered on all sides by freaking huge mountains then imagined a barrier from mountain to mountain that would prevent people from flying in or apparating in. The problem with such barriers was that if the attacker poured more magic into his attack the you did you into the barrier, the barrier would break which you would then need to rebuild again as I was still a seven year old kid I planned on supplying this barrier with magic every night and within a few months it would take 10 wizards of dumbledore's caliber hammering at them with full power to break them.the barrier didn't prevent anyone from walking in on foot just flying in or apparating and also flying or apparating inside the barrier or donut forced one to walk into the entrance of the labyrinth itself instars of just flying over the tops and going directly to the tower and finding nothing there as the labyrinth was designed to suck them dry before they ever reached the tower thereby making blowing them up easy.after the valley and mountains and the barrier were done I built up the tower ,imagine orthanc from lord of the rings if you would and isengard would be the maze.
though I planned on scaling down the tower itself no need for it to be over fifty floors high ten will do each floor also filled to the brim with traps and pant based foes ,probably add a tentacle demon for the hell of it in there somewhere. after building the tower I felt decidedly tired as it was won't to do especially considering I poured nearly all my reserves into the barrier. I decide to head to bed as tomorrow will be big day I was told to be up early by my mother as it was a very important meeting with her own head of house. I still haven't a clue about how arcturus would react to both our plan to off malfoy and about Sirius's innocents though the later will probably be welcome as like with most purebloods he didn't want his lordship to pass to someone who didn't hold the name black which in all actuality was a good concern as by becoming lord black I could subsume the house black into the house malfoy thereby turning the blacks into malfoy vassals which would elevate the malfoy family higher in the pureblood circles than the blacks who could intact trace their ancestry all the way back to ancient Greece.