At the declaration of both his innocence and his demand for information about the wizarding worlds hero the wizengamot lost any composure they might have had previously.
"My client Mr black asks, nay demands that he be questioned by me under veritaserum in order to verify his innocence. It is also the intention of the defendant my client to declare a conflict of interest with albus dumbledore, minister bagnold, lord crouch and undersecretary fudge. The first because he was the leader of a resistance group in which Mr. black served.and the latter three because it was under their signed authority was Mr black thrown in azkaban without trial." The barrister continued without prompting from the wizengamot.
There were more murmurs now as they voted in madam bones as an impartial judge she received a list of questions which the barrister permitted her to ask sirius as he was a pure blood only agreed upon questions could be asked. And hence began the trial..
After he was fed the potion and his eyes glazed over he was asked a couple of test questions before the true questioning began.
"Mr black were you the secret keeper for the potters?"
"No, I was not" more murmurs followed.
"Mr black did you in anyway shape or form lead Voldemort to the house of the potters the night of samhain 1981?"
"No, I did not." More murmurs again
"Who to the best of your knowledge was secret keeper to the potters."
"Peter alan pettigrew." A lot more murmurs.
"Did you kill Peter pettigrew and the twelve muggles on the second of November 1981?"
"No, I did not" more murmurs
"Can you tell us in your own words what occurred on the second of November 1981.'
"I was tracking down Peter to hand over to the aurors, I cornered him on a Muggle street where he couldn't openly use magic, at which point he severed his own finger while loudly accusing me of killing James and lily. And then cast a blasting hex in the middle of the grouping of muggles who had congregated to watch the two of us in the street when the hex impacted in midst the dirt and debris from the hex turned into his unregistered animagus form of a rat and ran into the sewers underneath the street."
More murmuring and loud discussions amongst the wizengamot.
"One last question Mr black name all, who to the best of your knowledge were aware of the fact that you weren't the secret keeper but pettigrew was."
"To the best of my knowledge no one other than James ,lily ,I and Peter knew about us switching."
"Very well Mr black I assume I speak for the wizengamot when I say it is clear that you are innocent you will of course be paid reparations for this injustice." At this point hawthorn interrupted her and said "with all due respect madam, both lord black and Mr black have a few statements to make. Lord black has stated that as this injustice was caused by two high ranking individuals in the ministry they should be the ones to pay rather than the ministry itself."
At this madam bones says "a most reasonable request. What might lord and Mr black demand as reparations for this injustice?"
Everyone could see the shark like grins on the face of arcturus and Sirius and a shiver went down their spines as arcturus stood and said. "It is clear from prior experience that anyone who has spent over five years at azkaban are unable to reproduce.seeeing as he is the last of line it could be considered as attempted line neice narcissa has provided me with these documents that detail there was a fifty thousand galleon transfer from the vaults of the late Lucius to minister bagnold mere hours before she signed the illegal transfer of the heir black we demand she pays four times the amount she felt heir blacks life was worth when she threw him in azkaban."
"Simultaneously Barty crouch senior who is in fact my kin through marriage to a black also attempted what at best can be seen as line ending or at worst considered line theft as other than narcissa boys if I had passed he would be lord black, I demand from him what he thought to steal from us whether intentional or not, I demand from him the crouch estates, his vault minus whatever salary he has made for the past five years, his votes in the wizengamot,and his elves.he shall pay what he could have taken." At this there was a literal explosion of noise around the wizengamot both bagnold and crouch paled at his demands.
Amelia banged her gavel and yelled, "order,there shall be order within these chambers any more outbursts and you shall be asked to vacate it. Lord black are the demands not too excessive?"
To which lord black said "excessive madam bones?, excessive would have been demanding they spend two decades in the same cell my heir languished in. It would be demanding he be kissed by a dementor or be thrown to the veil. What I have asked is nothing more that what you would have demanded had he imprisoned your neice and stood to gain the bones estate or madam longbottom would have had he done the same to her grandson. No madam what I demand is fair. It is just it is restitution." And sits down with a flair.
At this there was a buzz among the wizengamot as most actually agreed with what he said.
At this point madam bones said "first things first, those who vote innocent in the matter of sirius black cast your votes."aft a moment literally the entire voted to free him.
"Very well, the trial of Sirius black holds him innocent, a proclamation will be made in the papers by this time tomorrow. In the matter of restitution may I ask we vote on it now as well or should it occur on a later date? Most of the wizengamot votes yes to vote on it as well
"Those who believe the restitution asked by lord and Mr black are fair cast your votes now. Nearly ninety percent of the wizengamot raised their wands ."those who believe it either too much or too little cast your votes." Nearly all the remaining raised their hand. Only dumbledore and a few light side seats abstained from voting.
"So it has been decided effective immediately all of crouch holdings so named in England are to be handed over to lord black within six hours of now. Minister bagnold shall pay a restitution of two hundred thousand galleons. This matter is now closed witnesses and the like pertaining to this matter may leave the courtroom. The chief warlock may retake his seat."saying that she left the seat as me mother and arcturus walked out to meet Sirius.we plan on waiting to meet dumbledore to demand he hand over iris's address before we went home.
We waited outside the dmle offices for Sirius to come out. When he came out I've got to say he does not look like he spent over five years in what's affectionately called hell on earth by the people working there his hair has been trimmed nicely, and he has. A glint in the eye that suggests his prankster heritage so to speak.
Arcturus spoken first when sirius reached us "Sirius I am happy to see you being healthy enough to walk and hope you have not lost what tenuous grasp on sanity you had in azkaban."
"AHH grandfather not a second out of being falsely imprisoned and the insults have already begun it's like I never left home. And is it narcissa's boy standing beside her and where is old Lucy. I owe him a hex or two from the last fight we were in." He asks.
"Lucius is dead sirius, murdered around a month ago in a small alley off diagon." Mother says to which he flinches visibly as turns towards me and states," I am sorry for your loss."
To which I reply with, "no you are not, you are only saying that as you don't wish to upset mother and grandfather by being coarse before someone who has lost his father recently."
"And he's been corrupted already,have you started training him already narcissa or is it just his very own inborn black taking over his malfoy sides?" He asks.
"His name, Sirius, is Alexander corvus black-malfoy meet the current heir black, Alexander this is the rightful heir black Sirius Orion black the third."
"He has already been adopted grandfather? I assume it was in case I had actually betrayed the potters if so you would have disowned me right in the courtroom and named him heir apparent."
"True, as Evans once told me trust but verify. He is heir secundus black till you retrieve your God daughter.i assume you cannot have any more children so she will be your heir. He is also heir apparent black-malfoy and stands to be head of house of the future lord parkinson." Arcturus answers.
He looks at me and goes, "never thought I'd say this to a malfoys,though you do look more a black but here it goes.kid you are my heir right now ,that means I will have to teach a few things. Welcome to the wonderful world of pranking." At this both narcissa and arcturus roll their eyes and I say "seriously? now when your sworn god daughter is right now tending to the garden in the sun without protection you talk about pranks?"
At that he suddenly goes Serious and his magic starts flaring and he says "what did you say about iris toiling in the sun? Where is she how did she get there and who do I kill for putting her there?"
"In order, she is currently with the Muggle sister of lily potter,a petunia dursley. She is as of right now as overworked as a malfoy house elf, thankfully she is not being punished like one. She lives at number four privet drive,little whinging, surrey.and if you want to kill someone do it without getting caught me and mother didn't do all this work pulling you out of azkaban for you to throw yourself back in there." I reply
"Then why are we waiting for dumbledore why haven't you brought her here already?" He asks.
And mom goes and "there's the gryfindorish idiot he was before azkaban. because Sirius we shouldn't have know ,letting dumbledore know we broke the law to find the place he put her in even though he had no right to is a supremely bad idea. So sit your ass down and wait for dumbledore to come she has survived for five and a half years she'll survive for half a day more.". "Also on the offer of pranking Sirius teach both me and iris when you get her here." and give him a smile that clearly lifts his sprirts a bit.
And so we waited in the ministry for half an hour more till the meeting we had scheduled with dumbledore happened. When it was time Sirius knocked on the door and we entered when it opened.
Name - Alexander corvus black-malfoy
Alias - Alexander Charles black,Abraxus arcturus malfoy
Rank - 1
Job - novice occlumens, lvl 21.
Job history - novice potioneer, novice rune reader.
Rune reading 2