
Next day for the first time I was given some food without any punishment or another molestation. I was greedy for the simple sandwich placed in front of me. As I took a first bite I had a premonition that was similar to what Eve had when she took the first bite of decadent apple. Maa always told her nothing is free in this world and this sandwich will take blood and probably her soul as compensation, but hunger took the priority for the first time and she gobbled up the whole thing before someone else took it from her.

A sharp footsteps came near me. I knew it was Irwin but my main priority was to finish that sandwich at that moment, this was the first time I realized how hunger is important for a person that he is willing to do everything. Irwin chuckled " you can finish it calmly Meadow because I want you in good condition for the show I prepared for you".

He placed the documents in front of me but I ignored him while gulping the water to ease my intense thirst. He laughed " you know I am always enthralled by your innocence and stubborn nature". Earlier I just wanted you to sign this but you wanted me to play with you. And I am telling you my one move is capable of destroying you". I pretended I didn't hear him but still he clapped his hand showing that he was ready to show his moves.

Two people were dragged in and when I saw them a scream came out of my mouth.