Test 1st

Lily looked at him with defiant eyes " even if I am his pet sir, this pet represents his owner and I can prove that my master prepared a worthy soldier to stand in front of you". Man smirked " that will be told in the future pet, now be prepared to show your words in action".Moving few steps back he shouted " all prepare 350 push ups and plank after that. Who ever quits in top 10 can go back to their mother's arms and stay there".

As soon as words left his mouth we all started doing push-ups. The problem was that soldiers with me had prior military training so after push ups true battle started. Half an hour passed when someone collapsed in the back. Zack already told me about basic stamina required to survive in military and he insisted in long hours of training non stop without any break.

Sweat dotted our forehead in bright sunlight my skin was harsh red and itchy to an extent I just wanted to bath in cold water. But I knew cold water was another luxury in desert island and only reserved for senior official. I continuously kept my mind blank but now my arms and legs were so sore that curse was lingering on my tongue. Another two collapsed beside me. In my row only twin sister remained and behind me some were collapsing slowly but process was too slow as they had experience to survive in harsh condition.

My hands were shaking hard but I bit my tongue and persisted thinking of Zack's face. But I knew my strength was lacking as compared to other guys behind me. Girl next to me saw my shaking arms and muttered slowly near my ears " boss asked me to tell you that think of the things in the Mario game that you played with him". Girl's words shook me I knew Zack couldn't reveal much but her words made me understand he sent those girls to help me.

I felt angry that he didn't trust me enough to survive this, but then remembering Mario's name took me back to Irwin and my strength came back to my limbs and after 3 hours 10 soldiers collapsed. Finally our first test was cleared. I took a deep breath and thanked the girl near me with a nod.