After kissing they seperated from each other they started their descend down the mountain. Zack checked his satellite phone where he received an incoming call from Tag. He paused there must be some news from his side. He gave each team a duty. He brought his personel soldiers with him to Lily whereas other five were left in Desert island and Tag in the main island where there HQ was located. It was like a city on its own way with residential area for soldiers where they lived with their families and they had to give it the full cover because many innocent life depended on it.

He moved away and switched on his device and asked " what's the status". A voice rang from there " Bro things are bad I caught two spies after long torture they finally confessed an upcoming siege and it will happen at midnight with our own soldiers working on their side. What's your location. I hope you didn't forget our business because of your new girlfriend. How many times I have told you women are not worth it". Zack growled " don't talk about my woman like that and address her as sister in law or I will pull your tongue and tie it in knot to gift her at our wedding".

Tag gulped hearing his brother's words he felt a cold draft like someone walked over his grave. He appeased " ok bro we will talk later about sis in law right now I need you at the main office of second island. They don't know you are present in this island they have doubts but no confirmation they may think you are still in desert island and warn your team there about protecting the base. I will release official order to give them full control".

Zack contacted Birdie and said " code blue you will recieve official command soon, be prepared and you will be the head". He finally returned back to Lily " we need to go down now and I may take a way that will be too dangerous. Do you wanna come or you can track slowly down while I take the short way".

Lily wanted to ask about the call but she could see his urgency. Nodding she said " let's go your way but when we are secured I want to know the reason". He nodded and agreed. Quietly and fast they reached a small area where there was a long slope in front of them. He held his rod tightly on one hand and other hand held Lily's hand and before she could react he had already jumped out leaving her scream behind.

They rolled for a long time it was like endless road and snow was seeping inside their clothes which was not a good thing in this cold condition. Small rocks pierced their skin but Lily ignored it completely and just kept her eyes closed. Finally they skidded to a stop. Zack stood up and checked Lily before letting her stand because he was conscious of many neck injuries that are fatal. He helped her stand up and Lily looked around and found herself at the base of the mountain. She was amazed and looked at Zack. He understood her meaning and replied " we can come down but can't move up from here. That's called gravity".

Rubbing her head stupidily she grinned. Zack smiled but turned serious. He started to move and Lily ran to catch his long stride " what is the situation" Zack's face was grim and replies " we are under siege and we need to take command of this island they will attack at midnight".