Paladins and prisoners. (1)

Lucifer stood facing a man who was all covered in gold plated armor with a deep blue cape that floated behind his back. He stature emanated power and discipline to his peers but to the trained eyes he lacked experience. Lucifer would occasionally notice some form of irregularities from his behavior which indicated that even with strength and discipline the man in golden armor wasn't a veteran warrior.

Lucifer noticed that the man in the golden armor had a strong grip over his spear which indicated that he wasn't comfortable with his weapon. Lucifer smirked, he wasn't going to lose against someone inexperienced who didn't know how to hold a weapon.

He wanted to mock the man in golden armor for a bad posture but refrained himself. He was not an A-Hole who would disrespect someone who has trained their whole life.

Lucifer positioned himself for an attack but magically the man in golden armor started to appear stronger, Lucifer was mesmerized when the man before him suddenly transitioned from an amateur to an experienced warrior. His stance was still laughable which meant that the change in atmosphere was not due to him improving his posture.

Lucifer changed his stance from an offensive one into a defensive one and similar to previous the man before him became a defenseless amateur. He again took an offensive stance but then he would instinctively turn defensive.

'What the hell is happening?' He asked himself, 'He is just a regular human with a fancy armor.'

His thoughts were disturbed when the man in golden armor started to speak.

"What is it? Too scared to attack." The man in golden armor mocked Lucifer who had not moved an inch since he drew his sword.

Sweat appeared on Lucifer's forehead which dripped down his cheek and fell on the ground.

"What a mannerless Man? Didn't your masters teach you any proper etiquette?" Lucifer insulted him to buy himself enough time so he could understand his cautions against a defenseless man.

"My apologies," The man in Golden armor bow in an exaggerated fashion, "My name is Gibril, I am a paladin from the temple of seven light."

Lucifer felt no hostility from Gibril so he took a composed pose and announce himself, "My name is Lucifer I am the commanding officer of this army." He lied.

"Lucifer huh?" The man in golden armor thought for a while and answered, "Please to meet you Lucifer, can I request you that you put down your sword and come with us quietly."

Lucifer tightened his grip on the sword and pointed it towards the man in golden armor.

Gibril chuckled at his reaction as if he was expecting that, he moved his gaze towards the demon lying on the ground.

"Who is that? Your friend?" He sarcastically said while pointing at Surge.

Lucifer answered him with a glare.

"That is not possible right." He replied with an exaggerated surprise, "Demons don't have friends, they are just unholy parasites living off of the corpse of humans and animals."

Gibril provoked, Lucifer was surprised by how obvious he was. "He must be an idiot to think I would fall for that," He thought to himself.

Lucifer was not going to fall for an obvious provocation from a man with no skill, a man who only relies on his raw physical strength. Instead, he decided to let him a taste of his own medicine.

"Temple of Seven lights? Never heard of that." He spoke like it was a part of a normal conversation.

"Wha..?? What?" Gibril confused, "What are you talking about?"

Lucifer expected this reaction from someone like Gibril and continued,

"I said I never heard of the temple of seven lights." He shouted cupping his hands over his mouth, "Is that a cult or something? I mean you can't blame me for not knowing right, there are no Gods named Seven Light."

He raised his hands to his sides and shook his head.

"Are you sure that your temple isn't called the temple of rainbows or the temple of possies? I mean, if you want to start a religion then at least have a diety that is, I don't know, An Actual Deity."

Lucifer mocked the man and it was clear that he was on his nerves, Gibril clenched his teeth and his grip on the spear grew stronger, veins popped on his head and his breathing became irregular.

Lucifer had just hit a jackpot, he was sure that if Gibril attacks him now he can easily exploit his anger.

It wasn't late when Gibril ran and charged at him with his full speed. He used his unusually long tipped spear and thrust it towards Lucifer. Lucifer used his sword to deflect the blade away from him.

(A/N: The spear Gibril uses is a Japanese Yari, 80 cm Omi yari to be exact.)

The spear went past Lucifer until the part that touched his sword was the wooden shaft of the spear.

Lucifer smile at the opening he created for himself, there was no possible way for Gibril to pull back his spear and attack again. He removed his sword from the spear and aimed it towards Gibril's neck.

The wooden shaft scratched over his clothes but it didn't matter.

Lucifer swung his sword making sure that his blade would travel between the gaps of armor and helm. He was very close to chopping his head off when Gibril suddenly decided to swing his spear to the side.

The impact of the wooden shaft threw Lucifer far away from the battle and he landed on his sides. He grabbed his side and lied there forcing himself of breath.

Lucifer always hated people who were physically better than him and one of the reasons for his hatred was just performed.

He hated that people who are Biologically superior had an exponential advantage over people who weren't. If not for the fact that Gibril was many times stronger than him he would have ended the match right then and there.

"AAhhhhuuu*," Lucifer coughed blood while placing his arm over his fractured ribs. He pulled himself on his knees and coughed several times while covering his mouth. He looked at his hands which weren't covered in blood and that delighted him.

Using his sword as a cane he lifted himself on his feet and saw Gibril posing for the public while they praised him. Lucifer did not attack right away, he was waiting for his natural healing to completely heal him.

The pain slowly subsided while he steadied his breathing.

Others noticed that Lucifer stood up and tattled it to the man in a showoff armor. Gibril turned and saw a demon pathetically trying to maintain his balance.

"I thoughts demons were strong but I guess those were just exaggerated fantasies made by cowards." After a clear mockery, Gibril exchanged his spear for a sword and head towards Lucifer.

He grabbed Lucifer by his hair and spat on his face, showing off to his peers. He lifted Lucifer by his hair and rubbed his sword over his neck. He took a wide swing back to gain enough momentum so that he can remove Lucifer's head with one swing.

"Idiot." Lucifer mocked the man one last time before forcing his sword between the gaps of his armor.

He sensed the feeling of his sword cutting through layers of padded fabric and then they were stopped by a layer of metal rings. Lucifer knew at that moment that he had made a grave mistake.

"Haah!" With a loud scream, he pushed his sword until he felt his blade touching his flesh, and then when he saw Gibril preparing for an attack he kicked Gibril away from him and landed on his back.

He Immediately stood up and took a defensive posture against him while Gibril struggled to lift himself.

Blood started to flow from his neck and stained his golden armor. Gibril removed his helm and it revealed a man, a man with a face that you would find in sculptures and arts, a face so handsome that it forced women to gain a crush on him, a face that was envied by everyone.

Gibril removed his gloves and gauntlets and touched his neck with his bare hands. He chanted a spell and the bleeding stopped, leaving behind a stain on his skin.

"You will pay for that." He said and charged like a barbarian. His swings were wide and defenseless but Lucifer had no possible way of taking advantage of it. Every time they change hits Lucifer could feel his hands going numb.

The fight went on and Lucifer was pushed back. He could not run or counter Gibril's attack. The only hope he had was to tire Gibril before his hands gave up.

While the fight between Gibril and Lucifer was heating up a few men who came with Gibril were examining Surge. They knew that Surge wasn't dead when they saw him breathing but since he lied there lifelessly they grew confident. One of the men in armor came closer to Surge and kicked him with his full strength.

Surge coughed in pain but he didn't react to them.

"He's become a potato sack, isn't he?" He ridiculed Surge. "Guys look at this." He called his friend and kicked Surge again.

His peers laughed, "I think that the demon we found is defective." one of the audience said while joining the first.

"Is that really all you can do?" He mocked Surge in his face and kicked him again and again.

Lucifer saw this from a distance and his blood started to boil. His pupils dilated and his iris turned golden. His movement became sluggish and Gibril's attack started to hit Lucifer.

A smile crept into Gibril's face when he saw Lucifer was stunned. He took his widest swing and used his full forced aiming at his neck.

"Clank.." A loud sound rang over the air and reached the ears of everyone. The paladins turned and saw Lucifer and Gibril stuck in a pose where Gibril's sword was frozen in front of Lucifer's sword.

Lucifer stared directly at the paladins harassing the paralyzed Surge.

His hairs started to float and his muscles grew thicker. His horns started to glow and his eyes went blank. Lucifer started walking towards the men who were frozen in fear.

Gibril attacked the open back of Lucifer, he felt his sword cut through flesh and smiled when he saw blood spilling from his back.

Lucifer turned back and slapped Gibril. With a loud sound, Gibril landed many meters away from him.

Blood trailed behind his back but he didn't care. With one goal in mind, he mindlessly walked forward.

"Aaahh!" The men started to scream like children. They stumbled and ran, trying their hardest to escape their demise.

Lucifer jumped and landed over the fallen man, his sword pierced through the armor like a brand new boxcutter cutting through a single sheet of paper. He turned his vision towards others and moved with swift speed mowing down every man in range.


After a short period, Lucifer and Surge were surrounded by dead bodies of paladins.

Lucifer looked around and did not found Gibril, he lifted Surge over his shoulders and started walking towards the forests.