Cuddles (uwu)

"Entrance to Windholt City, two gold taels." The burley middle-aged man said indifferently.

I turned to Fiona. She reached into her spiritual ring and pulled out two gold pieces, and the city guards stepped aside.

"It's a low ranking city, and we have to pay an entrance fee? What a rip-off." I muttered to myself.

Fiona, with her superior cultivation, naturally could hear. "Daddy, this is normal for every city. Inside, people follow the rules. It's much safer, as cultivators can't go around killing people randomly."

Huh. It's a world where the strong rule, and the weak pray. Killing is natural for survival. This will take some getting used to, as I only recently turned over a new leaf. Eh, whatever, as long as the arrogant young masters don't disturb my time with Fiona, I can adapt easily.

There are bound to be people who seek death, right? The novels have not told lies, yet at the very least. Spiritual essence, alchemy, pills and flying swords. I've experienced them all, and there's more to come!

Excitement spread throughout my body, and I wanted to explore the city. Though it's the weakest, it's still a city, and not a town or a village! There's bound to be lots to see.

I turned to Fiona. "Fiona, let's take a walk around the city?"

She raised her head and blinked. "Huh? Um… yes. Let's."

We walked a few steps down the bright streets before I heard her yawn.

'Silly girl, don't try to hide it. Heh, how long can she put on this facade?'

We walked deeper into the crowded city, and I intentionally walked slower at an inn.

Slap! I heard a pair of slaps from behind me, as Fiona tried to stay awake.

Teasing her is too much fun! Look at her trying to please me, though she's dead as a skunk. I chuckled.

Fiona tugged the back of my shirt. "Daddy… yawn… Fiona will show you around tomorrow… Fiona is… tired…" She rubbed her eyes.

I turned around and lifted her up. "You silly thing, don't worry about daddy. Your health is more important. Don't fret about these minor things, okay?"

"Mm hmm," she replied, before falling asleep with her head on my shoulder.

I entered the inn, and said to the receptionist, "Two people, one night. Do you have a room?"

"Five gold taels. You can pay now, or when you're leaving."

"I'll pay in the morning. She needs some rest now." I pointed to the sleeping Fiona, who was drooling again.

"No worries," the old grandma receptionist replied. "Just leave a wisp of spiritual essence here. That way, we don't have to worry about a rest and dash, else, the city guards will have to step in and you must pay a fine."

Isn't that a convenient way to track someone wherever they are in the city? Can one just give a trace of their spiritual essence away like that?

Bwah! I don't care about that right now… It's more important to cuddle with Fiona!

Nothing is more important than cuddling!

I put my finger on a book, leaving a trace of my spiritual essence, and followed the old lady down the hall.


Eh… I muttered, tossing and turning.

I can't sleep! I turned around and stared at the peaceful Fiona. Her silver hair reflected from the moonlight, leaving a bright shine. Her round cheeks, the long eyelashes, the smooth skin, and… and the drool!

Uwa! I can't! She's too cute!

I wanted to jump up and hug her right there and here, but that would probably scare her silly… plus there's no way I could disturb her sleep…

But… but cuddles!

I want to cuddle! I turned around and stared out the window.

GNrh! A little cuddle won't hurt, right?

Yes… it wouldn't hurt.

I turned around back to Fiona again, and after a full-blown nuclear-war inside my head, I placed my arms around her gently.

She's so warm!

It's my first night in a cultivation world, and I'm cuddling with Fiona to sleep. I want moments like these to last forever… I thought as my eyes flickered into darkness.


Knock knock.

Mhmm? Someone's outside?

I blinked, adjusting my eyes to the darkness.

'Footsteps… sounds like there's two of them. What could they be here for?'

My senses were straight-away vigilant. Footsteps, breathing, and intent. I was all too familiar with this scene, with that crazy dad hunting for me like a beast.

'They're definitely here for no good… forceful, controlled breathing, which means they're still unsure of something. Whispers now too… it looks like they're about to force their way through.'

I left Fiona and reached for my dagger, before I stood beside the door.

"Sound illusion talisman, go!" Someone yelled before the door burst open.

It worried me. Will the talisman work with Fiona? She needs an undisturbed sleep! What if she's all grouchy when she wakes up from all this commotion… I can't let that happen! Better end this quick.

I kicked one guy in the shins and in reverse stabbed the other in the chest.

"Who the hell are you?!" he yelled, as he blocked the dagger with his sword.

"I can ask you the same. But," I narrowed my eyes. "How dare you disturb my cuddling!"

"You! Bastard!"

I kicked him again, right in the stomach.


The other one brandished his sword, slice downwards. I held my dagger in response.

'Damn, he's strong! I can't hold on!'

I slid my dagger down against the blade of the sword and ground at the hilt with all my strength.

Humph. I smirked and released my strength. The sword went flying and landed with a loud clank.

'Inexperienced fighters.' I clasped his fingers together and pulled myself behind him, with my dagger at his neck.

"You! Who are yo-"

I stepped on him again. With a smile, I said, "Now tell me, who are you?"

The man at knifepoint stuttered. "S-sir, we have n-no ill intentions."

"Hm? Launching a sound illusion talisman and forcefully entering my room. Don't tell me you did these things with good intentions, right?"

"You! Lowly thi-"

"And you need to stop talking." I eunicated the worlds coldly, applying more pressure on his chest.

"Now, tell me who you are, breaking into my room like that." I drew my dagger closer to his click. The silver glinted in the moonlight.

"S-sir, we are jus--"

"Mmm hmm, daddy?" Fiona mumbled, sitting as she rubbed her eyes.

Oh sh*t. I was too loud! Forget the hostage, I better convince her to fall back asleep.

I rushed to her side and patted her head. "Shh, go back to sleep. Daddy just had an unpleasant dream."

"Mmhmm, then." She mumbled, before nestling herself in the blankets.

I stared back at the two men as I sat on the edge of the bed.

One guy was on the floor, and the other was standing as stiff as a statue at the door. The darkness obstructed my vision a little, but I could tell they were not citizens. How do we offend someone with high social standing already? We just arrived at the city!

"S-sir, we would j-just like to ask you a-about something."

Hmm, what? The feeling from them disappeared. Why are there no ill intentions coming from them now? Could… could it be?

I stared at Fiona. Did they come here for her?

"We'll talk in front of the inn tomorrow morning. No worries, I won't run, I want my sleep. Oh, and you've got to pay for the door. And you," I released my foot on his chest, "should learn to control your mouth."

I threw my dagger in the air and stared coldly. "Go. Don't disturb my cuddling."

The two scrambled away, not forgetting to close the door on the way.

Whew. It was rough. Those guys have some high cultivation, though they are inexperienced in fighting. I felt like I was kicking a brick! It was a wonderful thing I targeted his nerves, else he would have found out that I've not even started my cultivation yet. And that guy with the sword… I just caught him by surprise. That won't work the next time.

Just who were they?

My cultivation base must be invisible to them, which either means they thought I was some weak nobody or stronger much stronger. Given their fear, they must've thought the latter… and was that relief I sensed from them when I rushed to Fiona's side?

Somebody strong protecting Fiona. That's what they came investigating for.

I glanced at Fiona, who was still dozing soundly, her breaths in sync with the rise of her chest.

Looks like she must do some talking tomorrow about her identity.

Ah, I don't really care. Let's just go back to cuddling!


I fell asleep easily, indulging myself in Fiona's warmth and comfort.